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34.28% STAR WARS: Galactic Sex Adventures / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 - Trials and Errors

Kapitel 12: Chapter 12 - Trials and Errors

A/N: Leave some reviews if you can. Helps a lot. And also lemme know if u would like me to remove the interval chapters or do something like 1 interval chapter a week?

I groaned my frustrations as my alarm clock went off. I hurled and empty beaker at it and quickly pushed off the laboratory table as my report's com flashed at me. I didn't have to read it to know all of them had failed. Ah well, such was science… trial and error…

My lab had no windows; much of my 'apartment' had no windows. That suited me just fine, I wanted my privacy just as much as Tuuba wanted me to have it. Working for the hutt has been a lucrative fifty years, at least when he actually listened to me.

Ah… before you get confused I should mention I am a Falleen. So I am long lived, I am essentially in my mid twenties… although I assure you I am much smarter than your common twenty year old human. Fool.

My mind was still exhausted, I poured myself a concoction of my own making, essentially better tasting and healthier 'coffee' as the corellians called it. As I entered my bedroom I stepped over my pet albino kath hound and the only other organic thing in the building. I called her Onara, and she was my first success under Tuuba…

Originally the runt of her particular litter now she was faster, stronger, smarter because of my experimental drugs… shame they didn't have the same effect on the men Tuuba tested it on. We have a tentative relationship that hutt and I. I give him advice, I make his new drugs, I provide him with lucrative opportunities… and I perform on other task for him that I haven't had to do recently. As long as he paid for my experiments and left me alone he could do what he wished

I placed my self-made gauntlet on my wrist, a cybernetic thing that connected me to anything mechanical for miles on Nal Hutta. It also functioned as a distributer for my more… interesting drugs. I quickly opened my secret room. My bed tightened the sheets upon it before standing straight up, the floor underneath it casually slid away revealing stairs…

 Onara and I casually descended…

I had camera's all over Tuuba's casino and hotel. Where he lived and planned all of our ideas… well, again when he listened to me. I had to keep an eye on him after all, you never know when he'll stab me in the back. The screens of my hidden room numbered in the dozens, each one a different camera, each one, giving me free reign of his casino…

Which was surprisingly empty, I narrowed my eyes. Tuuba hardly ever closed the casino… it just seemed there was nobody there. Quickly viewing the screens I saw a trio of guests gambling on one of the mechanical numbers game. I held no interest in gambling after I broke the system so I hadn't bothered to relearn the name. But the three guests, a young male and a young female pair of imperial officers judging from their uniforms and a mirialan woman cheered on their game hoping for a win.

…Well I was upset with Tuuba at the time so why not. When the casino was empty like this the remaining guests should win just a little. He can afford it…

I quickly hacked the game and sure enough the Mirialan woman jumped excitedly into the stunned male officer's arms as the other woman slapped his back. I turned away, now statistically they'll go and tell others that they won a large amount of money from Tuuba and by proxy bring more clientele to relieve them of their credits.

But seriously, where was everyone. I finally turned the channel itself to view Tuuba's throne room. The fat worm sat bulgingly on his throne, a fat slimy hand wrapped around the leash of his most recent favorite slave girl, a purple twi'lek. His other was uncomfortably wrapped around the slave herself. Clearly unhappy to be there… well the favorite position has a high turnover rate. It also turns out I was just in time. I didn't know it yet but my services would soon be required…

A togruta woman, dressed clearly like a smuggler was dragged forcefully towards Tuuba by a pair of guard droids. I had them all over my home, Tuuba couldn't risk me coming into contact with many organics. He thought I would control them with my powerful natural pheromones and try to kill him and take over his empire.

What a silly thought… I had no interest in his money pit, only my research. He was a means to an end… I swirled my glass lazily in my hand as if it was a wine glass… old habits die hard even after fifty years.

She stared horrified at Tuuba as he groped maliciously at his twi'leks breast clearly making her uncomfortable. Honestly I would never understand why he had such a fascination with humanoid sentient women, it's not like he had the genitalia to actually copulate with one. Maybe he just liked the feel. Regardless.

"Tuuba look It wasn't my fault!" the togruta woman said pleadingly, "The Deterrent came from nowhere!"

