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6.45% Shadow Slave FanFic - Hopeful Life / Chapter 4: Plotting

Kapitel 4: Plotting

Sunny walked into the long hall, and I got a good look at everyone within the expansive and grandiose space.

Many sleepers were conversing with one another; everyone was well-built and beautiful.

And poor little Sunny stood out like a sore small thumb.

He didn't cause any commotion with his appearance, but if anyone cared to look at him, he would definitely draw some eyes.

[Wow, look at all these people. You stick out like a sore thumb.]

(Does it really matter? Appearance never mattered in the outskirts. Good looks weren't going to feed you.)

As he said this, I could feel a deep feeling of melancholy appear and disappear, seemingly suppressed by Sunny himself.

[You have my condolences, but that's in the past. Now tell me what your planning.]

(How did you know I was planning something? Can you read my mind?)Chuckling to myself, I made sure to think about making such an ability.

[As interesting as that sounds, I'm afraid I can't. I might be able to in the future, though. Now spill your plan, bub.]

(So you're going to be with me in the future? Damn it. Well, I'm going to make myself seem as pathetic as possible.)Recalling what he did in the novel, I shuddered and almost cursed but refrained from doing so.

[Well, alright... it seems nothing has deviated from the original course. You have fun with that. Don't get slapped too much. Oh, and make sure to just let them make fun of you. Don't actively antagonize anyone.]

(I'll do what I want. And where are you going?)

[My soul sea. Gotta check some things. I'll be back before you know it, so don't miss my presence too much. See ya.]I finished and immediately dove into my soul sea, not caring for Sunny's complaint.

As I did, I was met by the same glassy lake, but as I looked up, I saw the previously starless sky filled with eight shining stars.

Focusing on them a little more, I realized almost instinctively that the stars were actually my abilities.

Understanding this, I quickly sat on the floor and brainstormed abilities.I wanted to be powerful but not too powerful.

I was thinking of the perfect abilities and decided to use some inspirations from Lotm, TBATE, and maybe Re:Zero.

Racking my head around the ideas, I decided I would take on the role of a mysterious man from the past.

That's why I created the [Worm of Time] attribute, partly to scare Cassie if she could even see it.

Not to mention the other ones that say I killed an unholy titan as a sleeper.'Hehe, can't wait to scare the living shit out of her.

Although she does become a little better in Volume 8, even if she didn't do anything bad yet, I'll make her better through my actions.'

After some more thinking, I began to create abilities, which was as easy as before—just putting some intent behind it and boom.

Ability Name: Record

Description:After seeing a supernatural ability, the user can record the ability and use it at any time they want.

Ability Name: Tyranny

Description:The user can exude a terrifying aura, making others tremble in fear, awe, and submission.

Ability Name: Worms of Spirit

Description:The user can create a worm of spirit that looks like a transparent maggot with three-dimensional complex patterns on it. The user has full control over the worm of spirit. This worm can be implanted into the body of a living being, concealed from everyone except the user. If the worm resides in the body of someone for 32 hours, that being would become a servant to the user and lose all their will when the user wants it to activate. The user can summon as many Worms of Spirit as desired, and the number of controlled beings is unlimited. The worm can be implanted while the being is unconscious or awake, residing on or within the body. The worm can change size to be as small as a millimeter. If the user perishes, they can sacrifice a Worm of Spirit to be revived with all their previous abilities. The worm needs no nourishment, can live indefinitely outside a body, and is durable enough to survive many nukes at once.

Ability Name: Cutting Dominion

Description:The user can cut through absolutely anything and everything, with nothing able to defend against it.

Ability Name: Impossible Thief

Description:The user can steal anything and everything (concepts, landmarks, natural elements/forces, intangible objects, physics, laws, etc.). They can hide in shadows or plain sight, slip into spaces that seem physically impossible, and steal without being present.

Ability Name: Fool's Gambit

Description:The user can generate tentacles or tentacle-like appendages from themselves, others, or any surface. They have complete control over the tentacles, allowing for alterations, manipulation, and healing/causing damage or sicknesses.

Ability Name: Hachi

Description:The user can project the slashing effect of bladed weaponry as projectiles, applying each weapon's properties, possibly enhanced by the user's own abilities. The slashes are completely invisible and cannot be sensed.

Done with the abilities, I saw sixteen stars in the sky.

Smiling, I looked back at all the abilities and sighed."Just one more, and I'll be done for today."

Ability Name: Memorable Enchanter

Description:The user can create memories and echoes, which can be made however the user wants. They can create memories of any rank and tier without limit and give them to themselves or others.

