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20% Blazing the Competition - Pokémon SI / Chapter 4: 12-14

Kapitel 4: 12-14

Chapter 12 – Show and Tell

 "A special someone you say? Now I am intrigued, show me this mysterious stranger of yours Egon."I zipped open my bag and tried coaxing Victini out of her safe space."It's okay, Professor Juniper is a really nice person you can trust him. When this is over, we can all go out for ice cream. Castelia City is famous for its frozen desserts."Slowly Victini emerged out of the backpack. First her pointy ears and then the rest of her body. Victini's shyness evident she used her small paws in an attempt to hide her face. Halfway through her reveal the professor started sporting a dead serious expression."Young man… do you know what kind of Pokémon this is?""Yeah, a Victini. We found her in Liberty Garden she's been living on that island for like a hundred years. We figured that we could bring her along for our journey to keep her company since her previous trainer isn't around anymore.""Can I go now?""Yeah, it's okay keep listening in though. I am kind of out of my depth, so all your input is appreciated."Victini disappeared back into my backpack. Comically her two ears are still sticking out."Uhm… so professor I figured her being such a rare Pokémon it might land us in trouble if it became common knowledge that she is traveling with me. You are the only credited Pokémon professor I know personally that can keep a secret. What do you think I should do to minimize the risk?"The professor had a pondering look on his face before giving me a measured answer."A Victini… I've heard about such a Pokémon being described in ancient folktales. It is certainly my first time seeing one. You did well by calling me first before making any decisions. Yes, I would say generally it would be better to keep Victini out of the spotlight. There are many unscrupulous people who would prey on novice trainers like you in order to acquire such a valuable Pokémon. The path I would advise you to pursue is getting stronger as a trainer. When you have more experienced Pokémon to call upon in battle the risk of poachers taking her by force is reduced."After the professor mentioned the risk of her being taken by poachers the ears sticking out of my backpack started trembling again. 'The first thing to do is help Victini improve her confidence and self-esteem. Before even considering putting her through any sort of training.'The professor continued on."Now although I can't help but admit that I would love to study her in my lab. The focus of my research is Pokémon migratory patterns. However, I have someone in mind that is more knowledgeable on Pokémon myths and legends her recent dissertation paper was on the Origin of Pokémon so she should be more informed than an old coot like me.""That someone being your daughter professor?"Professor Juniper gives me this bewildered look."Don't look at me like that sir. I have a subscription to the Rustboro Science Monthly. Aurea Juniper has been making waves with her comments on the feasibility of resurrecting Pokémon fossils.""Ahem… in any case, Aurea is currently on an archeological expedition near Route 4's desert resort as an advisory aide. Given the extenuating circumstances she will probably be willing to leave early to give you a summary overview of things to be mindful of while keeping company with such a unique Pokémon.""In regard to keeping Victini's anonymity. The best thing to do is to catch her with an unregistered poké ball. These are generally illegal to use, but as this region's professor I am authorized to give you special dispensation for unique cases like this. You see Egon, the league association keeps records of every caught Pokémon by tagging all poké balls sold in Unova. Then when a poke ball Is used the Pokémon caught gets it species, size and other unique traits registered. This is to prevent black market trading and helps identify each Pokémon that is being used for criminal activities. Too many officials have access to these files for me to comfortably let Victini get caught in a poké ball sanctioned for official use. I will inform Aurea to bring an unregistered poké ball with her when she comes to visit you in Castelia.""Also, from now on don't use public communication devices like these to contact me for sensitive matters. Our ruling government body keeps record of all public phone calls and is known to make security blunders now and again.""I can't…""What do you mean Egon?""I don't have an Xtransceiver.""…""…Why didn't you just say so! I can put the discovery of long-lost Pokémon in your sponsory records and pay you enough pokédollars to afford the newest brand models."I started getting this euphoric feeling. 'Finally… my indiscriminate ways are paying off.'Shaking off the disparaging side of my consciousness that was telling me this new Xtransceiver was due to me breaking and entering inside private property. I gratefully listened to the professor explaining how to use the cash machine inside the center to print out pokédollars using my lab associate account. The call concluded with the promise of me meeting up with his daughter tomorrow evening at the same Pokémon center. Victini levitated out of the bag and gave me demanding look. Without anything needing to be said I put my coat back on and we made our way towards Mode Street the birthplace of this city's famous Castelia cones. I woke up groggily assessing my situation. All my Pokémon are sharing my bed to sleep. Luckily there aren't any blanket stealers in my team. Numsy and Rena are out of their balls curled up around a certain rabbit-like Pokémon. Last night we went out on an ice cream run with Victini. After standing in line for like an hour. 'Seriously what's up with that? An evening during wintertime and still everyone is lining up to get ice cream?' We finally got to order some Castelia cones. Asking the staff for their recommendation resulted in some sort of spicy ice cream mix made from yache and razz berries. Rena and Victini couldn't get enough of the stuff, but Numsy for the first time in his life refused to finish his cone. Naturally the ice cream makers in Unova never had a Numel come to their store before. Numsy was upset with me the whole way back until I promised him that the next time, we went out for treats he would get to have first pick of the available venues. We went to bed that night and surprisingly Victini couldn't sleep tossing and turning until the rest of my team decided enough was enough. Creeping up next to her to share their body warmth. 'The first time away from home is always the hardest. Thankfully I have some amazing Pokémon with me to keep her company.' I used a trick my sister always used to get me up. Softly blowing inside the ears until their faces scrunched up. "Pix!" "Vi Vi Tini!" "Num num!" "You ready for the day cuties? Today I get to buy my first ever Xtransceiver." I made breakfast as usual but when it came to feeding Victini I was stumped. There were no dietary guidelines to follow at all. So, I plainly asked her what she usually likes to eat. Apparently, she survived by eating wild berries that grow on the island and raiding the sole vending machine near the light house for sugary snacks. "Hmm okay, it's important we find a well-balanced diet for you to enjoy. Don't expect to eat sugary snacks on the regular. Those are best saved for special occasions." "Tini Vi Vi!" "No!" "Don't worry it's going to be okay. I am a deft hand at figuring out what flavors a Pokémon likes or dislikes. You won't even miss the sugar once we picked out a meal plan for you." With this new inflow of cash from Professor Juniper I finally have enough dough to experiment with flavors, but for now I asked Numsy to share some of his food with Victini. Just until we can get to the market. "So, yer saying you need me to come up with a meal plan for psychic/fire type Pokémon?What do you have there like a delphox?" The old man at the farmer's market was being very helpful. He saw me floundering around trying to measure different stuff until he couldn't take it anymore and stepped in to help me. 'Yes, that's a good excuse.' A braixen actually, my braixen is close to evolving and now I need to account for the Pokémon's growing psychic abilities." "Then what you need is a healthy dose of calcium to be added to her regular diet. For that added brain power. Next every canine Pokémon needs some sort of protein supplementing their regular diet I would recommend you try out our store's "Mystery meat"." What flavors does the little fox usually like to eat?" "She uhm… has an appetite for the sweeter things in life." "Well than you want to mix some type of sweet tasting berry to the regular brand. What would you like? We have Pecha, Mago and Magost. I even have some Custap berry in the back if you really want to spoil that Pokémon." "Thank you very much for the help. And yes, I would like to order enough of those berries for a month at least. Leave out the mystery meat though since I already have that product. Just ring me up for the extra calcium powder and berries no custap though. We don't want her getting too spoiled for choice." Suddenly I felt an invisible force pinching my cheeks. I was so surprised that I let out a very unmanly sounding yelp. The culprit let out tiny squeaking noises inside my backpack. "You know what? Leave out the sweet berries and fill my order up with the bitterest and oldest Rawst berries you can find." This time the pinching grew more fervent accompanied by little invisible hands pulling on my hair. "It's a shame only well-behaved Pokémon get sweet tasting berries." The store owner finally noticing what's going on by the rustling of my hair decides to play along. "That's a shame indeed those sweet berries are as fresh as they come just shipped in this morning. The rawst berries you want… you don't mind if they're a bit moldy do you?" The pinching stopped followed up by Victini's urgent mind linking with my own. "No moldy berries, yuck!" When linked like this she could easily read my surface thoughts. 