"Taski…" the hutt grumbled grotesquely and the togruta flinched, it was obviously her name "My casino has no beer, no liquor, no moonshine…" he said coldly, cruelly, his slimy bulbous hand viciously groping the twi'lek who had begun to flinch at the tightness. "…Who gave gets blamed for that Taski?"

It was an obvious question of course. Clearly the smuggler had cut Tuuba's cargo and ran, and hoped to keep running before getting caught. "Tuuba I swear I'll make this right…" she said, trying to scramble away from the trap door that led down to starving kath hounds, "I can't pay you back if I'm dead right!?" she asked nervously and hitting the nail on the head… The communicator on my gauntlet began to flash slightly

…Oh dear… it has been awhile indeed…

The screen displayed a bevy of information on the togruta smuggler, including the estimate amount of money owed now to Tuuba. I laughed lightly, scratching Onara's chin affectionately as I reached into the pouch at my side, pulling a flat neon pink liquid filled cartridge about the size of a cigarette lighter. Opening the chemical injector I installed the cartridge.

"You will pay every last credit owed to me Taski…" he said very demanding, pointing judgmentally at her with a chain filled fist.

"Take her too the Tamer!" he roared angrily, the twi'lek slave shivered horrifically as Taski began to scream, fighting as hard as she could to keep the steady droids from dragging her away. 

She consistently changed between yelling oaths of vengeance to pleading for any other option.

"I hate that fucking name…" I said more to myself than anything.

Yes. The stupidly named 'Tamer' is what Tuuba refers to me as in public. But I am a scientist, just because I have mastered certain aspects of my heritage does not mean I deserve a foolish nickname like that. Tuuba and I had a certain understanding; I need fresh bodies to experiment on. Bodies I can talk too… and after my first experiment went a little haywire he had a moment of perverted clarity.

He could record it and sell it on the holo-net. Unfortunately for the girls provided, usually those who had greatly offended Tuuba somehow like the ridiculous sum of credits the togruta had loss, the process is a little… mind-breaking. I had heard however that the republic sanitariums have made wonderful progress on those that managed to get help and it has happened less and less as I have progressed my research…

The other's however vanished quietly into Tuuba's orgy rooms, still there probably taking thug after thug with their minds so far away it would take years to return…

I had made my way to the 'studio'. After all this was as much of a show as a punishment… She will work it off; Tuuba will have me make a video, sell it on the net, and when prices for it dimmed he'd make another, and repeat until the money was paid in full and the piece of flesh used to do it was set out on its own…

I sat pleasantly in my chair as Onara lied next to me like a good girl as the door to the studio opened and Taski was tossed in and the door closed behind her. She was a lovely shade of orange, her white lekku had various small rings wrapped around them, she was pleasant enough to look at with fat in all the right places… she would sell well on the net. She had also been stripped naked, and like all togruta her body was naturally hairless.

"Let me out!" she cried desperately banging on the wall that she entered through, "Tuuba we can talk about this!" she clawed at it, "I'll pay you back!"

"And you will…" I said pleasantly. She turned and pressed against the wall, her breasts shaking in fear as I approached her. "I'm afraid however that it won't be a pleasant thing…"

"You stay the fuck away from me…" she said desperately, looking around for anything to use as a weapon before her eyes narrowed upon the bed in the center of the room, and the rotating camera's above it.

"Oh gods…" she said horrified as she realized just where she was, "Oh gods please no…"

Shhhh" I shushed her kindly deceptive, approaching her with a well practiced sway in my steps. My wide hips and may green tone stomach swaying like a snake towards her, "…It'll feel good I promise."'

She tried to run, anything to stay away but I clicked my tongue, "Onara." I said simply and my kath hound pinned her to the floor.

"No please!" she begged, struggling as Onara's massive muscular bulk pinned her down, "Don't do this! I… I can get you anything!"

