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65% Soul Land: Cultivator SI / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 : Mutated Ice Tiger

Kapitel 9: Chapter 9 : Mutated Ice Tiger

Teacher's smack hurts a lot.

As expected of Blacksmith, always physical about his punishments.

I genuinely didn't expect to go for the elite route. It took some time, since we have to go back to the travelling group and plan. Ju Lian, who came with us, led the rest of the to continue the predetermined task while me and teacher came back to the forest filled with supplies. A week was wasted on the task, but it was necessary.

—————Mount Lian Po, Northen border of Star duo forest, 2 months later—————-


"D-Damn, this place is cold."

I have to agree with the teacher that it is too cold, but that also means this mountain is rich in ice spirit beasts. In the short time we were here we encountered many ice spirit beasts like Ice-panther, Heaven ice plant , Cold ice but the most many were the Ice Tiger prides.

Each pride numbered in dozens each. So, it took some time, but we found the mutated spirit beasts and even some special dual attribute spirit beats.

Mutated Ice liger- grass

Spiritual Rock Lion [spiritual and Rock]

Mutated Ice panther- lightning



The list went on and on, but the ones suitable for my cultivation route were only 3.

A 723-year-old mutated ice tiger towards spiritual attribute

A 400-year-old Spiritual Rock Lion

The most lucky find, a 3000-year-old Ice worn [Spiritual/Ice]


Naturally, I trapped the ice-worm in a cage and kept it for my third ring. Though, the ease of the task is the proof of the ice worm clan's weak combat power. No wonder they are on the verge of extinction.

"You know, you might be the only weirdo who captured his spirit beast beforehand."

I shrugged at teacher's word, not knowing if it is a compliment or sarcastic words because of the weak power of Ice worm.


Looking at the hissing Ice-worm, I had my hammers come out.

"KI KI,"

"Good boy, now be silent. We are near the territory of the Ice Tiger tribe."

I saw that ice-worm in the cage tremble in fear. It is no wonder, considering the Ice-tiger tribe comprising a dozen prides, make up most spirit beast population in Mt Lian Po.

They are the apex predators while Ice-worms are the prey to everyone.

"Are you sure about this, Little Zhang?"

Wow, he spoke my name, which means he is serious.

"Your choice of beast is fine. I have nothing to say, considering each soul master cultivation direction is their own. But the age is 723 years, It has been never done before. Your body, despite being stronger than most due the time spent, can't handle such vast change in energy."

I nodded at that. Because it is true. In a simple way to say, my tissues/cells breakdown if a limit crosses. These are the reasons for optimal configuration.

The first ring end is between 400. Hence, below that age, it depends on the soul master to absorb the higher age spirit beast. The only reason Tang san broke the limit is that his mother is a 100,000-year-old beast, and he has the most powerful marital souls. Oh right! His all powerful Tang sect cultivation techniques. Even then, He almost died when breaking the limit when absorbing the 10,000 ring.

Thankfully, it was Tang san who showed a way 100% successful way to absorb a limit breaking spirit ring in the canon.


As expected of my choice, I smiled at the mutated Ice tiger who is leading his pride. While it is weak, it is a pride.

You must know most mutated beasts are expelled from their group, very few can stay behind. But, the ones that stay behind rise to strength on the virtue of their strength.


"Hello, Ice Tiger. Are you ready for the fight?"

My hammers clanged in anticipation while the Ice Tiger roared. Teacher knowing about the everyday schedule went to the side with Ice-worm's cage. As per Ice Tiger's pride, they were silent and cowering, looking at Teacher.


No need to get distracted now. "Time to fight. Come on, buddy."

As expected of the Ice Tiger of 700 years age, it ran like a whirlwind at me.


In a blink of an eye, he was in front me. My hammers went to greet its head, but to my surprise, the tiger that came hit me slide right. No, on second look, I saw he jumped right while the frontal jump was a bait.


Feeling the claw that rug through the vambraces around my right hand, I could only say, "You are truly worthy of your spiritual attribute mutation. So cunning."


The ice-tiger naturally felt my soul power gathering in my left hammer, aiming for his head. In a single jump, he dodged and jump back at me like an arrow.

This time I was ready as I put both of my hammer in a criss-cross to take the tackle.

As expected, I was sent flying.