'Are you going to be good? Those Custap berries are extremely rare and will cost almost triple the amount of a somewhat regular berry. You can have one every other week else my sponsor will start asking questions.' "Okay hmpfff." I give the store owner a wink letting him know he played his part perfectly before handing over the payment for all those extra ingredients. I was glad that Victini was already coming out of her shell bit by bit. My team really bonded with her overnight. Especially Rena was acting like an older sister even though Victini is at least 94 years her senior. After we were done grocery shopping our next destination is a local hardware store where they sell all sorts of gizmo's including Xtransceivers. We walked inside Numsy deciding to stay out this time. The counter was manned by a sleepy salesclerk who greeted me on entering and promptly went back into a daze. Upon further inspection of this store, I can see all sorts of interesting items. Bicycles, Camping gear, Explorer kits and I could even see a poké flute. All sorts of key items that can be useful for a trainer's Journey. The thing I specifically came looking for was all the way in the back Xtransceivers. The cheapest models were around 20.000 pokédollars. The name brand ones freshly released this year cost upwards to around 60.000. Which is coincidentally the amount the professor awarded me for rediscovering Victini. If I could get a decent model at a mid-price range with all the features, I need on it then I'd be satisfied. "Excuse me miss. What model would you recommend for a traveling trainer?" Clearly startled the salesclerk woke up from her daze and rushed to accommodate me and walk me trough all the models. "Well sir, most of our cheaper models are not water resistant so those won't last during rainstorms. It also depends on what type of Pokémon you frequently encounter. Shock resistant Xtransceivers are insulated against your typical fare electric shocks. In case sir tends to work with fire types our flame retardant models might work better for you." The last part she said while eying Numsy who is still walking beside me. "Of course, we also have satellite connectivity options for trainers that like to wander off route. For the seafaring trainers we have Xtransceivers that are completely waterproof." "Uhm what would you recommend for the average fire type specialist that likes to wander off route and go spelunking every once in a while?" "For those trainers I'd recommend this model. It has satellite connectivity; a signal booster, is flame retardant and water resistant. It also comes with a one-year warranty. At the reasonable pricing of 39.000 pokédollars." "I'll take it. Does it come in red? And do you also sell torches? I could use a couple of those." I walked out of the store with three torches that last for one hour each and a brand-new wristwatch phone for only 39.750. 'I can finally call everyone; Phoebe and Flannery must be angry not hearing from me for over two months. The last time I talked with Phoebe she was participating in the ace circuit. I know exactly where Flannery is though she had to sit out this circuit because Mr. Moore thinks she is too much of a klutz to travel alone without supervision. In this case I had to agree with him. She can't prepare meals for her Pokémon without cutting her fingers and her inability to read a map still confounds me. 'How did she manage to get her license when navigating is part of the curriculum?' In any case she was betting that her grandfather would let her go if I traveled together with her this year. Naturally she was indignant when I told her of my plans to travel to Unova. 'I should get her a souvenir when I return.' With all the important stuff done for the day I take my team to visit the famous battle company. Their building is located just off central plaza, and they let trainers make use of two of their floors to gain some battle experience against their working staff. The worker's Pokémon get some exercise this way instead of having to sit still while their trainers slaved away doing paperwork. Wager battles aren't allowed though but with my recent windfall I felt less pressure to earn more money. This would also be an excellent way to show Victini what sportsmanlike battling is like. "Okay guys the plan is to show Victini how we do battles. No trash talking and hitting under the belt. These Pokémon need all the exercise they can get. So don't end the fight early when it turns out your opponent is a chump." "Chumps…?" "Uhm yeah… so you have these trainers that treat their circuit journey like a vacation from their parents and school. They tend to hang around in the beginner areas catching multiple wurples and zigzagoon without moving on. Here in Unova they'd probably have a different name for them. Anyway, I tend to to call any trainer that doesn't put in effort raising his Pokémon the C word." "…but don't emulate me, okay? Calling trainers chumps is bad and I am quitting too if you see me using the word, call me out on it and I'll owe you a berry." "Num num!" "Pix pix!" "Okay okay… The same goes for you guys." Those two are sporting smug looks as if I already owe them a plate full of berries. 'I can hold my tongue when I want to okay?' We entered the building, and the receptionist directed us to the 47th floor and the 55th floor. The areas designated for the public to come visit. The battle company manufactured battlefields for the whole of Unova. Pokémon battling being the most popular pastime activity in the whole world. Their clients ranged from gym leaders to eccentric rich folk. This company made a killing from building battlefields for the yearly Ventress conference. Naturally their own battle facilities are top notch. 'This open battle invitation for all passing trainers might be a great PR move. How can clients trust workers that don't participate in battle themselves?' We ascended straight to the 55th floor. Walking inside after the elevator doors opened revealed a high-tech battlefield hooked up to all sorts of measuring instruments. The hall is fairly crowded with employees and trainers alike. "Greetings young trainer are you here to participate in the open challenge invitation?" The man who spoke to me is an older fellow sporting an impressive moustache. The way he carried himself belied his humble clothes sporting a patched up janitorial outfit. His station however did not seem to affect his mood having an amused twinkle in his eyes. "Yes sir, my team and I heard about the open invitation and since there are so few places to have battles in the city, we thought to check it out." "That's just perfect young man. It just so happens that a spot opened up how's about you and me have ourselves a match?" "I'm up for a match sir, but could we make a two versus two battle? I don't have that many Pokémon yet." "Great suggestion youngster I only have two myself you see." We made our way towards the opposing stands on the battlefield. The current field is a plain one filled to the edges with loose grit. Perfect for your everyday battling. One of the company employees acted as a referee while his colleagues are busy monitoring the match on their hardware. "Go Rena!" "Let's give em a surprise Trubbish!" Our opponent revealed his first Pokémon trubbish. Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon. Trubbish prefer to live in dirty places like garbage dumps. It is said they were born when a chemical reaction occurred between an abandoned trash bag and industrial waste. Wanting more garbage, they follow people who litter. They always belch poison gas."Be wary of its toxic attacks Rena start off with Sunny day!" "Use Acid Spray!" Trubbish belched out a lump of acid straight towards Rena while she put the sun up. Trubbish' attack hit singing Rena's fur with its acid. Meanwhile the field monitors read our move and in anticipation the rooftop of the building opened up and let the sunshine come through. 'Man, these battlefields are awesome I should really get these guys to do some work for me if I ever get my own place.' "Rena hit em with Incinerate!" "Toxic spikes!" The harsh sunlight upped our firepower so much that incinerate formed 5 balls of fire simultaneously two more than usual. Before Rena could fire off her attack the Trubbish launched poisonous caltrops all over the field which buried themselves deeply ready to set off when the fields combined weight changed. Rena's move hit causing massive amounts of damage melting off some of trubbish' outer skin. The janitor didn't bother having his trubbish try to dodge our attacks. 'Being generally a slow-moving species, he is correctly playing to this poison type's strength.' "Finish it with ember!" "Trubbish poison gas!" The ember hit true finishing off the janitor's trubbish but not before it could envelop the field with its poison gas. Rena inhaled some of it poisoning her in the process. "We are on a timer Rena let's finish off his second Pokémon just as quick!" "Ho Ho! that's the spirit youngster but we are not going down that easily." He recalled his fainted trubbish and released his second pokemon a Mincinno.Minccino, the Chinchilla Pokémon. A clean freak that will not allow even the slightest mess, it uses its tail like a mop to thoroughly clean any and all filth. When its tail has gotten dirty from self-cleaning or from cleaning its nest, Minccino spends a whole day washing its tail in clean spring water."Rena let's do this! start off with plan 4!" "Baby-Doll eyes!" Plan 4 was hitting our opponent with confuse ray. Confuse ray was an interesting move but if the opponent sees it coming its effectiveness is reduced drastically. They can close their eyes before the flash of light hits them. Them leading off with baby-doll eyes basically guaranteed the confusion would take hold. And so, it did the flash bang vulpix sent out completely countered their move. Temporarily blinded from the confuse ray Mincinno left itself wide open. 