After a few dozen more pumps, her body rocked hard on a third orgasm, and I was still building to my first.
"Feel many many good. Goblins not say feel this many good!"
"Want me to go a bit harder now? You might enjoy it."
She nodded as she breathed heavily.
"Listen Husband."
I helped to support her body from the odd balance she was sporting, and came at her with some stronger thrusts from my swinging hips. She was grunting from actual pleasure now of being violated in a caring manner. Being able to fuck her at this kind of pace was causing sweat to expel from all the pores in my body. My balls, ready to do their instinctual job once more, sent the signal to my brain that the first creampie of the evening was getting ready to unload itself inside of her.
"Are you ready? Big seed is coming."
"Doll ready Husband give big seed, make many strong ones!"
When a woman asks for it like that, I have absolutely no right to refuse.
I gripped the sides of her goblin booty tightly as my hips sought to deliver all of my most viable sperm directly into her ripe womb. I grunted hard and my cock felt like the bolt on a fire hydrant came loose, as blast after blast of my goblin-basting sausage-gravy saturated her insides. I had felt myself go a little lightheaded, but nothing like it had felt with Lily. It was just a really good nut that had built up perfectly.
I had pulled out of her almost immediately, and I was surprised to see an almost comical amount of my cock cream spurt out of her spinach pastry. Was it possible to even be able to have that much cum in my balls to begin with!? The craziest thing is, I was still wanting to fuck her more!
"Doll, how are you feeling?"
"Belly feel full."
"Roll over and lay down, I'm going to pump you full of strong ones."
"Husband give more big seed?"
"More. Much more."
I turned her around and had her sit on the bed, oozing down her fine legs and onto the floor was a sizable pool of blood and cum. I pushed her back slowly until she was lying down and looking up at the ceiling. I hefted her legs up until her heels rested on my shoulders and set myself to go into her again. My pinkish cum-sheathed blood-bone slid into her with ungodly ease. Leaning forward with her legs acting as a counterbalance to my body, I was able to plant my feet a bit apart and lock my knees, using gravity and thigh muscles alone to absolutely smash her babymaker over and over again. She was howling loud enough to wake Vera if she wasn't already peeping and rubbing herself.
Vera's a good girl, but also a naughty goblin. I won't blame her if she watches something that I myself would fap to, if I wasn't already the co-star of the production!
I forgot about me being a human and Doll being a goblin. I was just a piston machine, and she was the matching cylinder I fit inside of. I could feel the heat even without friction. I pumped and pumped and could find no mercy in my loins, our soul, to stop. I was going to knock her up because I wanted to knock her up. It felt like it took forever before my second load dumped inside of her. I wasn't counting how many times her pussy gripped me like a vice, I just knew I had to get my tip as far in as it could go, further than I really could go, until I felt the absolute heat in my groin tell me it was going to erupt like Krakatoa, and I myself yelled loudly.
Ahh! Ahhhh! Geht! Aaaaaahhhh!! Preeeeggggggnnnnnaaaaaaaaannnnntttt!
I did not think about how cliche and cheesy it sounded. I was a man on a mission right now.
The wave of euphoria that passed through me made me feel like I was floating.
A choked voice asked me to stop.
Doll's eyes were rolling into the back of her head, and I knew I fucked up big. I don't even know what possessed me to do that. I backpedaled out of her and slipped on the gooey floor, falling right on my ass. She was just spurting globs cum like chunky milk out of her hooch and I couldn't even marvel at it, because my cock was itching to go back in. It was telling me I wasn't even close to done.
If she wasn't able to take more, someone else had to.
I peered towards Vera's bedroom. She… she likes…
My body felt heavy.
I couldn't move. I was fully conscious, but every part of me felt like lead. I let my body fall back the rest of the way onto the mostly clean floor and stared at the ceiling of the breeding room. My head felt like it was covered in a glass bowl. Everything looked distorted, and I wasn't sure what was going on with me.
I just felt hot.
So goddamn hot.
And thirsty.
I laid there for a good long while, paralyzed under my own weight. I wasn't tired, I just closed my heavy eyelids in an effort to get hold of my senses again. While I tried to center my breathing and focus, something soft sleeved itself onto my dick and I felt a cool and breezy sensation push its way through my body.