The sky was now filled with seventeen stars.

Smiling to myself, I activated my new ability, and the runes appeared before me.

It was a template with everything being empty, except for a small square on the right that said "memories appearance."

I then looked up a little and saw 'Memories/Echoes/Shadows/Reflections.' I was surprised by what I saw and realized that just creating the ability also made it perfect for how I was thinking.

For example, if I made an ability to fly, I could just say I can fly. But if I thought that wings would appear on my back when I activated the ability, it would work like that.

If I thought of flying like Superman, it would work that way.I didn't even put the reflection and shadow part. I was just thinking about it a little.

Truly, the scope of this power was incredible.

I then decided to make some memories real quick.

I needed a divine one of the seventh rank so my "killing an unholy titan" attribute would work.

I grinned and began to create them:


Memory:Covetous Luggage

Memory Rank: Ascended.

Memory Tier: V.

Memory Type: Tool.

Memory Description: ["How come a sorcerer like myself am unable to compete with your knowledge",said Noctis to the visitor dressed in luxurious garments,"you wish me to grant you one of my chests,is that right?" The maddened sorcerer asked the strange Visitor.

The visitor merely nodded causing a sigh to escape Noctises Mouth,"What will you give me in return for my Treasures guardian." the visitor pondered for a moment befor answering with a melodious voice "I'll give you a prophecy of how to free the Chained One."

To this The chain lord smiled and answered with excitement "You got yourself a deal.",and it was so."]

Memory Enchantments: [Misleading Luggage], [Spacious Chest], [Active Carrier], [Tempting Trunk].

[Misleading Luggage]

Enchantment Description: "This Memory can mimic the form of any inanimate object. The size and intricacy of the simulacrum are dependent on the wielder's Soul Core capacity."(Active)

[Spacious Chest]

Enchantment Description: "This Memory is bigger on the inside. It can be summoned and dismissed while storing inanimate items. The size of the storage space, as well as the maximum weight of stored items, are dependent on the wielder's Soul Core capacity."(Passive)

[Active Carrier]

Enchantment Description: "This Memory can move around and follow its wielder."(Passive)

[Tempting Trunk]

Enchantment Description: "This Memory will protect itself against potential thieves. By eating them."(Passive)

Description: A big metal chest that revealed rows of massive triangular fangs opening its heavy lid.


Memory:Bottomless Spring

Memory Rank: Transcendent

Memory Tier: I

Memory Type: Tool

Memory Description: [A Heartbroken Transcendent had imprisoned a mighty ocean in a Bottle to leave at his Lovers grave.]

Memory Enchantments: [Wish of Water], [Blessing of Flesh].

[Wish of Water]

Enchantment Description: "This bottle contains enough water to fill up an ocean."(Passive)

[Blessing of Flesh]

Enchantment Description: "This Memory enhances one's ability to endure and recover from physical fatigue." (Passive)


Memory:Sublime Banquet

Memory Rank:Supreme

Memory Tier:I

Memory Type:Tool

Memory Description:[The jade queen was rebound for hosting faboulous banquets. The food never ended, and the wine always flowed. What was unspoken however was that the sustenance was sourced from a Great Beast entrapped by powerful enchantments.]

Memory Enchantments:[Feast]


Enchantment Description:" This memory is capable of generating any sustenance or liquid at the Supreme rank or below acoording to the wishes of its user. The products created by this memory are unnaturally nutritious and restore soul essence upon consumption."(Active)

Description:The Sublime Banquet is a large war horn, carved from ivory and adorned with celestial etchings.Despite its size, it's surprisingly lightweight.Bands of silver and gold coil along its length.


Memory:Arm of God

Memory Rank:Divine

Memory Tier:VII

Memory Type:Tool

Memory Description:[The Alchemists believed that there was once a god who was ripped to shreds trying to give immortal life to the humans he so loved, and they wanted to revive him. However, the god who was deep in sleep never answered their prayers.]

Memory Enchantment:[Message of Divinity]

[Message of Divinity]

Enchantment Description:"Can revive anyone the hand touches."(Active)

Description:A severed hand of what could only be thought of as a man,the hand is severed at the elbow revealing a string of blue veins coming from within.

As I read through them, I was satisfied.The [Sublime Banquet] and [Bottomless Spring] were a must in that hellhole.

Meanwhile, the [Covetous Luggage] could help me with the collection of soul shards.

The [Arm of God] was just there for decoration within my Soul Core; hopefully, it wouldn't serve a purpose, but it was nice to have it there.

