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17.44% As Heavens Divide / Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - They sealed the heavens?

Kapitel 26: Chapter 26 - They sealed the heavens?

Sleeping felt like drowning these past few days. Xin went to sleep on time, slept even longer than usual, and then woke up devastated anyway. It was hard to stay focused during the lectures with the looming threat of Xuanwu clan hanging upon their business, and the agitation he felt due to their insane plan preparations gave him a headache.

Feng Chonglin would remove the alchemist's sister. For Xin, it was a tough pill to swallow, and he employed the same logic he scolded Lei for not so long ago — she was a known scammer, casually beat up the mortals in her district and was a drug dealer on top.

The guild's lawyers prevented any further spontaneous interrogations and searches, and obstructed the city guard at every step. Xin enjoyed the fact that there were some legal protections in this city, preventing the abuse of power and undue trial. The biggest driver behind these protections weren't the honest citizens, or well-intentioned bureaucrats, or even the enlightened nobles. It was the merchant guild, a criminal syndicate in all but name.

Once Xin realised this, he started thinking of politics in shades of grey, rather than black and white. Still, Clay Nest's sheer brutality was tough to digest, despite all its problems, Tealstone was much more civil and peaceful in comparison.

Another thing that had to be done was hiring uncle Ti, which Lei promised to take care of. Leveraging their "good" relationship, Lei would hire uncle Ti to kill the inspector, with Feng Chonglin trying to set up a tet-a-tet meeting with him in a lone alley. There were some discussions about timings, payment methods and covering up the whole thing so it wasn't traced back to them, but Xin wasn't included in these.

When Xin thought about this part of the plan, he couldn't stop visualising the inspector's dog being killed, squirming in pain and looking at its owner for the last time, helpless and anguished. He caught himself pitying the dog more than the alchemist's sister. 

His family used to own a dog, too. Xin remembered how his father brought a hound puppy home for the first time, and how happy everyone looked, even if that week was filled with bickering and mom's nagging. Some years later, mother left, and it was just him, the dog and his father. He was called Claw, gods, I miss that fast boy…

Still, this breed didn't live very long, and by seventh year, Claw could barely move his back legs. So father put him down. Not long after, he himself died.

Breathe in. Out. Focus. Into the study hall. Need to read Tempest's breakthrough chapter again, just to make sure…


Evening, the Appendix back alleys.

"You wanted to meet discreetly? You could just visit my house at night." Uncle Ti asked Wu Lei.

"I feel safer doing it this way. Frankly, I am kind of nervous to even offer this, uncle Ti."

"Oh! Relax, I am a tough nut, think you can shock me?" He boasted. 

"I... need to hire you. For a dirty one."

"How dirty are we speaking?"

"Eighty spirit stones dirty. And eternal gratitude. Which means favours in the future."

"Fuck me, that's a lot of money. What do you have in mind?"

Lei could see his eyes shine, even in the dark.

"There is a hit. It will be brought to you on a platter. Except it's a cultivator."

"I have my guesses, but keep going."

"Inspector Xiu Ge. He's got to go. He pissed off too many people."

"Shit." Uncle Ti took out a narcotic herb and started chewing on it. "Saw him bother you, won't it be too obvious?"

"We'll plant a misleading story. You'll also be safe if you do everything according to plan, without deviations. You can count on me."

Uncle Ti still looked hesitant.

"He's from the city guard. Foundation stage, yes, but still, it's not about just the stage, but also about depth. Think he could be dealt with? Oh, and where did you get such money?"

"The money is a joint effort. He pissed too many people off. He has a metal nature, and is naturally vulnerable to fire, so I was asked to find a hitman of this element. I decided to recommend you, you seem reliable, and I heard about your exploits in the slums. Still, he is more of an animal path user, his elemental foundation is very basic. But you could exploit it."

"How so?"

"He always goes around with his hound. If he is without his dog, you could best him easily. If he has his dog, you could kill it first. It's just an average dog, you could kill it in one technique. But their minds are linked, if it faints, he does, too. If it dies, he'll be staggered and in pain, letting you finish him off rather quickly."

"What about his dao shards?"

"We have only confirmed one. Attention dao shard, it's strong and it will be hard to sneak up on him. But you won't be sneaking up, we'll send you as a package courier. Don't let him talk, he might have an intimidating or similar will impacting techniques. Attack him as soon as there is an opening."

"Thanks for the advice, I'll strike as soon as I can. I also have my own methods against mind affecting techniques, don't worry."

Lei felt like he knew what he meant. Fire path had a lot of morale elevating techniques, this could be it.

"Sure. Do you agree to this gig?"

"The pay sounds fine. Fighting an equal, with an element of surprise, knowing his weakness — also fine. How will you ensure my safety?"

"You'll have him in a remote location, we'll give you the tunnel map to memorise, so that you can retreat safely, and you have our guarantees that he works alone. Thing is, he is playing against the Xuanwu clan as well. I'll explain the whole situation once this shit is dealt with, but for now, we are trying to prevent intel leaks. This operation is a part of a bigger process."

