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33.33% Raundon (BL) / Chapter 4: Saturday

Kapitel 4: Saturday

The long night shift was behind her and Luna could finally take her rest after the long week. Two whole days dedicated only to herself, what would be better way to shake that awful workweek away from her system. Luna stretchs her shoulders and back while walking. She was already close to their home street. Jaxen must be getting ready to leave to his todays job, at the dock. Usually they only met each others fastly during this one hour when one was getting back home and other was just leaving.

When Luna gets closer she spots this not so regular sight of someone sitting on his motorcycle right next to their building, using his phone. And that was kind of outstanding bike. Not to mention the guy who was sitting on it, looking like a model with his shine black outfit.

"Good morning, Luna," Kaz greets when he could recognize the woman walking closer, eyeing curiously back at him, without first even realizing who he was. "How have you been? Good job. One nightweek behind again."

Luna couldn't believe her eyes at first. Finally she lets out her excitement. "Kazuro? What are you doing here? What is with that bike? Are you here for Jaxen? Or maybe for me?" woman smiles widely and rushs her steps to get next to the black bike, awing it. "I heard you guys met at school."

"I plan to drop him to work. But he refused to tell me what time. So I'm kinda just waiting," Kaz shows his flirt smile. "If he turns me down, then I am free for you. I can help you out in the kitchen again. Teach me how to be a great househusband for him."

"Now I thought he turned you down already?" Luna smirks back.

"He did," young man confesses, but doesn't low his spirit. "I've been riding all night and think trying to get on his nerves again by offering him a ride. He is cute when he gets mad."

"You know you are digging your own grave here. He hates stubborn people," woman sighs out and takes her hand on the young mans shoulder. "Do your parents know you are driving around like this?"

"They are working. They don't mind."

Luna could definitely see young mans eyes changing for a second, but kid was fast to clear his mold, smiling, not dropping his handsome smile. "You sure?"

"I am very sure," Kaz says surely and glances once toward the corner where behind their apartment door was. "What time he goes to work? Is it the gas station again?"

"You want to come in and ask yourself?" Luna asks teasingly.

Kad rushs to shake his head. "No. That might seriously make him mad at me.."

Woman laughs and starts to walk, waving goodbyes. "His shift starts eight a clock. I will let him know you are waiting. I'm making lasagna today so if it gets ugly, you can come and help me out."

- - - -

"Good morning," Jaxen greets her mother when she comes in. Young man has just woke up not long ago and was now making coffee to wake himself properly up.

"Good morning, dear. Your not-boyfriend is outside," Luna smiles and gives a kiss on her sons cheek. "That's one nice bike he has."

Jaxen didn't need coffee anymore to shake the last of his dreaming mind. Those words were way more affecting. "He isn't..," was all he could whisper while he sighs and closes his eyes.

"If you really don't like it, then kick him in the nuts and call him a stalker. But that blushing is not assuring me, honey," Luna pets his hair. "If you like him, whats the deal? Is he really that bad? How exactly he is here again?"

Jaxen glances her once, then keeps filling the coffee machine. Sure, hearing about that guy first thing in the morning after all that flirting Jaxen was able to block last night, how he could not get nervous. "He is the worse. I told you, he is actually quite a player.. We met in the gas station yesterday. He apologized what happened last week and insist to give me a ride home. That's all."

"Oh, that's what happened," she awes before heading toward her bedroom. "Kazuro said he's here to get on your nerves again by offering you a ride. That's a boyfriend material there."

"Shut up!" Jaxen snarls back at her.

- - - -

While sitting on his bike, Kaz was looking the river view what opened in front of his eyes. When this living area has a green inner court, the other side of the building has a nice view right down to the water. These ugly concrete buildings around here totally ruin the total view though. But the city across the river was looking very stunning from here. The nightly view must be even more beautiful.

Young man was so focused on this view he totally ignores the older guy walking toward him. This might be the first time Jaxen could see Kaz wearing that kind of face. Tired. Impassive. Way far from his usual stupidly handsome smile he fluently showed out. But even with that face, guy looked very handsome. This could have been a photo from the magazine, that's how catching it looked to Jaxen.

"If you are that tired after, why you spend the whole night driving?" Jaxen finally speaks out when the other clearly wasn't paying attention of his surroundings at all.

