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24.75% My Harem in Galactic Quest / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Dark Underworld

Kapitel 22: Chapter 22: The Dark Underworld

Ethan stared at the massive alien machine in the center of the chamber, its dark metal surface gleaming under the faint light emitted by the strange symbols covering its exterior. The hum of energy that pulsed from it sent an uncomfortable chill up his spine, and the static crackle in the air around them felt almost alive, as if the machine was aware of their presence. It was unsettling, more so than any of the previous dangers they'd faced on Alturus Prime.

Nova floated beside Ethan, her eyes glowing as she ran a deep scan of the device. "Captain, this is big. Whatever this thing is, it's ancient, and far more advanced than anything the Council of Shadows has access to."

"Yeah, I gathered that," Ethan replied, his voice tight. He stepped closer, cautiously running his hand over one of the glowing symbols etched into the machine's surface. It thrummed beneath his fingers, sending a strange tingle through his skin. "But what exactly does it do?"

Prella stood a few feet away, her eyes sharp and wary, her hand resting on the hilt of her energy blade. "I don't like this. We're in way over our heads here. That thing feels… wrong. Like it's not supposed to exist."

Vala, always the optimist despite the dire circumstances, gave a small, uneasy smile. "Maybe it's just some kind of old power generator? A really creepy, ancient power generator."

Nova chuckled softly, though there was an edge of nervousness in her voice. "I wish that were the case, Vala, but this is far more than a generator. I'm picking up residual traces of something, something that suggests this machine was used for manipulation. Of matter, of time, possibly even consciousness."

Ethan's stomach dropped. "Manipulation? Of time and matter?" He turned to face Nova, his eyes wide with realization. "You think the Council's trying to use this thing to alter the fabric of reality itself?"

Nova's holographic form flickered for a moment as she processed the data. "It's possible. The Council's been obsessed with power for as long as we've known them, and this machine… well, let's just say it has the potential to give them exactly that."

Ethan felt a wave of nausea wash over him. The thought of the Council having access to technology that could bend reality was terrifying. They'd already proven themselves ruthless, willing to wipe out entire planets to achieve their goals. With something like this, they could become unstoppable.

"We can't let them use it," Prella said, her voice low and dangerous. She drew her blade, the faint glow reflecting off the metal of the machine. "Whatever this thing is, we destroy it. Now."

Ethan's mind raced, torn between the immediate threat and the need to understand what they were dealing with. "Wait. We don't know enough about it yet. If we destroy it without understanding what it does, we could cause a massive chain reaction, or worse."

Prella shot him a sharp look. "And if we leave it intact, the Council could use it against the entire galaxy."

Before Ethan could respond, the ground beneath them began to tremble. It was subtle at first, just a faint vibration that rippled through the floor. But it quickly grew more intense, the machine itself shaking as if reacting to their presence. The symbols on its surface glowed brighter, the hum of energy escalating into a high-pitched whine that set Ethan's teeth on edge.

"Uh, guys?" Vala said, her voice rising with alarm. "I think we just woke it up."

Ethan stepped back, his heart pounding in his chest as the machine continued to pulse with energy. The air around them crackled with static, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees.

Suddenly, the chamber was filled with a blinding light as the machine activated. The symbols on its surface flared to life, swirling and shifting into new configurations that Ethan couldn't comprehend. He shielded his eyes against the brightness, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"What the hell is it doing?" Ethan shouted over the deafening hum of the machine.

Nova's voice cut through the noise, her tone tense and urgent. "It's activating something, a gateway, maybe. Whatever it is, we need to stop it before it fully powers up!"

Prella didn't hesitate. She lunged forward, her energy blade raised high, aiming for the machine's core. But before she could strike, a sudden force slammed into her, sending her flying backward into the wall with a sickening thud.

"Prella!" Ethan shouted, rushing to her side as she struggled to her feet, clutching her ribs in pain.

Before Ethan could reach her, the room was filled with a deep, guttural growl that seemed to come from all directions at once. The light from the machine flickered, and the temperature dropped even further, the air around them turning icy cold.

