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97.13% NM12 / Chapter 305: fd11

Kapitel 305: fd11

Arc 1: Arrival

Interlude #1: Gabrielle Durand


Gabrielle Durand's last memory before waking up in the dark with an aching skull and the feeling of metal around her wrists, had been a hulking brute of a man slamming her head against a wall.

As she lay in the dark, unable and unwilling to move thanks to the pain in her skull, Gabrielle tried to focus. Her thoughts were disjointed, fluid. She kept losing momentary track of her train of thought. In an attempt to regain her focus, she grasped a thread of thought and hung on tight.

Gabrielle was twenty years old, a student of sociology at Harvard University in her third year. Gabrielle's mother had met her father there a little over twenty years earlier. He had been a visiting lecturer on international politics, she the bright eyed student lapping up his words and charismatic smile.

Their romance was quick in true whirlwind fashion. As soon as her mother had graduated that spring she had moved to France with her lover, and been married before the summer was out.

Gabrielle was born a little over six months after the wedding, but friends and family were polite enough not to comment on that fact.

Thus, when Gabrielle was growing up she was told the stories of her mother's experience in college and of her romance with Gabrielle's father. Her parents were always so very much in love to Gabrielle's eyes and, as a little girl, she began to dream and hope for that same sort of experience.

So far, love had been hard to find on account of her mostly being approached by stupid drunk frat boys, but she had found friendship. Chief amongst those friends was Arendsen Landon, her roommate freshman year. Where Gabrielle's passion was sociology and how people interacted, Arendsen, or Aren to her friends, was destined for medical school from day one. With as many college prep and credit courses as she could manage in high school and a part time internship at the university hospital, Aren was on the fast track as a pre-med.

Her extracurricular medical studies and lessons from her doctor parents had just reinforced that fact.

When it came to career goals, the two couldn't have been more different. Aren wanted to be a skilled and famous physician. Gabrielle's dream was to be primarily a stay at home mom once she got married. But the pair shared three very important things.

First was a love for cheesy horror and survival movies. The cheesier the better. Vampires, werewolves, aliens from the fifth dimension. The pair had spent many a night together watching those sorts of movies over a bowl of popcorn to destress after exams.

Second was a secret love of videogames, which they kept secret for different reasons. In Aren's case, it was simply that her parents thought they were a frivolous waste of time; in Gabrielle's, that she had been raised with the idea that videogames were a boy's thing and would detract from her image as a young up and coming socialite. She never said she agreed with all parts of her mother's ideas.

The third and final important shared thing was a preference for older, more experienced men. For some complex reasons, both college students were disappointed by boys their own age. Both of their parents had an age gap with the father being the elder. Both of them found men older than them to be sexier. And both of them enjoyed to some degree the idea of being led, guided and controlled by such a man.

But not like this!

Gabrielle's thoughts had allowed her to fight through the haze of her concussion and focus on the here and now.

She had been spending part of the summer in Georgia visiting with Aren's parents and her teenage sister Chrissy when the first reports began to come in. It started as an upswing in police related shooting deaths in a number of cities. The social outcry led to protests, which devolved into rioting. By the time the public was informed of what was really going on, it was apparently too late, the disease had spread everywhere.

People were getting sick and dying, only they didn't stay dead. Their corpses would begin to move again, driven by some primal instinct to attack and bite and eat anything living, even while their bodies seemed to continue decaying.

And the people who were bit would eventually die, killed by the same disease, and become these rotting monsters as well.

Aren's family lived in a small community northeast of Atlanta, near Dawson. When the chaos started, Aren's father had instructed the two older girls to head to the store, buy as much food and as many supplies as they could get and bunker down in their house. Then he and Aren's mother had headed off to the hospital to help, leaving fourteen year old Chrissy in their care.

That had been over a month before. Neither had been heard from since.

The community had quickly devolved into chaos. Many people piled into cars and made towards advertised 'safe zones' and evacuation points in Atlanta. Others went to join family in more distant locales, hoping this plague would be more confined to large cities.

Still others had bunkered down like Gabrielle, Aren and Chrissy. Not all were successful though.

Then the bastards had come. They were loud, noisy, attracting what zombies were nearby towards them and using them to assault houses where survivors had holed up.

They had spent three days doing this, disappearing at night only to return the following day, until Chrissy made the mistake of watching them from a third story window. Her movements had caught the attention of one of the men and focused their attention on the Landon's house.

Within minutes, they had surrounded the house and begun breaking down the back door.

Chrissy was the first to be grabbed, easily overpowered by the large men and dragged out of the house. Aren had attempted to hold them off, bluffing with an unloaded replica pistol, but that hadn't lasted long either.

