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6.66% 'Nothing Like Us' taekook / Chapter 2: ' The party' Chapter 2

Kapitel 2: ' The party' Chapter 2

" No. No. No. Net. Non! In how many languages do you want me to spell it out for you? Absolutely fucken NO. N-O!"

" Don't act like a brat Kook!" Jimin scolded his younger brother, huffing. A totally wrong approach to persuade him so he blinked his brown, chestnut eyes cutely and his black eyelashes flattered." You'll have fun I promise! You always have fun with me!" 

" No! And when I say no I fucken mean NO! I can't deal with your craziness, hyung!" 

" Oh humour me Kook! Help your hyungie!" 

Jungkook facepalmed himself, rolling his beautiful eyes."I've helped you once too many times in the past and I always end up in trouble." 

A line appeared between Jimin's eyes,his mouth snapped shut. He didn't like where this conversation was going." You're blowing this out of proportion Kook!"

Jungkook's index finger tapped his jaw, humming. "Let's see..In fourth grade you dressed me up as a pink bunny to match your idiotic friends for your ridiculous play..I got stuck with the stupid nickname ' bunny' till now. Mmm then it was the time you wanted to play a joke on your teacher for April fool's day and I almost got expelled.." His brows snapped together." In highschool you..." 

Jimin moved his hands in front of his brother's face as no." This time will be won't get into trouble and I promise it will be the last time I'll ask any favours." 

Jungkook's face scrunched angrily but eventually mellowed at his hyung's irresistible charm and silly pouting. Sitting comfortably on his only armchair, with his legs spread widely, in his expensive black suit , he was the classic example of a well dressed man.

" What's you're asking me is boffo!( ridiculous  in British slang).Not to mention impossible!" Jungkook contradicted him in his effort to put some sense in his impulsive brother.

" I find it very easy. A few hours of your life! That's all I'm asking! Please!" Jimin's smile lightened up the room and warmed Jungkook's heart. Sometimes the younger was such a pushover!

" No matter how much I love and respect you I won't dress up as a hooker to come to your boss's party and help you win a stupid bet! What were you thinking?" Jungkook asked, folding his arms to his chest. It was his turn to scold him.

" He provoked me! That asshole keeps giving me a hard time! Yesterday he insisted that I was too conservative for a man my age and made fun of me! I talked back and one thing led to the other and he gave me this bet. I chickened out and they all laughed saying I wouldn't have the balls to bring a hooker at the party.. so I.." 

" You agreed!" 

" They left me no other choice!" 

" Don't they know you're married? To a man?"he asked baffled and took out a heavy sigh.

" My personal life is none of their business! I don't advertise it! Besides we're not friends to share my private life." 

" Ok.. you accepted the bet. Ask one of your idiot friends to help you or better yet hire a hooker." he quickly suggested wanting to find a solution that didn't involve him.

" Yoongi's gonna kill me! You know how strict he is! And don't get me started on dad!"He protested and shivered just by thinking about it." Hiring a hooker is out of the question! And my friends can't keep their mouths shut. They'll spill the beans!" 

" Some friends!" Jungkook stated scoffing and sat in his small grey couch, stretching his legs.

" See? You're my only choice! Help your hyung! Please..please..!" 

" No. I'm not gonna help you!" Jungkook insisted, knowing be was most likely trying to persuade himself! He had a soft spot for his hyung and often took part in his stupid plans. However, this time he went too far. He placed his long legs on the couch squatting, tucking under the fluffy colourful blanket.

" Oh come on Kook! I'll do whatever you you tones of banana milk!" 

" I'm an adult Jimin not a freaking kid! I don't drink banana milk! Dah!" 

Jimin raised his brow, swallowing a giggle." Really? So if I open your fridge I won't find any!" He pretended  getting up and Jungkook grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Sit your butt down! I can buy my own milk thank you very much!" 

" Then.. I'll fix you up with a handsome guy..Taemin's friend! Tall, rich and available!"he suggested happily with his idea.

" I'll pass! Your friends ' friends are a piece of work!" he answered back cynically." Mentally unstable, weirdos and windbags. I'd rather date a hippo!"

" It's not their fault you're so picky! Waiting for Mr. Right!" 

