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3.18% NM12 / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - Let Grudges be Buried

Kapitel 10: Chapter 10 - Let Grudges be Buried

14 BC


Meria could scarcely believe her ears when the news arrived from an agent of House Rada, bearing crucial news of treachery that occurred in the lands of House Qeffar.

"By the Seven, to think such treachery was afoot…" Meria muttered, massaging her forehead firmly, "I know House Ardera has suffered much in Corentyn's Rebellion, but to think he would so willingly murder one of his close associates, and to cover a plot to pin the blame on House Martell of all people…!"

"We have to act, Mother, and fast," Nymor pointed out.

"Yes, Son. I know," Meria affirmed, "Issue my edict: Lord Falion Ardera and by extension his whole house is guilty of orchestrating treason against House Martell through his harmful plot against House Qeffar, part of which involved unjustly pinning the blame on us. As such, House Rada is hereby charged with the duty of putting this traitor to rest. Any and all who support House Ardera are also adjudged traitors and thus to be dealt with accordingly."

"As you command, Princess," Saluted one of the scribes as he left to perform his duty.

"Mother, how do you think the other nobles will react to this?" Nymor questioned.

"Surely you can guess for yourself, Son?" Meria questioned, leaning lazily onto a raised arm.

"I simply wish to hear your thoughts on this," Nymor answered with a shrug.

Meria sighed, "It will assuage their concerns for the time being, but it will never truly stop them from antagonising against House Rada."

"They are envious of them, after all, and no matter their efforts to maintain relations with them, House Rada often seems to get the cold shoulder with few exceptions; they are not as wealthy as Houses like Yronwood and Dayne, yet nevertheless they're afraid of their rapid rise to power," Nymor shook his head, massaging his forehead, "I also suspect, however, that they may try something more drastic to them. It may be now or later, but they will try."

"Do you think they will attempt to do to House Rada what House Ardera almost did to House Qeffar?" Meria questioned.

"I believe you already know the answer to that, Mother," Nymor stated matter-of-factly.

Meria sighed again, grumbling under her breath as she coughed slightly, her sore throat acting up, "Do you think there are any houses who would side with House Rada, rather than against it?"

Nymor shook his head, "Only the truly desperate, or those who have some sort of grudge against House Rada's enemies, unlikely as that sounds."

Meria could only silently nod in agreement.


Outskirts of Tahor-Nai

Despite House Rada's lands being relatively near to the Princely domain under House Martell, it still took at least two to three days on horseback for the edict to be delivered by courier. Once it was received with many thanks, House Rada was swift to deploy its troops to Tahor-Nai to meet House Ardera's army in battle.

With their plan foiled and their name blackened for all eternity, House Ardera would not go down without a fight, and rather than hunker down in his castle and home Falion ordered his troops to sally forth and meet the invaders in pitched battle.

One may call him foolhardy when considering the huge numerical disparity between the forces - one thousand of his own compared to House Rada's ten thousand - but that was exactly why preparing for a siege was not an option for Falion either; he could neither run nor hide, and time was not on his side.

In an unforeseen and unexpected turn of events, House Hornet declared for House Ardera, deploying an additional one thousand troops to reinforce their small army. A miniscule drop in an ocean, but help was help, and Falion gratefully accepted the unlikely alliance for whatever good it did him.

Now, in the dead of night, Arin and his inner circle were gathered around a table in the command tent debating their next move.

"In all honesty, considering the huge disparity between our two forces, this battle is as good as won, Young Master," Huang Xue stated, "And afterwards, we shall have the valid excuse to purge Houses Ardera and Hornet for good."

"Yes, although I have to question what exactly are House Hornet's motives?" Sainalia put forth, "They certainly do maintain favourable trade with House Ardera but little else aside from the usual diplomacy of platitudes between nobles, and from what my spies tell me their relationship is cordial at best - nothing to suggest any scheming behind the scenes."

"Perhaps they are simply striking before we can retaliate, or they despise House Rada for whatever reason," Elanzo suggested with a nonchalant shrug, "Honestly, the latter is far more believable considering just how many hate us right now."

