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80% Wanderer's Game / Chapter 24: Wanderer, Star Witness

Kapitel 24: Wanderer, Star Witness

AN: Changed my mind about things, didn't like where I was going with the story so I got rid of chapter 25 and rewrote the Courtroom scene in this chapter.

Sleep comes far easier than I'd expected. Between the surprisingly comfortable bed, the sweet dreams of shooting out one of Bidleid's eyes, and Grayfia wishing me goodnight, I find myself sleeping like a fucking baby.

The morning after passes in the blink of an eye. I don't leave the room I've been given, mainly because I'm not allowed. Food is brought to me, drinks are too, at least. Aside from that, I've basically been sitting down and watching the clock all day.

Well, I also got up to a bit of reading. I've put it off for a bit, too busy handling the emotional turmoil of the women I've surrounded myself with, but Euclid's writings are much too important to let collect dust in my Inventory.

Part of me almost wishes I hadn't.

Research Log 02#a

Lord Beelzebub has given me full authority to act as I so please in the name of this research. It is so relieving to find someone who understands the necessity of scientific pursuit, and the importance of my work. Live subjects so far have been slightly difficult to amass, but the corpses I've been given have helped nonetheless. Schematics for the Mana Infusion Machine have been complete, production is another matter altogether though.

Research Log 44#c

Lord Beelzebub theorised that something like this was possible, but I must admit I did not have faith in his judgement. Now? I find myself stunned. The more Mana I infused into Beneram's body, the more he began to secrete a sickly, corrosive compound. I've since named it the Chimera Toxin, the irrefutable evidence that there is a greater depth to the Clan Traits of all Devils. A realm that our species has yet to see fully. All I need to do now is isolate this evolution.

Research Log, 212#c

Upon making contact with the Chimera Toxin, Subject 66 showed remarkable resilience to the corrosive effects. Further investigation revealed the subject to have been shielding himself with his Mana, creating a barrier between the Toxin and himself. One of the rare Glasya-Labolas, in my lab. A shame he died so soon after. So far, Beneram has not been able to maintain his 'evolved' state for longer than 25 seconds. He has asked to leave. I cannot allow it. Lord Beelzebub will understand.

Research Log 317#a

A breakthrough! While it requires further testing as of yet, something in Beneram changed upon continued, volatile exposure to the Mana Infusion Machine. It took the continued infusion of several Devil's worth of Mana, but his skeletal structure began to shift and grow! The Chimera Toxin was indeed the entry point to something much greater! Lord Beelzebub will be visiting the lab soon to view this breakthrough in person. I cannot wait to share my findings.

Hundreds of logs, hundreds more ammendments and sub-entries to each one. Almost 6 and a half years worth of research compressed into one thick folder. I only read those four entries, but I've already decided that I hate them.

They don't bode well, though. How did Bidleid know about the transformation? What inspired him to put this project on Euclid's shoulders?

...Hm. With everything I know, I've only got one definitive theory I can reasonably cling to. Maybe he didn't just 'come up' with the idea on the spot.

The battle between Sirzechs and Bidleid may have been the catalyst for this sudden introspection into his own Clan Trait. Maybe the desperation and ass-beating he received was enough to kick-start some type of... forced evolution?

Where would he have gotten the Mana from? Was it just hidden in him the whole time? Is this a situation like that one film where Devils only actually use around 20% of the total Mana they have available?

Nonetheless, I've no doubt something in him changed after that battle, and not willing to risk his own health to try and re-ignite that spark, Bidleid condemned Beneram to endless testing in his stead.

If I wasn't already relieved I'd killed Euclid, I most certainly would be now. From what I'd read, it seems they were close to perfecting the transformation in a safe environment. If Bidleid is able to go full Lord of the Flies on me, it'll only make my goal of gutting him that much more difficult, so thank fuck he's lost an avenue to that.

Maybe the Mana Infusion wasn't just about the transformation. Maybe Bidleid just wanted to even the odds with Sirzechs, try and match his frankly absurd Mana levels. Could be that I'm sitting on the first real Super Devil experimentation project.

As much as I'll dislike it, I've no doubt I'm going to read through the rest of the logs before I hand it off to Ajuka. Truth be told, I don't think I'll ever be seeing them again after that.

Two brief raps against the door break me away from my musing, a servant coming to collect me. Looking at the time, I can see why. 2PM. It's showtime, folks.

"Pardon the intrusion, Sir Mammon."

She walks in, but doesn't give me a curtsy or anything similar. Either they've no respect for me, or it's not a common gesture here.

"The High Council have gathered. I shall take you to them now. Please surrender any weapons or items you may have on your person."