" You did!" he renimded him offended, rolling his eyes." Yoongi hyung is your Mr.Right! Why should I go for less?" 

" Because contrary to you, I had a rich social life. Had fun. Went to parties. Dates. I had something to compare him to. You hardly leave this house! Or the couch."

" That's a lie! Besides I've got finals coming up. Got to study." Jungkook was meticulous when it came to his studies. Dedicated in succeeding. Poring over for his degree and being a topper was his only interest at the moment.

" You're a classic nerd. A bookworm!" And Art and photography exhibitions don't count as fun! And when was the last time you went on a date?" 

Jungkook pursed his rosy lips, coughing trying to remember." Mmmm..just before Halloween." 

" It's mid February." Jimin reminded him sassily." That night doesn't count as a date!" 

" Why? We went to a fancy restaurant. You made the reservations." 

" You got food poisoning and spent the night in hospital. Remember?" 

Jungkook had forgotten about that. Bummer! It was the worst night ever. He had ordered a salad cause he didn't want his date to watch him eat like a pig and it had peanuts in it. His beautiful face got swollen like a freaking balloon, red as a beetroot, his mouth wrinkled as if he had a stroke and he was drooling. Ugly sight.The guy disappeared in no time. Never heard of him again. And he liked him..a lot..

" Anyway I can find a guy by myself. Don't need your help." 

Jimin was left with nothing. Had no more aces up his sleeve to trick his brother so he leaned forward, making puppy eyes and played the ace in the hole taking advantage of Jungkook 's soft side.

" Please Kook.." he begged cupping his hands." If I lose they'll tease me..come up with all sorts of nasty jokes about me. It's bad enough they talk behind my back because you know.. I'm an outcast..they think I've got benefits cause of.." 

Jungkook understood what he implied. Ever since he started working at the company he was given a hard time. He had to prove himself in every occasion, deal, decision. Nasty comments, stupid insinuations and Jimin was working his ass off to prove them wrong.

The younger miffed knowing he'll regret it." If and I mean If I accept to help you don't you think your plan had significant flaws?" 

" My plan is perfect!" Jimin boasted. He had the misconception his ideas were brilliant!

" My dear brother may I remind you I'm a man? Meaning I lack in essential parts of a woman? Boobs? Vagina? And my 'kookie' down there" he pointed at the area between his thighs."is hard to hide. Plus they're bound to recognise me. Most of your colleagues know me." 

"I've got you covered! With the right outfit, make up and attitude from you, you'll be a first class hooker!" He said that in such a proud, cheerful way Jungkook burst out laughing. He kept quiet for a few minutes to let the idea sink in and certain be would regret it,he hesitantly accepted.

" No more blind dates for a year. No more bad jokes about my non existent love life. And you're so buying me banana milk!"He offered his hand."Deal?" 

Jimin agreed in a snit, shrugging his shoulders.Jungkook was running a tough bargain. A year wasn't too long. Under the circumstances it was the best choice. " Done!" 


Three days later, a Friday night at nine, he found himself inside the lift of Jimin's company with the possible danger of making a complete fool of himself and his brother.

" It's not too late to change your mind and get the hell out of here. Movies sound great!" He gave his brother s pleading look hoping for a miracle that never came.

" Hush! Talk more gently. Like a lady!" 

" I'm not a fucken lady! I'm a dude with big balls." He stirred in his place, opening his legs to adjust the stupid underwear his brother made him wear." This panty is killing me!" be growled through clenched teeth.

" It's not a panty." Jimin corrected him casually." It's a tucking thong appropriate to hide your little Kookie." he joked and Jungkook smacked his head.

" Watch it! My Kookie isn't little." 

" Whatever! They say they're very comfortable." 

" How would you know? Did you try them on? It's killing my ass and cutting the blood supply of my dick!" the younger made a protest, pulling a face.

" Stop nagging." 

" I'm nagging? Keep this up and I'm gonna lift up my skirt in front of them showing off my dick." he blantantly threatened him. That seemed to hush him up." Not to mention these boots. They weren't made for walking! They're murdering my feet!" 

" They look good on you though! And the leather skirt is making your ass look so eatable!" It was his turn to smack Jungkook's ass and laugh when the younger let out a muffled howl.