Vala's blaster was already in her hands, her eyes wide as she scanned the room for the source of the sound. "Ethan, we're not alone."

Out of the shadows, figures began to emerge, twisted, malformed creatures that looked like they had once been human but had been warped by some dark force. Their eyes glowed with an unnatural light, their skin stretched tight over their skeletal frames. They moved with jerky, unnatural motions, as if their very existence was a painful struggle.

Ethan's blood ran cold. "What are those things?"

Nova's voice trembled, a rare moment of fear breaking through her usual calm. "They're the Council's failed experiments. Mutations. Left behind to guard this place. We've got to get out of here, now."

Prella staggered to her feet, gripping her blade tightly. "No arguments here."

The creatures let out another low growl, their glowing eyes fixed on the crew as they shuffled forward, their movements slow but deliberate. There was something deeply unsettling about them, as if they were trapped in a state of constant agony, their bodies barely holding together.

Vala fired her blaster at the nearest creature, but the shot seemed to pass right through it, barely slowing it down. "Ethan, we need to go. These things aren't normal."

Ethan nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. "Nova, get us an exit."

Nova flickered beside him, her voice laced with urgency. "I'm working on it, but the machine's interference is messing with my systems. I need a minute to find the way out."

"A minute we don't have," Prella muttered, raising her blade as the creatures drew closer.

Ethan's mind raced as he looked around the room, searching for anything that could help them. His eyes landed on a set of cables running from the machine to the walls, power conduits, glowing faintly with the same energy that pulsed through the machine.

"Those cables," Ethan said, pointing toward them. "If we cut them, we might be able to shut down the machine. It could give us the time we need to get out of here."

Prella gritted her teeth, her face pale but determined. "On it."

With a burst of speed, Prella darted toward the cables, her energy blade slashing through the air. The creatures let out a collective wail as they lunged toward her, their twisted bodies moving faster now, desperate to protect the machine.

Vala fired more shots at the advancing creatures, trying to hold them back, but they were relentless. They seemed to absorb the blaster fire, their bodies barely reacting to the hits.

"Prella, hurry!" Vala shouted, backing away as the creatures closed in.

Prella's blade cut through the first cable with a sharp hiss of energy, the machine sputtering as the power flow was disrupted. But there were more cables, dozens of them, all feeding into the machine from different directions.

Ethan rushed to help, grabbing a nearby piece of debris and using it to smash one of the cables. Sparks flew as the connection was severed, and the machine flickered, the symbols on its surface dimming slightly.

But the creatures were getting closer, their growls growing louder as they closed in on the crew. Ethan's pulse raced as he glanced at Nova. "Tell me you've got that exit, Nova!"

Nova's form flickered again, her voice strained. "Almost there, Captain. Just hold on!"

The creatures' growls grew louder, the twisted figures closing in from all sides as Ethan, Prella, and Vala worked to sever the cables connected to the ancient machine. Each cut brought a flicker of dimming energy to the glowing symbols on its surface, but the creatures seemed to grow more agitated with each severed connection.

"They're protecting it," Vala said between sharp breaths, her blaster firing into the oncoming horde. "They know we're trying to shut it down."

"Keep cutting the cables!" Ethan shouted, smashing another conduit with the butt of his blaster. Sparks flew as the machine stuttered, the hum of energy becoming erratic. "If we take this thing offline, maybe it'll stop whatever the hell is keeping those things alive!"

Prella slashed through another cable, her energy blade leaving a faint trail of light in its wake. The glowing glyphs on the machine flickered even more, casting strange shadows on the walls of the chamber. "We need to move faster!" she growled, dodging a swipe from one of the creatures that had gotten too close.

Ethan glanced at Nova, who was still flickering, her form unstable as the interference from the machine continued to mess with her systems. "Nova, tell me you're almost done!"

