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44.61% My Hero Academia: God / Chapter 29: Gravity vs. Explosion

Kapitel 29: Gravity vs. Explosion

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While I was trying to woo Uraraka with my charms, the seventh fight between Tetsutetsu and Kirishima had already been announced in the arena. The two of them have the same fortification quirks, except that Kirishima's body resembles stone, while Tetsutetsu's is metal...They even look a bit alike, and the two of them are not very intelligent.

I came to the end of the fight, when Kirishima and Tetsutetsu simultaneously hit each other in the face, and fell to the ground unconscious, in terms of defence, they are also equal.

Since both were knocked out, it was technically a draw, which meant that a second fight would be pointless, so they decided to compromise by choosing armwrestling to determine the next round. Kirishima won the armwrestling, as he was a bit stronger than Tetsutetsu. Kirishima didn't even mock him, shaking his hand as a sign of respect for his opponent.

- Kirishima, I hope you're not advocating a pure, strong 'male friendship'. - I asked the tricky question, being full of doubts about the red-haired man who had already returned to the stands.

- Whoo?! No, mate, no, no, no, no!' he waved his head vigorously from side to side.

- Don't worry, I believe you. - I said...and sat back down on the edge. Faith is faith, but caution never hurt anyone.


- Hey, you're round-faced. - Bakugou unceremoniously addressed Uraraka.

- Round-faced?!

- I don't know what you're up to, but you better give up. - said Bakugou. - I'm not going to hold back.

- I won't even think about it. - Ochako prepared herself for battle, getting into a sort of fighting stance.

- EIGHTH MATCH! START! - announced Mick the Creature.

Ochako reacted instantly, running at Katsuki with her hand in the air. Ochako has no particular advantage over Bakugou, as she can attack from any distance, the only more or less normal solution is to go for a close range attack, zero her weight, and throw her outside the arena.

- Then prepare to die. - As Ochako approached her, Katsuki concentrated sweat in her left palm, and unleashed a low kick accompanied by an explosion.

The impact force of the explosion, not only nearly knocked Ochako out, throwing her to the very edge of the arena, but left residual effects, in the form of a large diagonal hole in the concrete.

Ochako realised that there was no way to approach her, and began circling above her, looking for a blind spot to attack.

- You've had enough, round-face! - Katsuki let out another blast, but Ochako made a deceptive manoeuvre, throwing her jacket at Bakugou, making it weightless beforehand, and moving sideways.

- I won't lose! - Ochako almost touched Katsuki, but the latter, at the last moment, managed to push her back with another blast.

No matter how hard Ochako tried, she couldn't get close enough to Katsuki, but she couldn't stop attacking her. Katsuki hit her many times with the blast, and although Ochako didn't receive any serious wounds, her body was already very exhausted.

If Katsuki was a guy, she would have been booed all over the place by now, though even now no one is cheering for her but for Ochako. And if Bakugou was a guy, she'd be booed by everyone already...That's what gender equality is all about.

- Poor Ochako, Katsuki's a beast. - Mina was worried about her friend.

- Ochako has come up with a good tactic, but it probably won't work. - I replied, watching them fight the whole time.

- What are you talking about? - Tenya asked me.

- Take a closer look.

- Ha ha. Thank you Bakugou... - Ochako thanked her opponent, even though she could barely stand on her feet.

Bakugou responded with a perplexed look, but kept her guard up, and then looked up and....

-...Thank you for not giving in to me! Disperse! - Ochako put the fingers of both hands together...and then a huge pile of concrete and rubble fell on Bakugou from the sky. Uraraka's original plan was to have Bakugou attack her with explosions, and the effects of the attacks should destroy the concrete pad under her feet so she could zero in on all the accumulated debris, while continuing to attack Bakugou before she had time to notice anything. The smoke from the explosions did a good job of covering her.

While Bakugou was distracted by the explosion, Ochako ran straight towards her, zeroing her own weight and almost touching Katsuki.

- Hah!' Bakugou extended her arm upwards, towards the rockfall, and unleashed a tremendous blast that instantly tore all the debris into tiny grains of sand, creating a powerful shockwave that threw Ochako back when she was almost defeated. - It was dangerous. - At a glance, it wasn't noticeable, but Katsuki used her quirk too often, causing her hand to shake from overexertion.

- You knew from the beginning that she couldn't win. - Iida understood me.

