Thirteen-year-old Kai Ember's life revolves around protecting his five-year-old sister, Hanabi, in a world where powerful guilds and dangerous creatures reign supreme. Abandoned by their parents, the siblings navigate a perilous existence, living in a rented storage room and relying on Kai's odd jobs to survive. However, Kai's life takes a dramatic turn when a vivid dream grants him the knowledge of a tragic future where he is both an author and a victim in a world eerily similar to his own.
As Kai awakens with newfound abilities and memories from a past life, he embarks on a journey to reshape his destiny. Discovering he is the Progenitor of Vampires, Kai gains extraordinary powers, including enhanced strength, regeneration, and blood magic.
[Can't find any similar novel like The Novel's Extra so I'm making one. Even though I'm taking inspiration from it, after the early chapters, the change will be noticeable.]
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Long and hard didst thou fight. Readers. Spurned by the grace of gold. Be assured, the novel resteth close at hand. Alas, I am returned. To be granted audience once more. Upon my name as S1NN the Author.