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50% Omnitrix of Justice [Ben 10 Fanfic] / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - [Ruler of Apokolips]

Kapitel 9: Chapter 9 - [Ruler of Apokolips]

"You're telling me that I spent a month and a half here while in Ben's Universe, it was only a few hours and that my suspicions were correct with these birds" Hidden in an alley I looked at the Thanagarians while talking to Paradox.

[T/N: Paradox definitely did this intentionally, no way a time traveler can't drop you off 2 seconds after you left.]

"I'm afraid that time moves differently between universes, although I honestly didn't think the difference would be that much." Looking slightly at Paradox, I noticed that he was looking at his watch.

"Do you know where my companions are?" Smiling slightly he responded.

"The other members were captured by the Thanagarians when the truth about their arrival was discovered" Looking into the distance he continued "They are all on a transport ship near us."

"I guess I'll go free them, but you owe me a talk Paradox" Smiling slightly with embarrassment Paradox disappeared.

"Okay, time to work" Touching the Omnitrix I chose the correct alien transforming in a flash "Let's see if these invaders enjoy the cold" Becoming intangible I opened my wings to clear with a jump.

The immense Thanagarian ship appeared in front of me as it landed on the Diario el Planeta building.

Even though I was intangible, I flew towards it, managing to infiltrate it without any problem and without activating any alarm.

Several minutes later I found myself arriving at the safest place where the others would surely be imprisoned.

The room was made up of several cells where I could see all the members with special machines for each one.

The sound of a door opening made me turn my face to find a Thanagarian with a plate of food as he headed to Wonder Woman's cell.

Following him I noticed the code with which he opened the cell as he walked towards an annoying Wonder Woman to throw the food at her.

"How am I supposed to eat if I'm tied up like this?" Annoyed, the invader spoke.

"It's not my problem" As he turned I became visible surprising them both.

"But it's mine" Taking his face I froze his head preventing him from screaming as he fell to the ground kicking for air.

"Max, by Hera, we didn't think you'd come back!" Walking towards her I broke the pillar where she was held without problems, however, that activated an alarm.

"I'll explain later, free the others, I'll take care of these guys" Completely free she accepted while I transformed walking to the middle of the room.

"Security breach in sector seven!" Looking at the Thanagarians who pointed spears at me, I raised my hands absorbing the energy rays they shot at me.

"You'll have to do better if you want to stop me, birds." Using the energy that Feedback was absorbing, I shot three bolts of electricity at them, knocking out the three attackers.

The sound of a door opening made me turn around, ignoring Diana and Batman freeing the others as several guards entered.

"Come on, it's time to show who we are!" Running towards them, I dodged their attacks while attacking them with kicks and whips from my upper antennae.

Absorbing the energy attacks they kept throwing at me I began to knock them out with powerful energy beams strong enough to lightly singe their wings.

Hearing some screams, I turned my face slightly, noticing the others joining the fight against the guards.

The arrival of a guard with a gun put me on alert as he shot Diana so I stood in the way absorbing the entire shot seconds before Superman knocked him out.

"Yes, this is energy!" Aiming with my hands and my tentacles I fired all the energy passing through all the walls of the ship without problems while I moved to cause as much damage as possible.

Unfortunately, in my excitement, I caused a rupture in the room which accelerated the fall of the ship.

"We are losing altitude quickly, let's get out of here as soon as possible!" Listening to Diana's words, I transformed into my Kryptonian form, taking Flash and Lantern, knowing that everyone was still tired.

Leaving the ship, I watched lightly as it fell into the water without seeing any Thanagarians get out of it while we walked away.


Hours later…


"So this Professor Paradox didn't know that time would pass so quickly here and besides you just fought in one invasion to fight in I'm your partner and I'm surprised!" Having had plenty of time until nightfall I told the others what had happened.

"Be quiet, Flash" Hidden in the alleys, Lantern did not hesitate to silence Flash while he looked at the hand where his ring should be, annoyed.

Following Batman we crossed several streets ending in an alley that had a door that Diana opened without problems.

Entering I discovered that we had arrived at a clothing store.

"Your x-ray vision is working fine" Looking at Lantern I slightly notice Superman looking at the ceiling.

"Well, enough to see that the Falcon soldiers are still patrolling" Looking out a window I heard the others' talk.

"They must have the entire city covered" Following J'onn's words Flash's words made me look at him like everyone else.

"Maybe they'll get tired and go home," looking at everyone, he continued, "Yes, I know, but a little optimism doesn't hurt us right now."

Before anyone could say anything else a voice rang from outside.

"This is the spokesperson of the Thanagarian occupation authority, the one they call the Justice League has violated our martial law, they will be considered enemies and eliminated, and whoever gives them shelter or help will be punished!" The bravery of those invaders bothered me.

"Okay, goodbye optimism" Looking at the others I ignored Flash's words.

"For the moment I think we'll have to hide" Diana was the first to speak after Batman.

"And how are we going to hide when the entire planet is looking for us?" J'onn gave the solution.