" Get your hand of my ass idiot!" Jungkook got jealous of the custom-made black tuxedo he was wearing as he was left with a tiny, red miniskirt, black crop top ,highlighting his fake boobs, black vinyl coat and the stupid black,over-the-knee boots and it was so freezing cold outside it made his skin crawl." Next time you be the hooker. I resign!" 

" There won't be a next time." Jimin assured him, nodding his blond head. " Between you nagging and Yoongi giving me the third degree it will be long before I pull up something like this." 

" Good to know! Afraid of hyung huh?" Jungkook giggled.

The older made a snarl and puffed." I ain't afraid of him! I simply can't stand you dear brother." The lift door opened , Jimin turned to Jungkook and said." Act casual. Get a drink. Mingle but don't speak too much."

Jungkook poked his tongue, making a cute face." Why? I'm single and ready to mingle. I might get lucky tonight ." He wiggled his eyebrows full of hidden meanings." And my voice is sexy!" 

" It's not your voice I'm worried about but the things that come out of your mouth." Jimin explained as they got out of the elevator carefully walking towards the venue.

" I'm polite and friendly. A social butterfly. Nobody ever complained."he fussed , screwing up a face.

"  As a man not as a pretend woman. If a sleazy guy and they are plenty here, makes a pass on you, you'll most likely respond ' Cut the crap man. I'm a dude! Want to see my weenie?'" he chuckled,poking fun at his Kook.

Jungkook boosted his head, blowing a fuse at his brother." I don't talk like that!" he raised an objection, pulling down his skirt but it kept resisting.

" Yeah you talk exactly like that. You might look cute and adorable and fluffy but you're a little devil!" 

Jungkook grabbed his hyung's hand practically dragging him inside." Come on..I need a drink to make it through the night." He took deep breaths and entered the huge venue. He made a remarkable entrance as his heels were too high causing him to stumble and almost fall but held onto his brother and managed not to make a total fool of himself.

" Hey watch it!" 

" Easy for you to say. I want my sneakers and sweatpants." Jungkook pouted.

The venue boasted in opulent elegance. Round ,glass tables and silver grey chairs scattered around the place. Black stools at the bar situated at the left side next to a huge picture window with a breathtaking view to the glowy night sky.

When seeing them some of the guests raised their eyebrows in question, others smirked at the sexy burnett holding Jimin's arm, drooling and the rest were too drunk to notice. Jungkook attempted to act normal but when Jimin removed his long ,black, vinyl coat he got everyone's attention. 

Boy was he a paragon of beauty! Striking, luscious eyes that hypnotized you. Provocative,ample red lips. A tiny , feminine waist women would envy. Not to mention his incredible, flat stomach Long, slender ,firm legs exposed by his miniskirt emitting the air of sexiness and seductiveness.

Shoddy young and old men checking him out from head to toe, drooling like they were eye fucking him. He gulped and got sick to his stomach. His heart was pounding like crazy, his throat was dry and his face was crimson red from embarrassment. Instantly he grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters, coming and going, gobbling it all down. 

At some point ,Jimin unfortunately introduced him to his assholes colleagues and hearing their nasty, filthy comments , combined to the hustle and bustle irritating his eardrums,he wanted to punch them in the face. Thinking of Jimin he went along with it, acting seductively and laughing at their silly jokes. Are all men so appalling when flirting? Their jokes were racist, old-fashioned and utterly nauseating.

Jimin came his way, signalling to follow him to one of the round tables." I need to have a word with my boss. Can I trust you to be alone?" 

" Do I have a choice?" He flattered his eyes, feeling his long eyelashes ready to burst." Go darling I'll be fine. I'm a strong, independent woman. Noone is gonna hurt me." he pointed out in a sweet, theatrical way, playing with a stray of his long hair.

Jimin shook his head." Keep your pretty mouth as shut as possible till we leave. Try not to give me a heart attack." 

" Ok..ok..go." 

When Jimin went to greet his boss and wish him happy birthday ,he got the chance to head to the bar all alone. Like a lamb to the slaughter! He got himself another drink and returned to his table, out of sight.

There was one man gazing at him intensely. Standing in the back between the bar and the tables , talking  to a bunch of people,in Jungkook's eyes he looked huge. Shaking his head slightly and blinking his eyes to clear his vision, his brown hazel eyes met with a pair of cold, ocean ones. He  was by far the most handsome man he had ever seen!

