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60.86% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 56: 7

Kapitel 56: 7

The start of my journey. Everything I've pushed for. Everything my team has strove for. We've come so far.

Also.I'm so stupidstupidstupid. My family is well off yeah? -We- are but mom just gave me a savage grin and told me that any money I would have for my journey I should have prepared for. That adversity breeds strength and I should have planned this earlier.Its not as dramatic as it makes out. I'm positive no random trainer can defeat me if I want to battle for money but its still a kick in the teeth. Mars pointed out something later as possible currency that made me facepalm. I'm just lucky Steven passed me a number before I left Rustboro if I ever found any more fossils. Not exactly what I'm calling him for but I'm sure he'll be happy.Second stupid idiocy. This one isn't my fault. I have three pokémon who can fly. Query sort of, Mars totally and Zaela. None of them are trained in it. Query is the best off. Meditating before evolution also let him run an absurd number of simulations as to what to expect and he's just working on applying it to combat someday. He's not fast but its pretty intimidating seeing him float towards an opponent.Mars has it the worst. My black dragon of amazing has been blessed with being exposed to dragon energy from before birth. His dragon attacks outdo some of the Clan in power with similar aged pokémon. Momma's fire is more powerful than the average day fire type. But dragons do not fly with flying energy. They use dragon energy which Mars doesn't to fly. Its all physical strength and yes flying type energy. So my son who has easily mastered every move he's ever known is drunkenly crashing his way about the Clan all day everyday trying to retrain his body. Admittedly he is seemingly excited about using the dragon stuff for some BS I'm sure he'll make seem easy. Its kind of nice though because finally he shows the stereotypical single-minded drive of his species. He'll get it down eventually but its driving him nuts. Something he's not immediately good at.Zaela has it almost as bad. Her early fascination with special moves that she lacks true power in have done a lot to train her for using dragon typing to keep her in the air but her massive body creates some fantastic damage when she crashes. Its not as bad as Mars' issues because that trick where she just dives into the earth like its water? Yeah. Saves her a lot of pain when she doesn't hit a tree. Momma refuses to help now that we've beat her. Says we can do it ourselves. She's also the only garchomp here so we can't ask another for help. My sister is very durable so it doesn't matter too much, but its not safe for me to ride her yet as I am very much not that tough.Right. Momma. She's so smug and proud about us. Terrifyingly, she's actually socializing and smacking the other elders around, smug about who she gave birth to and who she nurtured. Its pretty hilarious and she more or less told me that Zaela is her last child. That its the greatest thing she could ever do so she's happy just being a grandma. I'm….a bit scared what she means by that. The whole issue of me every having kids is not something I'm touching for...Ever. But grandma garchomp? Fuck.I was planning to do a lot during the roughly year I have till the next conference. Trainers are encouraged to take two years and take their time in their journey. There are enough hopefuls to make each year's tournament fun and profitable. We're doing it in one though. Which brings me back to money. Mars saved my ass here. Also mom probably was waiting for me to realize things.Zaela found both Aurora and those two mega stones. As well as some evolutionary items. I maaaay have forgotten to take them to Hoenn. To the Stones. Yeah. Hence why I feel so dumb. We also haven't stopped looking for more over the years. No other mega stones but I do indeed have a small fortune in evolutionary items and even some star dust and pearls. The pearls were from Zaela and I swimming with kingdra's dratini babies all those years ago.Steven got a call then.Since I know Steven is going to be a Champion I think he deserved my pink, sparkly eyepatch of make Lance's eye twitch. I'm using mom's gym leader video phone. Steven picks up after a couple rings and his eyes focus on my eyepatch immediately with suuuuch confusion. Its the most emotion I've seen him have. My inner dragon is pleased by the treasure this memory will be."Why hello there Steven! I've come to offer you a deaaaal. Is everything okay? Is my hair out of place?" I act like I'm fussing with it. Even if its in an obviously messy bun. Lets see if he has the balls to bring up my eyepatch. The one with a crude emoji like Sunny face on it. She adores it."Uh...Its...Its nice to see you Ella. Of course everything is okay. Just...a flickering image." Oh ho. Going to regret not saying something later. Now I know I can fuck with you this way. "By all means I would enjoy hearing what you have to say.""Welllllll. Perhaps I should just show you." The Clan is super serious but a few of us have treasure chests as jokes about dragon hordes. So I borrowed one and arranged all my pretties to make them sparkle. After shifting the camera so he can see, I eagerly watch his expression. Yes! More shock. "I've been gathering these for a long while. Water stones, a few thunder stones….Prism Scales and usable Dragon Scales."Already I can see him mentally drooling. I go for the jugular. "Some of them from an ancient Champion level garchomp that birthed mine." His eyes snap up at news that my insanely large gabite probably evolved. "But I think what you might be interested in studying is this."Taking a bag I've kept safe I pull out the two mega stones. Here's the thing. I had Professor Oak see what they were. I sadly can't use either buuuuut I am planning to see if I can get a trade. Also, mega evolution is known but much like fairy types and fossil types its quite, quite rare. Only a few trainers in the world have it available. I'm sensing Fate crazy coincidence here and I love it. Despite how I know this is going to lead to more danger later I can't help but push forward.Steven's eyes glitter at the helix pattern of the stones. "I see. Do-do you know who they belong to?"Amusement tinges my voice as I idly pick one up. "This one is for gyarados. Mmhmm. As if they weren't scary enough." Now to make Steven my most willing money bank."This one though...Is for a Scizor." This one makes a bit of sense actually. Gyarados train here obviously. Swarms pass here at times of a lot of scyther and the occasional scizor. The elders tell me its sort of a tradition to enjoy fighting against another species that are known to like throwing down. Steven's breath catches and I can't help but dangle them a bit and watch his eyes follow.This isn't the start of some weird fetish right? Ahem."So my deal is this. Buy off most of these stones. The scales for a key stone. I've already put aside what I'm keeping." Mostly for Clair and a future teammate. "And we can trade the mega stones for any you might have for my team. Or one I'm particularly interested in later." Steven's eyes snap up and he visibly gulps and struggles to get his mind back into place. I'm merciful. I let him take his time.Eventually he nods shortly. "I'm sending you a list of ones I have that I'm willing to part with. Give me a day and I might have one I can possibly get you before the end of the year." I imagine that he must have spares if he's interested in trading for the gyaradosite. Or that its for such a powerful pokémon. Or even he's just wants the complete collection. Whatever that might be. "Tomorrow then Steven!"Hastily, he signed off and I leaned back in satisfaction. Maybe I need to find Cynthia so I can prank all my favorite Champions.I ended up getting a stone for teammate number nine and one of my current team. Since I have four capable of mega evolution well...I guess it'll be fun to make a thing of that. One of them is for a pokémon that Steven won't be able to get until later this year though. But the sale of all my items sets us up for quite a few years even if we never battle for funds. Thank you Mars for planning ahead. Or immediately figuring this out.I've delayed it long enough but one last consequence before the start of the journey. The Clan looks at me and Zaela with reverence. I want to be globally recognized eventually to help my planned Guardians. But this is more and a bit uncomfortable. Even if I have to get used to it. It makes me glad we're leaving until I can wrap my head around it. No single elder has defeated Momma since she arrived. The only pokémon we know of that has fought her to a standstill or bested her is Zaela's charizard sire. Between that and how much presence Zaela now gives when she's ready to fight?Well