'Let's finish this up.' "Quick attack Rena!" My vulpix ran with blazing speed giving a full body blow to our opponent's Pokémon. Quick attack was one of those moves we trained extensively. That kind of speed will always be invaluable in any sort of encounter. What happened next though I didn't plan for. "Punish them use tail slap!" Even though the janitor's Mincinno is blinded it somehow knew exactly where my vulpix was. Its tail found its target as it barraged Rena with a 4-hit combo. The tail acted like it had a mind of its own instinctually finding all her weak spots. Rena was laying down weakened from the poison and hurt badly by those tail slaps she received. I made the call to recall her before the poison exacerbated her condition. "Return!" "How...!?" "My Mincinno's ability is called technician even when blinded she knows exactly where to hit for maximum damage." 'They are already this far along with training up their Pokémon's ability? I guess this man is no chump.' "Berry!" 'What are you doing reading my thoughts! Get out of here I am in the middle of a battle.' "Go Numsy!" My little yellow camel materialized on my side of the field but was quickly struck by the toxic spikes shooting upwards from the soil. Now poisoned as well, we had to quickly settle this match. Luckily the Janitor's mincinno was still temporarily blinded. "Let's avoid getting close Numsy bulldoze!" "My Mincinno doesn't need its sight to hit her target. Use swift!" There were no obstacles Numsy could use to block those star-shaped rays. Luckily Numsy is a bit hardier than Rena so he should be able to take a hit or three. While under barrage he performed his bulldoze admirably shaking up the field. Mincinno still dazzled complete lost its balance and fell face down into the dirt. "Perfect finish it with lava plume!" Numsy erupted dousing the battlefield with scarlet flames. Their intensity magnified by sunny day's effect. Dazed lying on the ground Mincinno has no chance of dodging. So, I wasn't surprised when before the flames could hit Mincinno was recalled into its poké ball by its trainer. Letting your Pokémon sustain unnecessary injury is pointless when the battle is already lost most responsible trainers would do the same. As a result, the flames flooded the field harmlessly. Withdrawing your Pokémon is a valid strategy but loses you the match when it's your last one. The employees declared my victory and the field reset itself. The roof closing back up to protect us from the elements.The man approached me and my struggling Pokémon. Numsy was still afflicted with poison. As was Rena so I determined going to the pokemon center straight away was the prudent thing to do. Before I had a chance to recall Numsy inside his ball the janitor called out to me. "Ho there young trainer. Let me fix up your pokemon before you leave. It's the least I could do after such an interesting battle." The Janitor brought out a couple of pecha berries. "Here give these to your Pokémon it should help counteract the poison from my Trubbish." Grateful for his gift I let out Rena from her ball and had the two of them eat the pecha berries the older gentleman offered me. Numsy was in a well enough state that he could feed himself, but Rena had to be fed by hand. Normally Pokémon can recover somewhat on their own while in their poke balls, but Rena being afflicted by poison didn't have the chance to do so. "Vuuuul…" "It's okay you did amazing. It's our first time coming up against a poison type. We'll work on a way to counter such methods for the next time. That Mincinno also caught me by surprise I will account for Pokémon having developed their abilities in our future battles. Also, great work Numsy you really improved on using lava plume. That move will probably become one of your staples." Numsy didn't respond too enamoured with eating his pecha berry. "Well young man, thank you for helping us test out our indoor field's capability in automatically adjusting for the use of weather moves. Not many trainers are willing to spend time in battle adjusting the field for their benefit. Here's my card if you are ever in need of our services don't hesitate to call." GeoffOwner and CEOXXX-XXXXXXXThe Battle CompanyCastelia City 'All old man janitors are secretly big shots I knew it!' We arrived at the Pokémon center on time for our meeting with Aurea Juniper I left Numsy and Rena in the care of Nurse Joy while I freshened up and answered any of Victini's questions about what she just witnessed."Are my new friends going to be okay?""Yeah, they're fine a half hour with Nurse Joy, and they'll be right as rain.""Do you do that often getting into fights?""Well yeah… Pokémon like to get stronger, and we humans love to watch exciting matches between trainers. Pokémon battle against each other in the wild all the time. You know to impress potential mates and protect their territory even just to get some exercise in. So, this sort of sporting event just seems natural to them.""Why with human trainers?""When a human and a Pokémon form close bonds the Pokémon grows exponentially stronger. It's why some Pokémon seek out human trainers on their own. The famous professor Oak did a lot of research on this. For me it feels nice having friends that I can always trust be by my side. I can share anything with my trusted partners and in return they do the same.""I don't get it. Can I have my berry please?"'This girl…'A knocking sound is heard from our door, and Victini makes herself scarce before I open the door. The person standing in the center hallway is a young looking brunette in casual wear if I had to guess she should be around 25 years old. She had the prettiest seafoam eyes I've ever seen and has a mature atmosphere to her.'Oh, there are the hormones. I wondered when puberty would start to rear it's pimply head.'"Hello, are you Egon from Lavaridge town?""Yes, and you must be Professor Juniper's daughter please come in."

Chapter 13 – Blast from the Past
"Yes, my name is Aurea Juniper nice to meet you. My father told me about you, the trainer from Hoenn that can't compete in the Vertress conference but still decided to start his journey in Unova regardless."
"Yep, that's me plain old trainer from Hoenn looking to make his mark here in Unova."
"The next part of our conversation is best kept private, may I?" She motioned her hand to indicate her request for entering the room.
"Yeah, sure come in."
We entered inside, this room was a small one only having a single bunkbed meant for traveling trainers to share. Luckily the center isn't overbooked so I could stay here by myself tonight. She takes a look around before nestling herself on the other side of the lower bunkbed.
"In preparation for this meeting I collected all of the loose myths and legends mentioning Victini and put them in this comprehensive folder. There isn't much information out there about this Pokémon."
She wasn't kidding the file she brought up on her datapad was only about one hundred words. I pieced together the most important bits.
Victini is a mythical Pokémon that is said to radiate energy from its body. When Pokémon or people come into contact with that energy, it fills up their bodies, and they exhibit more power than usual. This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter.
'Some type of special energy that makes people and Pokémon stronger?'
"Do you want me to…?"
'No thanks if we don't earn our victories in fair competition then what's the point? My partners have worked hard to make it this far. I don't want to belittle their achievements or other trainers' effort by relying on your power.'
Feelings of relief flooded our connection. Before me and Victini could hash out her issues I was interrupted by Aurea's next set of questions.
"Egon I must ask where did you encounter this Pokémon? Maybe it's origin can shed more light on this enigma. Also, I would very much like to meet Victini if possible."
'…She seems like a decent sort would you mind showing yourself to her?'
The clasps on my backpack opened themselves and out popped Victini. She quickly floated her way behind my back while grasping the hem of my shirt. Her head sticking out while looking back at Aurea.
Her timid behavior coupled with those disproportionate big blue eyes invokes a feeling of protectiveness in a certain demographic of people. Judging by Aurea's reaction it seems she was one of those people.
"Oh Arceus! Aren't you just the cutest little thing. Would you mind if big sister here pats those adorable ears of yours?"
Both me and Victini are completely stunned from the change in her personality. The formerly business-like woman now exhibiting behavior more appropriate for a teenage girl. As Aurea inched closer to Victini I sensed the Pokémon's distress. Normally I wouldn't intervene because I was also guilty of patting her head numerous times, but something about doing it during their very first time meeting seemed overly familiar to me. I resolved to put a stop to her approach.
"Professor Juniper, Victini is rather shy around strangers perhaps it would be best to let her get accustomed to your presence first?"
Being addressed so formally seemed to pull her out of her earlier behavior. She sat back on her spot of the bed and removed the creases on her lab coat.
"Ehem you are right of course. I offer my sincerest apologies for my inappropriate conduct. It is my first time seeing such a unique looking Pokémon and I nearly forgot myself. Now to harken back to my earlier question where did you find this miraculous Pokémon?"