Nova's voice came through, strained but determined. "I've isolated the exit path, Captain, but this interference is making it a nightmare to keep the door systems functional. If you give me another few minutes, I can, "

"We don't have a few minutes!" Ethan yelled, his frustration boiling over as he ducked under a creature's outstretched arm. He swung his blaster, knocking the creature back, though it didn't slow down for long. "Vala, Prella, how many more cables?"

Prella deflected a swipe from one of the creatures and surveyed the room quickly. "Looks like three more! We need to hit them at the same time. They're reacting to every cut, and it's making them more aggressive."

Vala fired another series of shots, barely keeping the creatures at bay. "Well, they're already trying to eat us, so I don't think we can piss them off any more than we already have!"

Ethan's pulse raced as he scanned the room. The remaining cables were spread out, running to different sections of the chamber. If they didn't act quickly, the creatures would overwhelm them before they could sever the last connections.

"Alright," Ethan said, his mind working fast. "We'll hit the last three cables at once. Prella, you take the one on the far side, Vala, you hit the one by the entrance, and I'll take the one near the center. On my mark, we cut them together."

Prella and Vala nodded, already moving into position. Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he made his way toward the final cable, his blaster held tightly in one hand. The creatures were closing in, their glowing eyes locked onto him, their twisted forms jerking with unnatural movements.

"Mark!" Ethan shouted, slamming his blaster into the last cable at the exact moment that Prella and Vala struck theirs.

The result was immediate. The machine sputtered violently, the glowing glyphs dimming to a faint flicker. The hum of energy that had filled the room died down, replaced by a deafening silence that made the hair on the back of Ethan's neck stand on end.

For a moment, everything seemed to stop. The creatures froze in place, their glowing eyes flickering like dying embers. Ethan held his breath, watching as the twisted forms twitched, their limbs jerking erratically. Then, with a final, guttural wail, the creatures crumpled to the ground, their bodies dissolving into ash and dust.

Ethan staggered back, breathing heavily as he surveyed the now-empty chamber. The machine still stood, but it was lifeless now, the energy that had once pulsed through it completely gone.

"We did it," Vala said, her voice breathless with relief as she holstered her blaster. "We actually stopped them."

Prella sheathed her blade, her expression still tense as she approached the now-dormant machine. "That was too close."

Ethan nodded, wiping sweat from his brow as he caught his breath. His muscles ached from the fight, but the relief of having survived washed over him. "Yeah, but we're not done yet. Nova, is the way out clear?"

Nova flickered back to full strength, her voice sounding more stable now that the interference had lessened. "The exit is open, Captain. You should be able to get out of here without any more... surprises."

Ethan chuckled dryly, though the tension in his body hadn't fully released. "I'll take that as a good sign."

As they moved toward the exit, Prella lingered by the machine, her eyes narrowed as she studied it carefully. "This thing… It's ancient, older than anything the Council has access to. But why would they leave something like this behind?"

Ethan slowed his pace, glancing back at the machine. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in his gut, the sense that whatever they had just encountered was only the tip of a much larger, darker plan. "I don't know," he said quietly. "But I think this was just the beginning."

They exited the chamber and entered a narrow passage that led them further into the underground complex. The air was thick with dust, the walls lined with more of the strange glowing symbols that pulsed faintly, as though the energy from the machine still lingered in the surrounding area.

"I hate to ask," Vala said, glancing at Ethan as they walked. "But if that machine was meant to manipulate time and matter, what does that mean for us?"

Ethan's jaw tightened. "It means the Council has found something they've been looking for. Something dangerous. And we need to stop them before they figure out how to use it."

Prella stepped forward, her expression as determined as ever. "Whatever they're planning, we'll stop them. We've come too far to let them win now."

Ethan nodded, though his mind was still racing with possibilities. The Council had left the machine behind, but what if it wasn't just a failed experiment? What if it was something more? A test, or worse, an experiment still in progress?

As they moved deeper into the passage, the glow of the symbols on the walls grew brighter, casting eerie shadows on their faces. The air grew colder, and Ethan could feel the weight of the underground complex pressing in on them, as though the walls themselves were alive with the memory of what had happened here.