I felt a body straddle my own and my dick enter a warm wet hole. I didn't even care whose hole it was, I just needed one to release this urge. Was it Vera? No, the body was heavier, but inviting. Yes, please move your hips. Please help me, whoever you are. Yes, just like that, keep going, I'll give you all the seed I have, I know it's a ton still. I'll fill your goblinhole with all of it. Just don't stop.
The sensation was just right. I felt my body calm, all the tension in me was focusing in one spot. One final release. I just… wanted one final… release…
I just let it flow, and whoever was riding me accepted all of it. The orgasm I had felt like it lasted an eternity. It didn't even hurt, my balls weren't plagued by the cold feeling of going a bit too far, I just throbbed and pulsed inside this pleasant cocksleeve and let loose like crazy, until there was nothing else. Until I felt like I had deflated completely like a balloon with knot undone, and then I was thirstier than I've ever felt in my life. Even more than the three days I endured under Prima's watch. Like I had been laid out in an arid desert somewhere to desiccate under the shadowless sun.
"Wa…ter…" I groaned. I could feel my everlasting hard-on finally give up the ghost. Without the body on top of me grinding anymore, I felt the spout of the waterskin touch my lips and I thirstily drank all the cool water which was poured down my throat, until it was all gone. I wasn't able to be satiated. There wasn't enough water in the skin to replenish what I felt I needed. But I wasn't empty anymore. The water was slowly cooling my body, causing it to involuntarily go limp.
The nice cool body on top of me came off, and my ankles were taken hold of by two strong hands. My body was dragged across the floor of the cave but it didn't hurt. Not even when I was forcibly rolled over onto something soft. The same body then joined me, cupping me from the outside as I lay in the shape of a croissant. I eked out the words "Thank you," and then gave up.
Gave up what, exactly? I don't know.
I still hadn't passed out, and I felt too weak to even open my eyes. So I just laid there, being held.
"Stupid Ark."
Ah, so it was you. I knew… I knew I could count on you… P–
~~** Interlude | Prima **~~
"Help. Husband!!"
My stupid sister had come to get me. It was the first time in as long as I can remember that she had said more than two words at once.
Did something happen to Ark? Did he get hurt using magic? Was he finally trying to escape? Could it maybe be… Old One?
I sprung up to my feet from my bed and ran alongside Vera to Ark's cave-hole where I found him lying down on the ground unmoving, save for his seed-stick which looked… different. It appeared bigger, swollen, ready to burst apart. Vera had pointed at Tree-chopper and I could see so much seed pouring out of her, but her belly wasn't fat. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn't hurt, only passed out.
Vera then pointed to Husband's seed-stick and then to me. I know what she wanted me to do, I'm only surprised that she didn't take the opportunity to do it herself. My sister was grabbing onto my arm, trying to pull me down onto him. Ark looked like he was in pain, much as he did when he went without food and water for days before the Great Protector came to deal with him.
But his seed-stick was so ripe. The scent coming off of Ark right now smelled like the tastiest bloody meat I've ever encountered. Every single sense I had was screaming at me to devour it, and not with my upper mouth, even though he appeared to be hurting. Should I? Maybe if I did it now, I would get a fat belly like Lily or Berry. They both reported nothing strange, just a bit of wasting seed and falling asleep when it occurred, but Lily said the big seed she got from Ark before her belly got fat was like having a forest slime shoved up her fuckhole. I would be stupid to miss out on this chance to possibly have strong ones sooner, so I stood over him and slowly lowered myself onto it. His seed-stick felt as hot as the fire-meat he loves so much. And hurt going in. Though he has given me big seed many times before, it felt like this time, it was trying to tear my fuckhole apart as it pushed inside of me.
I decided to let him hear my voice, so he knew it was me. Once Husband was inside of me, I felt an overwhelming desire to move my hips. I have wasted seed with Ark many times, but this time felt too incredible. It didn't even take long before he delivered far more seed than I thought his body could even possess, right into my belly. I swear that it was unending! I felt his seed-stick swell and release, over and over again, until it was as if there was no more room inside my fuckhole for it to go, and then… it ended.
I could feel Ark's seed-stick soften and slip out of me on its own, shrinking back down to the size of a fat grub. I felt the seed leak out of me while Husband struggled to speak. He was asking for water. Vera was quickly by my side with the waterskin, and I carefully put it to his lips where he drank it all as fast as I could pour it out.
