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Kapitel 28: Chapter 027:

Chapter 27: Battle for Ionite Mines

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Planetside - Biggest Ionite Mines 'Meerian Ionite Ventures'

Just after the initial attack on the Pirates, a Fully Green Clad Armored man walked down from the ramp on a YT 1930 class ship, flanked on both sides by armored women and two female Jedi in his back.

All around he looked watching burning trucks and the like with many dead bodies lying about.

"Not a single person in mining attire, I guess they locked themselves into the mines." Jack said before giving orders to the man who went around in teams to kill any who still survived.

[This is Jackal speaking, Alpha and Bravo, take two groups from Deathwatch when they land and clear those ships, find what you can.

The remaining groups of Deathwatch secure the area and build some barricades and small fortifications, more enemies could be expected. All those who remain from the Shipyard situation follow me into the mines.] Jack quickly ordered around getting affirmatives as an answer back.

"Alright let's go." Jack said moving towards the entrance of the mines, flanked by Rin and Sera and the two Female Jedi at the back

At the entrance to the mines, the three remaining teams stood waiting.

"We mainly brought ion weapons sir and all kinds of grenades." A trooper said showing what they had brought.

"It is fine. We are here to help not collapse the mines, they already have a 60% death rate among miners, no need to add to them." Jack told them, giving a nod of approval

"Ladies mind opening the door?" Jack said after turning to the Jedi who looked at the other before nodding.

Both Jedi walked forward focusing on the door with an outstretched hand, and slowly pulled it to the side opening the massive round door.

Jack stood there with rifle in hand, giving a two-finger signal to move inside, and watched as on both sides of the doorway two teams did just that, while the last team watched the back as reserves and to keep the way out open.

The first in line of both groups looked straight ahead, the second left, the third right, and the fourth looked up while the fifth looked for everything.

In the middle where Jack walked, he looked everywhere while Rin and Sera did the same.

The Jedi were seen to be rather tense having their lightsabers out and walking slowly looking around, for any danger or possible traps.

They kept going like this when the leftmost group showed a balled fist in the air, making everyone stop where they were keeping their guard up.

[This is 'Hound 1' six tango's right side, three unloading Ionite from carts, three more standing guard.] the trooper who held the fist up reported

[This is 'Wolf 1' I see three more on the leftmost side on top of the ridge, high-ground.] The rightmost leading trooper reported soon after

[Alright, Sera you're up, snipe those three on that ridge, while Hound will move in and deal with those six, pick your targets boys. Also, Wolf, if Sera fails quickly deal with those three before joining Hound.] Jack quickly ordered.

Sera was seen moving slowly forward and stopped right next to the trooper Wolf 1.

She grabbed her rifle and shot while standing, at the furthest of the three men on the ridge close to his feet hitting the place where the man put his foot down, making him fall screaming down off the edge making the other two look back down.

One of the men rushed to the area and soon fell down screaming as well close to the same spot.

We could see the third man say something on his radio while watching over the edge before the same fate befell him.

Soon, all three were down, and the moment the last one fell off the edge, a five-man group of Mandalorians came rushing in, jumping up with their jet-packs and firing their pistols in pinpoint precision, killing the six pirates in quick order who looked towards the edge.

This all happened in such a quick fashion that the two Jedi among the group stood there motionless, in shock.

"This is how we Mando do things we do things quick and precise." Jack was soon heard speaking before he and the others walked into the hollowed-out chamber.

['Hound 3' try to get into their communications, and 'Hound 4' guards him.] Jack pointed to one of the three guards with some device on his shoulder

The trooper in question put his weapons away and grabbed from his back a disc-like object that created a holographic keyboard after being plugged into the device and got to work.

— — — — — 

Jack's POV:

I looked around the room or massive chamber and noticed many rather new-looking metal pillars all around the walls, and in the middle was extra protection around pillars of stone, keeping the entire thing from collapsing.

I marveled, at the ingenuity of the Meerians and wondered if they did this to lower the death toll, and to make things better and more efficient.

"Sera what mod did you use on that rifle of yours, it made no sound and the bolt was close to see-through." I asked her 

And her answer made my guess of her being a long-range expert to be true.