Tall like a giant, well built, mascular and buffed with a body to die for. Cold, emotionless eyes but strangely familiar,piercing through his soul in a peculiar way. Full, plump lips and a willful chin. And those  fingers.. wrapped around the glass as if they were holding.. He shook the crazy thoughts out. What the hell was he thinking? Maybe Jimin was right. He most definitely needed to get a love life. His mind was playing weird tricks on him.

Still dazzled he stared at him while the stranger shook his head and a tuft of hair fell on his broad forehead. He then raised his brown looking absolutely stunning but at the same time irritated. He made no effort to hide his disapproval in fact he turned his back on Jungkook.

" What an pompous ass." Jungkook mumbled to himself with his eyes still glued to his back, having the weirdest feeling they had met before. Impossible! There was no man or woman with blood rushing through their veins that would forget a man like him! The whole concept of the word ' male ' was definitely invented only to describe this man.

Elegant, magnificent,brutal and probably bossy and a fierce lover. He mentally slapped himself. Now he was drooling like a horny teenager and Jungkook wasn't accustomed to having such erotic thoughts about a man. Over the years he had developed certain rules and so far they had managed to keep him out of trouble.

He licked his red lips observing him carefully and all of a sudden the stranger turned around giving him a more detailed look of his stunning features. Jungkook gulped witnessing the change in his expression. An evil, sexy sort of smile, not exactly a smile ,more of a wrinkle, sculptured his lips.

The younger seemed so hypnotized he failed to see him prancing his way.

" You will allow me." he offered in a deep, velvet voice that echoed distant in Jungkook's head, giving him shiver. His long, veiny fingers gently placed the sleeve of his crop top back on his shoulder, brushing them along the way,covering the soft, milky skin. The younger had no idea how heavenly gorgeous he looked. Flustered, unknowingly licking his red , juicy lips, blinking his blurry eyes so damn innocently.

" Thank you." he whispered shyly and Jungkook was rarely shy. He adjusted the top feeling the man's scorching gaze burning his flesh in a primitive way that scared him. Terrified him. Made his skin crawl from unknown fear and excitement. It didn't make any sense..

" The pleasure is all mine. I don't often have the chance to offer my help to a beautiful," 

Jungkook's body went numbed to his words. How the hell did he blow his cover? Would his identity be exposed? Was he going to be a spectacle? People laughing and mocking him?Jimin and his bright ideas! 

" How did you..know?" he managed to lisp slightly embarrassed but mostly shocked.

" I have my ways!" He placed his hand on the side of the chair, leaning down to Jungkook 's ear." I need a drink..Do you want me to get you one? Don't go anywhere." 

The younger couldn't move even if he wanted to. His legs were shaking, his boots were killing him. His big, doe eyes followed the stranger going to the bar and returning with two glasses of champagne. When he offered one to the younger their fingers accidentally brushed together, producing shivers on both.

" Who are you?" His own question scared the shit out of him.

" Kim Taehyung. My friends call me can call me whatever you like."The corner of his eyes crinkled and brows knitted ,observing the shock in the younger 's eyes and his slight shivering.

" Are we.. friends?" What kind of question was that? Of course not. They just met. What was wrong with him? Under different circumstances he would have given him the cold shoulder telling him to fuck off. Why didn't he? What was it about this man that urged him to act so out of character? Perhaps because he knew he wasn't a woman and somewhere inside Jungkook wanted to see where this whole thing would lead. Hopefully without casualties!

" If you give me the pleasure of telling me your name." he replied,lazily lugging the chair,taking a seat too closely to him. His voice held such intimacy but also distance that baffled him.

" Kim Jungkook. Everybody calls me Kook." 

" Even your boyfriend?" 

That specific question arose more questions to Jungkook's head. Was it written in his fucken forehead he was gay? Was it that obvious?"Why do you assume I have a boyfriend and not a girlfriend?" 

" Am I wrong Kookie?" As he  leaned closer emitting a trail of warmth and an intoxicating, musky scent muddling hidden desires ,the younger nodded no.

"I'm gonna call you Kookie. It suits you. So soft.. you." 