Thank fuck for the Inventory. I'd rather not try to explain just what Thorn is, let alone the Talon.

"I have no such items on me. No weapons either." She hums in response.

"So they all say. Unfortunately, your words are not enough of an assurance. Strip."

"...I beg your fucking pardon?"

"I will not repeat myself." Ah, lovely, thank you random bloody maid.

Fuck it, let's just get this over with already.


Several minutes later, after having to fight tooth and nail to avoid a cavity search, I finally find myself before the Grand Chamber. Supposedly, this is where the Conception took place, where all Devils of the Ars Goetia were born.

So smitten with his lover for having given him a new army, Lucifer vowed to build a city here in her honour. I think. There's about 34 other interpretations of Lucifer's history, as always, and he's a prick about actually confirming which ones are true, so really that's just the assumptions of some scholar who's out of his depth.

Emergency Quest: Star Witness has been issued. Rewards to be calculated based on performance.

I've put it off long enough, gathered my nerves. With no hesitation, I throw my hands out and push open the double doors, coming face to face with an arched hallway leading into the chamber after I do so.

Each step I take echoes across the hallowed room, the utter silence despite 27 Clan Heads being in this space making me feel slightly unnerved. After a few moments, I reach the center of the chamber, and find myself surrounded on all sides by the heads of each Ars Goetian Clan.

Sat in a circle high up along the walls of the room, half of the seats still empty, they look down on me with unblinking eyes. In some, I see disgust, and in others I see intrigue. Dead ahead of me, sitting in the principal seat above all other Clans, is a dark-haired man who I can only assume to be Zekram Bael.

Flanking him on either side are a pink-haired woman I've not yet met with horns on her head, and a smiling Sirzechs who waves like a bloody idiot. At the very least, knowing he's so close by does bring a weight off my chest.

With all the confidence I can muster, I step forward and stand before the lectern in the center of the Courtroom, resting my hands on both sides as I take a deep breath, noting the upside down cross on emblazoned on it.

With my nerves composed and my mind about as ready as I'll ever be, I meet Zekram's eyes, and he begins the meeting.

"This venerable Court is gathered here today to understand and corroborate the account of one Alistair Mammon in regard to his infiltration into Lucifaad and the events told to us by Lord Lucifuge."

He rests his head on his fist, leaning back in his chair as he continues. The Clan Heads all listen with rapt attention, some even preparing to take notes of my words.

"This information will be integral to the future of the war, young Mammon. Leave no detail unmentioned, and no thought unspoken."

"By your will, Lord Bael." I say, not wanting to show any of the admittedly quite large distrust I have in him so soon.

"My infiltration into Lucifaad began with failure. Before I could even reach the city's gates, I was intercepted by Bidleid Beelzebub and taken prisoner."

Silence. I can feel them all judging me already, how kind.

"It was only through sheer luck and the beneficence of Gehrman Lucifuge that I was able to-"

Lord Bael suddenly interrupts me, looking almost displeased.

"Lord. To you, he is Lord Lucifuge. You will treat the Clans with respect while you stand in this Court, young Mammon."

"...Ahem. Lord Lucifuge saw in me an opportunity to right the wrongs of his past and convinced Bidleid that the lie I had told was true, allowing my life to continue."

To my side, with the permission of Lord Bael, a Devil who I can only recognise as Lord Barbatos thanks to the nameplate in front of him asks a question.

"Who else was in the room with you when you were taken prisoner?"

I grimace. "Daimadosu Asmodeus, Bidleid Beelzebub, Gehrman Lucifuge and... his daughter, Grayfia Lucifuge."

The Clan Heads whisper among themselves, another question being asked shortly after, this time by Lord Naberius.

"Do you know why they all chose to interrogate you together? It is quite rare for them all to be seen together."

"It was nothing short of bad luck on my part. The four of them had already been on the way to a meeting of their own before I was captured."

"And do you know what this meeting was about?" Zekram drawls. I would almost assume he sounded bored if it wasn't for the unblinking stare he gave me.

"No. The meeting never happened, shortly after the interrogation concluded I was taken to the Lucifuge Manor and left to enjoy the last few days of my life while Bidleid verified my story."

I'm not sure who asks the next question, all I know is that the voice is female.

"What exactly was this story of yours, and why would it need verification if Lord Lucifuge had already deemed it the truth?"

"I had heard much about Bidleid's paranoia and inevitable loss of the Civil War. I wanted to use that to my advantage, so I told him that I was a traitor, an emissary of the Fallen Angels sent to offer aid in the war in exchange for land and bounty after the Heaven Reclamation concluded."