"It is a modified sound canceling mod I made since I was on the Shipyards for a while and did not wish for sound to be heard on the other side of the station, the rifle itself is rather loud…" I heard her start explaining

"Another fact of why you almost saw through the bolt I fired is due to the low-intensity mod I implemented. It allows me to regulate the gas intake and lowers the power of the shot, if I had hit them it would just leave a burn but not kill while on rocks it would do some slight damage as you saw." she explained and all I could do was look at her in shock

And I noticed I was not the only one since the closest troopers also looked at her as if she was insane

"Let me get this straight… you modified that thing to such a degree…" I asked when she finished my question

"To be able to shoot and make many deaths look like accidents." Sera said in such a carefree way that it made my skin crawl and wonder how many were taken out in such ways

The thought of her being a Sniper went out of the airlock, she was more than that, she was an Assassin pure and simple.

The fact she had modded that rifle to such a degree, it is not even the bog standard variant anymore, more like a brand new type instead.

[Sir, 'Hound 3' reporting I'm in and you would have to hear this.] I heard 'Hound 3' say.

[Put it on, let everyone hear so we can be ready.] I ordered him and he did just that.

— — — — — 


[What are these things!]

[Shut up! and shoot, SHOOT DAMMIT!!]

[Fuck this shit!... no, no, no, stay away, stay away! ARGH!]

[Sector 25 is lost, we closed the blast doors, whatever these things are they ripped right through my men and lost twelve, nothing we used worked.] came the exhausted voice of a man

[The miners say it's the beasts of the Depth, coming to hunt and satiate their hunger… numbers unknown, species unknown.] The same voice continued

[This mine is a deathtrap, I'm grabbing what we can of the Ionite and getting out while we can, I'm not losing any more of my men…] the man finished speaking due to being interrupted

[You will stay there, capture one of those beasts we could get a large sum of money if we sell a rare specimen like that.] came the excited voice of another man

[Do it yourself, my men are leaving, the commander will hear of this endeavor of yours and will deal with you. This was against orders, as it was.] the first voice said before cutting transmission, likely ordering his men back to the service.

"Interesting if only we knew the layout and knew what way this 'Sector 25' was in, we could stay far away from whatever those beasts are." I said out loud when a new voice came surprising every one of us

"I can guide you… you have Jedi so you came to help right?" a young Meerian man stood from between the crates of Ionite

"We came to assist in the hopes of dealing as much damage to the pirates as we could." the moment I said this I saw the young man jump out of the boxes.

"REALLY!!! YES! We're saved!, as the situation was discussed, rewards can be talked about after this ordeal is over." a rather happy Meerian stated.

"Tell us about these… beasts of the depth was it?" Master Shaak Ti asked

"... yes… whatever they were, they are no more. I have seen it in the past what they have become, and been stationed around the upper levels because I did not dare to go down." he said

"Oh my name is Modok, ehm… those beasts are massive completely black and red eyes with spikes all over, their skins are tough and nothing we tried worked so when one is spotted the entire sector is closed off… with anyone still in there…" Modok said, turning sullen and depressed near the end.

'Fucking hell, only spotting one and they give up all who are still in there, no wonder death rates are so darn high.' I thought in shock, even if I could understand but still, it was a real shock

"Will you guide us to the area in question?" I heard Master Shaak Ti ask kindly

"Yes, yes of course I would… I mean, I ehm… offered." Modok mumbled but still asked us to follow.

"Do you have cameras in the locked down areas? If so we might be able to find out what sort of beast these things are." I quickly asked and watched him shake looking my way.

"Ehm… yes? but I'm just a worker I'm not sure I can get you into the command and security room." he said

"Good, and no worries we have Jedi with us so things will work out. All units make sure to map the way there from here. In case we have to leave or most likely need to get out to inform more men to join us in here." I ordered out loud

And with that we left for the room in question we reached after a tens walk of around ten minutes, moving through small corridors and going around many turns.

When we arrived, we saw many shadows near a massive closed door and heard voices about how to open it I signaled 'Hound 2' who pulled the young Meerian behind them and covered his mouth.

At the same time squat 'Wolf' moved passed weapons at the ready but aimed down but ready to pull up and shoot in case they were friendlies or more Meerians.

[Check them 'Wolf', if they're not Meerians clean them up, we need them gone to get in ourselves.] I ordered them who had moved into position.

[Sir, no Meerian's around. Started the cleanup.] I heard from 'Wolf 1'

And soon enough we all heard the echo of weapons fire and the screams of pain of those hit dying.