"They are looking for the Justice League, without our suits we are just ordinary citizens" Before he finished speaking J'onn took the form of a man with a brown trench coat.

"Wait a second, what about the secret identity?! He trusted you but I'm not sure that-" Batman interrupted Flash somewhat annoyed as he started pointing.

"Wally West, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne!" When he finished he took off his mask, leaving his face visible.

"Smug" After recovering Wally took off his own mask revealing his face and his red hair.

"Red hair, it looks good on you" Diana's words encouraged Wally while the others began to look for clothes.

When most of them had finished Bruce looked at me noticing that I was still wearing my armor as I watched the street.

"You don't plan to change, do you?" He spoke without looking at me.

"My watch is distinctive and something that cannot be hidden, with Master Control I can spend as long as I want transformed without depleting energy, I guess we will go to your cave" Looking at Bruce I noticed that everyone was ready to leave.

"Yes, that is the meeting point" Having my answer I transformed, hiding myself with a pillar preventing the flash from being very noticeable.

"Then we'll see you there" Coming out of the pillar everyone saw my BigChill form seconds before I disappeared from their eyes "Be very careful" Without saying anything else I flew out of the place waiting for everyone to arrive at the cave.

Half an hour later I landed in front of the door of Wayne Manor so I knocked on the door which was opened by Alfred.

"Hello Alfred," becoming visible, I tried not to scare the elderly butler too much, who only opened his eyes slightly.

"Young Max, nice to see you, come in" Accepting his invitation I walked while covering myself with my wings.

"I suppose Master Bruce and his other companions will arrive at any moment," returning to my human form, I answered.

"Yes, we are all going to meet in the cave, do you think you can take me?" Smiling, he asked me to follow him, taking me to the entrance of the Batcave.

"Visitors!" appearing with a scream I saw how Robin with his costume landed in front of us "Max Tennyson better known as Omnaz!" looking at the smiling boy I spoke.

"Nice to see you Robin" Alfred looked at the boy before speaking with a voice that froze him.

"You should be in your bed young man" Robin froze before slumping his shoulders as he began to climb the stairs, waving goodbye with one hand.

"Young Max, you can use the computer while the others arrive, I'll bring you some snacks" I gratefully let him leave while using Batman's computer noting its similarity to the one in the Watchtower.


An hour later...


Noticing how Lantern and Flash finally arrived, I continued talking knowing that they would listen to me.

"...the Thanagarians did not leave any loose ends, the first thing they did when they captured them was to destroy the Watchtower, although powerful cannons would not have helped us, but they decided not to risk it," greeting the others, J'onn spoke.

"What are the Thanagarians really here for?" Clark was the first to respond.

"Obviously not to protect us" Taking the water that Alfred had brought I listened to Diana.

"But if the Gordadians aren't close to here, why do they need a magnetic field?" Bruce's voice answered.

"If that's it" When Lantern asked what it was I heard a voice that made me angry.

"I can tell you" Without waiting a second I transformed, drawing attention every second before my immense form landed in front of Hawk Woman and grabbed her neck and arms.

"And tell me, traitor, why I shouldn't just rip your arms off!" Lightly squeezing her neck, I looked at her with all four eyes. "Or better yet, I'll tear off your wings and watch you writhe in pain."

"Four Arms, stop!" Turning my face I looked at Superman who was looking at the woman in my arms.

"I don't know why you dare to come here, but he is right, give us a good reason" Letting go of her neck I allowed her to speak.

"I-I didn't come to fight, but to help" While Flash reproached him for how he had helped her, I didn't stop looking at her with anger.

"The situation is worse than you think, they are building a hyper-spatial diverter, and when it is activated it will destroy the planet and everything on it" Looking at her pants she continued "I have proof" Diana walked towards us to take a colored disk purple and red which she gave to Bruce.

"We will investigate this, Max let her go, Alfred doesn't have the strength to clean up so much blood" Although I was annoyed, I accepted Bruce's words, releasing her and watching as she landed on the ground.

Without turning my back on her, I walked towards the others, noticing that everyone was following me except Lantern, who approached her, which made me make an annoyed sound as I returned to my human form.


Hours later…


As Batman analyzed the data that Hawkwoman had provided I noticed a small detail.

"Wait!" My alarm caused Batman to look at me "Look at that part of the report" By touching a few buttons on his computer I made him highlight what had caught my attention "Those damn people are using humans as labor in their machine!" my aberration for the invaders only grew every moment.

"Even if the Watchtower was still there I wouldn't have been able to use it in my plan knowing that there are people in the machine, we must find a way to destroy it without forgetting the people" The others returned with their suits while an idea came to my mind.

"I think I know how to destroy the machine and save the humans, but I'll need help" Batman continued typing on his computer as he spoke.

"We must divide into two teams, one must go to the command ship to try to deactivate the magnetic field, and another will go with Max to evacuate the civilians while he destroys the generator" Looking at me, Flash spoke.

"That thing is the size of a city, do you have something strong enough to destroy it?" Looking at the data I responded.