they look at me deeply. I get bowed to. I get it. The Clan are dragons. Dragons respect strength more than anything. We've proven ourselves to them. Its just weird. I guess I'll grow into it.Time for some last minute packing and early sleep. Got a few goodbyes to say early tomorrow. Then to our first destination.A few days laterThe goodbyes were hard but pleasant as well. A new chapter but leaving home. Momma was the easiest. She wasn't going to miss us. Not because she didn't care but because she knows we're going to take on the world like she did so many years ago.Dad was...Odd. Still growing apart but he looked proud and slipped me the prototype pokédex he's been working on for ages. Its basically what Ash will use in ten years if a lot bulkier. I'm going to be keeping it in my expanded storage backpack.Joy and Becca. This was pretty hard. Harsh training for six years? I knew them well. Crying began here. The twins are old enough to know me now and were confused as to what was going on. Promises of writing and such were given. Joy's Lucario just smiled at me and gave me the deepest bow I've seen her give. No words.Then Mom. We're so alike. I might get physical aspects from Dad and I suppose his drive to figure out a problem, even if I don't let it consume me but mom is where I get my will. The middle finger to the world. Daring it to stop me. Once she was convinced I could bear it she drove me into the ground to make me strong as much as Momma did. Because she knows my goal isn't just the league. That's barely the first step."Daughter. I will look for you to come to me with seven badges. Won over my fellow leaders' main teams. Do your best. I will be training to face you." I can't beat mom's team yet. I've gotten a few of them down but she's the dragon gym leader for a reason. I have a year away from her to reach another goal that most would find impossible for me."Mother. I will be here. I love you." At that her persona fades and its just my mother. The one who is vindictive for me. Who takes me to spas and lets me rant endlessly about my beloved team. Who I'm going to miss so much. The hug we give each other is desperate and lasts minutes. Finally we both ignore the tears we're staining each other with and step back. The biggest smile I've ever seen her wear sends me off as I take her one gift to me for my journey besides all her many years of raising me.In a flash I'm in New Bark Town. The alakazam she loaned me to start wherever I wished nods and teleports away leaving me alone and someplace I've never been. It may have taken me a while to compose myself. This is it. The real start.Back on track. Professor Elm isn't yet the regional Professor here. I knew that coming to this world early might not give me as big an advantage in knowledge as I would have in ten years when Ash starts his journey, but gaining the power to affect the events I do know will happen required I build up my team and even more. I wonder if Ash is just now being born? I never learned his birthday.I released Tru and Sunny. While I want all my team to journey with me as we go its probably best to keep the giant garchomp and two shinies out of sight through cities. Aurora moves at a rather slow pace and wouldn't appreciate keeping up with me until she's evolved. Sunny squeals in delight now that we're out someplace new and I have to remind her not to move too far away. Tru simply gives me an amused look and steps in line.Tru and I are content to be silent with each other. We're on the path we both dreamed of finally. New Bark Town and really, any of the cities are of course much larger than in the games. I wasn't expecting anything huge though and it isn't. The people here look happy and give me a pretty interested look. I'm still in my leather clothing, this time in lighter blue and white, matching Aurora's colors today. My eyepatch is the deep blue of Zaela's hide and my hair is up in the severe bun that mom is known for. She asked me not to dye it black when I considered and I've relented. I guess she likes how it looks.I've been studying maps for the last year to know more or less where I am going but I do flag down a random passerby to get directions to the lab. The young lady gives me a smile as Sunny is dancing around me and poking me with her ribbons because she's so excited and has to share it. My lucario simply observes everyone walking around, fascinated by new aura signatures. Once we're directed I do my best to entertain my sylveon for the ten or so minutes it takes to get to the lab. It involves distracting her from running off to shake ribbon to hand of everyone we pass.The New Bark lab is set a bit into some trees and has a large field behind it. Nothing anywhere near the Oak ranch but big enough to deal with a fair number of pokémon. I spot a few of the regional starters and even some larger species and wonder idly if there are psychic defenders hidden about with the relative rarity. Likely. Entering the building I look about the place. Its not as high tech looking as Samuel's lab but its got a rustic sort of warmth to it. A bell is at the front desk which I ring. Sunny is hopping up and down on a nearby chair while Tru sits down on the floor and closes her eyes, searching out the aura of the pokémon within the lab.Professor Redwood is a grizzled old man that comes himself, the lab not quite as famous as it will be in the future. Most folks get their starters locally and handle stabling the same way. I've been a bit warned about him by my mother. That he suffers no fools and would make a good dragon trainer. Pretty sure when Professor Elm takes over in the next few years aspiring trainers will be a lot happier. Balding and looking as if he'd be at home wrestling machoke, the grey haired man looks over my pokémon first. Which I appreciate. That's who he should focus on. I stay silent and put on my resting bitch face. I'm pleased to say his eyes wince just the tiniest bit at my missing eye.Treat him like the Clan, that's what I'll do. "Alright kid. You here for what? Not a starter. You got pokémon here. Registration for the league is in Cherrygrove. So what is it?" His voice fits him perfect. His name too really. Redwood. Strong and impenetrable. And old. Heh."I thought I'd introduce myself and give you a chance to study my team. Professor Oak said you'd like the chance last I talked to him." The good Professor Redwood is the first of three major goals I have until I defeat a Conference. Well the actual goal goes on forever but it starts here.One eyebrow raises as he sucks on his lip as if he's got something sour in his mouth. "Oh? Sammy-boy said so? Fine. Come in the back and lets see them. Name?" Not even seeing if I'm following, he steps back into the lab, leaving the door open. He wears the typical Pokémon Professor garb. Lab coat with something comfortable underneath. Sunny runs up and walks beside him. To his credit he just puts his hand out for her to touch with a ribbon. She delights in it and I smile as she begins to jabber at him, following along without speaking.Its hard for her to remember that I'm a rare human who can understand her. We did spend most of her life with only other pokémon. "Ella Mita of Blackthorn." Yep. He misses a step and looks back over his shoulder with almost a glare. Tru doesn't react so he's not angry at me. Maybe he doesn't like surprises."Hn. I see. This way then." Changing course he moves instead towards where I the backyard. Its odd to me that there are no lab assistants here. I could send out my senses but I've been working for the last half year on a goal with my aura that takes up all my concentration on it. Thus Tru walks with me everywhere as a sensor.We exit the building, Sunny still idly telling him about how excited she is and that he's even older than Oaky. I doubt he's getting any of it but Sunny seems happy so who cares? Leading me to a rather large clearing that likely the pokémon here use for battle practice, he grunts and waves his giant hand as if inviting me.Shrugging I let my family free. Query doesn't even hit the ground but hovers like a flying crab as he immediately starts to gaze around where we are at. Zaela hits the dirt with a shaking thump. Since she's evolved she's been struggling to regain her silent footsteps on earth. She curls her lip at Professor Redwood and starts to sniff the air, wondering if any worthy opponents live here.Mars just calmly peers about and moves to talk with Tru. They've been talking about long term goals for my training. Yeah. Mars is that dedicated to his place in the group. Sunny jabs her ribbons at each of our family, ending with Aurora who immediately went to some shade and started whirling a bit of light snow about herself. She really needs more resistance training.But yes. Sunny is introducing my team for me. Redwood just stares for a while. There is no visible sign of his interest but