I regaled her with the story of my meeting with Victini without mentioning the breaking and entering. The secret basement, sticking around to play with all the novelty toys and playsets, Victini eventually revealing herself to come play with us finally culminating in the story of her previous trainer.
Aurea is an attentive listener only breaking up my story a couple of times to ask for further details.
"And the groundskeeper just allowed you to walk into the light house?"
"I didn't really ask him the door was unlocked and I assumed it was just part of the viewing experience."
"Really? I have been on that boat tour before. I am pretty sure they give out these flyers warning people to stay out the light house."
'Darn this is why I can't deal with the high IQ types. Can't tell a story without them poking out the holes in my narrative.'
At this time a knocking sound emanated from the door.
"Excuse me, trainer Egon your Pokémon have fully recovered would you mind picking them up from our front desk?"
"Yes of course, I'll come over right away!"
"Can you wait here for a minute? I need to retrieve my team members."
She seemed willing to let the matter rest for now. Getting a nod from her I rushed downstairs.
Pokémon centers are like veterinarian offices mixed with youth hostels. All the medical facilities are located downstairs while the upper floors are where all the younger trainers crash on the league's dime. I made it to the front desk, and a Nurse Joy handed me my Pokémon back before promptly going back to work. I've been hanging around this place for a while now so the nurse in charge didn't ask for my trainer's license this time. I clipped the poké balls to my nifty belt with magnets knitted on the inside and made my way back up to my room. Victini was hiding under the blankets while an overeager Aurea was observing her frantic actions and taking notes.
Luckily the sudden lull in our conversation left us switching to another topic.
"If Victini's power is as described by these ancient texts than there is no limit to the number of organizations that would want to capture her for their own nefarious uses. I'm sure that the noble who built this underground room for Victini was sincerely trying to help it. But I think shutting the poor thing up in this room was a mistake. Making sure no one misuses Victini's powers is now your duty!"
She started fishing out something out of her carry all. A poké ball it looked like one of those premier balls the Devon corporation hands out to customers who buy balls in bulk but instead of a red line etching the clasp this one was black.
"Here you go one unregistered poké ball. The unique coloring is for law enforcing purposes. The police will know that this is a legal unregistered poké ball. Letting them know that they would need a warrant in order to have access to this ball."
She handed over this unique looking capturing device. I take hold of it and promptly drop it inside my bag.
"Aren't you going to use it?"
"I never really asked Victini if she would like to become my Pokémon. Me and my team just sort of decided it would be better for her to experience the outside world. Letting her make a decision on her own on what goals she would like to pursue is part of that."
"I want to stay with Egon!"
She projected that thought outwards this time. Making sure Juniper knows that she wouldn't accept another trainer. The commotion also pulled out my sleeping Pokémon out of their balls. This weird habit of theirs would become troublesome once they've evolved.
"Num num"
My Pokémon are looking at me like I am an idiot. They made sure to let me understand that Victini is already part of our little family.
"My my, if this is how much your Pokémon care about you than I can rest easy."
Victini rummaged around in my backpack before eventually finding what she was looking for. The ball floated out of the backpack and into my hand. She started looking at me waiting for something staying eerily quiet.
Rena gave me a small huff letting me know what kind of dunce her trainer is.
"Victini, are you willing to be my partner?"
"Vi!" "Yes."
I tapped the ball on her crown and watched as she got sucked inside. The ball started shaking in my arms until I heard the familiar gotcha sound the ball makes after a successful capture.
"I caught a Victini!"
"Num num!"
Perfect execution you guys especially you Numsy. I didn't know you stand on your hind legs like that.
"What the hell are you doing! Shouting out Victini's name like that do you want to expose her!"
"Sorry, it's kind of a thing all of us do every time we catch ourselves a new friend."
Victini popped out of her poké ball and made a peace sign with her claws. Her adorable appearance mollifying Aurea somewhat.
"Egon I'd like to observe Victini for a couple of weeks. Would you mind if I followed you and your team around?"
Victini upon hearing the word observe got reminded that Aurea is still in the room, and she quickly hid behind my back again.
"I guess that's okay…? I was planning on catching another fire type. I still need a third Pokémon for my match with Burgh."
'Don't mind her. Consider this training to get used to new people and Pokémon. You can't make friends if you are too shy to talk to them.'
"That works out perfectly. The archeological expedition I am a part of happens to be located in an area known for harboring wild darumaka. I can still be part of the expedition while you get a chance to catch a new Pokémon."
"My gym battle is scheduled to be held twelve days from now on. Do I still have enough time to make it back by then?"
"It's fine, route 4 is adjacent to Castelia City. Our expedition site is just off the route. It shouldn't take long to get there. I have the expeditions' all-terrain vehicle on loan the ride will take maybe half a day and some extra. Let's go in the morning."
I wasn't as enthused to get railroaded into going on an expedition in the hot sands of the desert resort. I hate sand it gets everywhere add in my sweat to the mix and it takes multiple showers to get myself completely clean. 'On the other hand… I could use this opportunity for something else that I have been looking forward to for a while.'
'Well, there's this Pokémon that's living deep down inside that buried city. Ugh… never mind our journey won't be as fun if I plan everything out like this.'
"By the frequent drops in our conversation I would guess that Victini is having telepathic conversations with you from time to time?"
"Oh, we are sorry for being rude. Yes, she does like to poke around inside my head from time to time. She is actually very curious about the outside world. If you are looking to garner her attention, talking to her about interesting trivia is the best way."
"That is fascinating. Most psychic types that I know like to hoard knowledge. That she is not exempt from these typical personality traits is very interesting. Yes, I asked if you wanted to have dinner with me later, I personally have not yet had the chance to visit Hoenn. I am curious about the type of Pokémon that live there."
"Mt. Pyre is the absolute worst! So many ghost types looking to prank unsuspecting visitors. If you are there to pay your respects do so quickly and get out. My grandpa is friends with the couple that runs the place. The family has developed such nerves of steel that the ghost Pokémon don't see them as attractive targets, but that disinterest doesn't extend to visitors. All their pranking and cheap thriller scares are used on me. Every year I had to accompany my grandfather starting when I became seven years old."
"You poor thing there there." Aurea lays a hand of compassion on my shoulder.
"So, would you say that you have some experience dealing with ghost types? Our expedition is currently held up because the place we are surveying is haunted by yamask and cofagrigus."
"No not really my friend Phoebe is the best when it comes to dealing with ghost types. She specializes in training them and is already making headway into the ace circuit. Phoebe is the granddaughter of that elderly couple I mentioned earlier. She lives on Mt. Pyre when not competing during the off season."
"Really? Do you have her number? We could really use someone like her for our expedition. The archeology team can't get deeper without someone to help deal with the roaming ghost types."
"I don't know… doesn't Unova have their own ghost type specialists? Any spirit channelers or mediums native to the region you can ask? Elite four Shauntal also trains ghost types exclusively I believe."
"We do but they have been reluctant in helping us. They only step in when ghost types become an active threat. Shauntal is a writer by trade, and so she isn't available for hire."
"Well… I can give her a call so you can at least get a second opinion. Let me warn you though she can be very mercurial, and money isn't really a motivator for her since their family is loaded."
I shift through my backpack in search for the sticky note where I write all the numbers from friends and family on. 'I should really just put these numbers in my contact list. Then again, I've only had this Xtransceiver for a single day.' Finally managing to find the correct number I attempt to call Phoebe's pokégear with my Xtransceiver. Pokégears don't have video phone compatibility, so the call is just audio.
"Phoebe it's me Egon. I just bought myself an Xtransceiver."
"Oh, little Egon nice to know you finally decided to give in and buy a phone just like the rest of us."
'This is why I can't deal with her.'
"What little…? I'll have you know that I got my trainer's license this year and am already on my circuit run in Unova. Just because you are five years older doesn't mean that you are more mature."
"Unova, you say? Have you already caught any new Pokémon?"
"No, I am going for quality over quantity for now Numsy and Rena are enough to win myself some badges."
"This is why I am the better trainer between the two of us. It's all about catching as many as you can."
"Really? Says the girl who caught two banettes three dusclops and a single sableye. I am impressed by the variety of Pokémon in your team."