"Something like that" A moment later an alarm sounded while the images from the mansion's cameras appeared on the computer letting us see the Thanagarians enter "Time for action."

We all separated while we waited for the invaders, as I entered the darkness I touched the Omnitrix choosing a form, a second later a green flash illuminated the darkness of the cave.

While the Thanagarians walked vigilantly through the cave I prepared to attack when Lantern destroyed a weapon of one of them.

"I was waiting for you, I will give you what you deserve" when the fight began and the others joined in attacking the nearest Thanagarian.

The guy never had a chance when I came out of the shadows with my hammer-shaped diamond arm, knocking him out with one blow, a shot made me stumble slightly so I turned around to find another Thanagarian pointing a gun at me.

"Serious mistake, pigeon," transforming my two arms into swords, I ran towards him, ignoring his desperate shots until I reached him, cutting him in the chest, causing him to scream in pain as he fell to the ground bleeding.

A few seconds later all the Thanagarians were on the ground as we met up with Superman.

"Let's go" Following Batman we left the cave and the mansion noticing the ship in which the soldiers had arrived.

"Superman, Wonder Woman, and Lantern go to the command ship and deactivate the magnetic field" Looking at me Batman continued "The rest of us will go with Omnaz to destroy the machine" Flash approached him with a question.

"How do you expect us to get to the Gobi Desert without attracting the attention of all the Thanagarians?" Batman just looked at the ship.

"With that" minutes later when the others had left I was standing next to Batman and Flash as we looked at J'onn at the ship's control panel "Well?"

"I have no idea how to pilot it" Before he could stop him Flash touched a button.

"What does this do?" The result was that one of the ship's weapons destroyed a pillar of Bruce's mansion, causing him to become enraged.

"That doesn't help!" alert in case I had to intervene I heard J'onn's voice.

"I need a Thanagarian" A few seconds later Flash returned with the leader of the attack on the mansion.

"Before I tell you anything I'd rather choke on your bones!" when Flash was going to hit him J'onn stopped him calmly.

"We're running out of time, I'll get the information" that caught Batman's attention.

"I thought you couldn't read their minds" Taking in the Thanagarian's face he replied to Batman.

"I'll just have to try harder." A few seconds after touching his head, J'onn began to receive several wounds while he complained of pain.

"J'onn!" Alarmed, both Flash and I held him, preventing him from falling while he continued with his task.

A few seconds later the Thanagarian began to scream while J'onn let him go, leaving him very tired and injured.

"I have what we need" As he spoke J'onn's wounds disappeared.

A few minutes later we found ourselves clearing Batman's house and heading towards the Gobi Desert.

"It will take us about twenty minutes to get to the location of the generator, Superman and the others should already be in the command ship" Listening to him Batman noticed how J'onn sped up the ship.

Fifteen minutes later, when the desert was the only thing in sight, I told them my idea.

"While I distract the Thanagarians, you should get the civilians out. I think I can make the magnetic field subside long enough for them to enter." Being two minutes away from arriving, I walked to the ship's hatch while Flash spoke.

"Hey, how will we know when to approach?" Smiling slightly I responded before jumping through the hatch with the generator in sight.

"Believe me, you will know" Letting me fall I slightly enjoyed the air that hit my face as the ground got closer and closer "Omnitrix, activate To'kustar DNA sample" A second later a green flash followed by an immense bang caught the attention of all the Thanagarians in the generator as well as the other heroes.

"IT CAN'T BE!" From the ship, Flash couldn't believe what was in front of his eyes, because his friend had transformed into an immense being.

The being that was getting up after having landed on its knees was white with rusty red, on its head it had a fin, its shoulders carried objects similar to swords, and its waist had some thorns, however, the most striking thing was its size when I remained completely standing.

"It must be about sixty meters or more" Listening to Batman, the other two heroes could only look at his partner as he took a step towards the generator.

"IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO LEARN NOT TO MESS WITH MY PLANET INVADERS" Ignoring the cannons that were pointed at me I began to walk toward the generator, being a few meters away I prepared to deliver a blow without worrying about the rays that were shot at me.

A second later the rays hit him squarely, causing the Thanagarians to smile arrogantly knowing that there was no possibility of said being surviving their weapons, however, when the smoke cleared the only thing they saw was an immense fist that was about to collide with the magnetic field.

When the fist hit the field it caused a powerful disturbance while the energy tried to withstand the force, however, a few seconds later the shield blinked for a few seconds allowing the ship where the others were traveling to enter without the Thanagarians noticing it as their attention was on the field. The immense being attacked them again.

"YOUR SHIELD WON'T PROTECT YOU!" Attacking again my fist hit the shield causing a small amount of damage to the structure while the whole place shook.

A second later the field reappeared, causing me to stumble due to the push of the energy that fed it, however, I prepared to continue attacking.

The same action was repeated for a few minutes while the Thanagarians tried to stop me with their weapons without achieving any success.

However, in my last attack, while I was watching the place waiting to see the ship with the others, a small explosion caught my attention so I looked to find a large number of civilians running out of the generator while Batman, Flash, and J'onn escorted them, defending them from the attacks.