Fastly Kaz turns his eyes on Jaxen. And sighs. There comes the smile. But indeed he looked tired. "I didn't wanna miss this," he says and turns his look to the plastic cup Jaxen was now offering.

"I didn't know do you drink coffee at all or with milk or what ever so I put everything in," older guy smiles back. Kaz was quite taken aback by this gesture, but takes the cup, thanking. "You know you are an idiot..," Jaxen keeps.

"Idiot is a person of low general intelligence," Kaz suddenly clears, intently eyeing the guy next to him. "I am no such."

"It's also used as an insult to make a point," Jaxen smirks. Now why all of a sudden such a stupid sounding comment. Like he would have actually meant it like that anyway. "You didn't wanna miss the view or miss the change to forcefully drive me to work?"

"It's the view, the dawn, why I'm still out. But now that you mentioned it I would be lying if I said I didn't wanna see you," Kaz says without a doubt in his voice. "You are cute when you get annoyed. How so, when you are also cool and such a scary bad ass? Those unclear signals.. Makes me wanna tease you even more."

Jaxen closes his eyes and lows his head. "Now whatta hell, saying something like that all of a sudden..," he wasn't planning to say it out loud but couldn't help it. This guy seem to be so full of flirt that Jaxen started to doubt him even more. "Is this how you players do your thing?"

"Players? That's how you see me?" Kaz wonders. " 'Cute face but just full of lies', was it? That I might be. But I don't think myself as a player. I'm not playing with you. I'm serious."

Yeah right. This guys aura was full of that act. Jaxen was calmly eyeing Kaz who hasn't drop his eyes away even during drinking his coffee. "Be glad you have such a handsome face I don't wanna beat you up," he says boldly, not a bit of mercy in his voice. "To have some thirsty player after me, that really doesn't make me happy. Faker."

Kaz grins and actually now turns his eyes away. Yeah. That's a proper rejection there. "How harsh. But as I said I'm just killing time right now. If you don't need a ride I promised Luna I will help her make lasagna for you," he takes back his sure flirt smile while he turns his eyes back on Jaxen. "How old is she? She had you pretty young?"

"No shame at all, ha? Now you are going after my mother?" Jaxen tsihs, not so sure was this guy joking here now or not.

"Make up your mind," Kaz teases. "She said your shift starts at eight. And I have no idea where you are going. We don't want you to be late."

And then the focus was again back on him? Jaxen breathes deeply in and out while glaring the guy sitting on his bike. He couldn't keep up with this guy. And why the hell he himself still could see him so attractive after all this nonsense going on? You are allowed to kick that face. That might even help a little.

But all in all, guy was just annoyed. And even admit to do it purposely. Jaxen should let it be for now. This guy will get tired soon. "To the X area. The west side of the port. Dock area. About seven miles from here," he instruct.

Hearing that made Kaz show his wider smile again. "Let's go."

- - - -

"No, I tried to flirt with him a little and asked was he here for me," Luna shares some food on two plates and after adding the extra cheese on, she gives the plate to Jaxen who just sat down at the table. "I said if you turn him down, he can come cook with me. There is nothing wrong with that guys smile. Player or not, you are just too picky.."

"You really asked him in?" young man asks surprised. "I was sure he made that out to blackmail me or something."

Luna smirks and adds some salad for herself, pushing the bowl closer to her son. "But he didn't pick you up from the work?"

"Of course not. I told him not to do that again.."

"Didn't you do that before and he still showed up? Now you just get yourself rejected," woman sighs sadly and eats. "I bet you were too harsh on him. Poor guy."

"Why are you making me sound like a bad guy here..?" Jaxen whines annoyed.

"I'm not. But to me it sounded very cute how he was talking about you. Like a middle schooler trying to tease his crush."

"Please don't say it like that.."

"Cause you might start to think I'm right?" Luna teases. "It's all Kazuro you have been talking about this whole time. All I asked was how it was at work."

When his son didn't comment about it, she smoothly changes the subject to be about her and her horrible week at the work, which she by the way loved to talk about.

- - - -

The same early evening Jaxen was in his room, making his builded up homeworks while watching something random from his laptop. Since he was now suspended from school until the next friday, he has asked Milo keep him up to date with next weeks homeworks. For that he plan to do some extra today so he could take more shifts during the school hours. But as much as he tried to focus his mind was just full of that weird guy from this morning. What his mother said bug him a lot.

