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56.25% Harry Potter And the Astrologer / Chapter 9: 9: The Boy Who Lived.

Kapitel 9: 9: The Boy Who Lived.

Lily knew something like this would happen, it was obvious that they had been betrayed by that rat Peter and now her husband's foolishness with the pranks had endangered the most important thing to her, her son. She could only hear the bombardment of the house's defenses and as much as she wanted to call James to be with her, she knew he was too brave and impulsive. 

She began to cry as she quickly drank the potion that rarely left her throat. Soon she felt her sad feelings being pushed aside by another feeling of absolute safety. Her mind buzzed with ideas, and she knew she could make them happen because she had everything on her side now. 

So she grabbed her son in her arms as she dropped to her knees in the middle of the room. It wasn't random, no, she had secretly carved runes and a complex ritual circle on the floor of the room. She was a prepared woman and had not decided to stand aside without acting. 

She didn't care about anything at that moment, not even the prophecy Dumbledore had told her in the middle, because 'she wasn't prepared for it', nor did she care that her husband might die tonight, that was a certainty because they weren't just fighting a man, but a monster. 

As she shielded her son with her body, Lily couldn't help but smile with confidence. Voldemort could have chosen another day, and perhaps his plans would not have worked very well, but he chose this day. 

Samhain was not just a holiday, it was a time when the barriers separating the world of the living from the afterlife were so thin that some things could enter both places. It also allowed magic to be more... receptive to certain rituals whose conditions had to do with death. 

As James died, the oath he swore tonight and over a year ago took effect, the runes in the room emitting a white glow from the involuntary but willing sacrifice. A life that died with a wish for love and protection, on a date as special as today... Lily almost laughed.

Sure, the pain of widowhood would hit her when the potion was over, but it was only because of the liquid luck potion that she wasn't tearing her hair out over the fact that the love of her life had just died. But she also knew that it was better that one of them died than both, she didn't even want to imagine her son's fate without his parents present.

She trusted Dumbledore for some important things, but although he was a good person, the man left much to be desired, one of the things she hated most about the old man with many names was that he tried to impose his point of view on others, just because 'he had experienced'. 

She couldn't imagine what terrible fate awaited her son just because the old man had pulled some silly plan out of his bushy beard to make the supposed prophecy go well.

Like the stupid idea he'd given James to remove himself from the magical world and live on the Muggle side of Britain, just so his son wouldn't have contact with other wizards, so he wouldn't be corrupted, hiding his wizarding heritage from him. 

No, Lily refused at the thought, she would survive with her son, she would raise him, and she would make the most of his potential while allowing him to enjoy the best of the magical world and the Muggle side. She refused to let her son just grow up to be 11 years old without taking advantage of any possible talents he might have. 

How did she know that her son had potential? Well, she remembered that she was the one who gave birth to him, while a mana siphon baptized him. Even she was surprised by this situation, although it seemed that only she and possibly the director had noticed this situation. 

The magic affected her too, it didn't make her stronger at all, but it allowed her to have a special connection with her son. While it wasn't a problem now, it might be a little embarrassing in the future, but her training in Occlumency could help her partially block that connection. 

The door to the room was shattered by Voldemort's magical power, his presence was cold and imposing, and his mana felt murky to those with a little magical sensitivity. But he didn't care, it was just a display of his 'power', he thought. 

"Good night, Lily Potter, and you too, Hadrian," Voldemort's red eyes glowed with magic and power as he watched the red-haired woman carry her son, shielding him with her body as she knelt. 

Lily remained silent, not even looking up, she would not give the bastard that pleasure. She would show no weakness, no submission, no begging for his life. Things were going well, and Lily had luck on her side, along with a little unknown influence from the stars to add the final touch. 

Voldemort was angry when he was ignored, but that was fine with him, he wasn't here to convince anyone, he hadn't even considered the request of his half-blood servant, to keep Lily Potter alive. Even if Severus kept her under a regimen of potions and Imperius to satisfy his baser, darker desires, he would never let her go. 

The woman gave birth to a child that could threaten him, what if she gave birth to another? Not that his servants could always stumble upon prophecies, and though this last particular topic seemed a bit odd to him, he simply tossed it to the back of his chaotic mind.

He was here, standing here while the filthy blood lay, as all of his kind should be. The thought made Voldemort smile as he subtly waved his wand.

"Looks like the rat got your tongue, maybe the same rat that betrayed you?" feeling powerful, Voldemort put his foot on Lily's head, but she stood protectively covering her son regardless of Voldemort's kicks. 

"Well! You don't seem to want to talk, and I was thinking of letting you live, you see, I have a certain servant who is quite obsessed with you, you know, he begged me to save you, and even though you've given birth, you're still attractive, Mrs. Potter. 

