"What are you thinking about? Don't worry, I'm not going to abduct you away from your friends," he said with an awkward smile.
The word abduction hit too close to home, and my body visibly shuddered before I quickly nodded to mask my discomfort.
"What is this about?" I asked, my voice steadier than I felt. He narrowed his eyes slightly, studying me, almost as if he were judging my reaction.
"Follow me," he said softly. He didn't move, though, waiting for a response from me.
I hesitated, my thoughts swirling with uncertainty. Should I follow him? A part of me wanted to refuse, but my heart whispered that I should hear him out.
"Oh... okay," I replied, giving in without much resistance this time. He had done so much for me that I felt comfortable following him.
He began walking ahead of me, and I stole a quick glance at the hostel to make sure no one was watching us walk away together.