"What I really want to know is the motives of House Hornet's current patriarch, Lord Dylan," Huang Xue put forth, "He has to know this is a doomed endeavour no matter what."

Arin sighed heavily, "Not unless he has nothing else to lose."

Huang Xue frowned heavily and shook his head in disappointment, "And such types prove the most problematic to deal with, most of all due to their lack of concern for pretty much anything."

"What's done is done, I suppose," Sainalia shrugged, "I will send my scouts to keep an eye on their troop movements."

"Very good. That will be all, dismissed," Arin ordered.


Later that night…

It was the night of the new moon, and thus terribly dark and difficult to see unaided without the use of torches. The armies of Houses Ardera and Falion made camp, their patrols keeping a close watch on the perimeter and huddling together with extra layers for warmth, the cold desert winds easily sapping their warmth.

"Fookin' hell, I'd rather go home and be with me ma and pa than in this shitty cold desert for the night. What I wouldn't give for a warm home and a warm meal…"

"Ah, shut it. Y'know we're levies; can't fucking disobey the Lord or we's dead for disobedience."

Many troops grumbled beneath their breaths, their discipline lax and their morale low upon hearing their superiors say that they were marching to fight the Black Fox.

Rumour was rumour, but rumours and news gave birth to an air of fear and uncertainty among the troops as they faced the prospect of fighting the Black Fox's troops. His cruelty, his cunning and his courage was widely renowned, and even some of the officers had reservations.

But the Lord of House Hornet was undeterred; he and Falion would resist to the bitter end, such was their resolve.

"The only way I will rest my spear is when the Black Fox and his ambitions die."

Dylan Hornet's voice trembled with rage and anguish, borne of terrible heart-rending grief that made him cease to care, and terrified his own troops and allies alike. There was no hope of making peace or retreating - their orders were to fight to the bitter end.

They soon heard a distant rumbling from the ground, and one that sent chills down their spines.

"Y'see something!?" Sentry one asked.

"I can't see nuffin, it's too dark-gah!"

The sentries were quickly filled with arrows as horse archers and cataphracts rode past them, thundering towards the enemy base camp. The swiftness and suddenness of House Rada's surprise attack caught the enemy troops completely off-guard, who scrambled to retaliate.

Archers fired volleys of arrows that felled countless dozens. By the time the enemy troops could form something resembling a shieldwall, a cavalry charge followed next, and while trained spearmen comprised part of the infantry, they were no match for the elite Cataphracts who mowed them down, lances and hooves brutalising their meagre shieldwall as the rest of the infantry rushed in for the kill.

"By House Rada's and House Qeffar's orders, find and capture Dylan Hornet!"

With how disorganised and dismayed they were, most of the enemy troops tried to surrender and beg for their lives, but House Rada's troops showed no quarter, killing every single soldier and officer they came across just as they purged traitors from the ranks of House Qeffar's levies - traitors in all but name.

Troops were trampled beneath thundering hooves, tents and supplies and bodies sent flying by the sheer momentum, countless men crushed dozens of times in a gory mess as brain and blood irrigated the ground a deep crimson.

House Ardera was given top priority, and all their officers killed along with the old Lord Falion himself. Lord Dylan Hornet, on the other hand, was captured after a short and merciless beating, his eye blackened and his split lip bleeding heavily. As for his troops, only a few hundred survived to be judged later on.

Forced to kneel before Arin, Lord Dylan Hornet - a man twice Rada's age - glared hatefully at the man before him.

"Lord Dylan Hornet, you stand accused of treason against House Martell for allying with House Ardera - a House that was close to subsuming and eliminating House Qeffar," Huang Xue began, all generals in attendance for the trial, "What say you in your defence?"

"He killed my brother! He killed my nephews! He killed my sisters-in-law! He must pay for his crimes!"

The frothing rage with which Dylan ranted and raved shocked countless in attendance, and the troops quickly moved to subdue him but were stopped with a wave of Arin's hand.

"So?" Arin said.

"So? So!? Do innocent lives matter little to you, you monster!?" Dylan shouted, eyes blood red and wide with rage, "Is your ambition so great that you would poison both yourself and everyone around you with the blood of the innocent, just because they happened to stand in your way!?"