"And a Frosslass! Thanks for the tip by the way. Glacia was fuming at the mouth when she first became aware that I figured out her secret evolution method."
"Yeah, no problem. Anyway, there's this archeological excavation going on in Unova right now. The researchers have been having troubles with wild ghost types disrupting their progress. I told one of their members about my friend who is good with ghost types. Now they want to bring you on board to help them out."
"I don't know Egon I usually don't mix friendship with work. Traveling all the way to Unova seems like a hassle."
"There are a couple of bigwigs from the local league association mixed in the group. Maybe you can even catch some of those ghosts they've been having trouble with. I am pretty sure you don't have a yamask or cofagrigus on your team."
"I'll consider it. Just have one of their associates call me with an offer. Anyways when's your next visit? Our Misdreavus really wants you to come spend the night again."
"Never! And you can tell that banshee to choose some other poor sap to haunt."
Phoebe was clearly experiencing some kind of schadenfreude from my trauma, inferring from the giggling sound I am hearing on the other end. Just like one of her ghost types would. 'Probably growing up around ghosts has rubbed off some of their personality traits onto her.'
"You are lucky I am mature enough to separate my feelings for ghost types from my feelings for you. Not many people can withstand their relentless pranking."
"Aww I care about you too Egg. As soon as you come back from the Unovan circuit I'll test how much you and your Pokémon have grown. Ciao."
The girl hung up on me just before I could do the same to her.
"I am sorry for my outburst Aurea that that girl keeps testing my boundaries. Phoebe might be interested in helping, but not for a monetary compensation. She would likely want a free pass for catching Unovan ghost types."
Aurea let out a small huff. "That is going to be difficult letting foreigners catch Unovan native Pokémon always comes with lots of paperwork. My father could get her a catching permit, but he will have to justify himself afterwards. Our league association still has some xenophobic elements inside. I am sure that in four more years this won't be such an issue anymore granted that the other regions become more permissible with their restrictions as well."
The meal was mostly pleasant after that. Aurea was a most excellent conversational partner. Her knowledge of Pokémon ancestry and fossils was very enlightening for a layman trainer like me.
"So, you believe Blaine from cinnabar island is the closest to developing a working resurrection machine?"
"Yes, although the resurrected Pokémon will not have any recollections of their time during the period when they were alive. Also, they would be infertile not able to produce eggs of their own."
"Interesting and you are working on something similar?"
"Well, that is the whole reason I joined this research expedition in the first place. They need someone with a degree in paleontology to make sure no fossils are damaged in the process. Samples taken from the sediment layers in that area indicate that this will be a prime spot for excavating fossils."
The dinner concluded and we both went our separate ways. Aurea back to her hotel room in the city and me back up to my center dorm room. Victini still couldn't sleep alone comfortably so I made plans with my team to sleep beside her on rotation this night's turn belonged to Numsy. The little camel not minding at all to keep our resident psychic rabbit company for the night.
"Night night"
"Num num"
"Tini Vi"
Early in the morning I got forced out of bed by a peppy future regional professor. Her loud knocking waking up Numsy, Victini and myself.
"What are you doing? it's like 5 AM in the morning."
"For my observational records it's important to document every waking moment of Victini's daily life."
"Well, we usually wake up at around seven in the morning… Do you want to have breakfast with us?"
"Yes please."
As it turns out Aurea is also a trainer. Not a serious one but she did have a Pokémon on hand. Her Mincinno enjoyed breakfast with us. Rena was a bit wary of the chinchilla Pokémon probably due to losing her previous battle against CEO Geoff's Mincinno. Victini enjoyed her meal with gusto the sweet tasting berries doing wonders for her appetite. Even though Aurea was also having breakfast she kept fervently glancing at Victini while taking notes.
"So, Aurea what do you intend to do with all the observational data you are gathering?"
"I am glad you asked Egon. After getting permission from my father, I aspire to write my own Pokédex entry about Victini."
"Really!? Won't that spill the beans to the public?"
"It'll be a hidden entry until the trainer in question scans an actual Victini. I always thought that all the Unovan Pokédex entries had already been filled. Now that I have my own chance at contributing to this repository of knowledge, I can get my name up there with the researchers that paved the way for us all."
"Sounds cool. When do we leave?"
"As soon as your Pokémon finish breakfast."
We watched Victini try to shove a whole magost berry in her mouth successfully I might add. Her cheeks puffing up to accommodate the piece of fruit that was almost as big as her whole head.
"Fascinating, Victini is able to expand the available space in her mouth. Just like some other rodent Pokémon that we know of."
"Aurea, I think she might be cheating by using confusion to cut the berry up into manageable pieces inside her mouth."
"No!" "Vi...?!"
Victini started to spasm uncontrollably while making high pitched sounds. Knowing what this is I walk towards the sink in the bathroom to get her a glass of water.
"Don't talk while you are eating large amounts of food at once! Even young children know how to avoid getting the hiccups. Drink this glass of water."
"I am the oldest!" "Vi Vi!"
"Yes, yes you are. Now hold your breath and swallow three times."
We finished up at the Pokémon center Victini's new ball hanging on the inside of my jacket. I also donned my safety goggles. Route 4 is known for its spontaneous dust devils, and I didn't fancy getting sand in my eyes. I would've taped off every nook and cranny of my apparel to avoid the sand getting inside, but that would take too long and keep Aurea waiting.
We walked together towards the parking lot of her hotel where the SUV was parked. Victini seemed to prefer being outside her poké ball sometimes floating around invisibly taking in all the new sights, other times she could be found holed up inside my backpack. After a while we finally made it to her fancy hotel the valet ready and waiting to bring her SUV around.
The drive out of the city was completely traffic free. Not many people used cars to move around Pokémon showing their usefulness even in the transport of people and goods. Senior citizens especially those in Unova ride sawsbuck from place to place. There are many exceptions of course. Children and younger trainers seemed to prefer riding stoutland. The most shocking encounter for me was seeing this hipster guy riding around on a grumpy looking Scolipede. 'How is that even considered safe? All those venomous barbs… I bet this Scolipede's ability is poison point.'
The vehicles we did see are mostly people driving trucks and busses. Which made sense. I haven't seen Pokémon of the size required to carry large enough loads to stock supermarkets.
"What is that?"
"A traffic sign. When the light on the sign turns green, we can go forward."
"And that?"
"That's a bus stop. People gather there to be picked up and transported to places somewhere in the city."
Victini was busy firing off questions at a rapid pace. No longer did she feel the need to act guarded around me. Which certainly was an improvement I have infinite patience for all her little quirks. It reminded me much of myself when I saw my very first Pokémon.
Aurea obviously amused by the Pokémon's antics decided to drive extra slowly to let Victini take in all the sights. She wasn't a participant in Victini's telepathic communication with me, but based on my answers I figure she could make an accurate guess to what the topic of our conversation was.
We finally made it out of the city. Route 4 is one big sandbox, but there are traces of civilization here. The beginnings of a road are being built the goal being to connect the two cities of Castelia and Nimbasa. Little suburban houses dotted the sides of that road. 'Why would anyone want to live near a desert of all places? Maybe their family Pokémon prefer this environment?' Peering over the fences I can see a big doghouse accommodating a sleepy Hippopotas. 'Eh figures.'
"How come this entire place is filled with sand?"
"Well… when there is little rainfall plants can't grow as well. This desert is a natural rain shadow because of the mountain range over there. The moist air current from the sea blows against the mountain range and is forced to rise, and as it does so the moist air becomes colder becoming unable to hold the water in its vaporous form. Which causes it to rain. The air now bereft of moisture descend again on this side of the mountain range. Making naturally occurring rain very rare in this area."
"What a splendid explanation Egon. If your career as a Pokémon trainer doesn't work out, you can always intern at our lab."
"Thanks for the offer, Aurea. Maybe I'll do a 'Professor Oak' earning the champion's title and then smoothly transitioning into academia."
We finally hit the end of the road. Marked by obvious red danger signs. Aurea parked to the side and we stepped out into the blazing sun.
"I thought this vehicle was all terrain?"