Ochako rose to her feet from the last of her strength, intent on continuing the fight

- Well done! - Bakugou grinned. - Be serious! Uraraka! - Katsuki went on the attack, and she remembered her name after all. Apparently, she only memorises those she considers a strong opponent.

But before Katsuki and Ochako could make a move, the other one immediately collapsed to the ground with no strength.

- My body...I'm not - She tried to get up once more, but the last attack completely drained all her strength, and then Ochako passed out.

- Uraraka can't continue. Bakugou passes on! - Midnight announced, crouching over Ochako and examining her.

I immediately jumped down into the arena and got close to Uraraka and put my hand on her, healing her wounds. Her wounds weren't serious, just minor abrasions, but her body was exhausted from the exertion, and she was a little stunned from the loud explosions.

- What are you doing? - Bakugou asked me, seeing Uraraku enveloped in glowing energy.

- Bitch, for once she doesn't yell at me, what a joy.

- Don't piss me off, or I'll blow you up before we fight. - she grimaced.

- Oh, so you're sure of my victory over Todoroki. - I smiled at her, and her face twisted even more, as if she'd eaten a lemon. - I know how to heal wounds, with energy. If you want, I can heal you, too, if you ask nicely. - I pointed my finger at her shaking hand.

- I.don' Do you understand?! - she started to boil.

- Yeah, yeah, I get it, you don't need any help...hysterical. - I lost all interest in her, focusing my attention on Ochako.

- Hrr. - She walked away being really pissed off, obviously at who.

- Is she your ex-girlfriend or something? - Nemuri asked me, who was silently listening to our altercation.

- No, she's too bitchy for me. I'll bet she's pretty. She's a bitch. - I glanced at Katsuki's rear bumper, but it's not bad, and the front airbags are decent.

- What about this girl? - She leaned over Uraraki's body in her sexy, arousing outfit.

- Missing too, you don't have to call in the medbots, I can treat with my quirk... and Nemuri-sensei, are you jealous? Don't worry, I have enough love for everyone. - I winked at Nemuri-sensei and took Uraraka in my arms, carrying him to the waiting room.

- What a bad boy. I'll have to punish you...

I took Ochako away because the battle ground needed to be repaired before the second round, after Bakugou.

This was done by the second referee - Ken Ishiyama or Tsementos, who all the previous fights sat on the referee's chair, and did not draw attention to himself, as he is responsible for preventing life-threatening injuries. From his nickname, it's clear that his quirk is manipulating cement, so fixing the ground is a no-brainer for him. He literally looks like a block of cement with his face, arms and legs in overalls.

Indoors, I laid the girl down on a bench and got to work.

It didn't take long to heal Uraraka's wounds, and at the same time, I studied her quirk in detail. The factor in Uraraki's quirk lies in the organs sensitive to the sense of balance. Ochako's are five times more sensitive, and her brain, like mine, produces a decent amount of gravitational energy. Her quirk is powerful, but again, she has little control over it. If she controlled it better, Ochako wouldn't even need to touch the object to zero the weight, she could completely control the gravity of objects by simply throwing boulders at Katsuki.

If you look at it that way, the only thing that makes me different from my peers is my less superficial understanding of the term magic - the manipulation of chaotic, volatile energy. I myself am a dilettante in magic, I know some magic principles and even apply them, but science is more intuitive for me.

- Rise and shine, sleeping beauty. - I put a hand shrouded in green light on her forehead.

- Mmm...Huh? Akira? - Ochako woke up and the first thing she saw was me looking at the beautiful busty girl...just beckoning her to do something naughty.

- Yeah, that's me. How are you feeling? - I asked as Ochako slowly moved into a lying position.

- Fine...- she answered a little absent-mindedly, and then she sighed sharply. - I lost.

- That's okay, we all lose sometime. You fought a great fight. - I brazenly took the squealing Uraraka by the waist and put her on my lap.

- I-I... - Ochako interrupted as I suddenly kissed her tender neck, a little salty from sweat after the fight. - Hyah...

- A kiss on the cheek is nice, but it's not enough for me. - I said, and suddenly, for Uraraki, I joined our lips. I decided to comfort the poor girl as best I could, trying to switch her from the sadness of defeat, to embarrassment and pleasant feelings, the second is better.

Uraraka wanted to pull away, but I didn't let her, deepening the kiss and caressing her smooth skin with my hand, starting at her waist and working my way through her t-shirt to her belly.

