Arthur felt this uncomfortable feeling. Annoyance and worried. He couldn't remember when the last time he was worried about River, since she was very independent and capable person, even when she was only a young girl.
The word 'worry' only related to Aubrey, since she was the delicate one between his two daughters, but it had never been in the same sentence with River.
Therefore, it was so strange for him to feel this way. He was worried about River and it was hard for him to admit it, since he was not used to it.
He stared at the picture. She was only five years old there, looked so happy when she played in the beach, sand was on her face and legs, as she was wearing short pants and yellow shirt. She grinned at the camera and he remembered when he took this picture.
It felt like a lifetime ago.
"Where are you, River?" Arthur said tiredly.