I moved forward and saw how a group of multiple races was on the ground with anyone alive getting another shot in the head from a member of 'Wolf'

"Good now bring our guide here." I said and 'Hound 2' brought him over.

When another Meerian came out from a rock-covered door next to the closed metal door.

"We saw you on the outside cameras when you arrived, when you entered I was hoping you would come here." the older Meerian man said

"Where are my manners please come inside outside is not safe. Not save." the man said as we followed him inside.

'Not a good idea but it is best for now, we need information on what we're dealing with here.' I thought.

"Thank you, sir we need some information about what the beasts look like, and where Oxygen rooms are to refill our supply when needed since the Ionite is interfering with the counters or clocks." I quickly asked as soon the door was closed behind the last men of team 3, I had not given a name yet where inside.

"Of course, of course, come along, if you wish to clean the mines of pirates you have to know about the horrors… we lost too many way too many." the old man said shaking his head near the end

"We can't even get weapons beyond some simple old blasters due to the Republic's fear of losing us to rebellion, they won't say it but the fact they pay us good money for the Ionite shows us enough, the fact they won't assist with the pirates… another mark against them." he stated, sounding angry almost

'If a race like the Meerians starts acting angry… instead of the optimistic, agreeable, and sympathetic to others' needs, that they normally are… the Republic, no the Senate messed up big time.' I thought hearing the man's words and seeing a spark in his eyes.

"Wish we could do more beyond helping with the pirates… sadly our hands beyond that are tied." I heard Master Adi Gallia say who had stayed silent till now

When I looked at her I saw her eyes dim saying that, almost as if she meant those words, but she's a Jedi so I was kinda skeptic about it.

To me the Jedi albeit not evil or bad, are two-faced dogs of the Republic, they say one thing but mean something else, basically empty words.

From my memories of the old world where this universe had books, movies, and such only a few Jedi truly made real work to try and 'go and beyond' the basics of assisting.

Like Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon when they assisted in fighting on Bandomeer against the Corporate mining group that almost turned the world from a lush agricultural world into a desert or barren world.

They had even been led by a former Padawan of Qui-Gon who had been let go due to not being that good in the force and had turned to the 'Dark Side'.

I'm not sure I remember that fully correct but yeah, they went beyond mere assisting…

"Have you seen two other Jedi somewhere in the mines? They entered before us." I asked remembering those two rather unorthodox Jedi

"Oh you mean people with those colored light things, blue and green?" the old man asked, and at my nod, he told the others behind the console to look where they were

"Ah over there!" another Meerian said pointing at a screen

"What level is that? And how do we get there, do you have a map?" I heard the question of Shaak TI

"They right now are walking in circles, I closed all the doors on that level, it is 'level 9'" the man stated

"Oh and we do have a map, since you guys are here to help, I will grant it to you in good fate if you delete them when you leave." I saw him take out some USB-type stick I used in the past when I just woke up in this universe.

"Thank you, if you don't mind I will share it with my man now." I said accepting the drive from him

"The sooner we reunite with those two the better, in case we encounter those beasts, in case raw firepower would not be enough, I hope four Jedi will be." I said in a gruff voice

I did not like those words, but they had to be said, and the fact I looked with balled fists around the small drive, at the two female Jedi, well I hope it conveyed I was not happy and rather reluctant to rely on them.

I turned around and went to Sera and Rin, to let them have the map first, after that, I went to the squad leaders of the three squats and let them share it with their men.

"Seems the Jedi found out and decided to sit down, if you hurry you can catch them before they decide something weird and get out, just like those old times." the old man said

Those words reminded me of the word 'Maverick' and from my memories. I guess Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could indeed be counted as that.

"Let's move, I see you even included the oxygen supply areas, those will come in rather handy for us." I said getting ready to leave and follow the map

"Oh take these sand times, it is our only way to count down here, and when the sand is up on the bottom an hour will have gone by and you turn it again to reset it. It is a good idea to restock every few levels when you come across such a room." the old man said, making me salute him and lead my men and the two Jedi outside

"You think they will try anything against the beasts?" the young operator asked.

"Who knows with Mandalorians, what I'm surprised about is their leader… he saluted me an old man who is not even a soldier." the old man said in surprise when they saw on the cameras the man's small army enter 'level 2'

EnablingBarley EnablingBarley

I did something new at the beginnings, and wonder if it was good for potential Third Person vieuw.

If not please tell me and on how to improve it if need be.

Practise makes perfect afterall, and this is my 1st story so :)

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