"I'm sure you can… but so can Tuuba…" I said, kneeling down as her eyes widened in the unknown of horror she was about to experience. "…I promise it'll feel good." I said, reaching out with my gauntlet and touching her smooth beautiful face as the circuitry glowed with neon pink light…

She resisted at first, her eyes trying as hard as possible not to roll up into her head as the forced wave of unimaginable pleasure flowed into her brain. I had experimented for years on my own pheromones, using them, weaponizing them, turning the sheer feeling into drugs. I was fascinated in my own species abilities, and considering my fool of a father sired me with a Zeltron whore I knew that my abilities were unique and limitless…

And done… she was ready. "Onara." I said quietly as the kath hound removed herself from Taski's shivering form. The Falleen had dismissive opinions when I came to other sentients, similar to the empire's… but as the togruta smuggler twitched from orgasm after orgasm from my own concentrated pheromones, I felt a sense of sexual pride that I could just taste in the air…

I decided she could use just a little more… motivation. I wanted her to feel every inch, plus I wanted to see the effects of my drug when not applied directly to the head. I ran my gauntlet down her flat stomach, her back arched at my touch instinctively thrusting against my hand as the tiny injectors plucked and pricked against her skin moaning desperately for my touch. The injectors in the gloves were so small and thin you wouldn't feel anything but a tingle and they leaf no trace of ever being upon the skin behind.

I let my hand linger upon her stomach, and if my anatomy was correct right where her womb would be. I pressed hard against it and she cringed in both pain and pleasure as I shot my drug directly into it. I am ashamed to admit it but watching these lessers try and breed with each other was fascinating, only some combinations of different sentients could produce children with each other and there were procedures around natural biology as well for those sentimental couples who wanted a true representation of their 'love'. But to me love could literally be broken down into a chemical reaction, I had a drug just for it after all.

The act of watching them breed however as I moved away from her womb and towards her gasping vagina, it was always a fascinating display. Watching males with their brains in their cocks thrust desperately into victim after victim of this room was an arousing display that I'll admit I thoroughly enjoyed watching. One of the poor girls in my care had actually become pregnant from a particularly wild orgy, and her pregnancy was documented in the 'special features' of the net release. I don't know what Tuuba did with the baby, I imagined he sold it to a desperate couple, but the desperate slave girl was tossed back to the orgy rooms, now little more than a meat puppet.

I still have her sent to my room sometimes when Onara's animal companionship (not sexual you filthy lesser), or my fingers were not enough to satisfy me for the night, she could still use her mouth with a large amount of skill.

But I was getting off topic, my hand flowed towards Taski's pussy, and the thick rough fingers of my glove began to probe between her folds. I'll admit this was particularly cruel but I needed to see the affects when applied to an erogenous zone. I had tested it on a twi'lek's lekku and now she could easily cum when they were stroked… She's quite popular now at Tuuba's parties.

Ah there's what I wanted, Taski twitched violently on the carpet as the drug induced feeling of arousal flowed upwards like aphrodisiac laced sperm.

"Ah… ah… AH!!!" she panted, as she climaxed hard, her tongue lolling from her mouth as she screamed. It did look very appealing… perhaps if she wasn't too broken I'll have a use for her. Men, women, I didn't care what their gender was, there was even a surgically altered 'dick girl' in Tuuba's collection that I had thoroughly used as an experiment. The way she squirmed under my vibrator as I vigorously fucked her ass was delicious, nothing better than using a whore for something they didn't expect. I wanted to see if she could ejaculate if her dick wasn't simultaneously stimulated…

And yes she can, but I am getting of topic again and I had a job to do.

Her eyes rolled up and she lied shivering on the floor from an orgasm that just wouldn't go away. Taski scrapped the carpet with her fingers, desperate to make the mind numbing pleasure stop, "See?" I said dryly as she moaned her satisfaction as she came again on my fingers. "I told you you'd like it…" I removed my fingers from her tunnel and splashed the clinging liquid of her pussy on her face.

Soon the original overload of drug would wear down and she would turn blissfully into a perfectly good whore. I turned towards the wall of the room and placed my hand upon it, a light slowly moved up my hand as it scanned me… then the door opened to reveal three of Tuuba's gamorreans. Apparently they had been given the privilege of making this holo-vid. Two of them were average… but I recognized the third as Tuuba's enforcer. I merely called him Brawler, I had no patience or time to learn his real name, his body was physically pleasing but his face was still that of a boar.