First of all, Jaxen think he hasn't said anything extra. All he has said that guy definitely deserved. Secondly, he couldn't trust that guy. Kaz could flirt all he wanted, but egoistic people like him were just playing around. He was bored, right? Killing time, right? So he was only thinking himself and his boredom. Making him just one selfish bastard among the others. Playing with others hearts with that unfair face of his!

"Don't fucking roll in my mind, you fucker!" Jaxen yells out loud and breathes deeply out. "Annoying!" Very manly cry to the end.

"You know the saying, when you can't stop thinking about someone, you are already hooked..," Luna speaks loudly from the living area after she heard her son yelling his heart out.

Jaxen gets up from his chair and walks out of his room. "I can't concentrate. You want something from the store?"

"You are going out now?" woman asks surprised and looks the clock on the wall. "Then, bring some more snacks. You will miss the start of the movie though if you leave now.."

"I don't mind. Be right back," halfly ignoring his mothers words Jaxen takes his jacket, wears fastly his sneakers and leaves.

It wasn't so dark yet, since it was only seven in the evening. But the street lights were already glinting on one by one in some areas. It would be clear night today too. A good weather to Jaxen get his walk to calm his mind.

Come on, it's been just, what, three days that guy came and attack him with that sudden bomb. If Jaxen didn't know his name, he wouldn't even link that guy to be the same drunker from last week. Man, he hasn't even paid that much attention to people around school to even realize that hot guy has been there all this time and now he couldn't unsee him.

Was that guy doing this because Jaxen helped him? Come on. Anyone would have done the same in that sistuation. There was nothing special how Jaxen acted. That guy must be just playing with him.

Players really were the worse.

- - - -

The area where Jaxen lived with his mother was on the other side of the river across the so called north side of the X city. There were two main bridges to cross the river above, when the city train went under it inside the underground tunnel. That's what Jaxen usually take to go to the area what basically started the inner city area. When Jaxens side of the river was mostly full of entertain places, like restaurants and bars, and some industry buildings, the other side of the river was shopping focused. There were different kind of shops, malls, hotels, of course some restaurants too. High apartment buildings were what first welcomed people arriving. Even the train station feel to be like from the very different world compared to Jaxens neighborhood. This was where the huge center of the city begin.

But the inner city was also the only place to buy things you couldn't find in their corner stores, like some seasoned snacks and market items. Jaxen has been here many times before with Milo and Luna. One of the hospitals his mother worked in was on this area, further from the river. But Jaxen might be a countryman from his heart since he didn't really like crowds. He liked silence, calm, more than these noises surrounding him.

After passing some shopping areas while walking across the river street Jaxen finally stops at one of the sightseeing spots. There were nice outdoor lights lining the water and the land area, some concrete bench to sit and relax. There were even these huge trees planted to nice straight line.

Young man could see his own living area from here. The brown brick buildings next to their smaller two floor apartment building were easy to spot. He turns his look up to eye the nearest huge apartment building. Yeah, the difference was huge. Must be nice to live on those heights. To have a store right under you..

When Jaxen lows his eyes back down, their eyes met. Someone looking exactly like the guy Jaxens mind has been full of the whole day was standing in front of the building. Staring back at him.

No, that was Kaz. But before Jaxen could even react with shock or anything, some woman walks toward the younger guy, calling out his name.

Dropping his surprised look, Kaz turns his eyes on the woman, immediately wearing his flirt smile like with a switch.

"I'm sorry you need to wait this long. It was really crowded there," woman laughs and hands a plastic bag to Kaz who takes it halfly bowing.

"No, do not apologize. You did a huge favour to us," young man leans a little bit closer toward her, showing his best behavior. "I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart."

"You guys play nicely, okay. That's some strong stuff you ask," woman speaks more quietly, touching lightly Kazs cheek with her finger. Taking a step back, woman waves her hand and walks back toward the group who was hanging a little further from them. "Don't party too hard!"

Kaz was waving back, then turns his smiling look toward the young man who was standing in the middle of the walking street, still staring at him. Smirking, Kaz takes immediate action to move closer. He stops in front of Jaxen, who could do but just look at him in silence. "My evening just got better. To be able to see such a cutie here in my streets, how lucky I am."