again to his credit he simply listens to Sunny and nods along as if he understands."Right. I'll thank Sammy-boy later. Oy. I get it girl. They're great." Patting Sunny's head idly he goes about to examine my family closer after looking my way. Yeah. The regional Professors are no dummies. I nod my permission and he tugs out a simple pen and paper. No questions get asked as he goes through them one by one.Query spends a long while talking to him, finally able to telepathically converse to anyone he should like. Sunny trails for a while but then goes to keep Aurora company, not caring if she gets cold because of it.The examination takes the better part of an hour and I imitate Tru and sit cross legged to meditate. Samuel said to trust this man and that's good enough for me. Time fades until a cough brings me out of it."Alright. They're amazing. But you knew that. Why are you really here?" Snapping my good eye open I let a smirk grow as I stand. The Professor is a bit wary, as I'm not acting at all like the ten year old girl I look like. I never really hid my maturity and I won't start now."This." My hand moves up. I break my concentration on my aura project and let it flow into my hand, a Heal Sphere forming as I toss it at Aurora who croons and Mirror Coats it at Tru. She catches it and crushes it in a nifty display we've been playing around with. That basically was a double powered Heal Sphere aoe. Not ready for use but someday. I think I do have a problem. Messing with people that is. Because the dazed look on Redwood's face is deeply satisfying."I've used aura since I could remember." In this life anyway. "And it can do amazing things. Some you might know of but what I really, truly wish...Is to build something of those who can use this same energy. Or have the same ideals that the legends of Aura Guardians have. To protect pokémon and people. To combat disasters and whatever comes about."The age of Team dickheads isn't here yet. Not since the Rocket problems years ago. There is criminal activity certainly but nothing too widespread yet. Redwood just looks at me, judging how serious I am. My single eye just stares right back. A bit part of why I want this man is because he lived through dangerous times. He would not wish them to return. "Fine. You got the drive. Again, what do you want from me?"Smiling a bit more easily I nod back at his lab. "A lot of new trainers come through here to get starters from you. Or if they get some privately like I did, to set this place up where they send their pokémon. You've been doing this for twenty seven years. How many people do you know? How many can you remember who might follow my dream?"Professor Oak is on board to at least tell me of people he'd think I could convince. I'm going to try and get every regional Professor to follow his example. Redwood just continues to stare at me. Then at Zaela. At my King. His gaze moves to Query who has managed to get some of the lab pokémon to join him in a game of tic tac toe, or at least trying to teach them. To the amaura he probably will have to research later to even know what she is and my sylveon who is so friendly it must cause stomach aches because of the sweetness. To Mars, who looks like he's making a diagram with a stick in the dirt and stroking his jaw. He picked that habit up from Professor Oak.And finally to Tru. The lucario who is watching us with a steady gaze. To her Aura partner."Damnit. More work. Fine. Give me your trainer id and I'll send along names once I have time to think. You need a ranch for these all?" Yeah I like this guy."No. I'm likely not going to send any back but if I do Professor Oak has set me up for his lab." Redwood just grunts and lets out some muttering about uppity former pupils."Fine. I'm busier now thanks to you so get. You won't stay here long enough to let me study your team. You got that look. To be getting into trouble. So go to it. You know the way out." The man just sighs and moves to wave goodbye to Sunny. She jumps up and runs around him a few times and waves madly as I recall all but her and Tru once more.Goal one. Find future allies. Two is strength. That'll happen in time. Third is to change things now if I can. At least some things.A good start.On the road.After New Bark we head towards Cherrygrove. Its not a difficult trip and everything and their mother stays away from me. I let all but Aurora out to help train themselves. Sadly she's just a bit too stationary. She gets spurts of walking with us but really isn't used to the heat. Even if its not remotely uncomfortable for most folks. Its flying training for Zaela, Query and Mars and I despair at how awkward they look. Arceus forbid Redwood saw this. Many crashes later we register for the league at the Cherrygrove pokémon center. Meeting another Joy was weird. I knew they all looked like each other but it was super difficult not hugging her and asking how Becca was.They're just that similar even if watching this Joy's mannerisms quickly show she's not my Joy. None of my group need healing so we don't stick around. We're used to recovering off of berries and we can never have enough healing practice for myself and Tru. And the bit of it that Sunny can do.The routes are weird. There are the usual names but also say. Route 32a or some and such. I passed by Castallia Town between New Bark and Cherrygrove which I think was in the anime? Its hard to remember it all. Whatever the case nothing really exciting happened on the way to Violet City where I had a lot of plans. A lot. Charicific Valley is near there. Of course I'm visiting.Trainers are everywhere. I mostly let Aurora battle as everyone else would just...Murder the opposition. At least at the start. But a few nifty things happen.Sighing, I accepted the cash from the bug trainer looking guy, suppressing a wince. He looks pretty down and I can understand why. Aurora two shot his first pokémon and one shots the next with ancient power. Bugs. Yaaaay. The poor guy walks away and I am very worried I won't find worthy challenges for my team save for the gym leaders. I guess it just means Mars and I will have to come up with creative training once all the flying idiots have it down.Its another few hours and another trainer, this time a girl about my age in sporty clothing comes up to me. Tru and Sunny are the only two of my team visible. Distant crashes tell me Mars, Zaela and Query are working hard."Oh my god. You totally have to battle with me! I've never seen a sylveon and would looooove to see what they can do!" The girl is bright and Tru just looks bored so its nice to see someone earnest in their admiration. Despite not being a prideful girl, Sunny beams at the trainer and dances a bit in short hops. I glance at her and she gives me a bright smile and I shrug."Sure. She normally doesn't like it but why not?" I'm wincing inside as even if Sunny looks innocent she's about the same level as Tru, who is no slouch. My sylveon caught up rapidly and Tru focuses more on healing, status effects and counters than offense. The girl runs back a bit to a good distance and tosses out a pokémon. A graveller of all things pops out and my eyebrow raises. Huh. She didn't even react to my eyepatch too. Okay. I'm definitely learning her name."Hey. My name's Ella. You?""Marie! Let's go!"Chuckling I just nod Sunny ahead and she playfully 'grrs' (read: 'syylll!') at the graveller. Marie starts shouting commands while I do not. My team has long ago learned to fight without my verbal orders. If I do say something its because I see something they may not or have a plan. Otherwise they have priority lists or situational tactics.The Rollout approaching Sunny is fast and has some skill as the rocky pokémon has a bit of a shine to it. Sunny waits patiently, her butt wagging with anticipation and pushes up a Reflect at the last second. Sunny must have noticed the gender of the graveller as he immediately stops and makes bashful motions with his four arms. Yep. Cute Charm caused attract so that means she won't fight him back until it fades. She doesn't think its fair. At least in casual battles.What follows is pretty hilarious. Sunny plays tag with him. Anytime Rollout occurs she just lets herself get hit and back to Attract. Cause its time for play. Her personal charisma is so high that I shouldn't be surprised. Once she takes a bit of damage that's uncomfortable she uses Wish and there it goes. Marie and I stare at this for five or so minutes and she just returns her graveller. Any order she gave got ignored."So uhm. I guess that's how Sunny fights?" A weak grin of mine followed."That was amazing! She's such a good girl!" …..Of course Sunny wins over the trainer she just destroyed without any actual attack.So yeah. Now that Sunny knows she can play in battles she's a lot more wiling to fight. Because none of my team will accept Cute Charm fights. This left a long trail of