Gabrielle had held them off the longest, using the small amount of savate her mother had insisted she learn. She managed to put one of the bastards out through some windows on an upper story, and possibly given another a concussion. Sadly in the end, she just wasn't strong enough to hold off a determined enemy like these bastards.

Which brought her to the here and now.

Blinking her eyes open, she found she was in a large, dimly lit room. Glancing around her revealed bleachers, so maybe a gym of some sort? There was a pair of lanterns in the distance casting what little light filled the chamber. Nearby, she could hear various shuffling and snuffling, and a little further away the echoes of familiar sounds, Wet slurping sounds, men's taunting laughter.

She heard a sharp cry of pain and realized the voice was Aren's. Gabrielle tensed and tried to sit up, but found that her wrists were handcuffed around part of the bleachers she was laying on, preventing her from rising from her prone position.

She heard another cry from Aren and almost closed her eyes in attempt to fight the forming tears. However just before she did so she caught sight of movement up in the shadows near the top of the bleachers. The position of the lanterns meant the bleachers were almost entirely in shadow, and whatever figure was approaching appeared to be wearing black as well.

Slowly it resolved itself into a man wearing some black protective covering. His face was obscured behind a vaguely familiar helmet and she could tell he was aware of her regard because he raised his unoccupied hand in a shushing motion. His right hand held some sort of gun, which was trained in the general direction of the sounds coming from behind her.

As he approached Gabrielle felt a flicker of hope well up inside her chest. Could he be here to help, an enemy of the bastards who had kidnapped her and were currently doing something unthinkable to Aren. When he reached her he crouched down beside her, and after a moment she heard a slightly digitized voice coming softly from his helmet.

"Are you alright?" A man's voice, sounding like he was in his twenties or thirties but made unclear by the distortion.

Gabrielle nodded her head fractionally, her eyes focused on the opaque visor of the helmet.

"The others?" She asked.

"Your friends are fine for the moment." The figure replied.

Gabrielle tensed. She had heard Aren let out a cry of pain so how could they be okay? Was this just another of these bastards, perhaps one who wasn't supposed to be here and was sneaking because he didn't want to get caught playing with the girls?

"Chrissy and the other one are the focus of some of these bastards, but they don't have their weapons out and they haven't started doing anything to them except examining them. Two of the other women they captured are being forced to give blowjobs. Those men ARE armed. There are some other girls chained up along these bleachers as well."

The figure looked over her for a moment, probably calculating the odds or a strategy Gabrielle figured.

"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" He asked as his focus returned to her face.

"Yes." Gabrielle whispered. "My father's bodyguard gave me lessons after a kidnapping attempt."

"Good man." The figure replied.

Gabrielle liked to imagine that he was smiling at her. It was a brief distraction from this situation but it was worth it.

The figure reached to its waist and retrieved an object, setting it on the bench beside Gabrielle. It was a pistol, a model she wasn't familiar with.

"Hold still, I'm going to get you free. I need to keep low here and keep the gun trained on these bastards while I free the others. I have to act quick, so don't move quickly or make any noise."

With that said the man reached both hands down and grabbed the chain of her handcuffs. To her surprise, with a sharp tug he broke the chain apart, leaving her with some stylish wrist jewelry but freedom of movement.

Gabrielle watched the figure as he moved off silently and approached the next girl. He moved smoothly, like some night-stalking predator, always keeping his gun angled towards where he had indicated the two bastards getting blown were.

Slowly, Gabrielle rolled off her side onto her stomach and then off and behind the bench. This allowed her a small amount of room to move into a crouch, carefully lifting and aiming the pistol towards one of the bastards, drawing a bead right on his head.

She had to fight to not attack one of these bastards as she saw the more distant group surrounding her best friend and her sister. One of the bastards was holding Aren with her arms twisted behind her back while another ran his hands over her body.

A shimmer of movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention a few minutes later, causing her to turn her head slightly. The black figure was beside her once more, his own pistol trained on the bastards.

"We are only going to have one shot at this, and we have to act quickly. Those far doors lead out straight to the parking lot. There are vehicles there, and I have my partner bringing an APC in for pickup. This group is far larger than just the bastards in here, so we need to take care of these ones and get out of here fast."

Gabrielle nodded, her grip around the pistol tightening.

"On my mark, I want you to step away from the bleachers, keeping your pistol focused on the guy on the left. As soon as we are close enough, I'll give the signal and I want you to fire. One shot. Eliminate him before he can react. I'll take out the other. As soon as that is done, turn and focus on the others, approaching only as fast as you can while still maintaining your aim. The others are going to advance and keep line of fire on them, but we'll have to act fast."

Gabrielle could feel the figure sigh.