"Yes, but generally it's a bad idea to do so. Most wild Pokémon don't appreciate the sounds cars make. The wild ones living here are mostly harmless to humans. You just have to watch out for the occasional mother krokoodile and her hatchlings. They are nighttime predators so we shouldn't meet any if the sun's up, and we don't make any loud noises."
Coincidentally this is also the area where you find wild darumaka. The ones that are looking for a trainer mostly stick to this area because they know humans occasionally traverse this route. When we get near the desert resort that will no longer be the case.
"Why do they call that area the desert resort?"
"Because elite Grimsley plans to build a casino and resort hotel there. Naturally the government is not too keen to allow him to build a resort on top of an archeological site. Part of our funding for this expedition comes from him. He wants our researchers to clearly map out the area he is not allowed to build on so he can convince the two-city council that are responsible for this area to give him the go ahead to build his casino resort."
"Why would he want to put his casino in the middle of a desert?"
"This desert area is popular with sand boarders. The ground is also very reasonably priced."
"Now seeing as you are not exactly a seasoned trainer, I have arranged for someone to come pick us up."
"Hey! My Numsy can ward off any wild Pokémon."
Numsy at the mention of his name popped out of his ball and gave me a confused stare.
"Ah sorry buddy for waking you, now that you are out would you mind walking with us? A ground type like you can sense if a Pokémon approaches us from beneath the sand."
Numsy unlike me didn't mind the sand at all he actually got more energetic than usual under this sweltering sunlight. So, the four of us minus Rena who was still sleeping inside her ball remained at that spot until finally a figure approached us from the west. The first thing I noticed about this new persona was her towering height, and the second thing was that this person is the gym leader of Nacrene City Lenora.
"Aurea how nice to see you again. Have you finished up your personal business in Castelia City?"
"Yes, I have. And I also brought a guest along. This is my father's newly sponsored trainer Egon from Lavaridge town. Egon come meet gym leader Lenora."
The two women responded simultaneously "Yes?"
"I challenge you to a gym battle!!"
"Num NUM!"
Chapter 14 – Proving Worth
Both women are stunned by my declaration before Lenora eventually responded to my challenge.
"I am sorry to say this young man, but I am on a work sabbatical. You will have to take the exam just like everybody else to earn that gym badge."
'We are already being underestimated from the get-go? Did she just assume I couldn't ace her ridiculous written test?'
Numsy wasn't having it though I did promise him a battle against Lenora just after his defeat against that Panpour in the Striaton gym. He was ready to prove his mettle, and Lenora's stubbornness was just another obstacle to him. His many years spent at my side taught him the most effective way to deal with stubborn humans.
"Num num…?"
Numsy walked up to Lenora and gave her his best charm attack. Bunting her kneecaps while giving her his best sad look. He has improved over the many years of tricking Flannery out of Pokémon treats. The droopy eyes really sold it.
"Trainer Egon, why is this Numel looking at me like I am supposed to be giving him something? Whatever it is you are looking for little Numel I have long since become immune to charm attacks. I raise lillipup litters for a living."
'Failure! I've never seen Numsy's patented charm move not work. Even my stubborn grandma sneaked some leftovers for Numsy when hit by this attack.'
"He just really wants to battle a gym leader to prove his strength. I kept telling him all about the Nacrene gym during our road trip on route 3."
"Well, he will just have to wait until next year. I don't even have any Pokémon at the appropriate experience level. What are you? A three-badge challenger?"
"Burgh was too though for you, eh? Don't worry about it kid no one expects a minor like you to complete his first circuit run."
'This woman and her assumptions! Just because I am on the younger side doesn't mean I am lacking as a trainer.'
I had many things I wished to convey to her. My sponsorship from an elite four member. My knowledge about various secret methods to make Pokémon stronger. Ultimately her casual assumptions turned me into a mute. Defending myself by listing all my achievements would make me look more like an immature kid than my silence would.
"Okay you two ready to go? Lenora pulled out a poké ball and released a ragged looking Braviary."
Braviary, the Valiant Pokémon, The evolved form of Rufflet. Known as "the hero of the skies," this Pokémon is so proud and so brave that it will never retreat, even when it's injured. The more scars it has on its front, the more heroic it's considered to be. Those with many scars on their back are mocked by the flock.
'I guess that's why it looks the way it does. I would love having a brave Pokémon for my team.'
"I am brave!"
'Yes, and you are getting braver every day.'
The braviary in question was busy preening it's feathers clearly proud at hearing what the Pokédex had to say about its species. Showing off all its front-end scars in the process. Lenora sighed exasperatedly half-amused and half-annoyed.
"Don't mind him he likes hearing the Pokédex entry every time he's sent out."
By the look of that Braviary's scars I guess Lenora was telling the truth about not having any weaker Pokémon on her. Most trainers are only allowed to have a team of six Pokémon on them at all times. Lenora being a gym leader could clearly carry a fair bit more than that. She finished giving her Braviary instructions before beckoning us to leave with her.
"Braviary will keep an eye out for us from the sky. The youngster may ride my Stoutland if his legs get tired."
"Are you okay?"
'I am fine it's just the first time in my life that I have been underestimated like this.'
The trek towards the archeological site would take a couple of hours so we set off immediately. Most people would take issue with the scorching sun but it honestly kind of invigorated me. The real issue was all the sand. My feet kept sinking deeper inside the ground and I had to pull extra effort into hauling myself back up. Numsy didn't have any issue at all. His camel toes perfectly adapted to this desert substrate. I knew if this kept up, I might be proving Lenora right about needing a ride.
'Stupid kid sized legs.'
We made it about halfway through when I was delightfully captivated by this catchy tune riding on the desert winds. It most resembled street music something you would typically expect to be played by a wizened old musician sporting a pair of maracas. Aurea and Lenora reacted to this sound as well, both being curious as to the source of this enchanting music. Aurea nudged me motioning for me and my Pokémon to follow her into the desert shrubbery.
Standing in a clearing was a triplet of maractus giving a musical performance to the surrounding wild Pokémon. The trio of Pokémon using a rock outcropping as their musical stage. The spectators being a pair of sandile three dwebble and a lone scraggy. The catchy tunes luring out Pokémon who should be sleeping at this time of day, when the sun is at its hottest. Too bad none of these Pokémon are the darumaka I am looking for.
Maractus, the Cactus Pokémon. When Maractus dance in rhythm, they sound like maracas shaking. They make their homes in dry desert-like areas. Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds. They're jam-packed with nutrients, making them a precious food source out in the desert.
Luckily the Pokédex has a silent mode for situations like these.
Numsy clearly enjoyed listening in on the Maractus' as did the other Pokémon we had out. Braviary landing on a dried-up looking tree just to enjoy the show. We just sat there behind the prickly bushes until the end of their performance. The surrounding Pokémon waking up from their daze started to leave as well. The sandile and dwebble digging themselves back inside the sand while the scraggy just walked off into the horizon.
Aurea clearly moves by this scene put her feelings into words.
"Nature can be cruel sometimes but seeing moments like these proves it is beautiful as well. Maractus can safely give out performances because no Pokémon here is willing to jeopardize their yearly seed scattering, also predators don't typically eat grass type Pokémon."
What she said made sense all Pokémon have plants-based foods as the staple for their diets. However, the carnivores still needed to eat meat occasionally. Eating plantlike Pokémon such as maractus therefore made no sense from a dietary standpoint, since it didn't satisfy their craving for meat.
Victini was oddly quiet during the performance. Feelings of wonder and amazement flooding our telepathic link.
'When we get back to Hoenn I'll take you to see the contest halls. There these kinds of performances are the norm.'
The plan was to make it to the camp before sundown. Our little group didn't encounter any more difficulties on the way, so we made good pace. Braviary kept a flock of vullaby and a single mandibuzz off our backs by tussling with their leader one on one. Lenora later told me that was typical mating behavior. Apparently that Mandibuzz thought Braviary was a good match, but the prideful bird wasn't too impressed by her antics and shooed the she-bird off.