When I saw them reach the shield, I attacked the field with both fists, causing a small explosion of energy that incapacitated the field, allowing all the humans to run away from the generator. The Thanagarians, having discovered the leak, pointed their weapons at them and fired at them.

Without thinking I protected them with my arm, allowing them to run while protecting everyone's escape. J'onn's voice came to my mind.

"Omnaz, all the civilians are out of the generator, if you can destroy it, do it now, they already activated it." Grateful to J'onn, I looked at the field, noticing how it flickered for a few seconds before losing energy and disappearing. "The others made it."

"GET AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN" Covering the civilians from the constant attacks of the Thanagarians I waited until they were far enough away while the generator began to activate.

"TIME TO END" Crossing my arms I pointed at the generator as the energy gathered in their midst seconds before an immense green beam was shot at the generator exploding in a matter of seconds, so I threw myself down covering all the people.

When the explosion ended we could all see the crater that was left where the generator used to be so I returned to my human form.

"Looks like we saved the earth" Looking at Flash I noticed how people began to applaud for having destroyed the generator which made me smile slightly.


Days later…


After the Thanagarians began leaving the planet while we were watching them, the entire league was in a discussion about what to do with Hawkwoman.

"She exploited our weaknesses, she betrayed us!" Listening to Diana, I drank some water because the discussion had been going on for a while.

"Come on, she was in a hopeless situation, but when push came to shove she sided with us as always!" without looking at anyone J'onn spoke after Flash.

"She is an outcast among her people, we are the only thing she has left" Superman was the next to speak.

"Believe me J'onn, I pity her but after everything that happened I don't know if I could trust her again" Hearing those words I spoke.

"There is no need to pity her, I remember that in many fights she was the first to attack which caused us a lot of problems, it does not matter if she is an outcast, she is lucky that the world does not know that she sold us out, I will never trust her again "She" Flash and J'onn looked at me for a second before looking down so Batman spoke.

"This is going nowhere, it's time for us to vote" Standing up I got everyone's attention.

"I don't want her in the League or in my presence, that is my vote, now if you'll excuse me I must go home to help the citizens" Without listening to anyone I left the room finding Alfred a few meters away so I said goodbye.

Walking I reached the room where Hawk Woman was sitting, however upon hearing my footsteps she looked up from her meeting my eyes which made her turn away from me.

Without saying anything I transformed into BigChill to leave the place without giving a second glance to the person who had betrayed us.


Gotham City, three months later…


"I seriously can't believe I'm late today of all days!" Standing next to the new Javelin that Batman had built, all the members of the League looked at John who, with his good arm, looked at the sky waiting for something.

A few seconds later we all witnessed how a very familiar green comet began to descend from the sky towards us while John let out an annoyed sigh.

"It's about time" In seconds the comet came close enough for us all to see the figure of a white man with brown hair and a suit very similar to Lantern only with a greener design "You're late Jordan!"

The one named Jordan seemed used to John's attitude because he just smiled before speaking while he looked at us.

"Calm down Stewart, I'm just in time, now why don't you make introductions?" John let out a sigh before walking towards his counterpart and seeing us.

"Guys, this is Hal Jordan, another human Green Lantern, Jordan, the Justice League," the new Lantern greeted us with a wave of his hand while Flash approached John in amazement.

"Wait, there are more Lantern humans?!" Both men looked at him with a raised eyebrow so he backed away uncomfortably.

"Actually, I know someone else, an acquaintance named Kyle," Superman's words only surprised Flash more while Jordan spoke in amusement.

"Yes, Kyle is far away on a diplomatic mission." Looking back at John, he continued. "I think you should hurry." John just nodded.

"Well as I explained to you, the guardians need a testimony to fix my ring as well as to have the Thanagarians in their sights, Jordan will be my replacement while Superman, Wonder Woman, and J'onn accompany me as witnesses" having had a meeting a few hours before The reminder was only so that his fellow Lantern would be aware.

"The Javelin has the coordinates that you gave us about the new location of the Lantern headquarters, however, it will take them four days to reach their destination" Looking at Batman I noticed how he handed our project to Superman "A communicator created with the help of Omnaz, for any emergency" the man of steel thanked us while saying goodbye to everyone, something that Diana and J'onn imitated.

A few minutes later we saw the Javelin disappear into the sky as Flash spoke.

"Well, I hope they return safely, although of course what's the worst that can happen?" Upon hearing that Batman and Jordan looked at him while I just hit my face.

"Worst words said Flash" Without understanding the redhead just looked at me as I walked away while asking Batman for an explanation who ignored him while he handed a communicator to Jordan.

Three days later, Flash's words had repercussions.

"I must say that unlike living in a cave, your new house improved a lot" Nyssa's comment made me laugh a little as we walked to the living room of my renovated house.

I had made the decision to build a small building no larger than two stories, completely reinforced and with a better security system in the highest part of the island, my only concern would be a missile because even the windows were reinforced.