…He was also, surprisingly, severely beaten up. With large bruises and contusions that simply couldn't have been an accident or recived 'on the job' as it were. I had wondered who could have done such a thing; not because I was concerned but because I was interested in the individual. I mentally noted it into my brilliant mind to ask Tuuba later about. "She's all yours boys." I said, swinging my ungloved hand towards the still twitching Taski. "Don't kill her she owes a lot of money… and I'll want to use her myself later."

Surprisingly Gamorrean dicks tended to be as varied as humans; two of the boars had average sizes (for humans, so by proxy they were small)… but Brawler, he had a dick that would've made women swoon with lust. It was thick, and stout like the rest of him… but it would feel filling no matter where he put it.

But I had no interest in gamorreans regardless of cock size.

The other two gamorreans grabbed Taski by the arms and legs and got her onto the bed. She lied there moaning and groaning as my drug induced high began to wear down on her. They started fighting, shoving and punching as they tried to decide who was first. Brawler naturally settled the matter by violently shoving them aside and crawling over Taski. Gripping her long white lekku for extra purchase over her…

I sat down on my chair again with Onara obediently at my side as I set the cameras to record.

Taski whimpered in lust and fear as her cognitive functions gradually returned while Brawler lifted her legs to rest them parallel with her lekku, her knees almost touching her shoulders as he aimed his thick piggy cock down at her pussy, wrapping her long white lekku around her legs to hold them in position… I noted that gamorreans preferred the so called 'mating press' when copulating with other species rather than their own.

Brawler put his full weight on her, which was considerable and was probably painful, luckily the pleasure of my drug masked it for now. He slowly placed the head of his cock at Taski's vaginal entrance. Just before he truly began, Taski groaned one last time.

"N-no… nooo…" she bleated dazily, "Not gamorrean dick…" she drooled out as Brawler slammed the full weight of his massive pig ass down and thrusting cruelly into her. "Oh gods!" she screamed as he swung his hips once inside, trying to find the best angle to thrust. Then he pulled back and slammed her, her ass jiggled from the impact as she screamed, he pulled back again and repeated the thrust as her ass quivered again from the heavy force of gamorrean flash.

"Please gods no…" she whimpered, I approached her as she began begging desperately as Brawer continued to force his thick cock into her tightly stretched pussy. "Please make it stop…" she said looking at me.

"Oh… I'm sorry dear but no." I said, and seeing Brawler slow I glared at him, "Tuuba isn't paying you for soft. Get inside her." and looking at her, "And he's not paying you for a rape vid either…" and I reached towards her again with my gauntlet. "So enjoy yourself.

"Please no!" she whimpered, struggling to get away from my hand but unable to move being pinned down by brawlers constant breeding crazed fucking. "Please I'll do anything!"

My hand grabbed her face as she screamed, and I slowly stoked her cheek, again we weren't filming a rape vid per say, so this could be fixed later in editing. "You already are…" told her once again her mind dripped away as my pheromone drugs hit her once more.

Brawler, reaching his limit slammed against her releasing his load deeply inside flooding her aroused womb and sending another orgasm to her brain. Her mouth gaped as her body betrayed her, spasming violently in an unwanted pleasure. "Next." I said, utterly bored, "You two. Get inside her I want to be done with this…" she moaned again as one of the pig men pulled her onto of him, slipping his hardened dick into her cum filled pussy, the other rested behind her untouched and probably unused asshole…

She began screaming like a siren as he slowly pushed himself inside her, slowly at first and then louder as he began to move. They ravaged her, each thrusting intently without any care to synchronize or prepare… men of all sentient species were far too greedy when sharing a woman. Taski's body continued to twitch and spasm as they took what they wanted and thrust as hard as they could. They were boring and too gluttonous for it to be enjoyable. This would only serve to satisfy the most perverted of customers… finally, pressing her body tightly between them so she couldn't escape, uncomfortably crushing her, they sloppily finished inside her before lazily pulling out, completely spent…

Worthless… utterly worthless. She wasn't nearly broken enough to satisfy Tuuba. Time to improvise.

Without warning I slammed my hand on one of the two recently spent gamorrean's face and watched the results unfold. His erection returning with gusto his face released far more drool than before and he saw the vulnerable Taski lying and quivering on the bed. He scrambled to her and violently yanked her head by the lekku towards his dick…

There was always such physical fascination with lekku… togruta and twi'lek women both.

