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15.38% Nahobino In Marvel / Chapter 1: Nahobino

Kapitel 1: Nahobino

White sand. In every direction, it was all one could see. Regardless of day or night. Regardless of heat or cold. The sand would glitter endlessly, like crystals. This place is known as the Netherrealm. A place where souls were supposed to go after death and find their specific afterlife. Instead, it had become the battleground between Angels and Demons.

Souls were not welcome here. It would only get devoured by a random stray demon that happened to encounter it. The last remaining god, the god of law, broke the pathway leading souls to this decrepit place in order to save them. Even with all his strength and dominion over angels, he still perished to the demons. To Lucifer.

This place was now a world infested with demons, lacking the safety of order. It was survival of the fittest in its realest form. Angels were few and far between, hiding together and slaying any demon that noticed them. The war had gone on for millennia. Only now has it reached its conclusion. 

In the darkest depths of the realm, a single figure crept through the white sand and rocks. Only yellow eyes could be seen as it seemingly faded away. A bright blue glow of energy lines pulsed in the darkness, revealing a man…or what used to be one. Long black hair with a tint of blue flowed to his feet with ethereal movements. 

"Young man. I believe that we can rest for now. It's been a few years." A deep but smooth voice resounded in his mind. 

"......................" The figure only shook his head.

"Even those hunting you will take breaks, I cannot sense any demons nearby."


Without saying a word, he changed his course of direction. Ruined buildings were in the distance. They were broken down, ready to crumble at the slightest touch. The distance was of no consequence. After enclosing himself in darkness, his senses grew dull. His mind was incredibly tired. The Nahobino slumped to the ground with his back against the wall. 

"After countless years, we find ourselves the closest we've ever been to escaping this realm. This swell of energy…It can only be a Leyline."

"........................" He only closed his eyes in response. The bags under his eyes were incredibly dark. He hadn't slept in a long time.

"Ever since the end of the war, we haven't been able to check on the status of humanity. We must ensure that they're still alive…and not yet fallen to the demons." The voice continued. 

"...How long?" The Nahobino finally spoke. His voice was calm and gentle…but detached from emotion.

"It has been more than 1,784 years since we lost our means of leaving this realm. 2,000 years since we became one. Since you became my knowledge and I your strength." 


As the man rested, the surroundings grew cold. Vapor escaped his mouth with every breath. Something was off. There wasn't a single noise but dust and pebbles slowly levitated into the air. 

Red eyes appeared in the darkness, right above the Nahobino. A shadow. A silhouette. As soon as those red eyes locked onto the resting man, he reacted. The Nahobino straightened his hand.


A photon blade erupted from his hand, shining a beautiful light blue. It only took a single movement. An elegant spin starting from his sitting position and ending in a stance. The shadow was cut right between the eyes. Top to bottom. 

"Tehehehehe!" An eerie feminine giggle sounded before it faded away. 

A burning slash mark was left in the wall and floor of the building. The material makeup was turned into molten sludge. It emphasized just how dangerous the blade was.

The Nahobino immediately bolted from the ruined buildings at a speed incomprehensible to man. With his arms behind his back and head low to the ground, there was no trace of his footsteps. 

"Tsukuyomi, I cannot rest." The figure commented. A sigh could be heard in his mind.

"It was only a spiritual projection, but your location is compromised. I'm sorry, young man. Forgive me. I only wished that you enjoyed some well deserved rest." Tsukuyomi responded.

A single demon had been hunting the Nahobino ever since their first meeting. She was powerful and could control hordes of lesser demons. It didn't matter where she was located, able to deliver death from a country away. Her abilities were top notch. A witch of godly prowess.

There was a single reason that he'd been fighting for his life since the beginning of his arrival. It was due to his unique lineage. His race. A Nahobino. Despite being regarded as legend, many wanted to acquire his abilities. His unlimited potential. This witch wasn't the only one after him. There were many.

He missed his kin. Once there were many Nahobino, all coming from different mythologies and lineages…but that was before the war was lost. The man continued his quick pace. That fleeting desire had already disappeared. 

"Keep heading in this direction, the Leyline is close. Be warned. If that demon found you, she also found this. A battle is unavoidable. It matters not who she sends. Cut them down." Tsukuyomi commanded.

1000 meters.

700 meters.

500 meters.

300 meters. 

A glowing energy swirl could be seen further ahead. The Leyline. It was right there. Still intact! A growing sense of urgency permeated the surroundings.

"This is it. They are here." Tsukuyomi said.