"I appreciate the comment, however after the attack I decided that it was better that someone could see if I was attacked and not trust in luck hoping that you could save me again" Nyssa smiled at me amused as she took the glass of water that I had offered her.

The sound of my communicator prevented her from continuing to speak while I answered it.

"Omnaz here," Batman's voice sounded urgent.

"Turn on the television, channel six news." Obeying him, I took control of my television, drawing Nyssa's attention.

"Is something wrong?" I don't need to answer her because as soon as I turned on the television we both discovered the problem.

"This is Jennifer Nocturne from Channel Six Metropolis, if you have just tuned in we repeat the events that are happening in the city, several portals have appeared in different parts through which the same creatures that attacked years before are appearing!" The cameraman turned the camera showing how some very familiar portals appeared and parademons came out of them.

"Superman has not appeared, so the army has mobilized to confront the threat! No-!" an explosion interrupted the reporter while a cloud of smoke could be seen in the distance.

"Batman I'm going right away, call reinforcements" Listening to Batman's quick response I ended the communication to see Nyssa "I have to go, I don't know if the invasion will be planetary but I would like you to stay here" Nyssa just nodded.

"Of course, be very careful" Walking towards one of the windows I opened it while I transformed into XLR8 leaving it in seconds.

As Nyssa looked at her father's candidate she decided that she would take advantage of the opportunity to be alone in the house.

Running as fast as possible, it took me two minutes to reach Metropolis, noticing the explosions that were happening in various parts of the city.

"Batman, I'm in Metropolis, where are the reinforcements?" Waiting for Batman's response, he attacked a group of parademons who were shooting at the police.

Using my claws I finished them with speed and precision in seconds.

"Flash and Lantern should be arriving, I'm on my way to Stryker Island for some volunteers." Recognizing the name of the prison, I stopped for a second.

"Do you think anyone wants to help voluntarily?" Hearing an explosion I looked up and saw a helicopter with a number six began to fall uncontrollably "I have to go, good luck!" Without waiting a second I transformed to jump toward a building using it as a foothold.

Three jumps were necessary for me to reach the helicopter, taking it with my four arms and holding it tightly. Using the inertia of my jump, I managed to land on a building without much problem leaving the helicopter.

"Are you okay?" Looking inside the vehicle I found an unconscious pilot, a dizzy cameraman, and a somewhat upset reporter, tearing off the door and taking the two men to put them near the roof door while I returned for the woman.

"W-What happened? Where am I?" Recovering slightly from the accident, the woman noticed that she was being carried in my arms "Omnaz, the hero of Jump City?!" Looking at her with my four eyes I responded while I placed her next to her companions.

"You can call me Four Arms in this form Miss Jennifer" The woman seemed surprised that I knew her name "I saw your broadcast of what was happening, I suggest that you stay hidden while my companions and I try to stop this" taking a few steps away I stopped upon hearing her scream.

"Wait, it would help me a lot if you gave me an interview when everything is over!" Surprised by her request, I responded.

"Sure, no problem," saying goodbye, I jumped towards a group of parademons a few streets away from the building.

My attacks against the invaders continued for several minutes as I advanced towards the central part of the city where it seemed that several portals were gathered, while I finished off the aliens, the army and the police supported me as best they could since their weapons were ineffective against the parademons.

A somewhat familiar laugh stopped me abruptly as I saw the energy lines of the city, finding Livewire attacking the parademons while she was enjoying it, a stream of flames made me look a few blocks away, noticing Volcana burning large groups of aliens.

"Yes, you got volunteers." Waiting for a response, I noticed how Batman's voice came out of the Omnitrix symbol.

"Yes, her sentence is overturned for the moment because of her help, Lantern is in the western part of the city, Flash in the east and we have Supergirl accompanied by a man in metal armor named Steel in the south" Running through the street I answered.

"Where are you?" His response did not surprise me.

"I'm going in the same direction you're traveling." The sound of a jet prevented me from responding as I reached the central area of ​​the city where I could see several portals a few blocks away. The sound of someone landing next to me made me turn around slightly. "The area with the most portals."

"I think I can close them but I will need you to cover me for a few seconds" The arrival of the army made me look at them as they prepared finishing quickly as they looked at me waiting for a signal "They can help" Batman alone walked towards the general in charge while I prepared.

A few seconds later Batman gave me a signal waiting for the moment of the attack.

"Okay now!" Without looking at anyone, I jumped towards the portals, ignoring the parademons' shots as I landed in the middle of everyone, destroying the ground and sending them flying.

The soldiers started shooting as soon as they saw me jump so the invaders were being distracted by ignoring the green glow of my change.

"Okay, time to work" Pointing my hands toward the portals I began to absorb the energy while using my antennas to defend myself from the parademons that were trying to attack me.

The ability I obtained from being Feedback allowed me to remove the energy from the first portals, forcing them to disappear, however, the parademons noticed it as they began to shoot at me, forcing me to cover myself with remains of rocks while I continued with my work.

A red blur passed by me as my attackers fell to the ground without moving so I smiled knowing that Flash had come to help.