confused trainers until we hit Violet City. I may have found this so funny I had Aurora take all the females so Sunny could leave broken hearted male pokémon in her wake. Sunny's not at all at the age to know what mating means so she just was sad so many friends got left behind.Violet CityI'm mostly ignoring the anime extra cities except for a few stand outs that I actually remember had things of interest in them. I'm not sure if the safari zone is active yet, never asked, but when we get there I'm going to look around. Violet City is interesting. I spent about a week outside of it to finish up flying practice. Mars was predictably the first to master it. He spent two days walking with me staring at his wings as he was just using wing attack constantly. The next day he was doing barrel rolls. Zaela's face was amazing.Query will never be a speedster in the air. Even boosted with agility. But he does have amazing zone control with all the reflects and light screens. Interesting potential there. Zaela still more or less shoves herself in directions but she is very fast. And as a King, her draconic energy leaks enough that I can feel it even without my aura senses. That's actually a bit of a weakness we're working on. She needs to condense that. Its how Momma could lay out my team in one strike if we didn't blunt it. Her full power in one attack, every attack.Falkner isn't gym leader yet. Still probably seven or so years till then? Five? Not sure how old he is. Each city in Johto is the same type as in the anime/game though. The flying leader here is named Mace, don't call me Macey, Marble. I was warned by the Nurse Joy here. Mom has told me about her as well. Says I should watch out for her pidgeot. Even if we go against her main team I don't expect it to be more than three on three. I'm fine with that for now. Bigger matches will come in time.The Gym as I come up is the same as the anime. The city is pretty large and full of buildings but I'm a tad concerned we'll break something. Shrugging, I enter and look around. A woman sits behind a desk typing things and I approach. As usual, Sunny and Tru follow along. The woman opens her mouth to greet me and then blanks a bit at my one-eyed face, getting even more shocked at the lucario next to me."You're Ella Mita?" Hmm. I don't think I'm famous yet. I nod regardless."Mace will be with you after her latest challenger." Now I was really confused. Didn't I have gym trainers to thrash?Directed to wait after passing over my pokédex briefly to ID myself, I wait about for maybe twenty minutes, Sunny napping in my lap. Maybe this is mom's doing? Fiddling with it, I realize I haven't used my pokédex for anything but note taking. I already know every pokémon I've met. Eventually a ding sounds and the receptionist waves me through the big doors. A kid about my age with a grin and a tightly clutched fist means the challenger probably just got his first badge.Gazing up the massive circular interior is pretty amazing actually. There is no though I spy some retractable doors along two sides. Two giant elevated platforms stand across from each other along the usual outline of a pokémon battlefield. Walking towards me is a rather slender woman with a plain face but the biggest grin I've seen in a while. She's excited."You've got none of her coloring but that look is all Hannah. Mace Marble." I'm pleased to shake her hand and feel how rough it is. She works with her team. "I've been waiting a while for you. Come on. Lets get to it.""Good to meet you too. But...Don't I have to face a bunch of gym trainer's first?" Pretty sure this is mom's doing but still quite curious for confirmation."You'd just tear them up. They are mostly to make sure some idiot doesn't have a pokémon they can't control or if they need to train more. I trust Hannah." Her eyes twinkle. "Not all the gym leaders believe her. Not all of us came to see that one fight of yours with Lance. I would enjoy hearing what you do to them."Yeah. Okay. I love this lady. But she's right, we should get to it. One always learns a lot more about people from the way they fight."I suppose I'm going over here?" She nods as I head to the lift at the base of the elevated challenger's stand. Up we go, staring across from each other and I feel that sensation again. My goals might be to help people but battling is just as fun as I imagined it could be.A ref makes their way to the center and those sweet words come out. "This is a battle between Ella Mita of Blackthorn and Gym Leader Mace Marble. It will be a three on three match. Only the challenger may substitute. Begin!"I know my first choice and Aurora appears below with a slow croon. Mace's eyes widen in confusion as a wicked looking Fearow flies about above. This is good for me. I don't recall fearow having many long range moves. Mace is a bit slow other than to send some sort of signal for her bird to start layering up buffs. Well if she lets me have the first move…."Aurora, Storm Defense and fire at will." New as she is to the team, my family is made of powerhouses who excel in controlling space. And fighting daily with them has brought Aurora up to almost at their level at the least in that. Hail and Sandstorm explode into the air. Fearow lets out a squawk and moves up out of the range but Aurora used Refrigerate to make her Snow Warning Hail extra painful. Already I saw a bit of ice coating fearow's wings. Mace's eyes narrow and she whistles shrilly.Fearow's body glows in some sort of further boosting. Likely Agility or Focus Energy. Probably both. In addition the burly avian kicks up a tailwind and starts to try and blow away the obstruction. It isn't enough as an Ice Beam snipes along its side. Aurora trains against Zaela the most. And Zaela loves her Sandstorm. Its easy for Aurora to see through the mess she's created.Making a snap decision Mace whistles a different tune and fearow dives, beak glowing in a Drill Run. The speed is impressive and if it hits I'd be a tad worried if not for what Aurora is supposed to do if someone enters her territory. Fearow dives in and a rather painful screech occurs after a mean sounding crack of rock. Fearow is tossed out of the Storm Defense with its wings fouled and struggling to get back in the air. Inside, Aurora flashed the entire area with crackling discharges, magnet rise not affecting her but the stones she's risen to make a web of painful cords of electric pain. The fearow likely crashes through multiple of them not counting the actual attack she used for the web. The rest of the Ancient Power rocks Aurora hid hovering in her territory shoot out and batter fearow until a beam of red light returns it. While it doesn't look like it, the sand and ice the bird flew through could peel skin. In a split second the big bird was destroyed. However..."Well damn. Fearow was a poor match up for your whatever the hell that is. Ice something?" I just grin as Aurora lets her storm defense fade with a pant. I return her too. She can't yet keep that up for very long. Maintaining so many moves at once is something all of my pokémon can do but she's still quite new to it. If I need her again at least she'll get a nice rest. "Fine. Lets get something more painful for you to deal with."A pelipepper pops out and immediately rain kicks up, swirling about the area as I blink. Shit. Aurora would be the best for this but she's too tired. Tru doesn't have any moves to get within range and stay there. Mars isn't yet up to dealing with a rain dance boost and Sunny doesn't have the power yet to blast that tank of a bird. Lack of electric attacks is biting me in the butt. Mace just grins as if she knows what I'm thinking. Frankly, Mom might have leaked my team to make things more difficult for me. Either Query or Zaela. That the bird could know some ice moves makes my decision.Query appears with a content hum and he sends out pleased greetings to the pelipper and her trainer. Then he starts channeling agility and stomps his way forward to leap into the air, Magnet Rise active as he starts to pull Gravity at the bulky, but slow bird. Pelipper smacks him with water pulses that he does his best to defend with Light Screens. One brain maintains the Magnet Rise, the second the now increasing Gravity and the third Agility that is already blurring his form in the rain. Big drops of water his him with loud clinks as peilipepper surrounds itself with Mist. The bird's body glows repeatedly with Stockpile. That's a mistake.Query is not fooled by the mist but is getting quite battered as his lack of speed in the air hurts him, water pulses exploding rain drops like shrapnel as the seagull like pokémon does its best to get away. Luckily pelipper are not the fastest of fliers. Things will end dramatically if Query can get in close. Pelipper opens its mouth to Spit Up but in probably one of my favorite moves Query uses Psych Up to copy the stockpile and