He pried the stopper loose and fiercely threw it at Hu Er.
The red liquid splashed all over Hu Er.
"What is this?"
Hu Er's expression was full of suspicion and uncertainty.
The liquid possessed an extremely strong burning ability and instantly set his pants on fire.
Lin Da spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and smiled, "It's Dragon Blood."
"I said, it's Dragon Blood."
Lin Da pointed toward the night sky above, "The wind is quite strong tonight, pray that the smell of the Dragon Blood doesn't drift to the Forest Dragon."
"Ha ha… If I were a parent and saw someone covered in my children's blood, I'd probably kill them without a second thought, right? Oh, you also want to change your pants? It's useless, the scent of Dragon Blood has already seeped into your skin."
Watching Hu Er's increasingly ugly expression, Lin Da felt a surge of satisfaction:
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