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66.66% Marvel: Gojo Satoru Template / Chapter 6: Chapter 5: The First Field Mission - Part 2

Kapitel 6: Chapter 5: The First Field Mission - Part 2

As Arthur and his team crept deeper into the labyrinthine Hydra base. The air was filled with tension.

"I swear," Agent Wilson whispered, his eyes darting nervously, "if this turns out like that Aliens movie, I'm putting in for a transfer to accounting."

Agent Daniels shot him a withering glare. "Can it, Wilson. This isn't some Hollywood—"

"Shh!" Arthur hissed, holding up a hand. His eyes closed in concentration as he extended his Cursed Energy Sensing. "There's something ahead. A lot of somethings, actually."

Parker consulted her tech. "I'm picking up multiple heat signatures around the next corner. Looks like we've found the welcoming committee."

Daniels nodded grimly. "Alright, people. This is where it gets interesting. Thompson, what else can you tell us about what we're walking into?"

Arthur focused, pushing his abilities to their limit. "I'm sensing... wait, that can't be right."

"Spit it out, rookie," Daniels growled.

"It's like... they're enhanced too. Not like me, but there's definitely something off about their energy signatures."

Wilson gulped audibly. "Great. Hydra's got their own super-soldiers. Any other good news?"

As if on cue, the lights suddenly blazed to full intensity, momentarily blinding the team. Alarms blared, and a mechanized voice announced: "Intruder alert! All personnel to battle stations!"

"Well," Parker quipped, readying her weapon, "I guess they know we're here now."

The next few moments were a blur of chaos and adrenaline. A squad of Hydra agents rounded the corner, their eyes glowing an unnatural blue and veins pulsing with some strange energy.

Arthur reacted instinctively, throwing up a barrier of Cursed Energy just as the Hydra agents opened fire. Bullets ricocheted off the shimmering field, buying the team precious seconds to take cover.

"Thompson!" Daniels shouted over the din. "We need an opening!"

Drawing on his newfound knowledge, Arthur focused his Cursed Energy into his palm. With a grunt of effort, he projected a burst of energy towards the Hydra squad, sending them flying backwards.

"Did you see that?" Wilson exclaimed; his eyes wide. "He just went full Jedi on them!"

"Less gawking, more shooting!" Daniels ordered, laying down suppressing fire.

The battle raged on, with Arthur's team slowly gaining ground. His Cursed Energy techniques proved invaluable, allowing him to deflect attacks and create openings for his teammates.

During a brief lull in the fighting, Daniels turned to Arthur. "I've seen a lot in my day, Thompson, but this takes the cake. Just what the hell did they do to you in that Vanguard program?"

Arthur shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "To be honest, sir, I'm still figuring it out myself. It's like the powers are evolving to meet each new challenge."

"Well, keep evolving," Daniels replied. "Because I have a feeling thing are about to get a lot worse before they get better."

As if to prove his point, a massive crash echoed through the corridor. A hulking figure emerged from the smoke, easily seven feet tall and rippling with augmented muscle.

"Oh, come on!" Wilson groaned. "They've got a Hulk too?"

The monstrous Hydra agent roared, charging towards them with terrifying speed. Arthur braced himself, channeling every ounce of Cursed Energy he could muster into a barrier.

The impact was tremendous, sending shockwaves through the corridor. Arthur gritted his teeth, feeling the strain on his abilities. "I can't hold this forever!" he shouted.

"You don't have to!" Parker called back. "I've got an idea. Wilson, that canister on your belt – toss it here!"

Wilson complied, throwing a small metal cylinder to Parker. With expert precision, she typed a series of commands into her wrist computer. The canister began to emit a high-pitched whine.

"Thompson, on my mark, drop the barrier and duck!" Parker ordered. "Everyone else, cover your ears!"

As soon as Arthur released his hold on the Cursed Energy, Parker hurled the canister at the charging brute. It exploded in a blinding flash of light and a deafening sonic boom.

The enhanced Hydra agent stumbled, disoriented. Seizing the opportunity, Arthur channeled Cursed Energy into his fist and delivered a devastating uppercut that sent the monster crashing into the ceiling.