Whispers break out amongst the Court once again, the word traitor repeated over and over as Lord Bael watches on in silence.

Seconds later, after seemingly letting me stew in the conspiracies of the Clan Heads, Zekram slammed his gavel down and silences any and all conversation.

With the Court simmering down, Lord Bael brings the discussion back on track.

"An interesting strategy no doubt, but one that would fall apart upon the slightest amount of questioning. What happened next, Alistair Mammon?"

There's nothing insignificant to life that I hate more than hearing my full name. It always just fucks with me, makes me feel so exposed for reasons I can't describe.

"Bidleid was hesitant to trust my words, but Lord Lucifuge assured him that my eyes spoke of the truth, and that seemingly convinced him."

And again, scrutiny of my words comes in from the Clans, Lord Valefor sounding far more smug than any man should when asking a simple bloody question.

"Funny you should mention your eyes. Lord Lucifuge spoke of an injury you sustained at Bidleid's hands, your left eye being torn out from the socket. Yet, here you stand, with not a single scratch or blemish. Would you be willing to explain that, Mr Mammon?"

"...While I may be a half-Devil, I am of unique talents. One of them is my impeccable medicinal skills. I have healed myself from the brink of death on multiple occasions, the healing of a lost eye is no different."

And just like before, more frenzied whispering among the Clans. This time, though, there's intrigue. My time in Lucifaad admittedly soured my expectations, but it seems like my status as a Half-Devil hasn't stopped them from openly stating an interest in my talents. It's quite nice, actually.

"Order!" With a single, sternly spoken word the entire Court falls into silence once again.

"We will return to this subject later. Again, continue with your account of the events."

"After I was taken to the Lucifuge Manor, I was told explicitly by Lord Lucifuge the reason why I had been spared. He was ashamed of the monster he had created, and wanted me to kill his own son Euclid."

"Why?" The question rings out, Lady Phenex to the left sneering down at me since my healing was made known.

"Why would Lord Lucifuge tell you all of this? Entrust you with this grand task, all while your life was in peril? Why not do it himself?"

I'm started to get a bit exhausted. This is the second time now I've gone through my time in Lucifaad, and it's only been a few days since I actually got out for fucks sake.

"Lord Lucifuge made it clear when I spoke with him. Though he was ashamed and regretful, he could not bear the guilt of killing his own child. He still held love for the boy, and he was one of the last reminders of Lord Lucifuge's late wife."

I take a breath, never once looking away from the cold eyes of Lady Phenex.

"As for why I was chosen... in his eyes, I was already a dead man. I had no reason to not throw my life away in an attempt to kill Euclid, and I already had more than enough reason to want to kill him as a member of the Satanihilus."

Zekram smiles, at least I think he does. His lips barely even move a fraction of an inch.

"And miraculously, you managed to do it. Gehrman spoke of your plan, of how you somehow managed to spirit away the Lucifuge Clan in the span of a day, but he didn't know how you killed Euclid."

I can't help but notice the way he doesn't bother using Lord as he speaks of Gehrman. I don't think it's a matter of friendship, I think he views himself so far above the rest of the Clans here that he considers himself exempt from his own fucking rules.

"So explain it to us. How did a young Half-Devil, with merely weeks of training, somehow manage to kill the son of Gehrman Lucifuge, all under the watchful eyes of Bidleid Beelzebub?"

I need to keep some cards close to my chest. If I expose the System, my Clan Trait as Ajuka calls it, then I'll leave myself in an incredibly precarious position.

"I was aided by Grayfia Lucifuge in regards to killing Euclid, and Bidleid's surveillance was barely noticeable, he didn't believe me a threat enough to bother watching me."

No room for a break, no time to think my story through. Zekram fires away another question as soon as I finish talking.

"Aided how?"

"She restrained Euclid, giving me ample opportunity to stab him through the back of the neck and kill him instantly."

"Why? He was her brother, does she harbour no love for family? No care for her own blood?"

"Euclid had long since been attracted to his own sister. It was one of Lord Lucifuge's greatest shames, that he did not do something about it, so lost in his grieving. Grayfia despised her brother over this, and was more than willing to assist me."

He hums, leaning back, never once lifting his head from his enclosed fist.

"Hm. While that is no doubt good for the Civil War effort, it is nonetheless a shame. Lucifuge blood is so rare these days."

...what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is he being coy? Is he making a joke, or is he trying to suggest that he's killed Gehrman? Does he want me to overthink his words? Is this a test?

"On the subject of Grayfia Lucifuge..." He drawls out, deliberately taking his time asking the question, as if he knows it will put me on edge.