Jaxen sighs. Yeah, he wasn't hallucinating. Guy really was Kaz.

When Jaxen still kept his silence, Kaz leans a little closer. "Or are you stalking me? That's a huge turn on. Please, stalk all you want. Take a good look. I don't mind."

"Cut the crap," Jaxen finally tsihs and wears again his usual annoyed look. "It's a coincidence. Coincidence.."

"Aww, that's too bad. Then, what are you doing here? You are far from home. Wanna go on a date?"

"No. More importantly did I just see you receiving alcohol?" Jaxen turns his look to the plastic bag on Kazs hold. Yeah, there were some bottles in. "You having a party?"

"Jealous? How about? We can have a private party, if you like. Just the two of us," younger man suggests. "You can keep an eye on me while I'm drinking. I promise to fall asleep properly on the bed this time. Next to you."

"Right, you didn't learn a thing before?"

"If you are that worried, then you have no choice but to keep me company," Kaz couldn't help but tease the guy. Honestly he has been very moody the whole day. Just seeing Jaxen made him instantly feel better. Even if it was clear as a day that he didn't have a change here. More like, this guy only show out this annoyed look when he saw Kaz. But he was too happy to mind that. "Or if you need a driver, I'm all yours to use. Help me with my boredom."

"No need. I have things to do," Jaxen clears. Why it was that the more this guy tried to sweet talk him the more irritated Jaxen seem to grow. Like knowing deep down this would end up badly for him if he keeps seeing this guy. He might lose to that smile.

"No? Can I help you with your things then? I live here, you know. I could be useful."

"No need. Just go home or something.."

"Still a no? That was plenty of rejections there..," Kaz shows even wider smile and starts walking backwards toward the building behind him. "Since you insist I promise I will stay home the rest of the day," he searchs his keys from his pocket, turns around and actually uses his key to open this huge main door in this wide hollow area, which was just next to the entrance of the shopping center.

Younger man turns to look at Jaxen once again while he steps in. "Get savely back home," he waves from the other side of the glassy window, then finally turns around and walks the stairs up, vanishing from Jaxens sight.

Kazuro lived right here?! Jaxen tsihs laughing, unbelieving, staring back up to this huge building. Damn this guy really was rich if he live in this area.. Lowing his eyes back down he keep staring the door. Now that meeting didn't help him at all! Wasn't he supposed to clear his mind by walking! Not get more him in!

This was annoying. So freaking annoying. If that guy wasn't sutch a player Jaxen would have seriously liked to go with that flirting. Kaz was having a party? So he was also arranging parties in his place? His parents must be working, there was no way anyone would let a sixteen year old have a drinking party inside their home..

Who was coming? That player must have zillion friends, including handful of girls. WHY JAXEN WAS THINKING LIKE HE WAS JEALOUS FROM WHO THAT GUY WAS HANGING OUT WITH!? It has nothing to do with him! Annoying. It's god damn annoying!

"Excuse me..," someone spoke behind Jaxen, trying to get his attention. Young man turns to look at the older woman who was smiling to him, waving his hand to young man move out of her way. She wants in.

"Oh, sorry," Jaxen immediately takes a step away from the door.

"Are you waiting for someone? Can't get in?" she asks and opens the door.

"No, my... friend.. lives in.."


"Ha? Oh, Hallen.."

"Aah, the young master. How rare, he having a visitor."

Jaxen wasn't so sure what the hell he was doing right now. But he definitely doesn't hesitate to walk in the open door when he could. He thanks the old lady, takes fast steps up the stairs to see the list of names and floors on the wall. He has to go the whole board over before finding the name 'Hallen' from the bottom. What, this guy did live on the very top?!

Still, Jaxen wasn't sure what was going on in his mind when he already stood in the elevator, going up to the top floor number nine. If ever, now he has to admit he has definitely get sucked in here.

But Jaxen was a person who think it was better take action than regret later. That guy could talk seriously too, right? Jaxen just wants to make sure what were Kazs intentions really, so he could either happily move on without thinking the guy anymore or really try this out..

Or something..