"And stay down!" Wilson cheered. "That was awesome! High five, Thompson!"

As Arthur returned the enthusiastic high five, he couldn't help but grin. Despite the danger, there was an undeniable thrill to pushing his abilities to new limits.

Their celebration was short-lived, however. A stray bullet from a remaining Hydra agent caught Wilson in the shoulder, spinning him around and sending him crashing to the floor.

"Wilson!" Daniels shouted, returning fire and taking down the last enemy.

Arthur rushed to his fallen comrade's side. The wound was bad – arterial bleeding that could be fatal if not treated quickly.

"Hang on, Wilson," Arthur said, placing his hands over the injury. "This might feel a little weird."

Focusing intently, Arthur activated his Basic Reverse Cursed Technique. A soft blue glow emanated from his palms as he poured healing energy into Wilson's wound. Before the team's astonished eyes, the bleeding slowed and then stopped entirely, the damaged tissue knitting itself back together.

Wilson blinked in amazement, flexing his newly healed shoulder. "Holy... how did you do that?"

"That's... that's impossible," Daniels breathed. "The Vanguard project was supposed to enhance physical abilities, maybe some energy manipulation. But cellular regeneration? That's a whole other level."

Arthur helped Wilson to his feet, his mind racing to maintain his cover story. "Like I said, the abilities keep surprising me. I guess the project's effects are more extensive than anyone realized."

Before anyone could question him further, Parker's voice cut through the moment. "Guys, we've got a problem. I've managed to hack into their systems and download a ton of intel, but it triggered some kind of failsafe. We've got major reinforcements incoming, and the base's self-destruct sequence has been activated."

"How long do we have?" Daniels demanded.

"Ten minutes, tops," Parker replied grimly.

Daniels cursed under his breath. "Alright, new plan. We need to get this intel out of here, no matter what. Thompson, you've shown the most combat capability. Think you can cover our retreat?"

Arthur nodded, a plan already forming in his mind. "I can create barriers to slow them down and use energy projections to keep them off balance. But once we're out, I don't know how much longer I can keep it up."

"It'll have to do," Daniels said. "Parker, plot us the fastest route out of here. Wilson, you're on rear guard with me. Let's move, people!"

As they raced through the corridors, the sounds of pursuit grew ever closer. Arthur focused on maintaining a series of shifting barriers behind them, using his Cursed Energy to create obstacles and misdirections for their pursuers.

They burst out of the base just as the first explosions began to rock the structure. Arthur turned, summoning every last ounce of his power to create a massive barrier between them and the collapsing entrance.

As the dust settled, the team caught their breath, battered but alive. Daniels approached Arthur, who was swaying slightly from exhaustion.

"I've seen a lot of incredible things in my career," the veteran agent said, his voice gruff but tinged with respect. "But what you did in there... that was something else entirely."

Arthur managed a tired smile. "Just doing my job, sir. Although I have to admit, this was a bit more exciting than the training simulations."

Wilson chuckled, wincing slightly as he rotated his healed shoulder. "Understatement of the year, man. Hey, do you think you could use that healing trick to fix male pattern baldness? Asking for a friend, of course."

As the team shared a much-needed laugh, Arthur felt a familiar warmth spreading through him:

[Significant Recognition Gained: S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Team]

[Multiple Abilities Improved]

[New Ability Unlocked: Intermediate Cursed Energy Projection]

[Current Integration: 5.55% → 6.5%]

Looking out over the smoldering remains of the Hydra base, Arthur knew that this was just the beginning. 

"Alright, team," Daniels announced, all business once more. "Let's call in extraction and get this intel back to base. I have a feeling Director Fury is going to want to hear about this mission personally."


Author Note: I know this novel is not perfect, but I am confident that it will improve over time with continued effort and refinement. I am eager to receive your feedback and suggestions on how to enhance the story, characters, and overall narrative. Additionally, I would love to hear your thoughts on this particular chapter. Did you find it enjoyable and intriguing? Are there specific aspects you liked or disliked? Your detailed feedback will help me understand what works well and what can be improved as I continue to develop the story.

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