I was going to make an echo, but that could wait for later. Satisfied with my work, I exited the soul sea and was met with the face of a young woman with short auburn hair and green eyes.

She was stunning but not to the same extent as Master Jet.

'But... why does she look so—'As soon as I thought this, she raised her hand and gave Sunny a slap.

Toppling to the floor, Sunny groaned, and I could feel some crude satisfaction deep within him.

[Why did she slap you! I told you not to antagonize anyone.]Surprised at me speaking, Sunny responded somewhat hesitantly.

(You're back... I'm not trying to antagonize them, just annoy them.)Shocked, I would have widened my eyes and said to him in a shaky voice:[You... you're a masochist?]

(Of course not!! What the—another one.)As he said this, a handsome young man kicked him, followed by another.

The girl gave him a disgusted look and walked away from the sprawled Sunny.


(I'm not!)After having my fun, I began to laugh to my heart's extent.

While Sunny ignored me, he got into a couple of other conversations, and I soon stopped laughing.

Why? Because he got the living daylights kicked and slapped out of him.

He even got spat on once.

This didn't happen in the original, so I guessed my influence had something to do with it.

I zoned out and ignored everything. Since I didn't have the troubles of feeling pain, I could take a quick nap.

Yet, even when trying to relax, I couldn't ignore Sunny's constant grunts or occasional curses.

The guy who gave the speech appeared and began to speak, and things finally calmed down.

After his blabbering, which I couldn't even bother listening to, we were set free, and Sunny made his way to the cafeteria.

[How many times did you get smacked, slapped, kicked, and spat on? I lost count.]

(Leave me alone. I don't even remember, so it's not important.)

[Haaaa.... Were you sufficiently ridiculed and beaten to have the status of a weak punk?]

(Yes, everything went to plan.)

[Calm down Dutch, And you say you aren't a masochist.]Sunny promptly ignored me and made his way to the cafeteria, his mood instantly brightened as he looked at all the options.

[Make sure you eat as much as possible.]

(You don't have to tell me twice.)He responded and took a full tray of food.

He looked around and searched for an empty seat.

As he did so, I noticed a certain blonde-haired girl.

[Hey Sunny, see that girl over there? The blonde one.]

(Yeah, what about her?)

[She's actually the second most important person here.]He seemed surprised before skeptically looking at her.

I could feel the uncertainty in him. That was to be expected, though; the air around her was depressing even for Sunny.

But he had to meet her, so he would have to deal with it.

[Go on and talk to her. Use your flower boy charms on her. Now your looks don't matter.]

(My looks don't matter. Is that a hint or something?)

[Well, I'll just ask you something. What do you think her flaw is?]He scrutinized her for a moment before a realization struck him.

(Is it that she's blind?)

[And bingo was his name-o. Ding ding ding, guess the mountain king got you good, didn't he?]The tray he was holding shook as he heard me mention the mountain king.

(You know what happened in my first nightmare, don't you? Just how much do you know?)

[A lot, but we can chat about that later. More importantly, how powerful do you think her aspect is if it took her sight?]

(... Very powerful. Does she also have a [Divine Aspect] like me and that Nephis girl?)

[No, she has a sacred one that allows her to... Oh, I see what you tried to do there. You aren't getting any sliver of information until you surrender control, so go and play nice.]

He made an audible tsk-like melody and started to walk over to her table.

He took a seat and put his tray down.This made Cassie look at him for a moment questioningly.

"Uh... hello, I'm Sunnless. Nice to meet you..." he said, his voice trailing off uncertainly.

Cassia held her breath, looking nervous as she moved her head from side to side.

"Hi... I'm Cassia," she responded, her voice trembling slightly.

(She can't see, right?)

[No, she can't see a thing. You can't be ugly enough to make a blind person so repulsed.]Sunny clenched his fists before clearing his throat again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Cassia," he said, attempting to sound more confident.

She nodded in response, and Sunny promptly began to stuff his mouth with the delicious meal.

[Lucky, I want to eat too.]After finishing his meal, he returned the tray to an older lady and made his way toward his designated room.

[Forgetting something?]

(Yeah, I know. Just wait till I get to the room.)Upon opening the door to his room, Sunny made himself comfortable and relaxed his body.

[How about now?]

"Alright, you can try and take it over, if you can."

[So you're giving me permission to do so, right?]

"I am."As he said this, I focused on taking control over his body.

A tingling sensation spread through my mind as I began to feel fingers, then a whole arm, and finally, the entire body.

I willed the body to move and looked around, smiling to myself i let out a laugh.

'I'm finally able to move, about damn time!'

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