They reached another chamber, smaller than the one before but still filled with strange, ancient technology. In the center of the room stood a tall, cylindrical device, humming faintly with energy. Unlike the previous machine, this one seemed intact, fully operational.

Ethan's stomach twisted as he approached it, his instincts screaming that they were walking into something far worse than they had anticipated. "This can't be good."

Nova floated beside him, her holographic form flickering as she scanned the device. "Captain, this isn't just a machine. It's a gateway."

Prella's eyes narrowed, her hand instinctively going to the hilt of her blade. "A gateway to what?"

Nova's expression was grim. "To whatever is on the other side. And based on the energy readings I'm picking up, it's not friendly."

Ethan's heart sank. They had stopped the first machine, but this, this was something else entirely. Whatever lay beyond that gateway was far worse than the creatures they had just faced. And if the Council had figured out how to use it…

"We can't let them activate it," Ethan said, his voice firm. "We need to destroy this thing before it opens."

Prella nodded, her blade already drawn. "Agreed."

Vala stepped forward, her blaster at the ready. "Let's end this."

As they prepared to destroy the gateway, a deep, rumbling voice echoed through the chamber, stopping them in their tracks.

"You think you can stop us?"

Ethan froze, his blood running cold. The voice was disembodied, coming from all directions at once, as if the very walls were speaking. It was low, dark, and filled with a malice that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

"You have no idea what you've stumbled upon," the voice continued, its tone dripping with contempt. "This is far beyond your understanding."

Ethan gripped his blaster tightly, his heart racing. "Who are you?"

There was a pause, followed by a deep, ominous chuckle. "You will find out soon enough. But know this: you cannot stop what has already begun."

Before Ethan could respond, the cylindrical device in the center of the room began to hum louder, its energy building as the symbols on its surface flared to life. The ground beneath them trembled, and a dark, swirling vortex began to form at the top of the device, a gateway, opening before their eyes.

"We need to destroy it!" Ethan shouted, raising his blaster.

Prella and Vala moved into action, but before they could fire, the vortex expanded, and from its swirling depths, dark, shadowy figures began to emerge.

The dark, shadowy figures emerging from the swirling vortex at the top of the cylindrical device were unlike anything Ethan had ever seen before. Their forms were vague, almost ethereal, but the malice that radiated from them was tangible, a cold dread settling deep in his bones.

The voice from before echoed through the chamber once again, a mocking tone to its words. "You cannot stop this. The gateway has already opened. Your fate is sealed."

Ethan's heart pounded as the shadow creatures descended, their movements fluid and unnatural, like black smoke twisting and writhing in the air. Whatever these things were, they weren't just monsters, they were something much worse. And they were coming straight for them.

"We need to destroy that device before more of those things come through!" Ethan shouted, raising his blaster.

Prella, her energy blade already glowing, darted forward, slashing at the nearest shadow creature. But her blade passed right through it, barely slowing it down. "They're not solid!" she growled, frustration etched on her face.

Vala fired a volley of blaster shots, but the bolts seemed to have little effect on the creatures. The shots merely dispersed the shadowy forms for a moment before they reformed, even angrier than before.

"Nothing's working!" Vala called out, her voice filled with alarm. "How do we fight something we can't even hit?"

Ethan's mind raced as he backed away, trying to think of a solution. The creatures were closing in fast, and their weapons were useless against them. His eyes darted to the cylindrical device, the gateway pulsing with energy as more figures began to materialize from its depths.

Nova's voice crackled in over the comms, her usual playfulness replaced by urgency. "Captain, I'm detecting a massive energy buildup in the device. It's pulling power from the surrounding area, feeding the creatures as they come through. If we don't shut it down, it's going to open the gateway wider, and who knows what's waiting on the other side."

Ethan's jaw clenched. They had to stop the gateway, but with the shadow creatures blocking their path, it seemed impossible.

Then, a thought struck him, something Nova had said earlier.