- - - -

The sound what Kazuro hasn't heard in a long time echo around the empty apartment. Young man was standing on the kitchen, eyes widely open staring toward the front door. He couldn't move. That door ringing wasn't real. Maybe it came from across his apartment?

When nothing happened for a while, Kaz sighs out, laughs silently and keeps walking. Now, he was scared for a moment there actually would be someone at his door. There was no way. He must be going insane now.

Jaxen stares the door, then the name tap next to it. This definitely was the right door. Should he try again. And he does.

Kaz stops his steps again.

When no one answers, Jaxen gets fastly mad. And starts to ring the doorbell nonstop.

There was someone at the door! Kaz fastly walks toward the entryway. Who it could be? Was he in some kind of trouble?

"Hey! Open up, you moron. Don't make me wear my finger out!"

That was Jaxens voice. What that guy was doing up here? Kaz moves in front of the door and opens it, just to see Jaxens angry look.

"About time..," Jaxen tsihs.

"What are you doing here..?" Kaz wasn't wearing his usual smile. Now that look was more like panicking.

"You kinda get under my skin. So I changed my mind. I accept the invitation. Let me in."

Kaz sighs and shakes his head unbelieving. "No.."

"Too late for that. I'm here already. Ninth floor, whatta hell, you really were one wealthy guy," Jaxen keeps and forces his steps in, making Kaz take steps back to give him some room. Older closes the door behind him and turns to look at the other. "What, you really drop that flirt act right away when I actually decided to go with it? You are not so -" and he cuts off the rest of the words he was about to say. His eyes were looking past Kaz, seeing this empty room behind the halfly open second door. "What, have you just moved?" Jaxen quietly asks and walks forward, gently pushing Kaz out of his way.

When he could actually see what was in there, Jaxen felt damn confused. He didn't even took off his shoes when he opens the door totally and walks in. He wasn't sure did he even need to, when he wasn't sure was he walking in the apartment viewing rather than someones home.

It was empty. Really freaking empty. There were household appliances in the kitchen, but no furnitures. No lights. It was evening so it was getting darker, but there were no lights on in. No lamps.

Jaxen turns to look at the younger guy who was staring back at him. "This is not your home, right?" But that definitely was Kazuros last name on the nameplate.

Kaz doesn't speak. He keeps silently staring the other. Really doesn't know what he should do now. He has never let anyone in here. And now there was an intruder who against Kaz really didn't even know how to act.

"Kazuro?" Jaxen calls his name quietly, slowly realizing this actually was his home.

Since younger didn't say a word, Jaxen turns his eyes on the first door on his left and opens it. Big room, probably like a wardrobe. Empty. He glances Kaz when he walks in the empty living area. It was one long room. Five windows totally on one white wall. No curtains. No furnitures. You could put, like, two buses in here and there would still be some room left.

Then Jaxen heads to the wide hallway and opens every single door he walks past. More empty rooms. But then he finds the door to the bathroom, pushing it totally open while turning the lights on from the switch. There were cleaning produces in. Items like toothbrush. Hair dryer. Towels.. Washing machine..

So there definitely live someone.. When he was finally able to move his eyes from the bathroom, Jaxen looks the last door at the back. Walks closer and opens it. And lets out a strong, shaking sigh, trying to think should he laught or cry.

There was one room with furnitures. A grey curtain halfly in front of the huge window. A properly made big bed. It was a big room full of stuffs. TV on the wall. Game consoles. The table for working was more for playing than homeworks. There was a computer and this huge monitor..

When Jaxen turns his look back he could see the difference between the room at the end of the hallway and the rest of this white empty apartment. This was unreal. While he walks back he sees Kaz standing at the open door, looking back at him. Still keeping his silence. Jaxen doesn't drop his look until he passes the guy and walks straight toward the kitchen. Inside the fridge was nothing but some water bottles and some glass bottles of alcohol.

Nothing freaking else..

"You are kidding me..," Jaxen turns his shocked eyes back ton Kaz while closing the fridge. This place looked very confusing, like there actually was living someone in and at the same time wasn't. "Are you fucking kidding me..?"

Finally Kaz forces a smile on his face, speaking with a shaking voice. "Kidding? With what? This is just -" "DON'T YOU FUCKING GIVE ME THAT!" Jaxen yells over Kazs words, so loudly his voice actually echos inside the empty apartment. Immediately Kaz turns his look away, drops his smile.