Arin remained unflappable in the face of Dylan's tirade, calmly wiping a little spittle from his face with a gloved hand.

"For what it's worth, I did not know," He told Dylan, his voice filled with cold, unfeeling disappointment, "However, you do not get to judge a victim of their machinations, not when they refused to stop causing me harm."

Dylan felt his rage increase tenfold, his face red and his mouth frothing, and it took four guards to keep him fully restrained within ten steps from Arin Rada, the rest drawing their weapons in anticipation of the worst.

"No pain you suffered gives you the right to wholesale slaughter!" He roared.

"They hurt my people, raided caravans, plotted to hurt my family," Arin listed off, his voice calm but his eyes blazing with anger, "I tried to solve things legally, yet they still cause me consistent grievances. What was I to do, take it all lying down?"

Dylan huffed, but did not say anything back to Arin, refusing to humour him with an answer.

"How about I ask you a question, Dylan?" Arin said, "Say that a Lord pioneers new ideas, new ways to flourish in power and wealth unlike before, when other Lords would be comfortable with the old ways, what would you do?"

Dylan scoffed, "Why should I care about some new ideas or ways? Serfs work the fields, levies fight and die, Lords rule their lands, Maesters care for the sick and wounded. This has always been the way of things, why should things change now?"

"Since you said such, there's no point in me explaining further," Arin stated, "Not that you would ever understand."

Dylan simply spat to the side, and he received a punch to the face by one of the guards for that. Dylan simply sniffed, disregarding his split lip.

"So what will you do with me now, kill me?" Dylan questioned haughtily, his anger smouldering like embers, "I say that will be your only kindness."

"One for imbeciles, perhaps," Arin mouthed.

"Excuse me?" Dylan said.

"You are a fucking imbecile," Arin snapped, rising to his feet as his face contorted in anger, "I killed your family, yes, but that gives you no excuse to act like an imbecile! You became one when you allied with Falion Ardera, guilty of high treason against House Martell and for plotting most terrible deeds to House Qeffar, whose current generation has done no wrong to him! He simply hurt them out of a lingering grudge for what their ancestor did to his children - sins they had nothing to do with! You allying with him just confirmed to me what you are: An imbecile and a selfish hypocrite! What really angers me, however, is not the fact that you actually dared to raise arms against me, it's that you had the temerity to think you had the right to do so!"

Arin took a deep breath, calming himself and studiously ignoring Dylan who suddenly shrank back in fear, his anger dissipating like smoke.

"Kill him," Arin ordered.

As the guards dragged him away, Dylan would give one last pitiful act of defiance.

"Curse you!"

And soon, his screams were silenced for good. So ended the legacy of House Hornet.

"What a world we live in, when idiots and imbeciles erupt into hysterics," Elanzo sighed, shaking his head, "Then again, what else should we ever expect from Westerosi nobility? No offence to you, My Lord."

Arin merely shrugged.

"Human beings are creatures who crave familiar comforts and fear change, Elanzo," Huang Xue added, "Most especially the elites who benefit on top of a pile of misery."

Arin merely said nothing, staring at the place where Dylan Hornet was once forced to grovel before him.

"What about the captive troops, My Lord?" Asked Sainalia.

"Those guilty of various crimes, punish them accordingly and dismiss them from the army," Arin ordered, "The rest, take into ours."

"As the Young Master commands," Sainalia bowed, "What about the new positions of Lordship?"

"Leave that to House Martell," Arin ordered, "We'll handle the rest."


With Houses Ardera and Hornet gone for good, two positions of Lordship were left vacant. Unlike before, when House Rada dealt with its neighbours harshly, House Martell was the one who enfeoffed the new houses to take over rulership of the affected provinces.

As per Arin's recommendation (completely altruistic), the newly appointed Lords had no ties to any of the other houses, were young of age and had to struggle hard to earn their new positions through merit, not connection, to eliminate the possibility of festering corruption. They were more warriors than bureaucrats, however, and had little to no experience in governing lands.

Thankfully for them, House Rada had already taken care of the initial groundwork, sending an army of educated clerks and bureaucrats to handle the administrative paperwork and teach the new Lords on the know-how. Their lands, however, were marginally productive compared to their western neighbour, and though they were appointed by House Martell, they were a distant figurehead who held no direct influence over their livelihoods.