"Nova, you said the machine's pulling power from the area, right?" Ethan asked, his mind racing.

"Yes," Nova replied quickly. "It's drawing energy from the remaining systems in this facility. Why?"

Ethan glanced at the remaining glowing symbols on the walls and then at the power conduits still running to the device. "If we can overload the power conduits, we might be able to cause a feedback loop. It could fry the device from the inside, shut the whole thing down."

Nova hesitated for a moment, processing the idea. "It's risky, but it could work. You'd need to hit the conduits hard enough to overload them."

"Then let's do it," Ethan said, determination flooding his voice. "We don't have another option."

Prella nodded sharply, already moving toward the nearest conduit. "We'll have to work fast. Those things won't wait for us to figure this out."

Ethan raised his blaster, aiming for one of the thick cables running to the device. "Prella, Vala, target the power conduits! We hit them all at once."

The shadow creatures grew more aggressive as the crew moved into position, their glowing eyes narrowing with malevolent intent. Ethan could feel the coldness radiating off them, an almost suffocating chill that made it hard to breathe.

"Ready?" Ethan called out, his voice tight with tension.

Prella's blade crackled with energy as she positioned herself by the nearest conduit. "Ready."

Vala, her blaster aimed at the far side of the chamber, gave a quick nod. "Let's end this."

"Now!" Ethan shouted, and all three of them fired in unison.

The blaster bolts and Prella's blade slammed into the power conduits, sending a surge of energy racing through the lines. Sparks flew as the cables overloaded, the glowing symbols on the walls flickering violently.

The cylindrical device let out a deafening whine, the gateway at its top stuttering and warping as the energy feedback loop took hold. The shadow creatures screeched in fury, their forms distorting and writhing as the power feeding them was disrupted.

"Keep going!" Ethan yelled, his blaster firing relentlessly at the conduits. The entire chamber trembled, the floor shaking beneath them as the machine began to tear itself apart from the inside.

The shadow creatures grew more frantic, their forms flickering as they lunged at the crew, desperate to stop them. But with every shot, the machine weakened, and the creatures' hold on this reality began to falter.

Suddenly, with a final surge of energy, the cylindrical device exploded in a burst of light and sound. The gateway collapsed in on itself, the vortex closing as the machine's systems failed. The shadow creatures let out one last, agonized wail before disintegrating into nothingness, their forms dissolving like smoke in the wind.

Ethan staggered back, shielding his face from the debris as the chamber fell silent once more. The oppressive energy that had filled the room was gone, replaced by an eerie stillness.

"We… we did it," Vala said, her voice breathless with relief as she lowered her blaster.

Prella, still clutching her energy blade, looked around warily. "For now."

Ethan took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. The gateway was destroyed, and the shadow creatures were gone, but the weight of what they had just faced lingered heavily in the air.

Nova flickered into view beside him, her usual snarkiness returning as she assessed the wreckage. "Well, that was exciting. I'm going to give this place a zero-star review on Space Yelp."

Ethan let out a tired laugh, shaking his head. "I'm with you on that."

Prella sheathed her blade, her eyes still sharp as she surveyed the damaged remains of the machine. "We stopped the gateway, but whatever the Council was planning here, it's bigger than just this facility."

Ethan nodded, his mind already racing with what they would have to do next. "Yeah, this was just one piece of the puzzle. The Council won't stop, they're going to keep looking for ways to access that kind of power. And we're the only ones who know how dangerous it really is."

Vala stepped forward, her expression determined. "Then we stop them. Whatever it takes."

Ethan looked at his crew, feeling a sense of resolve settle over him. They had faced unimaginable horrors in this underground nightmare, but they had come out the other side stronger, ready to take on whatever came next.

"Agreed," Ethan said, his voice firm. "We stop them."

With that, the crew made their way out of the underground chamber, leaving behind the wreckage of the ancient machine and the horrors that had been buried with it. But as they stepped back into the open air, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over. The Council of Shadows was still out there, and the stakes had never been higher.

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