At first he clumsily thrust against her face as he tried to slip his average sized dick into her gaping mouth. he roared in frustration then tossed her on her back, and aiming properly thrust forwards down her throat… she struggled, my pheromones once again wearing off but I had no desire to drug her again… now was the finish. She really needed to stay focus or choke on the pig's dick, he gripped her lekku cruelly using them as handles as he thrust against her mouth while she slapped at his arms trying to get them to let go but to no avail, he was too horny and she was too weak. Using her whole body she tried to get away. Crawling, scrapping at the loosened sheets as the gamorrean struggled to keep inside her mouth.

Finally for her his release came and he dropped the full force of his weight on top her. Her scream was muffled as he pressed down on her body and thrust down into her mouth, load after load of cum burst iniside and she simply couldn't contain or swallow it all… he lustfully buried his slimy drooly face in her crotch, licking it blissfully as if it didn't have two loads of his compatriots inside it.

The gamorrean pulled out and rolled off of her, collapsing satisfied to the floor. Taski staring brokenly up at the ceiling suddenly reched and vomited what little sperm she had swallow out of her mouth. "Poor girl hasn't learned yet…" I said lazily and slapped my gauntlet hand onto the second gamorrean.

"No gods please no!" Taski pleaded desperately trying to crawl away only to have the energized gamorrean drag her back by the legs as she cried out her resistance. "No!"

He slammed into her ass, grabbing her by the shoulders and lifting her off the bed he trust rigorously up into her making her bounce like a twisted dick puppet. He slammed her hard and fast, trying desperately to gain his own release in the broken woman until finally, with both crying out he slammed into her and came deep in her ass…


The moment was over quickly and he didn't want to linger, tossing her off is dick he let her crash half on the bed and half to the floor before collapsing in an exhausted heap to the side.

I was about to slap Brawler, but he caught my hand and snorted indignantly before sitting on the bed next to Taski. Clearly he was aroused enough that he didn't need my help. He grabbed her lekku, but a little more gently then the other two as she whimpered pitifully as once again she was dragged towards another cock to abuse her with. He pressed his hard dick against her face and grunted.

He wanted her to suck, he didn't want to fuck her mouth he wanted a blowjob, and probably a good one. I don't really know I never given one personally, why would I want a lesser's filth dick in my mouth?

She whimpered and tried to turn away from his dick but he slapped the back of her head threateningly and thrust harder against her mouth. She submitted to his lust, and her own, and opened her mouth wide. She couldn't get him in entirely, barely at all, her lips could hardly stretch over his thick dick head. He seemed satisfied enough though with the caress of her lips.

But soon he pulled his dick away, and before Taski could relax he reached into her mouth with thick fingers and pulled out her tongue, he let go just as quickly and she tried to pull it back in only for him to grab it again and hold it against her lower lip and rub his cock against her tongue… She caught on quickly, slowly and deliberately licking Brawler's thick veiny dick, she continued quietly for a length of time liking it like a frozen treat before he stood up, tossed her on her back to the bed and once more crawling over her…

"Oh please not again." She cried but she had clearly lost all hope, as he pushed her knees to her shoulders and prepared the mating press once more. "Please just let me suck you off. Please?" the desperation in her voice only seemed to arouse Brawler more, his cock throbbed against her pussy... I myself felt a sudden desire as well. The bed quaked underneath them as Taski moaned, her pussy once again being stretched to its limits. He moved quickly for a gamorrean…. rapidly slamming against her as his release quickly came once again. Pressing his hips hard against her he fired his final load, once again deep inside Taski waing pussy…

"Oh gods it so much..." she moaned pitifully, "Pull out... please pull out your flooding my womb. I'll get pregnant with pig babies..." she whined.

 Of course she couldn't. Well the chances were astronomical without genetic aid, but her brain was so addled with lust, pleasure and what was left of my drugs she probably couldn't remember or distinguished the fact. Still people got off on these 'breeding' sessions, and it was perfect finish for the cameras... I myself had a fondness for these 'breeding' vids, not that I would let just anyone ejaculate inside me of course...