much more easily tanks the hit.Mace's water bird tries to escape but Query is at max Agility already and enters melee range finally. I'm almost tempted to gloss over what happens. Ever since we fought Steven, Query has been non-stop training his second stage of Psi-Fist. Its mastered now. It doesn't work against foes who are too far above Query but this pelipepper is another deal. It probably heals in the rain so damage must be swift and quick to take it out. Eventually when Query gets Thunderpunch this would be easy.He and Tru were working on changing attack types mid-swing and it paid off. Query has a few punching moves but they are mostly steel and fighting. Both of which are not particularly good against pelipepper. Instead he channels a move that makes me sniffle. Entering range Query starts what I would imagine will make him famous. Stage Two activates and confusion waves start assaulting the senses of the bird, the rain actually aiding it a bit by bouncing the rays around. Bullet Punch starts up to attack her wings and each and every punch changes to the normal energy of Return.If I were a dragon that Query were romantically interested in the affection based beat down he gives to the poor bird would have me very flattered. As it is I have to hide my expression. The damage is extreme and pelipepper falls, returned before she hits the ground. So much does my boy adore me. And right back at him.Query lands with a small noise of satisfaction and returns himself for rest. Stage Two takes a lot out of him and he knows I'd want someone else to take on the last pokémon for the experience of it."Alright. That was incredible. Not even sure what that was. Not gonna lie. You're everything your mom said you'd be. Right. Here's my starter. Best be prepared." The pidgeot she releases is huge, but its the way he moves through the air that has me worried. Precise control with so little wing movement as he watches the battlefield. Flying energy has him almost slide in ways that give physics the middle finger. Slick. Is this the bird that inspires Falkner's pidgeot? Zaela or Mars? Zaela has speed but little agility so far. Mars then.My shiny charizard comes onto the field with serious eyes and none of the roaring Zaela would give. Mace drools a bit at my fire lizard, envious. Which admittedly hits my pride well. I say nothing to Mars. Its likely he'll come up with a better strategy than I.Pidgeot near vanishes with speed. I'm not sure if its agility or just its natural ability but my charizard is hit twice with wing attacks before he can move. Not panicking he takes to the sky and burns away at something I don't understand until I see pidgeot slow just a bit. He's reducing her possible Tailwind by stealing its energy to make the flames bigger. I recognize the glow from him as he shifts in the air, dragon dance moving along, subtly using the fire spin to take him even inches further way to give him more time.Pidgeot kicks up a massive amount of sand and shoves it into a Twister she sends at Mars who pulls a trick he hasn't shown me yet. A massive boulder raises to block him from the attack as he dives near the ground. He concentrated all of Ancient Power into one rock. Pidgeot makes a sound of annoyance and flies upwards, whirling up wind like mad and sniping down with shearing Gusts that begin to shatter Mars' cover. They look the size of air slashes but are gusts so he can shoot them faster and faster. From the way they hit the ground and some of Mars' still hovering defense, they hit just as hard as a normal air slash would despite the size. Perhaps even because of it due to the density.Mars doesn't care, even if rocks are pelting his form. Dragon Dance is done and he snaps his wings hard enough to shake my stand. Pidgeot spins about to dodge but Mars' Dragon Blitz shocks him with its speed. He detonated the Flare Blitz aspect behind him to drive the Dragon Rush into her faster. Shrieking in pain pidgeot flees or so it appears but instead uses Feint Attack, the dark energy hitting my charizard in the back and pushing him around.It definitely looks like an anime fight as pidgeot seems to multiply and each and every attack tosses Mars about in the air like a ragdoll. Quick Attacks followed by Wing Attacks and Steel Wings toss him about as he can't keep up with pidgeot's sheer mastery of the air. I'm about to recall him until his tail burns blue. Mars always has a plan.Showing that he's been faking his speed his claws lash out and grab pidgeot in a hold. He's been analyzing the bird's attack pattern to best find a way to get his grip on the giant bird. Rather than a point blank attack he uses Firewall. Tossing Flame Bursts above him he twists pidgeot around so the bird is pointing at the steadily falling fireballs. Pidgeot is about to free himself until a snap of Mars' tail snaps out falling Beat Up clones and we're treated to the sight of my entire team wrecking Mace's starter in a descending series of hits that Mars uses himself to backdrop, losing zero force. A blaze fueled Flamethrower at point blank is just icing as Mace and I lose sight of them both from the Flame Bursts hitting their position.Heat washes down over us as moments later both our pokémon fall from the sky. I return Mars just as Mace does the same with her pidgeot. Whispering a good job to his premier ball I grin across at the Gym Leader I've just beaten. An answering smile is my reward as we make our way down to each other."Yeah. That was fun. Your charizard is particularly amazing. You must have trained him to the bone to be so clever." Mace hands me a Zephyr badge."Actually he more or less trains himself with moves. I only help with inspiration and stamina training." Really. I don't have to do anything with Mars other than be his mom these days. Which is perfectly fine with me."...huh. Well. I'm going to go get everyone all healed up. If you wanna get dinner I'd love to pick your brain about the fight." Mace and I will get along just fine. Leaving the gym is amazing. I've done it. I'm in a pokémon world and earned a badge.Mars was fine and dinner with Mace let me tell her my spiel about my goal in life. She admitted that she wasn't overly interested in my Order but that if I ever got some fliers that needed training she adores working with them. About the best I could hope for really. I did my best not to keep staring at my first badge. There's a dream realized. Well.Mars took his tie with grace but his eyes were particularly intense. Not because of getting knocked out. He probably predicted it would happen. Or even that Mace turned into a rabid fangirl when I let him out for her to examine. That he accepted with grace.No, its our next destination. Where his egg was from.ZaelaFreedom. Sweet freedom. Only tastes of it had gotten to her before. The trips to the Oak Ranch. Momma's den. Sometimes visiting Mt. Silver but always with her mother about to scare away anything interesting. It doesn't matter that she's struggling again. That flying, something she's wanted so badly, is not perfect. But who cares? Sure she gets pissed off badly in the moment, but it doesn't really matter. Its just another draco meteor to master. Now -that- was a rough year.The moon was just coming up and Zaela is struck with an awkward bit of humbleness, her gaze moving over the tent her trainer is resting in. While something would be beyond foolish to approach with the never sleeping Query on guard, its always in her mind where her sister is. Head? No. Heart. Contemplation is new to her. Relatively. They don't break themselves in training as much these days, traveling taking up so much of their time. But that's what all those years were for.Yeah. She's excited. The future is so, so great. Grand. She might not care as much for things personally like her sister, but she knows that Ella does. And she'll happily go with her into danger."Even giant scary dragons need rest my dear." Zaela wonders if the grin she has is intimidating. She hopes so. Turning it to look at the much, much smaller Aurora, she enjoys knowing that the ancient pokémon is not at all intimidated by her. The amaura respects her strength, certainly, but at no point has she ever looked at Zaela differently.Not that Zaela cares if she didn't. If she was afraid that means she wouldn't be worth of her friendship. If she was awed, she might be worthy to boss around. Plus, when she evolves, she's going to be such an amazing opponent. But the real reason she likes her is how she treats her sister.Zaela doesn't worry about Ella. That's not how dragons work. She stands beside her. Keeps her up if her body fails. Cause her will never does. Even when she lost her eye, her sister just kept going. But she's also human. She doesn't get to make the world bend to her will.Okay her aura does some of that, but nowhere near the rest of her pokémon. Aurora soothes all those pesky human things Zaela