Frankly, it felt like I was hit with a tree. You can trust me, considering a Grass bear did just that a week ago.


My soul power soared using the gap created by the tackle. I screamed out in along with the surge of adrenaline and soul power, "SOUL SPI-"

I wanted to complete it, but the Ice Tiger shown his strength.


Spiritual Attack from Ice Tiger.]


Have you wondered if you have insomnia and hangover together with a hint of starvation? That is the feeling I have. To think this is the least damage done because of my strong spiritual energy, otherwise I would have felt a head splitting headache.

In a few seconds, I recovered from the attack, but the time was enough for Ice-Tiger to fill the gap and roar.

What a roar it was, forcing the ice to spread everywhere it went.



"F-F-UCK-KI, I-I lost. Stop this before I b-become an Ice cube."


The heavy snort from Ice Tiger broke the ice surrounding me, leaving me shivering on the ground.

Ice-Tiger went to Teacher, who nodded and gave its daily reward. A 4000-year-old Ice Tiger hunted by us. Being the same species, this corpse of the higher cultivation will serve as a highly nutritious prey to the ice-tiger pride, who are all below 1000 years old.

Now, he came to me for the winner's reward. Yep, the Ice-tiger gets prey for fighting with me, but for winning against me, it gets a different reward.



Suggestion for Ice-Tiger:

1] Circulate the soul power in eyes 2% more when releasing spiritual attack.

2] Decrease the soul power towards limbs when launching



That's right, I am helping it in growing strong. Every soul master or spirit beast must find the most optimal usage of soul power. It takes a lot of time and experience for them to succeed. So, each time Ice-Tiger wins against me, I help it improve by finding optimal soul power pathways and new ways to use their power.

So, under dual benefits to both the tribe and its personal strength, Ice-tiger has been having daily spars with me.




The series of roars of puzzling to understand, but when combined with his body language of pointing at me and back itself, I have a rough guess at what he is saying.

"Do you want to know my goal in doing this every day?"

Teacher naturally came to me considering he was very curious about this answer too. Though, I believe he has a clue already about my aim, considering my actions in the last couple of months.

I took a breath and asked Ice-Tiger, "You know, I could be smart, right? No, I am very smart, right?"

I felt the teacher roll his eyes at my narcissism, but Ice Tiger nodded at me. After all, I might be weaker in terms of talent and age, but I won 3 spars against Ice-Tiger. Though it was in the initial days and because of surprise factor; I won.

"But I am pathetic in terms of talent. Even the idiotic members of your pride have better talent than me."

Looking at the Ice-tiger pride running after each tail or fighting each other for food. I felt the Ice Tiger's worry.

"You are intelligent, Ice-Tiger. Perhaps it is because of your spiritual attribute mutation. Most spirit beasts gain human-like intelligence after 10,000 years, but you have it at just 700 years old. So, I can say you are incredibly talented among spirit beasts."

Ice-Tiger held his chest high in pride.

"So, I have been observing you and learning. I have been teaching you based on my cultivation technique. In this experience, I noticed an alternative path out for me."

Before breaking the impactful news, I heard his current conditions: "In Mount Lian Po, you have too much competition to thrive. Your talent while impressive is not even at the top like Ice-fire tiger, Three eyed lion, etc. Your fate is dying as a prey to one of them or becoming a dead soul ring."


His roar got his pride ready to fight, despite knowing that Teacher can crush them all.

"Like I said just now, from various observations, I found an alternative path for me. A path that fits you too. A self sacrificed soul ring that will break the limit for me and allow you to keep your consciousness."


That made him attack, obviously.

"Arrogant beast."


Teacher's first soul ring : Thunder's impact showed its power. In a single impact, the Ice-tiger was on the ground.


"It looks like you are unwilling. Well, anybody would be unwilling to sacrifice their everything and depend on others. Let me prove to you I am worthy of this chance."

Looking at my current condition in AI profile of myself.

[Zhang Kun- 100%

Age : 10 years, 3 months

Martial soul : Tiger

Spiritual Power : Spirit Origin [Increase is estimated]

Soul Power : 10 [Accumulating an estimate of 1 level]

Equipment : Spirit refined Magic silver hammers, Heavy silver hammers-Thousand refined [Blood sacrificed]

Combat usage : Soul ripple, Soul spike, Soul wave

Occupation : advanced Blacksmith]

I felt hurt at the lack of progress in soul power, but I knew the reason. I spent too much time hunting for the right spirit beast. Not to forget the fact that my condensed soul power would decrease the speed in later stages.