" I'm not that innocent. " he blurred out without thinking and instantly regretted his big mouth. That was what Jimin was talking about! His incapacity to say the right words at the right moment.

" I bet you're not." He was suppose to accompany his words with a smile it never made it to  his lips. On the contrary, his gaze was fierce and vulgar.

Jungkook gasped ,his heart beating like drums on Christmas." It wasn't what I meant to say.." 

" Don't trouble yourself.. we'll have plenty of time to..get to know eachother." 

" How? How are we gonna do that?" Jungkook wanted to slap himself at the way he was reacting to Taehyung's presence. In the short while they were talking he had managed to make him look like a small child asking the wrong questions and saying the wrong things.

" Can I take you out on a date Kookie? Tomorrow night?" Straight to the point! 

" Tomorrow night.." he repeated completely dizzy and smittened by his irresistible charm and his own desire to see him again. 

" Give me your phone number and address. I'll pick you up at eight." He sound so sure of himself and his influence on the younger.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment. He bit the corner of his lips,pulling his earlobe trying to decide what he actually wanted.

Did he want to accept? Yes!

Did he want to give him his address? Hell yes! He was licking his lips to be with a man like him but...

Something inside him, deep inside, warned him to be cautious. Screamed to get as far away as possible. This man was dangerous. A high risk. Having lost the ability to think rationally and act carefully he was struggling to say No..No..

The peculiar, undeniable tension between them stripped him of the will to refuse and Taehyung was taking his breath away.

" Unless your date is already taking up most of your time!" he added in a stern, blant, mocking voice.

" Jimin?" he chuckled." He's my older brother and the reason I'm in this fucken mess. I can easily strangle him."

The man didn't comment on his words which Jungkook found suspicious. I mean he sees a man dressed as a hooker and doesn't ask questions?

The tension remained as Taehyung's intimidating gaze drifted from his face ,down to his fake boobs landing on his thighs. Jungkook felt the need to hide his legs. Make them disappear if possible.

" Give me your contact details." Giving him no time to react ,he took the phone from the table to his hands, wrote down the address and number and softly cupped Jungkook's hand.

" I can't wait for tomorrow.." he whispered seductively, kissing his knuckles one by one then getting up and walking away in confidence and power. A wicked, evil sneer carved in his poker face that terrified his best friend Hoseok observing from a safe distance. Knowing  his friend for years what Taehyung had in mind wasn't innocent.

It took Jungkook minutes to get himself together and realise he somehow had a date with a gorgeous guy out of nowhere. As hours went by Jungkook 's gaze was searching for Taehyung but he was probably gone. Plus, about a dozen men made an aggressive pass on him,asking him to do twisted things.The night suddenly lost its interest , became difficult to tackle so the younger located his brother and managed to signal him to meet him at the exit.

" You left me alone " Kook moued.

" Sorry baby. My boss was.." 

Jungkook cut in." Don't give a shit! I was all alone. I could have been assaulted you know!Men were practically eye fucking me and asking me for blowjobs, threesomes, spanking them dressed as  Kitty and.." he growled, shivering." I'm done doing favours to you! I'm done taking part in your stupid plans! I want to leave! Now!" He just wanted to go home, get rid of these clothes, have a long bubble bath,soaking in the bathtub for hours, washing away the stink.

" I'm so sorry Kook!" Jimin said apologetically, grabbing their coats in a hurry and heading to the lift.

Jungkook wrapped the coat around his body but still felt cold and exposed.

" Who were you talking to at the party?" Jimin asked once behind the wheel, starting the car.

The younger flinched at the question and thinking about the handsome man he had a date with he unknowingly smiled." A very polite man who helped me when you abandoned me and I almost got exposed."

"" he screamed widening his eyes when realising his brother's words and immediately turned his head, squeezing the steering wheel.

" Hey! Watch out!" Jungkook shouted pointing his finger at the road ,where a car was heading their way from the opposite lane.

" Ok ok! Tell me! Did he figure out you were a man?" 

" Yeah! The bloody top nearly showed my fake boobs! Imagine that! Anyway he worked out I was actually a dude!" 

" Oh fuck!"

" Don't worry! He didn't say a word to anyone otherwise we would have been a spectacle!" Jungkook assured him taking off his fucken boots, massaging his feet and toes." I don't know how women can walk in these!" 