"The bastards don't have their weapons out, but they will probably try to use Chrissy and your friend as hostages. We can't give them that opportunity. One of the girls is the daughter of a marine. She's going to eliminate one of the bastards nearest to your friend. The others are going to focus on the outlier."

Gabrielle waited for him to continue, tensing as she did. She was about to kill somebody. This wasn't a videogame and she could already feel a bit of bile rising at the thought, but she had to do it.

The man stepped forward, standing fully upright and aiming his gun towards the head of the right bastard.

Please let them come out of this okay, Gabrielle prayed as she stepped forward as well, flanking him. The soft rustle of movement and faint footsteps told her the other girls were moving as well.

Four seconds to get close enough. Another two waiting for the man's signal.

The man raised his left hand.

There was a moment of silence before Gabrielle pulled the trigger.

A loud gunshot echoed through the gym, and both bastards getting blown dropped with their brains blown out of their skull. The girls who had been forced to blow them let out shrieks of panic.

Gabrielle fought down her revulsion as she turned and moved towards the other group of men, flanked by her mysterious savior.

A second shot and then a third rang out. The man who had been holding onto Chrissy and the one who had been standing slightly off watching went down, one with a bullet through the head and another with a sucking chest wound.

The other two bastards had spun, releasing Aren in their surprise. One, the one who had been holding her, stepped back and reached for a gun holstered at his hip.

Another gunshot, this one nearly silent, came from Gabrielle's left. It was from the pistol of her savior. So, silenced weapon then.

The man who was trying to arm himself jerked back, a bloody hole in the middle of his face where his nose used to be.

This left Aren scrambling away from the last of the bastards, grabbing Chrissy and ducking away desperately in an attempt to get away from their captor and out of the line of fire.

"What the fuck!?" The man yelled, stepping back in panic but not daring to reach from his gun. "Where the fuck did you cunts get weapons?"

Gabrielle's savior stepped up, the lantern light glinting off his armor and visor. He moved in a controlled manner, his pistol held in a two handed grip and aimed center of mass.

"You are a bastard." The man said, his projected voice much louder now, almost echoing in the large gym. "You kill people, kidnap and rape women, and all while pretending to be civilized on the other end of this camp. You are disgusting, and there is no room for people like you in the New World."

One more silent shot and the last bastard collapsed.

Silence reigned save for the sniffling of the four recently freed girls.

"What do we do now?" One of the girls asked.

Gabrielle looked more closely at her. She had tanned skin and dark hair in a short cut. She wasn't wearing much, just some shorts and a tank top, which revealed her well muscled body. She looked young, probably not even out of high school yet.

"You have two choices that I see." Her savior said. "You can flee this place, going wherever you want, finding a way to survive on your terms."

The man ghosted towards the doors he had indicated earlier. Gabrielle took the opportunity to rush forward and hug Chrissy and Aren, pulling them both upright.

"Or?" The well built girl asked.

The man turned his head to look back over his shoulder.

"Or you can come with me. Join me and take advantage of my shelter." He said, cracking the door open and angling his pistol through the gap.

"What do we have to do if we join you?" One of the other girls asked, tentatively holding her gun like it was a wild animal about to bite her.

"Help around the compound. Help with building it and trying to improve life. Fight off any zombies or human attackers."

Gabrielle rolled the unfamiliar word around her tongue. What was a zombie? Was that this man's term for the infected?

"Screw this." One of the girls who had recently been blowing the bastards said, storming past Gabrielle towards the doors. "I'm grabbing a vehicle and getting out of here. I'm not trading one prison for another."

The man shifted, his angle changing and appearing as if he were going to stop her from exiting the gym. The girl froze, glaring at him, but the man wasn't looking at her.

His gaze was on Gabrielle, she was sure of it, and after a moment she nodded at him.

The man nodded back.

"You are all free to do what you like. But I'm getting out of here before reinforcements from the main camp investigate. Anyone who is coming with me better hurry. My ride is almost here."

"Whatever, man." The girl said, storming past him and out of the doors.

Gabrielle focused on quickly explaining things to Aren and Chrissy, but she could hear the hurried conversations behind her. Most of the other girls seemed to be having disagreements about what to do.

"Aren, I think we need to trust him. He knew Chrissy's name, I think he followed those bastards here to rescue us." Gabrielle said hurriedly, huddled with her friend and her sister. "We're miles away from home, with only a single gun and no supplies. He's our best chance for survival, and I have a good feeling about him. You know I'm good at reading people. We can trust him."

Aren looked her best friend straight in the eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, holding her sister tightly to her chest.

Gabrielle nodded. "Absolutely."

Aren sighed and glanced towards the door. Most of the other girls were already running through it in a clump, ignoring the man who still stood guard watching for any threats.