Immediately, hundreds of shadow spikes shot out of the ground beneath the Nahobino's feet. He leapt high into the air in order to evade. His form was refined, flipping and narrowly dodging each spike that rose higher and higher into the air. 

Realizing that dodging would not stop the spikes, he slammed a palm down from the air, almighty force obliterating the ground below. A massive crater was left in its wake. 

Now landing in the gigantic pit, he looked up. Countless lesser demons were appearing all along the edges of the crater. An ocean of shadows. He was surrounded.


The photon blade ignited from his right hand. His other hand reached out to the countless demons. Clenching his fist, an almighty force pulled hundreds into the pit with him.

"Wha-" A demon's voice was cut short by an extremely hot blade piercing his throat…burning it.

It had begun. Like a specter of death, the Nahobino would materialize in different locations alongside corpses. Each corpse had burning slash marks. Their remains would turn into energy particles, nourishing the Nahobino.

Kill after kill. Death after death. Whenever there were too few demons in the crater, he would pull more down with him. Even these lesser demons were beginning to feel fear. 

Further away from the battle two demons could be seen observing. One man and one woman. A witch and a powerful demon. The male demon was cloaked in flaming darkness.

"That Nahobino…it is strong." He commented. 

"Awww. Are you getting cold feet, Beelzebub?" The witch mocked him. 

"Do not insult me, Medea. With its concept of knowledge I could become a god again."

"That Leyline. Hmmmm. I wonder what it stands to gain from it." She pondered aloud. 

"It will not live long enough for us to know."

"Well…the lesser demons are dwindling. You should honor your part of the deal. Kill him. We split his parts."

"Hmph." Beelzebub snorted before vanishing in a curtain of dark flame.

The Nahobino tilted his head in disdain. Running away. All of them. These lesser demons were worthless. With a slight tap of his foot, the young man soared out of the crater. 

"Let us leave before we face anything else, Nahobino." Tsukuyomi said. 

"...Mnn." The Nahobino agreed and dashed toward the Leyline. 

Unfortunately, another wall of dark spikes blocked his path. After evading them once again. The perpetrator was revealed. A tall humanoid demon in loose clothing stood between the Nahobino and the Leyline. Two black wings of flaming darkness flapped from his back. 

"You will die here." Beelzebub said. 

"...................." There was no response.

"Not the talkative sort, huh? My name is -"

"It doesn't matter who you are. You will perish all the same." Nahobino interrupted. 

"Oh? Arrogant as well." Beelzebub commented. 

A spear wreathed in black flames materialized in his hand. The young man ignited his photon sword in response. Electricity danced around the blade. A phenomena of unstable energy. It was a staredown. They slowly circled each other, looking for openings. 

"Don't bother with him, young man. Touch the Leyline and we are free! He cannot follow us." Tsukuyomi declared. Immediately, the Nahobino lost all interest and bolted. 

It only took a second with his speed to reach the Leyline. Right as his finger touched the energy, his body turned white. Too bad he wasn't alone. Beelzebub was also fast. He grabbed the Nahobino's shoulder while raising his spear. 

In a split second, they both vanished. 

"What? Where did they go?!" Medea appeared in front of the Leyline. She stuck her hand into the swirling energy mass but nothing happened. Her face grew contorted with rage.

"Damn. I don't know where they've gone. How many years will it take me to find them?! The Netherrealm is vast. Beelzebub won't honor the deal…he'll take it all for himself! Damn!" She growled while scrying with her clairvoyant abilities.

Feeling the contact of another, Nahobino shifted his body. The dark spear grazed against his side but that was all. A slight burn was all it left. Pushing with his free hand, Beelzebub was sent hurtling away due to almighty force. 

Only now could he survey his surroundings. It was bright. Much brighter than the Netherrrealm. He had to shield his eyes. Looking toward the sun, he realized that it was touching the horizon. The sun was setting. 

More importantly…he was standing on a skyscraper overlooking a sprawling city. A metropolitan city! Humans were everywhere. Cars were zooming to and fro. An entire skyline was bare before him. He was back. Back on Earth!

"Young man…my consciousness is fading. Something is wrong. I'm not supposed to exist here. Is this the effect of losing the war?" The god's voice was weak.

"Tsukuyomi? Tsukuyomi?!" The man spoke with worry for the first time.

"Ahh…I wish…that I could apologize to Amaterasu. I wanted to see her one more time." His voice was but a whisper.

"You still can! We can go right now!"

"I'm sorry…young man. She is not here. As for this Earth. It is not the same. I'm not Tsukuyomi anymore. I can feel it. You are."