While I continued with my task I noticed that the attempts of the pandemonians to stop me were stopped by the other heroes and the two villains who were overwhelming them, however when the last portal was about to be closed an energy shot attacked me which I absorbed however The power made me skid several meters.

"Dude, are you fine!" Coming towards me Flash seemed somewhat alarmed by all the ground I had traveled.

"...Yes, that energy did not harm me, already disappeared" It was strange that I lost that energy, however, the appearance of several portals made us see the portal in the middle because it seemed to gain energy.

"Looks like the leader of the attack is coming" Coming to us are all the other defenders of the city as Batman spoke, "Be ready for whatever."

Knowing that Batman was almost always right I transformed into Four Arms as he watched the dozens of pandemons emerge from the portals as a figure slowly emerged from the largest one.

"What the hell!?" Flash spoke for everyone when he saw who came out of the portal because she was a woman, a very dangerous one if the chill I felt meant anything.

The woman had very familiar gray skin, her red eyes looked at us with perverse amusement, and her outfit left little to her imagination. In her hand, she carried some type of ax which she placed on her shoulder before speaking.

"Humans, I do not come to kill, I am only looking for the being that defeated my father in our home" Taking a step forward I earned her gaze to land on me.

"We don't know who your father is, so we don't know who you're looking for," she smiled sadistically at me.

"My father is Darkseid, I am Grail, the one prophesied to create destruction" Well the problems were great "The one I seek is called Kal-EL, however, he is known as Superman, who according to my stepbrother carries an emblem similar to that of the girl" ok the problems grew.

"Superman left the earth, you won't find him here, leave" looking at Batman Grail spoke with contempt.

"My stepbrother also told me that the last time he saw his father he was accompanied by some beings, including a human with a dark cape, tell me where my father is and your death will be quick" standing in front of Batman, I spoke because I noticed slightly how her eyes shone.

"You won't get anything from us, leave now" Her response was just a hateful smile before answering me.

"If you want it that way, attack!" the pandemons obeyed by flying towards us so they all attacked while I jumped towards Grail hoping she would only focus on me and not Kara.

Grail, seeing me, let go of her ax to raise her arms, intercepting my attack, the result being a small explosion that raised dirt and pavement, sending the nearest parademon flying.

However, what surprised me was that the woman was holding my arms while her legs were bent slightly, however, she did not seem at all worried.

"You are strong, red being, but not enough." Returning my arms with force, I looked at her with my four eyes completely open because her movement had left me at her disposal. "Now let's see your resistance." Moving her arm, she forcefully attacked my abdomen, causing A small wave of air to clear the smoke as I was blown away by the power of the blow.

The reporters who were broadcasting the entire invasion could only watch in disbelief as one of the most physically powerful heroes was sent flying away from the fight by a blow while quickly crossing the buildings.

"Flash, go to Omnaz now!" Obeying Batman, the runner took off while following the line of destruction that his friend left through the buildings, finding him in a parking lot in his human form and unconscious.

Pain, immense pain was the first thing I registered while blows to the face accompanied by a voice brought me back to consciousness.

"Omnaz friend wake up!" Opening my eyes slightly I noticed that my mask had been removed "Yes, I'm glad to see you conscious!" Listening to Flash, he lightly touched my chest, letting out a moan of pain that seemed to worry him. "Do you need medical attention?" Breathing deeply I responded.

"N-No, just... give me a second" Regulating my breathing I managed to stand up with his help a few seconds later "H-How long was I gone?" my response was answered by an explosion several blocks away from us.

"About three minutes" As he touched my chest I looked at him.

"Come on, we have to get back to the fight" Flash seemed hesitant but we didn't have time "Wally, that woman is equal to or more powerful than Superman and Diana" my words worried him.

"You should call them, don't you think?" Leaving the parking lot, I responded.

"They won't arrive in time, we must go help the others and quickly" Noticing my serious look he could only let out a sigh before taking me and running towards the fight.

In a few seconds, we were in the portal area where the destruction had grown greatly while Grail defended herself from everyone.

When Supergirl received a blow that stunned her she was grabbed by her neck to be slammed at Grail's feet.

"Quickly throw me at her and then move out Supergirl!" Obeying, Flash took me before spinning around quickly to end up throwing me towards Darkseid's daughter who was raising her ax to kill Supergirl.

The flash of my transformation caught her attention as she looked up long enough to see me before I hit her with the great strength I gained from being Vilgax.

Recovering from the hit, I turned, managing to land on my feet, while I was skidding I held her face to start running while her head was dragged along the ground with force and speed.

A few seconds later, while my arms were growing, I threw her against a building, sending her flying exactly like she had done to me.

"Are you okay?" Turning my face I found Batman looking somewhat hurt while Jordan floated above us in the same condition.

"Yes, but the best thing will be that only Lantern and Flash help me in the fight" My words made his gaze turn completely hard waiting for an explanation "She's as strong as Superman, I think only the two of them apart from me could withstand the blows." "Although Livewire could be of help too" An explosion near us caught our attention "It's just a suggestion Batman" Without waiting any longer I ran towards where I knew Grail was.