can't. Zaela loves Ella, but sometimes they don't work. Which is fine. Its why they all compliment each other. All through the Den its all dragons, dragons, dragons. Zaela grew up with others. With her mother, the strongest, agreeing with her sister.And now where are they? Unstoppable. Unyielding. Even if someday they lose, it just means they'll grow to crush things again."Oh? Are you asleep with your eyes open? Such a deep thinker my friend his" Chuckling at that, Zaela amuses herself thinking of how Ella would tease her about this."I am. Obviously. Deeply disturbed. Hah!" Wincing at the volume, she lowers her voice. "This life is good. I'm appreciating it."Aurora's face lights up at that, fins waving in the cool air. Her voice is always so soothing to Zaela. Perhaps because Aurora was from a more direct age, something about her always sets her to listening. She's an elder of sorts and wisdom and power for pokémon are always present in older survivors of this world. Even if its like her father. Who did so by being purely strong. There is a lesson there too."You're the one I always imagined I'd have the hardest time with. You don't need much. Nor does help actually help you in some respects. But you're more than that aren't you? Perspective is not something I often found in the few dragons of my time. They moved ahead and nothing else mattered." That's pretty true for Zaela. Oh she was a little shit when she was young. Even now she is stubborn. Refuses to yield. But perspective?Yeah. She gets that observation. A lot of her power comes at opponents sideways. Deception and set up. But who cares? It works. If she's wrong, someone just has to beat her and she'll adjust. Failure hasn't stung her yet. Not truly. Maybe when it happens she'll have a better way of thinking. Heh. That should be fun."What do you mean? I'm fucking fantastic. All wise and shit." Her scales clatter softly in the way her kind show she's being sarcastic, as if she didn't drip it in her tone. "Ella beat a lot of my stuborness out of me by letting me do what I wanted. She had Momma on her side and that's a rather big hammer. I admit it took a while but I'm only this magnificent me because of it."Zaela pauses, really looking at Aurora. Of how the ice type is looking up at the moon. Of why she's up so late."Its hard isn't it? Being apart. I am not the same. But being a King and a dragon means I had a lot to prove." Zaela really doesn't mind this. Can't imagine being anything else. But Ella has helped her look at other pokémon from their perspective. The sneaky shit did it with the excuse it would help her fight them but she knew it was to get her to care a bit more about them. And it fucking worked. "We love you, you know? I'm a pissy, proud and arrogant force of nature but yes, I love you. Already."Its simple for pokémon to love. Dragons not so much but Ella has been changing her from birth. She'll never truly care about some random in front of her. But those who are Ella's? Who are that alone? Who fight by her side along with her sister? Fuck yes she loves them. Fiercely. Because they are hers then. And a dragon must keep what is theirs. Always.Aurora is a bit taken aback, not expecting Zaela's words or even how the giant dragon hit the heart of it all. Which is fine. Zaela got her mischief from her sister too. Biiiiig toothy grin of amusement aimed at you Aurora. What will you do?"That is...Very true. Even if I could not imagine my life differently now, my heart still aches for things past. Much of my previous life is lost in faded memory, but a heart does not forget so easily." Zaela stays quiet. Sometimes its best to let your prey-er, friendd make all the moves. "Its good that Ella is so involved in her project. Not all sadness is bad. I mourn but to do so is a path to healing. Do not worry for me Zaela. I will not let you down."Ella would say things about Aurora not worrying about it. About how she should take all the time she needs. But despite all her wisdom, Ella isn't a pokémon. She's a dragon sure, but that isn't all she is. Zaela though. She knows for a pokémon, being in the moment is the best cure for all that ails you."Good. Cause you're fun to fight against." She means it too. Its painful and frustrating. Even if Aurora isn't close to her match yet. All that means though is hardship. And Ella has an expression for that and dragons. Still...Maybe channel a -bit- of her sister right now. "But if you need to talk, wake up Tru. She can be all nice and shit, understand easier than Ella and not let herself get overly upset tyring to figure out how to help you."Not Zaela. She knows her strengths and that shit is definitely not it.Even so, hearing Aurora's soft laughter mingling with her tears brings warmth to the garchomp's heart. Watching the moon with her too.Oh shit. Fuck you Ella. This is your fault.Charicific ValleyAgain I'm overwhelmed by how much different this place is than the show. Its like when I visited the grand canyon in my first life. Except much hotter. Walking up to the entrance, seeing the giant charizard embedded in the jagged cliff face? Humbled. Mars carries me. Its a bit nerve wracking but I trust him. Our first real flight. The harness I got for him before we left Blackthorn is snug and easily adjusted. We make sure to fly around the border until we see the lone building in the valley and set down with an easy landing. How could I doubt him?Once I got over my bit of nervousness? Flying with him is amazing. I can only imagine what it will be like with Zaela once she's gotten it down. A man comes out of the hut almost immediately followed with a girl around my age with greenish hair. The man, who has a deeper green color on his head than the girl stares over Mars with an admiring look and then approaches. Liza, it has to be her, just waits near the door and pretty much gapes at Mars."Well. Howdy. Who are you? And him?" He's friendly enough (Tru hasn't popped out of her ball to tell me he's bad and my aura project isn't done) and he can't help but keep looking over at Mars. My single eye disconcerts him a bit though I don't let myself show that I notice. We passed over some larger buildings a while back that I expect is the breeding center.Mars snorts and moves to examine Liza who, showing she knows he's not going to snap at her, moves forward to peer up at him. "That's Mars. I'm Ella Mita. Professor Oak gave me his egg a few years ago and told me he came from here. I promised Mars here we'd visit when we started our journey."The man, still unnamed, just nods at that as he watches his daughter (I think) get Mars to show her his claws. Oddly not seeming curious that I've started my journey with a fully evolved regional starter. Again his eyes go to my patch which is Mars' colors today. Deep red and black. "No, he didn't claw my eye out. Now who are you, caretaker?" I might be a bit irritated when people stare at me that way. Plus he's being rude and not saying his own name."Oh! Sorry. Name's Nate. That's my daughter Liza and yes, you are right. I am the caretaker. Glad you could make the journey. Not sure who your Mars' sire and dame are but you're welcome to visit so long as you follow a few rules. One, no other pokémon save your charizard in the valley proper unless you want battles unending. Two, no catching anything. Not that I expect you'd want to with Mars here." He can't quite keep the awe out of his voice as he gazes over my fire lizard. "Third, it would be best if you want to explore to have your Mars fight one of the folks here. So they know where he stands. Of course if he does well they'll probably want to fight him anyway. At least this way ones way away from his level will know not to try anything. If you had other mons out it'd just piss them off. This is charizard land."Mars just chuffs as if he expected it. He's not speaking right now. His senses are all over the place and I get the feeling that there is something here he's searching for. And not his family from the way he's gazing over the landscape with particular interest."What about a dragon? My starter is a garchomp and she would adore fighting here." Nate's eyes widen and Liza snaps her head around to look at me even as she keeps rubbing Mars' side now. If his low hum is anything to go by it must feel good."Dragon you say...Hrm. I reckon that might be fine if you don't mind some of the bigger ones challenging her. Sure. But best keep her close to here. Its a territorial thing. But even charizard tend to recognize other dragons." Yeah. Charizard are definitely dragons. Nodding I grin a bit and finally I can't handle the curiosity."Alright Mars. I know you've wanted to come here for ages but what gives? Its not family. You didn't care at all about the breeding center we passed." Mars' eyes lighten a bit and he nods at my words."Mega stones tend to form around places that the species congregate do they not? I want to