" Does this polite man have a name? We owe him big time!" 

" Kim Taehyung."

Jimin frowned and scratched his nape." I've heard this name before..I can't remember when sounds familiar." 

Jungkook still bend over, rubbing his feet hummed." Me too. I got the feeling I knew him from somewhere but I can't pinpoint it. He's definitely not the type of man that goes unnoticed."

" Is he that good-looking?" 

" The guy is a stud!" he blurred out enthusiastically smiling like an lovesick puppy.

" You like him." Jimin observed, devilishly smiling at his brother's reaction. 

" Maybe.. it's too soon to tell. We'll see how it goes when we go out on a date." 

Jimin let out a cheerful high-pitched scream." You've got an actual date? Are you pulling  my leg?"

" Nope." Jungkook knew what was coming for him. He would start bragging about how it was all because of him.

" All thanks to me and my brilliant ideas!" he boasted proudly." If you hadn't come you wouldn't have met this gorgeous man or go out with him." He sighed in contentment." You owe me baby brother!" 

" You'd wish! It was pure luck I met him. Has nothing to do with your crazy schemes." Jungkook contradicted him trying not letting it go over his head." Your contribution was minimum." 

Jimin wiggled his shoulders." Call it whatever suits you. Bottom line is you've got a fucken date! Thank God!"

They reached Jungkook 's apartment and Jimin parked the car in the front entrance." Promise me you'll be careful. You don't know him Kook." he advised his brother, kissing his fluffy cheeks.

" I will Jimin. Don't worry." He got out of the car, scanning left and right the empty road for unwanted presence and waving goodnight,he dashed inside the building and straight to his apartment using the stairs.

Once inside the safety of his house, he threw the boots away along with the rest of his ridiculous clothes and went to the bathroom.

The tub was filled with warm water and vanilla essential oil, sinking right in.

He let the soothing water embrace and relax his muscles ,taking away the craziness of the night. Living alone had offered him peace and quiet, the chance to feel free, invite friends over without his parents giving them the third degree, be responsible and reep the benefits of being his own man. 

Don't get him wrong he adored his crazy family and was brought up in a safe, protected environment filled with love and affection but there were times he felt suffocated so when he graduated and enrolled in university he decided to leave in Jimin's flat. That alone bonded him more with his family and made him appreciate them just because he was missing them.

Taehyung unexpected invasion in his well programmed life shook him. There was something about this mysterious man that intrigued him. Impelled him to overcome his usual disbelief and get to know him better. At the same time, his mind was was giving him all the warnings to stay away. As far away as humanly possible.

Jungkook had already decided what to do. He got out of the bathtub,dried his body and hair, went to his small bedroom, barefoot and put on his comfy grey pyjamas getting under the covers.

The younger was too restless that night. Tossing and turning in his bed unable to sleep a wink. Eventually,he gave up, got up heading to the kitchen. He put the kettle on and made a hot cup of mint tea. Sitting on a chair in the white kitchen table, bending his knees he took a few sips looking outside the window.

His mind full of Taehyung.

His thoughts centered around the enigmatic man that managed to make his heart pound and filled him with lustful thoughts.

Jungkook wasn't a prey to his needs. Sex hadn't been his main concern. Yes, he had needs. But sleeping around and allowing his desires to overcome his strong principles ,wasn't his thing. He knew he liked boys from the age of ten. However growing up with two parents whose love was ideal and unique in his eyes, it seemed difficult to settle for anything less. His hyung's love story with Yoongi was an additional contribution to what he believed as ideal. 

Jungkook was a really complicated person. On the outside, he seemed cute, polite and caring, easy to handle but the truth was he was still trying to discover who he was. He had the feeling of something missing to make him whole. At times he was sassy,rude and ready to pick up a fight at the slightest provocation. Picky and stubborn inheriting his parents worst and best features.

He finished his tea and sighing returned to the comfort of his bed. It was the first time in his life he had wet dreams about a man.

Second chapter and an insight on Jungkook's character. I intend to show the complexity of both Taehyung and Jungkook's characters as they hide more than you think.

DanaiM79 DanaiM79

My first work here and I sincerely hope you like it.

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