The woman appeared in front of me a few seconds later completely unharmed as she smiled.

"I have fought against many species, however, none like what you are" Without answering the attack, discovered another of her powers while he avoided my blows with ease "Silent, I like it" A second later she attacked my face with a right hand that forced me to move my face.

"It won't be that easy," grabbing her face again, lifting her up to hit her hard against the ground, however, she didn't seem affected as she laughed lightly.

"I barely felt it" She jumped away from me in a spin to charge at me a second later causing her to skid while she hit my side to no avail.

When she managed to stop me, I held her by her sides to try to lift her, earning me a knee to the face that stunned me enough for her to attack my chest with her face, sending me flying a few meters before being held by a gigantic green hand.

"Do you need help?" Looking at Jordan I let out a hiss of pain as she grabbed my face noticing that my mask had been torn.

A red blur attacked Grail who received the attacks without damage but which managed to stun her.

"And the others?" Coming down from Jordan's construct I picked up the remains of my mask.

"The villains decided to escape when they saw that they had no chance, Batman managed to get Supergirl to stay with the guy in the armor who seemed hurt by the bat, well" when Grail managed to push Flash away with a blow, several Batarangs hit her causing a slight shock.

"He must be the most stubborn human on earth" When the smoke from the explosion cleared I noticed that Grail's eyes glowed a second before a familiar beam shot towards the roof of a building so I looked at Batman while my eyes eyes were shining.

When Grail's beam was about to hit Batman my own beams intercepted them, drawing the woman's attention.

"Every moment you attract more of my attention" Taking her ax from her back she smiled sadistically at me before quickly running towards us ignoring Jordan's attacks.

Knowing her advantage in speed, I waited for the last moment to stop her attack with my hand, surprising her when I managed to prevent her from moving her ax without getting hurt.

"Interesting" Without allowing her to recover, I attacked her, hitting her face, sending her flying, however, I followed her by jumping, crushing her to the ground, and then moving away from her and shooting a beam from my eyes causing a small explosion.

"Do you think that's enough?" Looking at Flash I responded.

"I don't think so, we should think of an alternative" The sound of someone landing made us turn our faces noticing Batman.

"Don't you have something that can stop her?" Before I could respond, a silhouette emerging from the smoke of my attack caught my attention.

"No, I don't think so" A second later I could barely push them both before a powerful bolt of lightning hit me square in the chest, sending me flying again.

The lightning disappeared when my body hit the ground with force, causing a small earthquake.

As I left the crater I had caused, I was relieved to notice that although similar to her father's, the Grail beam did not have the power to hurt me like when I received Darkseid's.

"Omnaz! Are you okay?" Coming out of my thoughts I met Kara who was still somewhat battered from her fight with Grail.

"Yes, that woman is strong but I am tough, how about you and Steel?" Looking at the man in the metal armor I noticed that he was unconscious.

"We're fine, beaten but we'll live, Clark told me about that new giant alien. Why don't you transform into it?" Looking at her I responded.

"The buildings are an obstacle, plus I don't want to harm any civilians, it's difficult to notice some things being so big" Slightly looking at the Omnitrix symbol on my chest I continued "Although I should have something that can handle her" returning to my human form I touched the Omnitrix.

"Omnitrix, it is possible to scan the DNA of the subject identified as Grail" The watch blinked for a second before answering me.


"Y-You have Darkseid's DNA!" watching the Omnitrix speak.

"Omnitrix, activate Darkseid's DNA sample" A second later a flash made Kara take her eyes away from me, however when she returned to see Max she was surprised so she took a step away from him.

Kara and the thousands of viewers who watched the invasion on their screen could not believe what they saw because almost everyone had once seen the being known as Darkseid and before his eyes, there was a figure that reminded them of them.

He was a muscular man, somewhat tall, his gray skin was the same as that of the invader, his arms were covered by black gloves, his bare chest showed a very familiar green design while his legs were covered by black pants and boots.

"M-Max? A-Are you okay?" When she looked at the copy of Darkseid, Kara was surprised to notice that around his face his skin seemed cracked just like the original.

"Supergirl... yes I'm fine" Stopping looking at her I looked around me noticing that the earth looked different "This planet is boring" my comment caused Kara to look at me uncomfortable.

"Don't you think you should change into another form" When my gaze landed on her again she continued in a low voice "It was just a suggestion" The sound of approaching explosions took my attention away from her.

"That woman is coming, take the human with you and stay away" Without waiting for her response I began to walk without noticing how I unconsciously folded my arms behind my back.

A small explosion was the last thing that sounded before Grail appeared in front of me a few meters away while she looked at me surprised and annoyed.

"...How dare you take such a disgusting form of my father" When I looked at her it seemed that my eyes conveyed what I felt for her because she became enraged "You dare to look at me as if I were nothing!" Without saying anything else, she attacked me, reaching me in seconds, and giving me a right hand to my face.

The blow did not affect me beyond moving my face a few inches without my eyes stopping to see her, which caused her to let out a scream of anger and continue attacking.