see if you can feel one here. Its a pity we can't have Tru join us." I blink once. Twice. Damnit. Why didn't I think of that?"Well you're smarter than I am."Liza tilts her head. "What's a mega stone?"More blinking as I stare at her. "Wait, you can understand him?" Nate groans a bit at that as I'm letting my control fade so I can feel Liza's aura. Its been a looooong time since I saw the anime. I remember her being good with charizard to an insane degree but understanding them? Oh. Yep. She's got aura. And quite a lot. I can feel it even through my self-imposed limits.My hand lights up with aura as Nate tries to run damage control. "I have a lucario. Aura is what your daughter has and it is quite strong. I bet all these beasties adore her and drive you nuts with what they offer to let her do."Nate's expression is slack with shock and I simply smile at Liza who doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about."Aura is lifeforce. It can do a lot of things. Many pokémon shape it in different ways that aren't readily visible except the riolu line as an example. A few others as well. It lets you feel and project emotions. Its almost impossible to lie to a lucario because of this., I'm of the rare few humans that can use it. And so can you. You were probably influenced by being around a single species, but with the proper training I bet you could speak to any." Likely she got so set in it during the anime she never considered anything else.Also, she did it by herself. I got gifts and training. Slightly vexed. And impressed by her.Liza looks at me as if her whole world makes sense now. I can see her eyes looking past me to events she can't explain. Nate is deathly quiet and just keeps on staring at me as I wave away my display."The coolest thing in my opinion is that it lets me talk to any pokémon I want. And they can talk back. You apparently can do that with charizard at the very least. Very impressive." It really is.Liza stares at me with a pleading expression. "How do I learn more? Or control this? Sometimes its hard to feel them fighting. There's a lot of anger."Okay, slight wince at that. That would suck having to feel charizard anger all day every day. And she's still this nice kid? Not vexed anymore. A bit humbled. Blergh."Meditation helps a lot. A quiet place to focus on your aura. I can help you feel it but as for training? You'd have to travel with me or say, find a riolu who would agree to be your partner. Perhaps a togepi. They grow up into aura users too. Not as potent as riolu and you wouldn't get training right away."Liza's face falls and Nate finally speaks up. "Liza never really wanted to travel despite her issues here but I don't know where we might find a riolu...Where do you come from and how do you know this? You can't be much older than her."My grin turns feral and he gulps just a bit. This is mom's expression. "Ella Mita of Blackthorn. Daughter of Hannah Mita, the Gym Leader. Among other hats for the Clan. And as I've said, I've used aura as far back as I can remember. My mother has ties to Rota and got them to find me a riolu. If you like I can ask them to come and test Liza. It is their duty and if they find her worthy its likely they'll find her a partner. Though you'd have to have Liza train away from here if the charizard wouldn't accept her partner."Hope goes across both their faces at my offer then a slight frown as they think of the inhabitants of the valley. "Well. Yes to the offer. Please. I'd be beyond grateful. As to the charizard...Perhaps I can get mine to knock some heads in if they know its for Liza. Regardless, I don't know how to thank you for this if it works."Mars just coughs delicately and I laugh at that. The sound still made a growling sort of trill to it."Well, back to mega stones..."A few hours later has us flying about the valley with the agreement that if we found a mega stone we could have it. Its not as if they knew they were here and really they were quite grateful. Turns out Mars didn't have to fight anyone once I released Zaela. She destroyed the laziest of the charizard by dragging him into her territory and there is currently a line waiting to face her. Given the laziest was one who no one wanted to fight…Yeah they were all pretty pumped. Even if they knew they were in for a thrashing. Pokémon. Never change.I'd describe the battle but honestly it wasn't anything special. Zaela has experience with a more skilled battler in their line after all. Nate said that if I came back in a few hours the tougher charizards would be attracted to the battles. Liza is making sure Zaela gets rests and scolding the fire lizards who get too impatient. It was hilarious.Mars is at home here. I can tell. My son will never want to be away from me but I can see why this place speaks to him,. Rugged terrain with a proper heat is perfect for his kind. A few charizard call out in curiosity towards us. They don't attack as we wouldn't have gotten this far without permission but I am still a bit iffy about their looks. I suspect 'permission' is a suggestion. And not one they'd care about if riled up.Another instance where my project has to be put on hold. Aura leaves me in droves as I try to find the feel of the mega stones I felt from the Den. It takes two trips back and forth the main gorge until I get a ping. I direct Mars to what looks like the side of a dormant volcano that is roughly in the center of the valley. I really don't want to go to the other side as I feel an elder charizard I'm almost positive is Zaela's sire. It rivals Momma in strength and the hint of familiar aura that lingered in her nest has my guard up. Especially with Zaela not nearby.Mars digs into the side of the peak, using Ancient Power and Dragon Claw powered Slashes as we dig down. I hop off to a nearby outcropping and try not to let the height or heat get to me. Mars fumbles a bit in properly making a tunnel but adjusts incredibly fast even a few feet in. About forty minutes later I have him halt and do my best to crawl further, his wings shining with steel energy above me to keep me safe. Taking a chisel and hammer I borrowed from Nate I do the rest. The helix symbol I find pleases me quite a bit. Steven promised me a key stone for Momma's scales and now he has to deliver the second I reach the next city.Patting Mars' fondly I hop on as he collapses the tunnel and we take the long way around the elder's home. I'm sure he sensed us but he also felt very, very lazy. Someday we're coming back so Zaela can say hi with her claws. She doesn't like that he never came to see her. Even if only to test her.Dirty and worn out we set down at the clearing set up for visiting charizard trainers to have their fire lizards tested and allowed into the valley. Zaela is beat up but very, very happy. And she has a lot of fans in various states of destroyed all about the ground. Its a bit disturbing seeing scarred, massive pseudo-dragons look at her with heart eyes. Or at least that's what it feels like.Zaela of course eats it up and turns to Mars as if she expects him to do the same. Considering there are seven obviously tharshed opponents -just- getting care from Nate? Well she's quite put out when he simply returns himself with a yawn. Lazy boy."Find what you were looking for?" Liza moves over to sit next to me on a rock, watching her dad deal with angry lizards."Sure did. Can't use it quite yet but someday I'll show you what it can do. When you go to a city next go look up mega-charizard." How she doesn't know about that I don't understand. Nate knew from when we talked about mega-stones. Eh. I'm not that curious."That sounds cool! I will. Are you going to stay the night?" Oh. She probably is starved for attention from people her own age. Sure. Why not? "Absolutely. Though I think I'll return Zaela after her next battle. I'd prefer a good bath and not have to worry about her." Zaela just snorts at that as her next opponent steps up.My starter is worn but we trained daily all day for years. This charizard is a bit older, perhaps six and a half feet tall and has an impressive number of scars. Huffing in amusement my sister is covered in thick sand as her storm shoots up to try and cover charizard. He just springs into the air faster than Mars can get off the ground and she intensifies her terrain while he starts spitting Flamethrowers of impressive distance and Flame Bursts. Likely the first few tried to go into the storm to fight her and got wrecked like the fight I watched before Mars and I flew out.The scarred one continues to work his way outwards, dodging her terrain and shooting flamethrowers in to try and disrupt it, showing his intelligence. The heat won't hurt her that much but it will make it harder for her to keep the energy into her Sandstorm. Its clever, but so is my sister. The moment she figured out what he was doing she swam silently out and away from her own Sandstorm