Jaxen would have never imagined something like this. Sure, this guy was rich but was living inside one single room in this freaking huge apartment!? ALONE?!

"Your parents... Where are your parents?" Jaxen rushs to ask.

Kaz glances Jaxen only once, then turns his face away. He didn't want to talk. More like he really wish Jaxen would just leave, pretend he didn't see a thing and leave him be. Kaz had never ever intent to let this guy in. He was kidding before. About the party. He KNEW Jaxen wouldn't go with his flirt. So why he ended up in here?

The touch on his arm startles Kaz. "You better talk or I make you talk," Jaxen says clearly, pressing the arm under his touch. Suddenly this over social and very pushing young man was acting closed and avoiding to look at him. Didn't want to clear anything here. Was there anything to clear, when it was exactly how it looked like.

Kaz sighs and clears his throat. He was starting to feel quite shaky. Mentally he wasn't prepared to explain his living style to anyone. Forcefully he smirks a little, trying to act cool. "I don't know. Working? In somewhere? Who knows.."

Jaxen didn't believe what he was hearing. "Exactly how long have you been living like this? The whole school year?" That would be four months by now..

When Kaz doesn't show any sign of wanting to answer, Jaxen makes the guy turn around to meet with his angry glance. "Three years! About.. three years..," Kaz finally answers.

"Three years?! Alone? Like this??" that sounded way too unrealistic Jaxen to process right away. Since middle school?

"You don't think that's great? I have money and can do what ever I want," Kaz smiles, laughing a little. "Isn't that every boys dream.." That made Jaxen give even more pissed off look toward him.

"How you can laugh like that? You have been abandoned.."

Hearing it like that really hit him. "What else I can do? Cry in the corner, ha? I've had enought of that..," Kaz forces himself to keep his smile, biting his lower lip, even when his eyes were starting to look like he really wanted to cry. "I'm used to it. I don't care. More importantly how you-"

"Used to it? You don't care?" Jaxen tsihs quietly. The more he learnt about this guy the more sense his actions actually made. Who would want to come in this kind of empty apartment? No wonder guy was driving around every night. Or drinking. Killing time, that was his reason for anything he did? "You don't get used to something like this. You are underage, living alone, fridge full of alcohol.. Yeah, you are TRYING to not care, with alcohol."

Kaz sighs and holds his head, not daring to look toward Jaxen anymore. "So? That just makes it easier.." Suddenly he could feel arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Jaxen was hugging him, leaning his face on others shoulder. That touch quickly wipe away Kazs devending mood, leaving him again so abashed he didn't know how to react. Eyes wide open he turns to look at the guy hugging him.

"You are really pissing me off..," Jaxen curses, moving his hand behind Kazs head. "I will warn you, you give me more that bullshit I will punch you. Right in the face."

Kaz lets his shoulders relax a little. "Why exactly.. you are even here?" he sighs then, sniffing once. His heart was beating so loudly right now, but he wasn't sure was it because of Jaxen hugging him now or because of the confusion Kaz was feeling. Overall he felt very mixed. "That invitation wasn't about coming in here. Who the hell even let you in..?"

Jaxen was about to low his arms and yell out, but before he could do but just move a little, Kaz moves his own hands around him, squeezing strongly, hiding his face against Jaxens shoulder, breathen strongly in and out, like trying to not let his emotions out.

Holding his mood now, Jaxen breathes out once. Thinking, see, he wasn't fine with all this. "Why I'm here? I'm up here 'cause you are freaking annoying..," he honestly clears out with a little annoyed voice. "I got pissed off because all I did was think about you so I went out to clear my head, but then I saw you again and that freaking didn't help at all.. in the end..," and starts suddenly explain. Kaz opens his eyes now.

"And.. when I had a change to get in I plan to clear out how serious you really have been here so.. Now I am here.. It freaking irritate me when I'm not sure when you are serious and when not. Probably not serious at all, so if that was the case I could just kick you on the nuts and leave. What I had to lose, ha.." Kaz was silently staring down the floor, growing very confused right now. Listening Jaxen in silence. "But I didn't think this would turn out like this.. How the hell I could kick you now? After learning all THIS? So.. you should listen to me now, get your things and come with me cause I can't freaking leave you here, alone. You will kill yourself with that amount of alco-"

The younger man cuts the talk under his lips. First feeling very surprised, Jaxen couldn't do put stare the guys closed eyes for a second. The next second he answers to that kiss, craving more, pushing his head closer, holding the guys shoulders even stronger, sucking his way in with his tonque, pushing Kaz to walk backwards until his back hits the wall.