We finally made it to the expedition's camping grounds. All put together there were around twenty archeologists, paleontologists, and trainers roughing it out here in the wild. The expedition's foreman is a man named Hawes who worked at the museum, while at the same time being Lenora's husband. Standing next to his wife the two looked pretty comical. Whereas Hawes is a person of short stature his wife was fairly tall by Unovan standards. I didn't ponder on it for too long though love takes the form of all shapes and sizes, especially so in this world.
"Welcome back dear, I see you've brought Aurea back with you, and who is this fine young trainer?"
I decided to introduce myself before Lenora could. 'I'll show you who is immature making assumptions.'
"Egon is the name and fire types are my game a pleasure to meet you sir. Professor Juniper my sponsor thought it would be a swell idea for me to shadow his accomplished daughter for a while to learn a thing or two."
Aurea and I agreed on this cover story. Me observing her made a lot more sense than the other way around. Hawes and Lenora are trustworthy people but we couldn't account for all the personnel they invited to this camp.
"So, you are looking to become an academic as well? Welcome to the winning team Egon I am sure there is much to learn from our resident genius. Unfortunately, this expedition has come to a grinding halt until we can fix our ghost problem. The Sigilyph guarding the ruins are very reasonable as long as we don't cross their bottom line, we can study these ruins all we want. That is not so much the case for the ghost-types."
"Hawes I might have a solution for our problem Egon here has close ties with a family of gravekeepers in Hoenn. The granddaughter being an ace trainer who specializes in ghost-types. Bringing her over is well within our budget."
Aurea and Hawes walked away to hash out the details for tricking my childhood friend into coming here. Leaving me and Lenora alone, I spent my time sifting through more details of our surroundings. It was then that I noticed the various statues inside the camp's threshold. The camp seemingly ignored the statues even leaving some of their equipment on and around them.
'Those poor Darmanitan being used as furniture by these ignorant scientists.'
"Those statues are alive!?"
"Yep, darmanitan have this hidden ability called Zen Mode. They petrify and can't move, but in return gain heightened psychic abilities."
"Leader Lenora, I have a proposition for you."
"What do you have in mind squirt?"
"If I discover something groundbreaking about these ruins you owe me a gym battle for this circuit."
"Egon you do realize no one is permitted to enter these ruins without special permission from my husband? It's too dangerous right now especially for a rookie trainer like you."
"I don't need to get inside to make my discovery."
Lenora made a pained face as if struggling to make her decision, but it didn't reach her eyes. 'Still underestimating me, eh? She'll be singing a different tune shortly.'
"Okay you have yourself a deal little Egon."
'Victini I need you to fish out my ragecandybars from my backpack. They are the key to winning this bet.'
Suddenly a sense of shame is transmitted through our bond.
"…I ate them."
''The entire dozen!?'
"They smelled good, and I am sorry! We only have two left."
'It's okay It's okay. I only needed one. Don't worry about it and the next time you get hungry you can just tell me I won't get mad about something like that.'
I stuck my hand inside the backpack where Victini secretly gave me one of the last two bars. Afterwards I tapped Numsy on the back to indicate that I wanted him to follow me. We made it to the darmanitan statue nearest to the middle of the camp. Lenora following me to see what I had planned gave a brief piece of commentary on this petrified Pokémon.
"Ah yes, the darmanitan statues. Their presence around the ruins helped the first explorers of this region identify where the entrance was buried. We believe these strange looking darmanitan are the ancestors our modern-day ones."
'Tini now that I have made you aware can you sense the mind trapped in this body?'
"It's faint… but I do believe you are correct."
"Okay Numsy time to make a big splash. Can you jolt everyone awake with growl?"
Numsy proceeded to use grunt loudly as he does when I forget to bring him food. Gathering the crowd's attention towards us.
"Esteemed PHD's and trainers, Today I Egon from Lavaridge town will prove that the stone darmanitan aren't statues but petrified Pokémon! These protectors of the ruins below have simple fallen asleep and are stuck in a state that I like to call zen mode!"
The crowd looked miffed especially the PHD's whose important time I now must be squandering. Well at least they think that I am doing so.
I unwrap my ragecandybar and hold it up for the crowd before slipping it through the narrow crack that is the Darmanitan's petrified mouth and wait. The candybar takes a while to have an effect on the darmanitan, but slowly the camp's people and I start hearing a peculiar sound. The noise emenated from the petrified Pokémon one which I recognize to be the chewing of my candybar.
"See here, Darmanitan is enjoying my brand authentic ragecandybar imported straight from Johto!"
The crowd especially Lenora look on with surprised faces and murmuring sounds while the Darmanitan slowly wakes up from its age-old slumber.
"No way…!"
"This whacky kid is correct!"
'Who is the one that called me whacky?!'
The darmanitan finally finished eating the candy bar meal and started moving its limbs in order to stand up. The blue colored petrified body slowly turning red, and its stone white fish eyes slowly forming a moving pupil.
"Darmanitan is in a state of confusion Numsy let's battle!"
"Num num!"
"Hold up there young man. We have no idea how strong this ancient darmanitan is let me take over."
A menacing look Stoutland materialized right next to me and Numsy. Eying the unpetrified darmanitan and looking ready to battle. Meanwhile its trainer seemed to have plans for me.
"What are you…!?"
Lenora picked me up and carried me over her shoulder.
"No this is my battle! Darmanitan is going to be a perfect addition to my team."
"Sorry kid, I am not letting a one badge trainer like you face a fully evolved Pokémon."
'This woman keeps getting in my way! Belittling me and now violating trainer's etiquette by jumping in another's battle.'
"Stoutland use Take down!"
"Nooooo! This is unfair!"
The battle concluded with Lenora defeating the disoriented thousands of years old Darmanitan and capturing the Pokémon for research purposes. I refused to talk to anyone from the expedition all day. 'How can they just stand there and allow this miscarriage of justice to happen?' I was assigned my own tent by Hawes the man seemingly apologetic over his wife's behavior. I didn't buy any of it though. If this expedition was set on treating me like a kid, I would share none of my knowledge with them.
'Maybe it's the culture?' In any of the eastern regions I would be treated as a fellow adult, but Unovans could have another mindset when it comes to ten-year-olds.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess not really? Its though being treated as lesser even though their bozos would never figure things out without me."
"Should we leave?"
"Ehh maybe. I still have stuff I want to accomplish here. That harpy also still owes me a gym battle."
My Xtransceiver started ringing looking up the caller's name I saw it was Aurea. Brooding internally, I decided to pick up the call anyway.
"Ah you are still awake Egon. Can I come visit you in your tent? There are a couple of things I want to discuss with you in private."
"Fine I guess…"
The call ended within a few short seconds Aurea zipped open my tent and walked inside. Luckily these tents are big enough for a family of four, so we still had plenty of space to move around. My Pokémon were with me, and as equally outrages as I was. At least I know they will always have my back.
"Firstly, Egon I am sorry for what happened earlier. The trainers and researchers talked it over and it was indeed your information that led us to this new discovery. We have decided to let you have the Darmanitan if you still want it."
"Is this a joke? I didn't earn its approval by defeating it in battle, and even worse it saw me being hauled off like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. If I do get to keep the Darmanitan it won't respect me as a trainer."
"Do understand Egon most of the people here are academics. They don't understand what it means for a trainer to lose the respect of a Pokémon. Yes, Lenora should've known, but she is also one the proponents of raising the age restrictions on trainer licenses even further. Lenora has always been dismissive of younger trainers. Having had to deal with them on a daily basis when fulfilling her duties as a gym leader. This has made her start thinking anybody below the age of 14 is too immature to set off on their own journey."
Ironically, I was of the same opinion. Even in Hoenn not many kids make it far at all on their first circuit run. Most of them get too homesick and finish up their journey without winning a single badge. The real exceptions are those kids who are raised in families compromised of professional trainers. Having been raised by people who have seen and done it all before the newer trainers from those families performed far better. The kids who didn't have that advantage failed their first circuit run spectacularly, and usually bettered themselves before coming back and trying again.
However, I wasn't a kid. And I refuse to be disrespected like that without an apology.