and Dragon Rushed her way from the ground a ways behind him. The scarred one had just enough time to turn and try and dodge as she slammed into him with a massive crash, using the rush's draconic energy to boost her still wavy flight. Crunch makes sure he's going in with her as they fall back into her terrain.Howls of anger, pain and my starter roaring follow as we're treated to a horror movie of a beat down. Anytime he tries to escape my King Garchomp's massive claws and jaw drag him roaring back into her preferred place of stomping fools. Hilariously thick claws try to dig into the ground, leaving rents as Zaela denies any mercy. A minute or two later we have another beat up charizard who is making those same disturbing moon eyes at my starter. The way Liza looks at Zaela makes me think I'm going to find her a gible someday to match the charmander she'll get eventually. She can be mini me! Who cares if we're the same age.After that we head to their hut, which I find out is the top of their home they've dug down into the mountain. Neat. Inside I'm allowed to let out anyone charizard sized or smaller so I show off Sunny, who charms them all and its a long night of telling Liza about my plans, my family and what aura can do. And what I hope for happens.I've got my first recruit. The fire in her eyes tells me I've changed canon again. If this place even has it. Mars pops out and offers a plan that has me staring at him. I'm going to have to get used to this. Him giving me better and better plots. Liza is delighted with it and agrees to start on it while learning aura until she's strong enough to join my Order."Mother. Liza is very talented with my line. If she becomes dedicated to the Guardians, why not have her use this? Many of my kind here adore hard fought battles. Why not have someone they trust recruit them and their offspring for the order as a combat unit? And get some of the older ones to aide any recruits who can handle them."Yeah. Mars is too much. It will take some convincing but I think Liza can do it. Sorry Nate. Gonna have to find a different caretaker. Your daughter is the first of my Guardians.We left the next day with a very much changed Liza and a grateful Nate. At least until he hears what Liza wants now. Maybe. The pokémon world is pretty crazy in what is allowed so long as you prove you can handle it. Liza's eyes say she will do that in spades. I've plans to visit Rota later in my trip once I've proved a few things but maybe a trip there is needed if I get through the gyms quick enough. Either way I'll send mom a message about Liza to get her started on finding a riolu.Mars and I have figured out what we're going to do about flying training as well. If we have issues with gyms we'll spend time around that area to prepare but for the most part we're going to fly to each gym unless we find things like the Charicific Valley and visit them as quick as we can. There are places I want to go as soon as I reasonably have time. Alto Mare for instance. If have my way the Eon Twins are going to start training. I'm positive everyone on my team except Aurora and maybe Sunny can defeat them as they are now. While not the legendary I am after Latios dying was pretty heart breaking. If I have my way Ash would be able to handle it with no loss of life but maybe I can recruit aide from them earlier while I'm there.Anyway.Next stop Azalea Town.StoneSteven Stone was confused. While not an arrogant person, there is a certain amount of confidence in himself and his abilities. Talented, many have described him. Its true even. With zero ego, he knows it. Luckily he was born with an even demeanor that didn't let his gifts overshadow his common sense.Yet, yesterday he was destroyed in a battle as if it were his first. To a newly evolved pokémon of his family's favored type. Not simply lost. Destroyed. Normal people would be crushed. They'd question themselves and demand excuses of the world for the affront such an even caused.Yet Steven Stone was not normal. There was long hours of consideration and recalling the laughably fast battle in his head over and over but at no point did he think himself lesser. Perhaps a bit too over confident but nothing that really could have changed anything given how different the battle was. His own impressions of the beldum giving him no expectation of the metagross Query became.And then Steven considered the girl. Metagross didn't detect mental communication so other than her first command her Query did the rest based on previous training. Confusion turned into amazement at this. Amazement transitioned into anticipation and for the first time in a long while Steven was driven to innovate.Psi-Fist? That's what she called it. Metagross tried to understand it from conversations with Query but the method was beyond his starter's comprehension for now. As well as the odd mental echo that Metagross found in Query. That was quite confusing too. Usually when two of his starter's species meet there is immediate gestalt. Query rejected this and greeted his stater as an individual.Yes, Steven was very excited. Someone out there younger than him gave him a lesson. Oh, he's certain the next fight he would do a lot different but he can honestly could not say he is anywhere sure of winning.Months pass and his pokémon revel in the new methods he invents to make them stronger than ever. He neglects Devon Corp just a bit but his father doesn't seem to mind. Joseph Stone was affected in a different way than him as far as Steven can tell. What comes of that he's not sure. Ella's mother certainly has a presence to her.Eventually he gets a call on his personal line which he doesn't recognize the origin. Regardless, he answers and its the most god awful of gaudy pictures. Ella Mita with pink. Sparkles. They do not belong on the person who crushed him."Why hello there Steven! I've come to offer you a deaaaal. Is everything okay? Is my hair out of place?" What. No. That. That. What."Uh...Its...Its nice to see you Ella. Of course everything is okay. Just...a flickering image." She can't have accepted this excuse but Steven's brain was shorting just a bit. Her voice sounds far too satisfied. "By all means I would enjoy hearing what you have to say.""Welllllll. Perhaps I should just show you." The image shifts and he knows he's being set up. The love of rare stones that his family is known for is famous. Rare evolutionary items as well. Steven is not ashamed to admit that he is staring. "I've been gathering these for a long while. Water stones, a few thunder stones….Prism Scales and usable Dragon Scales."Why are they in a treasure chest? Did she find it in a wreck? Struggling to remember if Blackthorn is near an ocean is pushed aside. "Some of them from an ancient Champion level garchomp that birthed my own. I think what you might be interested in studying is this."That monster of a gabite evolved? The gap between them widens if that's the case. He has-Wait. Those can't be."I see. Do-do you know who they belong to?" It takes all he can to keep his voice steady. Mega stones. Two."This one is for gyarados. Mmhmm. As if they weren't scary enough." That's one he hasn't heard of before. Impressive. He can only imagine what that would look like. Certainly he has a few allies who can use it. Then Ella makes his heart stop."This one though...Is for a Scizor."Costs go through his head. His Scizor is one of his oldest friends. To show how strong their bond off tot he world? Not to mention to have two mega stones for his team. Would Query have defeated his starter if they had gone Mega from the start?"So my deal is this. Buy off most of these stones. I'm keeping a few I've already put aside. And the scales for a key stone" Easily enough. Done. No need to even debate. They have plenty of key stones "And we can trade the mega stones for any you might have for my team. Or one I'm particularly interested in later."That's an easy decision as well. Plus his father would ask him to do so just to make a better impression on the powerful Johto Clan."I'm sending you a list of ones I have that I'm willing to part with. Give me a day and I might have one I can possibly get you before the end of the year." Despite how much she's obviously playing him, Steven can't help but like the Blackthorn girl. Anyone who can go through what she did with grace deserves respect. That didn't mean he wasn't going to do his best to pay her back for his defeat."Tomorrow then Steven!" The moment she's gone he starts. He owes her. She taught him that he's stagnated. That he's allowed his success to fail to reach further. One of her choices is easy. The one he's sure she covets will take some work. And if he succeeds she'll be grateful. Grateful enough for a rematch he imagines.He's not worried about failing.He's Steven Stone after all. He was born to push forward.

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