"Hey, have you guys made a decision?" The built chick asked as she stepped up to Gabrielle's group. She had another girl who looked to be similar in age with her, her features mediterranean beneath what appeared to be red hair.

"We're sticking with our knight in non-reflective armor." Gabrielle said, trying to find a reason to laugh in this fucked up situation. "You?"

"Same." The girl said, holding out free hand. "I'm Sarah. This is Lucia."

"Gabrielle." Gabrielle said, then indicated her friends. "This is Aren and her sister Chrissy."

"Call me Alex." Their mysterious savior said from the doorway, returning from his quick check for more of the bastards. "We need to get moving. Our ride is almost here."

Gabrielle nodded and turned back to the other girls.

"Come on, let's get out of here and try to forget these bastards ever existed."

Gabrielle kicked one of the bastards in his head before turning and heading towards the exit.


By the time they reached the parking lot they could hear some noise from the other end of the campus towards the stadium. Gabrielle could see lights flashing and hear shouting.

Nearby an SUV started its engine, peeling out of the parking lot at break neck speed. It was moving so fast it almost collided with the grey APC which came barreling out of the darkness ahead of it, screeching to a stop right in front of Gabrielle's group.

"Everyone in the back." The man said as the rear ramp dropped.

Gabrielle saw that he was running around the front of the vehicle, headed for the driver's seat. Now that she had time to think properly, and see his armor more clearly in the moonlight, she had more questions. Gabrielle pushed Aren and Chrissy towards the back of the vehicle.

"Go, I'll see you when we get to safety." She said before turning back towards the passenger door of the APC.

"Gabrielle, what-" Aren started to ask a question but Gabrielle was already pulling the door open.

"Go!" She yelled back.

Gabrielle blinked as she looked into the cab of the APC. The only occupants were a large german shepard and her mysterious savior, so who had been driving the damn vehicle? Had they gotten out and run to the back when her savior got in? But why didn't they just slide over and take the passenger seat?

Her savior glanced at her.

"Go ahead." He said as he fiddled with something on the dash. "Get in."

Gabrielle slid in and pulled the door shut behind her.

"Cortana, close the back and get us the hell out of here." The man said.

"Aye aye, Chief." A female voice came from the dash, surprising Gabrielle. "Let's move out."

Gabrielle felt the vehicle begin to move, first pulling into a turning reverse and then gunning it forward out of the parking lot.

Gabrielle and her mysterious savior sat in silence for several long minutes as the APC seemed to drive itself along the road. The steering wheel was turning but the man was fiddling with something on the dash, not controlling the wheel.

Gabrielle took the time to calm down and consider things.

First, now that she had gotten a better look at it, she recognized the armor her savior was wearing. It wasn't military issue or some unusual hazardous environment suit. It was something out of a video game. It also looked far more real than any cosplay she had ever witnessed.

Second, the man had not hesitated to kill those bastards. He clearly could have come in, guns blazing, taking them out himself. But that would have increased the chance one or more of their captives would be hurt or killed. Instead, he freed most of them, armed them, and executed a tactic that had the best chance of protecting all the girls. That was part of what was helping with her reading on him.

And now, they were in a car that was apparently driving itself, or being driven remotely. That said high tech. The kind she wasn't aware existed, or at least was in use in the field.

Finally, her curiosity got the best of her.

"So who are you," she asked softly, "really?"

Her savior cocked his head and looked at her, staring at her for a long moment through his opaque visor.

Finally, he reached up and grasped his helmet. It disengaged a moment later and he removed it.

Gabrielle took a moment to study his features in the dim light illuminating the cabin. His skin tone had a faint tan to it, his features solid and a bit handsome. His eyes appeared to be a deep, dark blue underneath a head of short, brown hair. In this light, she couldn't get a good fix on the shade. He looked like he could have been anywhere from his early twenties to his late thirties, a sort of boyishness in place that kept him eternally babyfaced.

"My name is Alex Mercer." He said giving her a faint, exhausted smile. "And I'm a survivor, like you. Only difference is I have had some ridiculous and unbelievably strange luck."

His voice was tired, though clearer now without the distortion of his helmet.

Despite all she had been through, or perhaps merely in reaction to and in an attempt to face it head on, Gabrielle felt a faint thrill at the sound of his voice and the look of his face.

"Gabrielle." She said, introducing herself in return.

She was grateful the low lighting was hiding her blush as the clock on the dash turned to one past midnight.

Alex turned back to look at the road ahead.

"Cortana will get us safely back to what I call home. Everyone can get some sleep, and we can talk as a group in the morning." He said, leaning his seat back and closing his eyes.

Gabrielle cocked her head, examining him as he relaxed.

"Does that mean you and I can't discuss things now?" She asked a minute later.

"Nope." Alex replied, laughing slightly. "Ask away

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