I focused myself on these cruel facts and looked towards Ice Tiger, "You are improving with my help, but so do I. So, let me prove my worth. In this cruel world, one's worth is proved by their strength. Hence, I will fight with you every day."


AI, integrate the Dai Family's Tiger marital soul knowledge into three aspects-cultivation technique, my semi finished soul skill and Ice Tiger improvement.

[Task Beginning….]


My hammers rang in the open space as my soul power surged and condensed.

"Let's begin."

——————-1 month later- 10 years,4 months age—————-



"Fuck, you asshole, you win again."



marital soul integration into cultivation technique-35%

Self made Soul skill- 58%

Integration of host cultivation path to Ice- Tiger- 10%]

—————6 months later- 10 years, 10 months age—————

"HAHHA, I won bitch. At long last, I won bitch."



marital soul integration into cultivation technique-78%

Self-made soul skill- 92%

Integration of host cultivation path to Ice Tiger 43%]

Fucking hell, it took 7 months far me to catch up with the bitch but I did it. Now, I need to crush the Ice-tiger for it to bend. I guess not all people are lucky like protagonists.

———————2 months later- 11 years age————


marital soul integration into cultivation technique-100%

Self-made soul skill- 100%

Integration of host cultivation path to Ice Tiger 60%]

One year. One fucking year.

I spent one fucking year with my choice, and this damn bitch is not even moving. Every day, we fight, but he doesn't budge. Even the teacher went away to take care of Dai Weisi's task of running his PR group among civilians. Though, he arranged for people to bring the spirit beast corpses to support me.

Each day, I want to turn back and choose an optimal config spirit ring. But I already spent too much with little gain. Especially my cultivation.

[Soul power: 10 [Accumulated an estimate of 2 levels] ]



"My blood is boiling in anger, and you are still inviting me to fight. Since you want to die, then let me help you fulfill your wish."

Looking at the Ice Tiger that jumped towards me as a 900 year spirit beast, I could only feel one thing.

"It feels too slow."


With a slight tilt of my body, I dodged the claw attack. As if reminiscing about the fated fight from that day, he tackled me again.

With open hands, I welcomed the brute.


I could feel his claws coming from the sides, but I held them in place while he roared in my face.


"Sure, your cultivation increased, but so did my combat power."

This is the benefit of soul power condensation, the forbidden fruit to soul masters.

Feeling my thick soul power wrapping around my head, I slammed it down on Ice-tiger's face.



Disregarding its roar of pain and my headache, I continued with my head slam.



"ARGH! Crazy Assshole."

Feeling the claws gripping onto my hands as the ice spread spread through the roar.


With a surge of my soul power that broke the ice sealing me away, I sent a soul wave to throw him into the distance.

"Fuck, I wanted to head slam you into unconsciousness like the 67th fight. But it seems you improved."

I had enough.


Ice tiger became serious about my clanging hammers. It seems he noticed my habit of smashing hammers together before charging. So, smart. But it's a pity but I have to kill him.

Once his age crosses 1000 years, I can no longer beat him and, most importantly, I am not capable of absorbing the purple spirit ring.

"Buddy, I am going to kill you and forcefully take the spirit ring. "


We ran at each other to end this farce that grew too longer.

My hammers came down on his head while his claws tore my chest apart. "AHHH"

My roar of anger and pain came in response to Ice Tiger, perhaps because of the many fights, I can already fell him jumping to bite my neck.


The bite narrowly missed me as I slide under the jumping Ice tiger.

Using this chance, I went all out, "SELF MADE SOUL SKILL : RIPPLING SPIKE,"

Each wave of soul power that condensed exploded to increase the power Soul Spike. 1, 2, and finally 3. At the third ripple, my body strained beyond words, but the power was incredible.


[Spiritual attack]

I scoffed. "After a year, your spiritual attack can't eve stop me buddy. 3 Strike rippling Spike."

I hit spike into the stomach of Ice-tiger, tearing it open, spilling blood, intestine and the odd meat of hunted Ice-tigers that Teacher arranged as per our deal.