House Rada, on the other hand, were their immediate superiors who could decide their fate due to both their close proximity and greater military and economic power. When faced with the choice for survival in this rapidly changing climate of Dorne, who else could they rely on to protect and nurture them?

To all who heard of this news and what transpired, it was commonly believed that all along, House Rada was simply acting in the best interests of House Martell and Dorne, bringing to heel traitorous houses who would sooner leech off the people and even challenge Princess Meria for the throne. After all, why would he not otherwise defer to Princess Meria's authority when evidence of Falion Ardera's treachery came to light?

Why would he otherwise dispose of ancient houses and remove all avenues for them to restore their ancestral seats?

Why else would he exile all boys ten-and-two or younger to the wall and all women to Essos on Meria's orders?

Why else would he quickly send his people to take control of the provinces' governments in light of ensuing vacancies in government due to his merciless purging of the nobles and wealthy merchants by association?

Better yet, why else would he sign trade agreements and foster closer relations with House Targaryen of all people, receiving generous shipments of building material and intellectuals in exchange for great profit - profit he distributed to the people who contributed to the economy?

At least, that was the official and accepted explanation among the people of House Rada, who benefited greatly from the increased trade and construction projects throughout their lands. Others, of course, begged to differ.

With Arin's greater emphasis on proper governance and meritocracy rather than military might and prestige, mayors and nobles initiated a manhunt for any and all people capable of reading, writing and counting, whether it be distant relatives, the landless poor or even freed slaves. These people were given favourable treatment and high salaries, further enticing them to perform diligently and loyally with great results.

Countless other houses throughout Dorne were jealous of House Rada's success, and each day they heard of their growing successes their jealousy and greed grew as great as a dragon's. Many wished fervently for House Martell to give them the right and opportunity to cut them down, unlikely as that would be. Others wished to take matters into their own hands, yet the memory of Arin's purgings and his mighty armies were still fresh, and who knew how far and wide his agents had spread? Who knows what devilish tactics would Arin use against them on the battlefield or closer to home?

And much as they wished to, if they simply declared war without House Martell's approval or a valid cause, they would be no different than this villain who did things as he pleased with no respect for traditions or the consequences.

That did not mean they could not prepare, however.

Many houses quickly tried adopting some of his measures from paving roads to setting up schools, new agricultural methods and so on to varying degrees of success. Unlike Arin who placed focus on meritocracy, however, many nobles still preferred nepotist-based postings due to how highly they valued blood connections, resulting in most of their appointed personnel being close relatives or direct family members. Many times, they lacked the skill, experience and talent to bring their measures to fruition, and as a result they failed miserably, only amplifying their feelings of jealousy and inadequacy.

Yet as much as other houses hated House Arin, a scarce few were willing to work with House Rada in spite of their reputation.

And it was during this time that Arin would come to meet two unexpected allies: Houses Lleryn and Darrel. Two minor houses who, like House Qeffar, had suffered harsh circumstances and wished to benefit from an alliance with House Rada.



Arron Darrel, Lord of his House and the Town of Keylon (Stinkwater), a grizzled, jaded veteran of countless wars at the age of forty-and-eight, bore numerous scars on his person, most prominent of which was the terrible burn scar across the left side of his forehead stretching down to his left eye where he wore an eyepatch. Horizontal scars stretched from the corners of his mouth into an artificial smile, his grey-black curly hair tied into a ponytail. On each hand, both his pinky fingers were missing, and both wore gloves that concealed horrid scars. His good blue eye was fixed in an eternal glare - dour until his dying days.

Obela Lleryn, a matronly woman radiating elegance and confidence in every step, was the epitome of feminine beauty men would kill to marry. At twenty-and-five, her face looked no older than ten-and-eight, her curvaceous body the perfect balance of trimmed and slender. Her long silken black hair was braided into a crown, her hazel eyes shining with charm and charisma, gentle and compassionate, yet shining with the cunning of a political player.

Both were gathered before Arris and Aimelia, who held court as Arin was away in Tahor-Nai handling the aftermath of Ardera's Rebellion.