A blow to my chest was the next which, although a little more powerful, did not hurt me, each attack was followed by a scream of anger from the woman because it was notable that it did not hurt me.

After a dozen blows I moved my arm stopping her last blow to my face.

"You're just a girl throwing a tantrum" My words filled her with more anger, so she tried to attack with her other arm which I still stopped "And children who throw a tantrum must be punished" without giving her the opportunity to do anything else a headbutt sent her skidding across the ground for several meters.

"Omnaz! What shape is this?" When Flash's hand was about to touch my arm I stopped him, surprising him as did Jordan and Batman who began to take out a Batarang "Max, could you let me go?" looking at Flash's face I spoke.

"So fragile, don't try to touch me again human" Releasing him I noticed how Grail began to leave where I had sent her so I ignored them walking towards her.

"Do you want to continue, girl, or do you prefer to return to your planet?" Grail let out a hateful growl before attacking me again, so I moved, leaving her chest at my mercy.

A powerful blow stopped her as the air left her lungs, while her body seemed to begin to want to move away. I grabbed her leg and slammed her against the ground several times.

When I stopped I noticed that she was barely conscious as she looked at me angrily so I walked over to her looking for something in her belt.

Finding the master travel control I opened a portal in front of me so I grabbed her neck causing her to try to fight to free herself from it.

"Don't come back girl, or next time will be your end" Using my strength I threw her as if nothing had happened into the travel tube watching as she disappeared before destroying the control in my hand ending the possibility of her returning.

"Where did you send her?" looking to my left I found Batman.

"I don't know and I don't care, the only thing that matters is that this invasion ends" Looking at all the destruction for some reason I didn't find it important.

"Why don't you return to your human form to rest?" Looking at Jordan I slightly noticed that both Flash and Batman were becoming alert.

"Max, your eyes are shining" Looking at Flash I understood his caution, a moment later I looked at Batman who was ready to attack.

"They're not worth my time" A second later I touched the Omnitrix symbol returning to my human form to fall to my knees a second later "N-Never again!" Flash was the first to come over to help me.

"Omnaz, what happened?" Taking deep breaths I responded knowing the others were listening.

"T-That shape is D-Darkseid's DNA" That seemed to surprise both Flash and Jordan but Batman didn't even blink "….My conscience wasn't…it wasn't just me…Darkseid was with me" Standing up with Flash's help I listened to Batman.

"It is not recommended that you use it again" Looking at Batman I let out a sigh from the experience as well as the fatigue from the entire invasion.

"We'll retire to rest, Jordan go get Supergirl" Jordan accepted while we rested a little.


Days later…


While I was resting in the living room of my home I watched the news that even with the time that had passed since the invasion they continued to repeat what was recorded, with the reporter Nocturne being the one who came out the most to say positive things about the League and the small interview I had given her.

Although my body was at a hundred after resting, my mind was still disturbed by the experience with Darkseid's DNA.

"Target: Superman, approaching" Hearing the alarm I got up from my furniture to walk to one of the windows opening it so Superman could enter.

A few seconds later I heard Superman carefully land.

"Welcome Superman" walking closer before speaking.

"How are you feeling?" Releasing a sigh I looked at him.

"They told you right? It was an... unpleasant experience, my mind was being-" he interrupted me.

"Invaded, raped by the thoughts of Darkseid, I understand you, the same thing happened to me when I was brainwashed" Offering him some water I accept it before continuing "The league is worried about both you and the one called Grail, I told them that you just needed time but about Darkseid's daughter we must be alert."

"She probably won't return for a while but we must discover a way to stop her without needing the entire League present." We spent the next few hours thinking about ways to defend the land from Grail.

When night came to the city Superman had already said goodbye to me because he had things to do so when I received a call from Nyssa to see me had no problem meeting her in one of the city parks.

"I'm sorry I'm late," standing up from the bench where she had been waiting for a few minutes I reassured her.

"Don't worry, you didn't take long, tell me what you needed to talk about?" Going through her bag, Nyssa pulled out a small box which she presented to me with a small smile. "What is it?" Taking the box I looked at it.

"Open it, it's a gift." Interested, I opened the small box and found a small necklace. Looking up, I looked at her. "You saved the world from an invasion a few days ago. I think you deserve that and more." Coming closer, she grabbed my face, giving me a very close kiss on the mouth which surprised me "Let's have dinner, I'll invite you"

Surprised but very grateful I just smiled at her as she took the necklace from the box to put it on.

"It's an invitation I won't refuse." Smiling, I saw her looking at the necklace or specifically at the small ruby ​​that hung on it, and for a second she offered me her hand, which I took to leave the park.

[T/N: That is either some type of tracker, a device that will hack the league and his house systems, a recording device for spying, or a mind control device. This chapter was a lot of fun, we got to see two invasions, another showing of the to'kustar, and the effect of transforming into Darkseid, though it makes sense seeing as he is a god, imagine how bad Trigon will be. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. Check out the Patreon for 3 advanced chapters, it's only $5.]


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