Kaz opens his eyes, they sever their lips for a second, both breathing heavily.

"You freaking dare?" Jaxen tsihs, out of breath.

"No, you dare. That's not a rejection..," Kaz huffs back, intently looking at the other.

With eyes full of lust Jaxen aggressively searchs again others lips against his own. "Is this really a right time here?" he asks between his sucking. While Kaz just keeps going. They were seriously way too into this way too sudden. "Shouldn't we.. like.. talk about this first.."

"Then stop it," younger guy states. His hands were already going under Jaxens shirt, touching his back.

"No..," older kisses Kaz so strongly he almost ended up biting the guy.

That was enought Kaz to clear himself he didn't need to hold back here. With an easy lift he hoists Jaxens legs around his lap, supporting the guy from the back while starting to walk toward his room.

That easy lift leave Jaxen very abashed. "Whatta hell, how strong are you?!" he weight easily 150 pounds!

"Martial arts. Over eight years..," Kaz casually answers and drops the guy on his bed, finding his lips again.

"You ever done this?" Jaxen asks between their movements of kissing and undressing each others shirts. "With the guy?"

Now Kaz actually showed a shy smile. Shakes his head. "No.."

"Then roll under, for a second," he instructs, but at the same time actually just swings their places easily, opens Kazs jeans and drags them away, throwing them away on the floor. He himself stands up outside the bed and opens his own trousers. Noding once toward the guy on the bed. "Undress those," Jaxen keeps, meaning Kazs boxers.

Kaz does. But couldn't help to feel a little embarrassed. This guy really was taking a strong lead here. And damn that was attractive.

Looking how Jaxen undressed himself totally in front of him, showing the full erected front, looking at him with such a lust in his eyes, Kaz only felt the strong burn inside him. This was very different from playing with girls.

Jaxen gets back on him and finds his lips again. Then touchs Kazs front, making guy under him huff out. "Damn, that's..," older sighs, but cuts his own words and starts to jerk the guy. "You have any lubricant?"


"Lotion? Anything?"

"There is a hand lotion and face cream under there..," Kaz points his nightstand. He couldn't think. He just did as he was commanded. Fastly Jaxen grabs the first lotion he could reach, takes some on his palm and throws the lotion away.

"Right now, anything works," older guy moves his hand behind himself, starts to massage, pushing the other guy totally down. "You stay down now." He leans down to suck Kazs front. The touch from Jaxens lips was so sudden Kaz actually moans out a little. Jaxen snorts smiling. "Do that again. I get loosen even faster."

Damn that just made Kaz even harder. He takes his hand over Jaxens head, looking intently the other sucking him. Damn, that view was hot.

After a moment of this pleasuring sucking, Jaxen suddenly stops and leans back up. "There," he whispers, looking the other with lusting eyes. "Get on me. Now."

Kaz immediately does as he was told and rolls Jaxen under him. Older guy raises his leg a little. "Now you can move. Do what ever," he whispers. Kazs heart was beaten strongly. He takes a hold of Jaxens leg, touching a little on the top of Jaxens front with his other hand. Then he takes it on his hand, moving his own front toward the lubricated entry, gets slowly in.

"Take it slow," Jaxen warns. "It's been a while.."

Kaz was holding his breathe because he felt so nervous, but lets it all out now, slowly pushing himself in, then a little out and back in. Looking at Jaxen from this perspective, damn that was indescribable hot.

When Jaxen was answering the moving with his breathing, Kaz moves a little faster, leans down, sucking the guys lips lustfully.

"I know you are close, so just come inside me. Then start again," Jaxen whispers to Kazs ear with husky voice, while sucking it a little. "To last longer."

"Can you stop sounding that sexy..," Kaz tsihs back. This was way damn hot what they were doing here. And it definitely didn't took long Kaz to come. And just like Jaxen said, he kept moving again.

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