"We greet you, Lord Arris and Lady Aimelia of House Rada, for we wish to seek an alliance with your house in exchange for security," Aaron greeted, his voice hoarse and raspy.

"Under ancient customs, we welcome you both and grant you guest rights," Arris greeted back, "Please accept our offering of bread and salt."

A servant came forward and brought forth plates of bread and salt, offering them to Arron and Obela as they each took a slice of bread and dipped into the salt - crystal clear and free of impurities - before they took a bite.

The bread was crispy yet soft, aromatic and flavourful, and the salt tasted pure and free of impurities, and they unconsciously hummed approvingly at the taste.

"This is… good bread and salt," Arron grudgingly admitted.

"Yes, perhaps some of the best we've ever had," Obela added with an approving smile.

"All thanks to our master bakers and salt workers who provide," Arris smiled, nodding to the servant who withdrew the bread and salt, "So tell me, honoured guests, for what reason do you wish to seek alliance with House Rada?"

Arron was the first to speak, "I wish to repay House Rada for an owed debt."

"House Rada rarely ever had dealings with House Darrel," Aimelia pointed out.

"I am aware, Lady Aimelia," Aaron nodded, "It was when your Son Master Arin slew Falion Ardera."

"Truly?" Aimelia said.

"Indeed, and it was Falion who cost me my eye and my fingers," Arron continued, his eyes dark and wrothful, "I will not say much, only that he was the one who arranged for me to be captured and tortured, and eventually, for my elder brother to be assassinated."

Arron's eyes twitched furiously, his hand clenching tightly.

"For that reason, I owe Master Arin and wish to make common cause with him, for we both hold grievance against House Martell for its failure to intervene as it should," He concluded, "I know you wish to know more, but for many reasons I cannot say too much."

Aimelia nodded in understanding, letting the matter slide.

"And you, Lady Obela?" Asked Arris, "What reason have you to ally with House Rada?"

"Money," Obela answered simply.

"Money?" Questioned Arris.

"Lots of money," Obela reiterated, her voice mellow and lilting with a natural seductiveness, "My territory is home to strong sailors and fishermen and several farmers skilled in growing blood oranges, but little else, and due to some… terrible mistakes made by my parents and siblings, House Lleryn is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. At first, I was thinking of taking a loan from the Iron Bank, I admit, but then I heard of House Rada's profitable industries."

"Go on," Arris beckoned.

Obela nodded, "The reputation of the Iron Bank is fearsome, for they ruthlessly collect their dues no matter the debtor's reasons, and I frankly cannot trust to not exploit my desperate circumstances. As such, I believed it better to instead seek the help of House Rada."

"Surely House Martell could help you instead?" Arris questioned, eyes scrutinising her body language.

Obela shook her head with displeasure, "Truthfully, if it were House Martell's money I obtained, than no matter how much effort and time I put into the improvements I plan for my territory, in the end it means I owe money to House Martell, and I will have to answer any obligations they ask of me. Furthermore, with how it failed to properly mediate disputes between its vassal houses as of late and considering what happened to my dear friend Arron here, I cannot rely on House Martell."

Arris nodded in satisfaction at Obela's story. Aimelia kept a close eye on the seductress who winked to Arris and Arin, who both chose to ignore that.

"As such, House Rada is the safer and more profitable option," Obela finished, "Not only are you a rich house, you have talented personnel knowledgeable in revolutionary methods that have served as the bedrock of your economical power, and you are quick and decisive to act."

Arris smirked at that, "My son always said this: 'Before you can think of grandiose schemes, first the country must be enriched.'"

Obela giggled at that, "Your son possesses great wisdom, I see."

"I would probably say otherworldly," Arris shrugged.

Arron merely snorted at this, while Arin gave a strange, indiscernible look towards his father.

"Be warned, however, that betrayal will not be tolerated," Aimelia warned, "If not us, then it shall be our son who metes out the justice of Mother Rhoyne upon you."

In light of Aimelia's stern glare and Arin's calm yet imposing presence, Arron and Obela nervously nodded.

"Very good," Aimelia smiled, "So, let us talk about the terms of our alliance…"

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