"How big are we speaking?"

"City wide. A wide-scale purge is coming. He's not the only one who's got to go. Still, with this money, you'll be able to do whatever you want, no matter the outcome of the big game."

"Right, I'd rather be in trouble with a ton of spirit stones than be in trouble with none. If things go sour, me and sis could fuck off to another city."

"We'll give you an instant poison to kill the dog as swiftly as possible, and fire qi intensity alchemy as well."

"The poison would be nice, but my sister will take care of the alchemy, don't worry."

"The details are not to be shared with anyone. Even her. It's an order from above."

"I can still get her to cook some shit up for me, right?" 

Lei shrugged in response. The old man will probably tell her everything just in case, but she'll die at the same time Ti attacks the inspector.

"Uncle Ti, await your signal."

"And the payment?"

"Feng Chonglin will deliver a third to your house the night of operation, two thirds after it's done. Can he deliver it to your sister, to free you up?"

"I'd want more upfront... Fine, it works. Good night, Lei."

"I'll ask about it, but no promises. Good night, uncle Ti." They both went different ways, vanishing into the dark.

Meanwhile, in the Elemental Pavilion.

"Master, please put a militiaman seal on this mannequin." Xin asked, bowing politely. An unfamiliar instructor smiled.

"How about a veteran seal? I feel like you could manage it."

"You think so? I never tried. Let's do this." Xin felt a tingle in his chest. The totem was happy. He could not directly communicate with it, no matter how hard he tried. He meditated, trying to focus on the totem's aspects, changed his diet to accommodate totem bonding, and tried to act in a certain manner. Still, he was yet to channel at least a minor aspect.

The instructor took a paper seal with a "veteran" hieroglyph out of his handbag, and stuck it on the mannequin's spine. The mannequin stood up and entered a training circle, bowing to Xin.

"It will attack when you bow, or when you attack yourself. Sure you don't need a walled circle?"

"Yes." Xin gripped his glaive, adjusted his helmet and shoulderguard, and stepped into a circle.

"Mannequin or human physique?"

"Human." Xin observed the creature. It had beady eyes, made out of regular looking stones. 

By picking this option Xin made sure it would react to injuries as if it was human. If it was a normal mannequin, it would be more durable, and he'd have to break it to defeat it. Still, armed with a wooden club and a shield, and controlled by a veteran level seal, this would be a serious opponent.

I am still a mortal, Xin thought. Limited. I've got to develop. He bowed.

The mannequin instantly rushed him, its jerky, rigid movements creating an eerie feeling in Xin's heart.

An overhead club swing! The opponent indeed acted like a veteran and didn't hesitate taking the initiative. Xin jumped back, trying to use his somewhat superior agility to his advantage, but the opponent's shield prevented him from having a meaningful attack angle, and he decided to not commit too hard, poking carefully.

Xin slashed at the creature's legs, but it lowered its shield and rushed him. Xin jumped back, it felt like he was retreating, not luring his opponent in.

A wide club swing! Predictable, but Xin still had to give up a lot of space to mitigate it. And his tempo was non-existent now, he gave up the initiative to a wooden mannequin! Felt humiliating.

A shield bash! Xin blocked it with his elbow, and was pushed back. This allowed him to rebound and counter-attack with the side-kick to the opponent's gut. This time, it was the mannequin that got pushed away.

An opportunity! Xin switched the grip of his glaive, grabbing it closer to the blade and raising it almost akin to an axe. 

Woodcutter's Downswing!

Xin's glaive expunged some wood qi, then followed up with a rapid metal qi surge.

Crack! The opponent's shield was made of wood, and was split in half. Xin couldn't channel qi as effectively as when he used his palm, but the glaive's weight and sharpness more than compensated for it.

The mannequin tried to counter-attack, but Xin poked his shieldless opponent with a glaive, forced it to retreat and delivered two more Woodcutter's Downswings. The first hit a hand, and the follow-up attack landed at its clavicle.

The mannequin shrieked, signalling that it was mortally wounded. It had a deep "collarbone" wound, leaking plant juice, and had its hand cut off.

Xin bowed and left the circle to catch a breath.

"Nice job, student. This new technique of yours is very strong. But don't be fooled by it, you had an elemental advantage over the mannequin and its shield. Remember, we used the human settings, an actual veteran mannequin like that, armed with iron weapons would wipe the floor with you. You should also remember that an intelligent opponent will be aware of the down swinging attacks, and act accordingly. That's the weakness of this technique, right?"

"Correct, master." Xin wiped the sweat from his forehead to hide his eye roll. "Still, I wasn't even injured. I consider it a success."

"You should learn to beat such opponents without struggling, it gave you a hard time. Whatever, I'm closing the hall for tonight, please go rest."

A hard time? I was just avoiding a melee brawl, fishing for Downswings. I could still use Resonance Palms if needed. 

"Thank you, master." 

Well, at least I can reliably dispatch mortal-level enemies now, that's already something.