The moment he opened his mouth to roar, blood splashed like a fountain all over. "You were being really stubborn."

Not carrying about the dying Ice Tiger, I sent a barrage of 1 strike -rippling spikes towards the Ice Tiger tribe which stopped on their path and couched down with pure unwillingness.

[Author's note

1 strike= soul power condensed and sent as 1 wave.

2 strike = soul power condensed and sent as 2 waves,

I looked at them with cold eyes. I spent a year of my time and give every benefit I can and made every means of understanding. So, it is not my fault.

And so, I noticed the Yellow spirit ring rising.

I snorted and got to absorbing the spirit ring. While the Ice-Tiger tribe can attack me, they won't. after all, it would make their leader's death useless. While I am no friend to them, I am also no enemy.

I ran my cultivation technique as my martial soul grew hungry for the soul ring and roared out.


It was incredible as the soul power in the spirit ring spread throughout my body, instantly refilling my capacity with the peak of my normal self.

Now comes the struggle.

I could hear my Tiger martial soul groaning as the energy flooded it. Each second made the next more and more painful. As an icing on the cake, I heard a familiar roar.


I felt a sound wave of resentment directed at me, his own weakness, and the world. Unlike the previous spiritual assault in Ice Tiger's era, this attack is solely fueled by emotions in its purest form. So, it is more painful and, in truthful words, more terrifying.

Most importantly, I can understand this feeling far too well- the resentment of losing one's life.


I felt his anger, pain and fear, but I didn't care now. The surging soul power from the spirit ring is overhauling my vessels, causes bleeding everywhere.


I fucking gave him an alternate method, a way to keep his consciousness.

My point of view did not do shit in helping the resentment, but it helped me vent and pull myself together and continue the absorption.

I felt a smile come to my face when I remember the 60% integration of soul power path to Ice Tiger. I was not being stupid this entire year. My help made Ice Tiger stronger, but also bought his soul power to become similar to my soul power.

No, not similar, more compatible.

AI, designate the reading as soul power compatibility.

[Soul power compatibility : 60%]

It was 3 years' worth of efforts in which I had to flatter and help Dai Weisi, putting aside my own thoughts and pride. I DAMN WELL SUCCEDED.

[Soul power : 10….11…..12…]

Finally, I broke the limit, now the only thing left was complete the soul ring absorption.


Fuck, you are dead.


I persisted in feeding the soul power to my martial soul until I found the struggle stopped suddenly and turned into a single sound.


I felt myself blank at this sound, which made me feel the images of self sacrifice spirit ring. Fuck, I almost felt like crying. I spent a year with fear being left behind as a waste compared to the monsters in the cannon. If all it took was a thorough beating to convince the bitch.

I roared out and had my marital soul increase the eating. Since he is bending, I will break him and then accept him.




A fucking meow, wow. I stopped. My forceful nature had uttered a single thing. "Follow the cultivation I pointed before."


I felt happy as the soul energy became mild and was absorbed drop by drop by my martial soul under the Ice Tiger. Now, I can feel something else is being absorbed with Soul power -Ice Tiger's consciousness.

Two roars resounded- one from the marital soul, the other from Ice Tiger.

[Soul power: 15]

"Ha, Haa, Hahahahahhaaaahaa,"

My laughter knew no bounds. Even with the increased requirement for soul power for me to level up, a fucking 3 level increase. As expected of the 900-year-old spirit ring.

I could have absorbed the spirit ring forcefully, but the sheer amount of energy contained in it always gave a risk of my body breaking down, no matter the preparations I did. Now, with the support from Ice Tiger, I absorbed it's spirit ring comfortably. Most importantly, the best benefit of the conscious spirit ring I had like Ice Tiger's, Tang san's Titan ape ring, Sky dream Ice worm's ring is the mastery of the skill.

"1st Soul ring : Roar of Ice,"



I watched in satisfaction as the roar of ice rivalled the Ice Tiger's skill, who used this roar of ice all his life.

Looking at the frozen dead body of the Ice Tiger from a single roar and little use of soul power, as expected, I skipped years of work training my first soul ring.

AI, gather data from this soul skill and improve the rippling spike, especially aim to reduce the soul power required to cast a rippling spike.


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