- Mmh, s-wait Ak-Kira. - With obvious reluctance, I parted our lips.

- You're so sweaty and hot, you're begging to be eaten. - Despite Uraraki's sluggish resistance, I lowered my head to the cutie's sweaty belly and licked it too. - You're salty here too. - I licked my lips.

- I can't, I'm embarrassed...' she shamefully covered her body with her hands.

- ...Uraraka, do you like me? It's just that you always run away when it comes to our relationship. You're not disgusted with me, are you? - I asked her directly, not forgetting to make the most pitiful face possible.

- N-no, of course not! But the relationship...I don't know. - She answered uncertainly, stammering occasionally.

- I realise you can't give me an answer now. I'll be waiting for your answer for the rest of this term, Ochako. - I placed my hand on her cheek, and kissed her again, but didn't deepen it.

At the most awkward moment, we were interrupted by a call on Uraraki's mobile phone.

- Oh, it's Mum and Dad! - She grabbed the mobile, and remembering what we had just done, she blushed again.

- I won't interrupt your conversation with your parents. - I walked out the door so I wouldn't embarrass her any more.

The next fight was going to be mine, so I headed back to the stadium, continuing to fiddle with the blueprints for my exoskeleton wristband.

I think it'll be ready to be tested after the festival, but first I need to run a couple more tests on the hydraulics and motor functions. And probably run a few more diagnostics, just in case.

I was a little carried away by my thoughts that I didn't even immediately notice a living obstacle that appeared in front of me.

- Hello. - I said hello to a tall man, almost two metres tall, with a fiery beard and hair, in a tight suit.

- Oh-oh, so there you are. - said the Prospector, as if he was looking for me. It's none other than Angie Todoroki, Prospector's number two hero, and Shoko's father.

- You've impressed me well. Your quirk is very strong, you'll make a very strong hero in the future. - The Prospector spoke up, but I didn't like his praise. It sounded like he was comparing me to someone else.

- What was that all about? Is there something you want to say? If so, say it straight out, no secrets. - I put my hands crossed.

- The next fight is against you and Shoko. My daughter has a goal, a mission. To surpass the Almighty. Her match against you will be a great training for her. - and the more he opened his mouth, the more I wanted to beat him up. - So try to wrestle at least a little bit.

- To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. Todoroki gave the clearest description of you as 'the freak who ruined my life'. I thought she was exaggerating, but it's true, Prospector, you're a piece of shit. - I said what I thought of him

- Y-you...' Todoroki Sr. boiled with anger, causing the temperature around him to rise sharply, even the floor beneath his fiery soles, and the walls, to melt a little. Angie's quirk was fire manipulation, and his quirk was one of the strongest fire quirks in the world. I didn't care, though, since I'm resistant to high temperatures. - Boy, you don't have to make me angry. - he calmed down a little bit. Angie's a grown man, and beating up a teenage boy would ruin his reputation. He won't beat me up, at least not until I provoke him more. And I even know how.

- Your daughter has a very soft tongue. And her fire-and-ice kiss was marvellous. - I declared with an ear-to-ear grin, taking the Prospector aback for a moment.

As much of an asshole as Prospector is, he's still a father. And any father, even the shittiest one, can't stand his daughter's he proved by grabbing me by the scruff of the neck.

- You bastard! Don't you dare go near my daughter! - The fiery moustache changed his mind abruptly and shook me, but I twisted his arm, easily escaping his grip.

- Really? I was hoping to continue our relationship horizontally, if you know what I mean. - I pissed the moustache off even more and disappeared at super speed, just as the Prospector threw a fiery fist at the spot where I'd been a second ago, but I was already gone.



- Don't disappoint me Todoroki, just like you didn't disappoint me with your lips. - I added in a quieter voice, but so that she would hear me.

- If you're hoping to put me in a stupor with your embarrassing phrases, you can forget it, it won't work. - she said, but her cheeks flushed a little. And at the same time, I heard the loud gnashing of Todoroki senior's teeth that was watching the fight from the stands, heh.

- Victory will be mine. - A wave of ice came off her foot, speeding towards me, but not fast enough. I had no trouble moving away from the ice attack.

- Really, I should get serious. You may be cute, but even so, I won't give in. - I raised my hand shrouded in light, intending to attack first.

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