Xin went into the canteen, where he agreed to dine with Rui Ming. Lei wouldn't be joining them, as he is in Clay Nest, trying to recruit uncle Ti. Given what I'm about to tell him, it's better that it's just us two. I've known for a week now, but it's so hard to build up the courage to crush someone's world!

"Brother Xin, have you finally read the Five Treatises? What do you think?" 

"Ah? It's great. The poetry has layers to it, and the cultivation advice is quite subtle. I like Tempest, except he is a bit one-dimensional. There is no conflict about him, no struggle, no growth. He's just too cool. Maybe once I am done with the second half I'll change my mind. He is badass and insightful, but this work feels like a post-factum fiction based on real events."

"Huh, can't you accept that the Tempest is just that talented?" Xin was the first person in this sect that Rui Ming could discuss this book with, and he was eager to hear what he thought, but Xin was being a snob!

"Look, I get it. He is a great swordsman. But self-taught? Learned through fighting for his life? And the women are all over him, too. Feels like he cut a lot of stuff out to make himself look cooler. And it also feels like he downplays the contributions of his travelling partners."

"I've never seen them complain about this in their own works. If he stole their achievements, they would have said something."

"Well, he was a rank four, after all, and they never went above rank three. And it wouldn't be polite to criticise your partner and master after he died, tarnishing his legacy."

"Right, I get it. Maybe the Tempest I adore and the actual Tempest are different people. But I will still strive to overcome him!" 

Xin was moved. Rui Ming didn't argue, and changed his viewpoint due to his arguments? His determination was also endearing, he wasn't a childish dreamer, he was putting in work to back his words up. 

"You... agree? What fly bit you, Ming?"

"Look, there is a difference between being stubborn and being stupid. Tempest was a person, and he might have wanted to be remembered in a positive light. If one day I find out things didn't go as they did in the Treatises, I'll accept it. It's painful, being disillusioned, but once you digest it, it's like seeing the clouds spread, opening the view to the sun. And they call me Windsplitter. Naturally, I enjoy it."

Xin was amused. This guy couldn't have a relaxed discussion. Every time he opened his mouth, it was to argue, to boast, to philosophise or to make a motivational speech. He was like Lei, but with less angst.

"Beaten a veteran mannequin today. Human mode." Xin wanted to share his success.

"I've beaten a non-human mode master mannequin, armed with iron weapons. Got injured, almost triggered a formation, but landed a nice qi infused neck cut. Disrupted its internal root tendon, that's its weak spot."

Shit. Is he lying? That thing is a monster. It's meant for Foundation stage training, how could a mortal level cultivator fight it? Rui Ming can already fight some rank ones, just like Yao Nang! No, he is even stronger.

I'm not getting any closer to what I wanted to say. Ming deserves to know, I can't keep this knowledge from him just because I am anxious about him overcoming me. Let's cut it short.

"Ming… Fuck, I'll be short. I know why you failed your second breakthrough. The breakthrough chamber was rigged to block heaven qi. You did everything right."

"What are you saying? Can you prove it?" Ming froze in astonishment.

"If you don't believe me, leave the sect and try starting a breakthrough. You'll exhaust yourself, and you won't be able to attempt it again for some time once you interrupt it, but you'll feel the heavenly qi pretty clearly."

"How... how did you reach this conclusion?"

"I took your description to an independent expert, and did some personal research, too. Your technique is fine. We can't judge your execution, but you couldn't blunder it so badly that heaven qi wouldn't even start flowing."

The independent expert? Feng Chonglin, of course.

"But... Huang Lingbo said that my whirlwind idea is nonsense, and I should have used a water path swirl."

"To tempt you closer to the water path. This idea works. You are talented, they want you to fit the Five Elements Transition formation when you are stronger."

As a wind path user, Rui Ming wouldn't be able to be a pillar in the sect's main formation. The sect masters were confident that he'll reach rank two, Xin suspected, and wanted him to become a water path master. This was also why Xin and Lei were recommended against cultivating conflicting elements.

Other than being less convenient, it also made them weaker as formation auxiliaries, and the sect would rather they stuck to one element. In this context, Xin actually managing to get the teachers to share dual path wisdom was even more impressive.

"I... believe you. Screw it! I'll take an extended leave, I can afford it. I'll take a loan and attempt another breakthrough, this time in closed cultivation."

"Where?" Xin was amazed at how quickly Rui Ming made this decision.

"Last Gale cliffs. I'll claim one of the peaks and break through."

"Those are outlaw territories, there are dangerous flying beasts and elementals there, too. Rogue cultivators roam those lands, and I heard the winds can get strong enough to blow a person away. Are you sure? You are still a mortal, outmatched by almost everything there."

"Good. This will inspire me. I'll return stronger. If someone in the sect is hindering my development, I truly have no other choice."

Xin came up with several different choices, but kept them to himself.

Rui Ming finished his food, stood up and said:

"I'll make the preparations immediately. You aren't the only one who knows how to survive the wilderness. By dawn, I'll already be gone. I won't forget you and your help when I break through, brother Xin. You can count on me."

"Yes, 'master'. Good luck."

Xin couldn't help but admire this man. 

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