I decided that that was enough for this session. I ejected the pink fluid canister and inserted a blue one as the camera's shut off and Brawler collapsed restrictively onto Taski, even if she had the strength to move… she simply couldn't.

She whimpered helplessly as my hand approached her face, and I shushed her calmly as if she was a wild wounded animal, which she was in a way. "It will all be okay…" I said as my gauntlet touched her horrified face, if she was expecting anything it wasn't this… she quickly fell blissfully asleep, suddenly exhausted.

I slapped Brawler awake, he snorted distractingly still inside Taski. "Get her to a kolto." I said coldly, he looked at me confused, stupid fucking lessers. "Kolto! NOW!" I commanded and grabbed his head to glare into his eyes, "Or do I have to pump you so full of drugs your brain melts?!"

He ripped his dick from Taski and carefully carried her out of the room with his accomplices… I watched disgustedly, the cleaning droids will have their work cut out for them, especially over the next few days. I was quite confident that Taski will end up fine. She had a strong resistance to my pheromones… I did however need to talk to Tuuba.

"How did she do?" Tuuba asked later over the holo-com, his slimy hands caressing the twi'lek slave absently as she rubbed herself disgustedly against him. His long thick tongue like a overfed snake licking her slowly as if tasting her… I honestly didn't want to think he would, but hutts have been known to swallow sentients whole… it was not a thought to linger on.

"Fine. I imagine she'll even walk out of here alive." I replied and noticing the look of disappointment on his face, I smiled internally,

"It's no matter. I'll get what I want, and she can do what she wants after she gives it to me. Maybe I'll send kath hounds next, break her harder."

Speaking of broken." I asked, trying to get his easily manipulated mind on something other than horrific sexual acts. "What happened to your enforcer? The bulky gamorrean?"

It was the wrong thing to ask apparently but luckily he was over the holo-com, he shoved the beautiful twi'lek aside causing her shriek terrified as she scrambled away from the trap door and quickly she made her exit from her angered master as he roared into the com.

"A cheating human bounty hunter!" he snarled angrily, "I lost a fortune to Torga in that brawl!"

That strangely held my interest; a human beating a gamorrean in a fist fight? It wasn't unheard of but it was certainly something fascinating. Consider my interest peaked

"How did he cheat?" I asked interested, "Was he a cyborg? Enhanced? Did he drug your fighter?"

Tuuba didn't answer and I knew he had shouted his rage rather than the proof. "It does not matter. I sent and Assassin to kill Torga at some big party he's sponsoring, I had to send him my present after all." Ah the annual 'try to kill your brother day'… I don't understand how Tuuba was having so much trouble, I killed all my half siblings easily enough. "Torga took him along… hopefully he'll get caught in the crossfire."

"Shame. I could test all sorts of things on such a specimen…" I said thoughtfully, the strength and stamina alone would be exuberantly helpful. "If you get an opportunity, catch him and bring him to me."

Tuuba glared at me through the com, "I do not. Take orders. From you Xalbaia…" he growled.

"…Then come here and do something about it…" I replied, and he remained silent. I thought as much. I closed the com and eyed the footage of the recording today at every angle as my face automatically pixilated into a mirialan woman. It would not do to see my distinguished and beautiful Falleen face anywhere on the net.

Thoughtfully I contemplated on that, and quickly sent my bots across the web over my gauntlet as I searched for footage of the fight… and quickly found it; it had apparently been broadcasted all over Nar Shaddaa.

This is him? Red hair and Green eyes? Absolutely fascinating… I had never had a red haired man before. I fiddled with the new neon pink cartridge in my gauntlet. "…He is a fine specimen, clearly of superior stock then gamorreans. I quickly ran the numbers and tested the procedure through dummy programs.

Perhaps the problem all along was simply the species… yes I should test it thoroughly. I watched as the bounty hunter declared his victory before promptly falling over and breaking his leg under Brawler's unconscious weight…

"Never mind, perhaps not that much superior… Regardless, science is trial and error…" I scratched Onara's chin again and promptly began on new formulas…


200 power stones for 1 Bonus chapter and so on. 200 is not too much right?

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Right now it is up to chapter 21 . I'll add 2 more in a few hours:

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