"What…me? But I'm just…"

"Goodbye, young man. Explore what this world has become. I'm sorry that I can't experience it with you."

"No!" Though his expression showed little emotion, tears streamed down his face. 

Just like that, Tsukuyomi was no more. The Nahobino now fully owned both concepts of knowledge and power. It was no longer a fusion. His partner of a thousand plus years was gone. As he stood on the roof in disbelief, Beelzebub floated beside him.

"I can sense the presence of many humans… hehehe. Hehehehehehe. HAHAHAHAHA! So much food! Goodness, I'm getting hungry. After I devour you…this city is next." The demon was extremely happy. 

Quickly waving his spear, the Nahobino was smacked down through the skyscraper. His body crashed through each floor until he hit the ground. It caused a slight earthquake. 


It wasn't over. Beelzebub immediately threw the spear right after him. The new Tsukuyomi held out his hand, an almighty barrier stopping the weapon in its tracks. A shockwave blew the area apart…the structure of the building was gone. Humans were dead.

As the skyscraper collapsed, Beelzebub appeared next to the spear and added more force. Tsukuyomi exploded with almighty energy as a response, pushing the demon back. The photon blade erupted from his hand, tears still wetting his face. His expression was extremely cold. 

Beelzebub gave a mocking grin before getting into a stance. Screams of fear resounded all around. Panic. Mass hysteria. Before he could mentally register anything, the Nahobino was gone. What? Where did he go?

Suddenly, the demon's body bent forward. A leg was firmly lodged into his stomach. Saliva and blood escaped his mouth before he was launched out of the wrecked building and into the sky. Tsukuyomi quickly followed the demon into the clouds, raising his sword hand high above. 

The blade of light grew long and massive before he swiped it down. Beelzebub grit his teeth and raised the spear in defense…but it was futile. The weapon was cut in half along with his arm. Not only that. A searing slash mark bit into his torso. His body was launched away once more.

Only now did the air roar with a resounding boom. The sound barrier had broken due to Nahobino's initial kick. Beelzebub crashed into the waters outside of the city. His body skipped like a rock before he landed on his feet. Darkness covered his body as he prepared for more battle. 

Tsukuyomi had already appeared on the ocean water as well. He ran circles around the demon, attacking every few seconds. It didn't take long to wear him down. A slash here, a limb there. It was impossible for Beelzebub to land another hit on the Nahobino. Almost as if the first blow was a fluke.

Growing angry at the situation, the demon roared in anger. Shadow spikes shot out of the water once again, turning the surroundings pitch black. The young man jumped into the sky and curled his free hand fingers into a claw. 

Immediately, the demon's roar was cut off as he struggled to breathe. The almighty element choked him relentlessly. Realizing that the Nahobino was the culprit, he formed clones out of darkness to attack. 

Tsukuyomi didn't relinquish his hold. He cut through each flame shadow with minimal movements, his free hand still clenched. The Nahobino would not relent. Beelzebub was no longer granted breath. 

"Kehk…" The demon fell to his knees, all while sending flame shadow after flame shadow. His consciousness grew hazy.

As his sight grew dark, he could only focus on the splendor of Tsukuyomi's movements. The Nahobino flipped and twirled. It was like a dance. Each movement left a molten line as he danced on the surface of the ocean. His swordsmanship was exquisite.

'Incredible.' He thought before everything went black. 

Beelzebub was no longer conscious. Without his body boosted by his element, killing him was nothing. Tsukuyomi closed his fist which cracked the demon's neck. It was over. The corpse sunk into the ocean. Its energy soon turned into particles and flowed through the Nahobino.

'I pray this is the last demon I ever meet.' He thought.

Night had fallen. The Nahobino did not leave the beach. He stood at the edge of the water, deep in thought. 

'I am alone. I've been gone for so long…my family may not exist anymore.' He thought sadly. His frown slowly turned into an expression of shock. 

'Who is my family? Why can't I remember them? What…what is my name?'

Tsukuyomi had fought in the Netherrealm for too long. Not being able to sleep for over hundreds of years, his mind had constantly been combat ready. He couldn't remember life before being a Nahobino.

"Why is fate so cruel?" He whispered. 

He couldn't enjoy his freedom with his companion. There was no danger here. No need to stay ready. He could finally rest. But he was alone.

Tsukuyomi relinquished his hold on the Nahobino form. His body shined with a white light before revealing a human man with brown hair and black eyes. Without the strength that originated from his form, an all consuming exhaustion wracked his body. Immediately, he fell unconscious in the sand. 

The moon glowed beautifully as it watched over his rest.

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