His body, which had felt like it was trying to burn itself like wood in the fire pit, began to cool rapidly. I had risen up off of his body, so much seed dripping out from my fuckhole and onto the floor and his crotch. Such a great waste of it! Vera pointed to Husband and to the second cave-hole that had been made. I nodded at her and grabbed his ankles, feeling more empowered than when I threw my spear clean through the redboar, dragging him over to the room and rolling him onto the straw bed with ease.
I laid down next to him, caring for him as he often did for me, putting my body against his and sharing my warmth, since it felt like he needed it right now. Whether it was to take his warmth into me, or to have his body adjust to the feel of mine.
He struggled to give me his thanks, and I couldn't help but call him stupid. Ark may be a stupid human, but he's my Husband. Our Husband. There is no question Tree-chopper would be having many strong ones with how much seed he put inside of her.
Vera had come with a big rag. She put it over us and sat down in the room near the tall square hole opening to the inner cave-hole we were in.
I finally noticed Ark began breathing steadily.
"Vera, what happen Husband?"
She could only shake her head. Well, I didn't expect my stupid sister to know everything, but she was smart enough to come get me before things might have gotten worse with Ark. He might have burst into fire with how hot his body was. Instead, what I saw, and what he did, was too much for me to understand without him to explain it.
I heard Vera begin digging. I turned my head to see my sister using a bone to carve lines into the ground in a circle around it. After she had, one of Jewel's shiny stones, a blue one, appeared in her hand. It began to glow when she touched it to the thing she carved into the ground and the very air seemed to shake for a while, and it felt dry all around me. She had the waterskin next to her and she was putting it in the hole, and when she pulled it out, it was dripping wet and full.
"Vera? What did you just do?"
She handed me the waterskin which I personally emptied into Ark's mouth just a short while ago, and observed that it was full again. It is impossible to understand my stupid sister sometimes, or what she did just now, so I would have to wait for Ark to explain it to me, as much as I disliked not knowing as much about certain things like his human magic. I put the spout of the waterskin to his lips once more, and he gulped and gulped until the waterskin was emptied again. I tossed it back to Vera and she just put it next to her body as she sat against the wall watching us both, clutching both the blue stone and the sharp bone to her chest, rocking her body back and forth as she often did when she was worried about something.
She might be stupid, but she's my sister, and I know her best. Not Ark.
After a while of just caring for Husband, Vera stopped rocking and crawled over to us. Reaching her arm out at Husband, placing a hand on his stomach for a moment before pulling it away.
It was pretty obvious he was asleep. He's been asleep since he finished drinking the water she gave him. Thinking about the water, I rolled out from the big rag she put over us, and righted myself, looking at the small hole she dug that was full of clean water.
"Vera, why is there water here?"
"Magic? Are you saying you can use stone magic like Husband?"
My sister nodded weakly, clutching her blue stone and a bone tightly, afraid that I would take them from her.
"Did Husband teach you how to use stone magic?"
She nervously leaned forward and with one hand reached for my still-leaking fuckhole, she rubbed her finger where the seed that was still spilling out from me in small amounts and onto my thigh had turned sticky, then pointed to her own fuckhole and placed her hand on her stomach.
Why couldn't she just talk! I hate having to guess what she's saying.
"Are you saying knowing how to use stone magic has to do with Husband's big seed?"
She nodded and lightly patted her belly again.
"Strong. One."
"I don't understand, Vera!"
Her eyes were full of frustration. She also knew it was hard to communicate with me, so she just went back to sitting against the wall and rocking. If she was doing that much now, Ark must be safer than he was a few moments ago.
"I'm going to check on Tree-chopper. You keep an eye on Husband, okay?"
She at least nodded to that, and I walked out to the raised bed Ark had made, to see that her belly still hadn't become fat. Maybe I still had a chance of it happening later? Maybe it happened after sleeping? I had tried shaking her but she wasn't responding. She was deeply sleeping, since her breathing was regular and her eyes were closed. I thought about going to the Old One, but decided against it. She had nothing good to say about Ark, aside that his big seed would be enough to help our goblin tribe grow, since we had no menfolk, and the Great Protector decided that the one we would receive was Ark.
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