After Lenora captured the darmanitan the camp personnel started treating the petrified darmanitan with a whole lot more caution and respect. The first few scientists tried to capture the darmanitan straight up. However, it was quickly discovered that the poké balls didn't register the petrified darmanitan as Pokémon. After which they tried to emulate me by feeding the statues, but none of the food items they tried shoving in the mouths of the darmanitan seemed to work. Their final resort was to come to me for answers.
"Egon can you tell me how you figured out the secrets of the darmanitan statues?"
"You too huh? I thought I was clear on this. No more free information until I have received a public apology."
"How about we compensate you for it? I know Lenora fairly well and you have almost no chance of getting that apology."
I turn towards my Pokémon. These loveable scamps shared my indignation especially Numsy. Being denied his time to shine by Lenora and afterwards being dismissed from a heated battle with the darmanitan.
"What do you think?"
"Num num!"
"Vi Vi!" "I want a bag full of custap berries!"
"I see. Food for Numsy, Jewelry for Rena, and the most expensive sweet tasting berries on the market for Victini."
"And for you Egon?"
"I'd like to receive a good quality firestone. Not one of those discount ones you can find in shopping mall nine."
Upon mentioning the fire stone Rena looked apprehensive and gave me questioning yips.
"Pix Pix?"
"Not now Rena just in case when you ever decide you want to, I'll be ready."
Evolution stones in any other region are expensive however Unova has a thriving mining industry. Most stones you buy abroad are actually mined in Unova. The gym leader Clay being the first to discover Driftveil's soil was rich in valuable minerals. He turned his rinky dink old town into Unova's biggest exporting city. With nothing but his trustly old pickaxe and his starter Drilburr.
"I'll take care of it. Now can you tell me what you know about these darmanitan?"
"Well, darmanitan are known for having the ability Sheer Force. The darmanitan that are petrified outside the ruins have something I like to call a hidden ability. The chance of Pokémon in the wild developing a hidden ability on their own is almost nonexistent. In any case the other ability darmanitan can develop is called zen mode. When a darmanitan who has this ability is weakened enough their skin color turns blue their limbs fuse into their body and their eyes turn blank. Their physical power is lowered substantially, and their speed becomes nonexistent. However, in turn their defenses are increased thanks to the petrification and their psychic power is raised so much that they become part psychic type while in this form.
"Maybe it's some form of protection mechanism that they developed over the years? I don't know I am not a scientist. Somehow these darmanitan have become stuck in that form. They stopped aging their great minds trapped in those petrified bodies."
I was done monologuing and motioned for Aurea to leave me to my night's rest. Any further question she could ask in the morning while I wasn't so cheesed off. This ten-year-old body still needed at least nine hours of sleep.
"Good night."
"Num num."
"Vi Vi." "Night night."
The following morning, I was immediately accosted by Aurea during our morning routine. Sleep having taken the edge off my mood. I was much more open to answering her barrage of questions.
"Uhmm… yeah so, the Lavaridge gym has some old records concerning different fire types and how to develop their abilities for use in battle. The zen mode ability is one of those that are written down in an old textbook."
The Lavaridge gym did have records regarding fire type Pokémon and their abilities, but none for Unovan fire types. It was in my best interest to keep these researchers busy with little crumbs of knowledge I can dole out one at the time. Lest they start asking the tougher questions.
I was planning to stick around until my gym battle with Burgh comes up. Having one final ragecandybar left in my backpack gives me one more shot to catch a darmanitan. As long as the scientists aren't planning on catching all the darmanitan, I would eventually get my chance. They still didn't realize that it was my ragecandybar that specifically did the trick.
I could go out and try to catch one of the darumaka that live nearby, but I had my heart set on a darmanitan with zen mode. Having no idea how to train a darumaka to develop its hidden ability this just seems easier to me.
"Egon our crew has been having trouble replicating your achievement and awakening one of the darmanitan. We came to the consensus that there must be some type of compound in the candy bar that dispels their condition. Do you have any of those candy bars on hand that you can give to the expedition?"
'Darn! I shouldn't have been so eager to show off. Nothing slips by Aurea.'
"Yes, I have one… I was kind of hoping I'd be left alone for my next attempt."
"Hmmm the expedition would very much like to analyze the ingredients on the wrapper to figure out what active component is responsible for awakening the darmanitan."
"That's impossible."
"If it's money that you want…"
"No, I mean these are artisanal candy bars only produced in mahogany town Johto. The recipe is a protected cultural heritage. Meaning if someone outside of Johto and more specifically the area around mahogany town tries to reproduce the bars, than your expedition might come into legal trouble. The best solution is probably to just special order the candy bars. Shipping might take a month or more though."
"…is there any way we can convince you to part with the candy bar?"
"No… I don't think so. Is there really such a rush to awaken more darmanitan? I mean why not wait for a month? The one Lenora caught should be sufficient to find out more about the ruin's mysteries."
"We have one of our psychic type Pokémon trying to communicate with the Darmanitan. However, it stubbornly refuses to talk about its past and what happened to the underground labyrinth we now call Relic Castle."
"Aside from the whole darmanitan business what is the expedition planning to do to get inside?"
"We have contacted a specialist who is flying in to help us out."
"Oh, okay I really thought you guys were set on bringing in Phoebe, but it's nice that you found someone else willing to help. Trust me bringing her will not be good for some of the older faint of heart scientists that work with us."
"Well… wait what was that last part?"
"Oh, nothing it's not important now that she is not coming. Anyway, me and my team have some training to do see you around Aurea."
We made our way outside the tent and headed towards an empty spot in the desert. I've always wondered if the flames my Pokémon produce are hot enough to turn desert sand into glass. Today was the day we find out.
"That's it Numsy just a bit more Rena you take a break."
'Hmm there's not enough silica dioxide in this desert sand to make proper glass. All we are left with are these weird looking chunks.'
There are actual reasons why we are doing this besides trying to make some pretty looking glass baubles. During our previous matches I've noticed our flames intensity is lacking somewhat. It's been a while since we've done this type of training. Keegan isn't around to make us help him with the firing of charcoal.
"What are we doing?"
"We used to do this back at the Lavaridge gym. The trick is keeping the flame at an even temperature consistently. A gym staffer taught us a bunch of stuff like this."
"I want to try!"
"Really? I guess there's no harm in trying. We are in the middle of a desert, and no one is around except for the occasional wild Pokémon."
Victini revealed itself and started aiming her claw tips at the sand pit Numsy dug up for us to practice in.
'I am pretty sure Victini has never battled even once in her life. Does she even know how to use a fire type move?'
"Oh, I am sorry those are just some errant thoughts. You've seen us use a couple of fire type moves why don't you start off with something basic like an ember?"
"Viii Tini!" "I am trying…!"
Numsy and Rena noticed what she was trying to do and started doling out some advice.
"Pix pix!"
"Like this?"
Suddenly, as if out of nowhere a searing hot beam fired out of her stretched paws obliterating our sand pit. Blowing the half molten sand everywhere me and my Pokémon got doused in a sand and slag.
'Arceus! it's everywhere in my nose, my ears and even…!'
"Sorry! Let me help."
Eventually she got most of it off with her telekinesis it didn't get rid of the taste though. There are also multiple scorch marks on my clothes which no cleaning solution on the planet can remove. My team is doing fine though both of them being quite fireproof. Rena however got sand stuck all over her fur which undoubtedly, I was going to have to comb out at some point today.
'I've decided after this I am never setting foot in another desert again.'
Victini looked in low spirits though. Her first deliberate use of a fire type move having some unintended consequences. I ruffled her ears some to let her know not to be too hard on herself.
"I am not mad at you Victini. Honestly, I am more inclined to be impressed by the amount of damage you caused on your first try. You have got a lot of strength I guess what they say is true, good things come in small packages."
"I burned you…"
"You have taken your first step on learning about fire hazard safety. It's a required course for all the newly hatched Pokémon who end up joining the Lavaridge gym's roster. Believe me first time accidents like these are an important part of learning how to control your inner fire. Isn't that right you guys?"
"Num num num!"
"And the first part of learning how to control your flames is doing it over and over again. Now try to fire off another scorcher!"

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