"Gehrman spoke extensively of her innocence. Of the misdeeds he committed, of how he forced her to participate in the Civil War. Can you speak to the veracity of these claims?"

He speaks of it all like it's a game. Says the words with such childish disregard, as if they aren't the lifeblood of Grayfia's future.

"It is all true. Grayfia spoke with me about her unwillingness to fight the war, of how trapped she felt, and how desperately she wanted to escape. It is part of the reason I chose to save both her and the Lucifuge Clan instead of securing my own safety."

He hums yet again, leaning forward only slightly, his eyebrow raised an inch.

"So you mean to tell me, all the deaths attributed to her name, all the countless Devils she has slain in this war, it was all unwilling? All coerced?"

"Yes, Lord Bael. It was made explicitly clear to me that there was always one Lucifuge kept in Lucifaad with Bidleid, to act as a hostage so that they couldn't run away and to force them into cooperation. Whenever she went to the battlefield, she acted knowing that disobedience meant the loss of her father."

Whispers, scratchings of quills against paper, ceaseless chatter erupts in the High Court. I'm not sure this is enough to cleanse her image, but it's a good start.

"That is incredibly saddening to hear. Though it pleases me greatly to know that the Lucifuge Clan eventually escaped thanks to your assistance, Mr Mammon."

He says, not even needing to cull the idle conversation among the Clan Heads, his voice instantly putting them on ice.

My focus right now isn't on Zekram, though. Just a few feet away, I notice a twitching in Sirzechs' hand, a small jump. I'm pretty sure he's getting a transmission, and he's fighting himself over whether or not to answer it.

"Though, there isn't much of the Lucifuge left anymore, is there? After Gehrman freed his servants, the only Lucifuge truly left is Grayfia. Speaking of, where is she, Alistair?"

But I'm not listening. My eyes are glued to Sirzechs as he answers the transmission, steel in his eyes as something is relayed to him that rapidly changes his expression.

"Have you no respect for this hallowed building, General? I should have you-"

Zekram only manages half of his self-righteous speech before Sirzechs suddenly interrupts, jumping down into the center of the Courtroom by my side.

"Apologies, High Council, but this meeting is adjourned. I need every available member of the Satanihilus ready to move in the next two minutes! Alistair, you're coming with me, I'm going to need your healing talents."

Lord Bael looks like he's been forced to chew a lemon, his expression finally shifting from smug superiority to indignation.

"On whose authority, Sirzechs?"

To my surprise, the General doesn't hesitate to shout back, having no time for these games, and I realise that something incredibly serious must be happening.

"On my authority!"

Zekram looks like he's almost been slapped, as if he never expected something like this to happen, but he seemingly realises the same thing I have and is left torn between salvaging his pride or acknowledging the importance of Sirzechs' words.

And while Zekram stews in his chair, Sirzechs doesn't stop making demands.

"Lady Eligos, lock down every entrance to the City after we depart. Lord Sallos, send this message to every garrison of Satanihilus across the Underworld."

His voice cows them long enough for the reason of his panic to be heard loud and clear amongst every Devil in the room.

"Daimadosu has begun an assault on Cain's Throne. He's trying to stage a prison break!"

And with those words everything is kicked into third gear. The Clan Heads leave the Court in the blink of an eye, off to either cower in fear or do the jobs assigned to them.

"What the fuck is Cain's Throne?" I mutter to myself, moving away from the podium only to be interrupted.

"A prison, purpose built for Clan Devils." Zekram responds, stepping away from his seat, watching me like a hawk.

"We couldn't put them to the Labour Camps for their crimes without risking their lives, and we certainly couldn't execute them. So if a Clan Devil committs a heinous act, they find themselves locked away in Cain's Throne."

Well damn, I can certainly see why busting a bunch of Clan Devils out of jail is a problem, especially given how bullshit some Clan Traits are. Isn't there one that can control bloody dragons?

Interrupting my thoughts, Zekram gives one last comment before he leaves the room, exiting through a door into his office.

"Make sure you solve this problem, Sirzechs. Roygun?" He calls upon his long silent bodyguard just before we leave, the pink haired woman I'd paid no attention to.

"Yes, Lord Bael?"

"Go with them. Minimise the loss of life as best you can."

"By your command, Lord Bael."

Seconds later she falls in line alongside us, and in the blink of an eye we're flying over Lilith as fast as we can to get away from the Teleportation scrambler, an entire regiment of the Satanihilus following suit.

I certainly didn't expect I'd be heading to the battlefield today.

I'm certainly not complaining.

Emergency Quest: Star Witness has been completed.


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