Too bad, I'll never let a filthy blood like you live. You're a danger, a threat, and your little boy you're so protective of, I'll kill him. Or maybe... I could have him for myself, take care of him, let him grow up to be my henchman. That would be wonderful, wouldn't it?" Voldemort's words rang in Lily's ears, and she trembled, not with fear, but with rage. 

She had an idea who this guy obsessed with her might be, but that would be settled later. Not only that, but the bastard in front of her wanted to use her son, which would never be allowed. She snapped her head up sharply, her green eyes seeming to glow as her red hair waved from the mana her body was emitting. 

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SON!" Lily's scream shook the room, but Voldemort wasn't impressed.

He'd seen a lot of angry people when they were at the mercy of him or his followers, and though he was feeling a little more talkative than usual today, he'd already checked to make sure there weren't any remaining defenses in the house or potions in the air. 

"Oh, looks like you weren't in Gryffindor for nothing, were you? Too bad, I've had enough of this, so die," Voldemort pointed his wand at Lily, who was still glaring at him angrily. 

She clung to her son, who could see Voldemort's hand pointing at his mother. Hadrian, or Harry to his friends, didn't understand why this person was pointing the same thing at his mother that she and his father used to do some things he found amusing. 

He didn't like his mother's cry either, and he was about to cry when he felt the warm embrace of his mother, who had lowered her eyes again and whispered. 

"My son, now it's your turn to protect me, remember the story I told you? Come on my little Harry, remember it for me," Lily whispered to her son, her anger gone under the effect of the potion, and now she was completing the last part of her plan. 

"Avada Kedravra!" shouted Voldemort, the beam of green light illuminating the room and covering the white glow on the floor. 

An ethereal shield appeared in the path of the curse, a protection created by a ritual that required the sacrifice of a life filled with love and desire for protection. Powered not only by Samhain, but by the influences of fortune, the stars, and, in a way, fate. 

Voldemort's eyes widened as he felt his body go strange, he didn't know what was happening, all he saw was that he had cast his favorite spell, he hadn't done it wrong, his wand was in good condition and his mana was undisturbed. But somehow something went wrong and the power of the killing curse came back to him.

His body turned to ash as the connection between him and his mutilated soul was broken. Only a robe and his wand remained, which was covered by a small shadow before returning to normal. 

His ghostly form howled as Lily looked up, a smile full of pride and arrogance, influenced not only by how well her plan had gone but also by the potion she had taken. 

"DAMN DIRTY BLOOD!" the shadow that was Voldemort shouted before fleeing the house. 

Lily felt exhausted by this point, but she had to keep going. Although the protection helped, she not only wasted a lot of magic power but also took damage. For some reason, blood was coming out of her nose, eyes, and ears, but from what little she could see or understand, her son was fine.

Only he had a strange mark on his forehead, a lightning scar. Her dull brain thought it might be a symbol for surviving something as damn dangerous as a death curse, but she quickly dismissed it. 

She was the one who took the hit and used her magic, even though the shield was on her son, the connection she had with her son only allowed her to pass on magical power to him, because this protection needed the 'love' of a blood relative to maintain itself. 

"Maybe you shared some of the pressure for your mother, too," Lily said as she looked at her son, who suddenly began to cry from the pain he was feeling. 

"What happened here!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO LORD VOLDEMORT!!!?" Peter Pettigrew's desperate scream seemed to free the somewhat groggy mind of Lily, who reacted quickly and drew her wand. 

"You traitorous bastard!" she shouted, hurling dark curses at the rat who had turned into his Animagus and, on some strange impulse, grabbed his master's wand. 

I have to get out of here, I have to get my master's wand, I have to find a way to revive him,' Peter thought vaguely, the influence of strange forces subtly messing with his mind. 

Although he did not know that Voldemort was essentially immortal, the desire to bring his master back to life, either out of true devotion or out of a desire for safety, had sent him running from the Potter house. 

Lily, who had taken some potions that she kept for safety, went down to the second floor with her baby in her arms. There she saw James, mutilated and with parts of his body melted, probably by the traitor who had taken revenge on the helpless corpse of the one he once called his friend. 

The potion no longer worked on her, and the pain overwhelmed Lily's mind; even though she was skilled in Occlumency, she decided not to control her emotions as she began to cry on her knees beside James' corpse. 

"I'm sorry James!" was something Lily kept repeating, not only was she sad, but she also felt guilty.

Even if her husband somehow agreed with her sacrifice, she felt guilty because she had subtly manipulated him into choosing this path while she was still alive. Then she raised her wand as Sirius Black, Hagrid, and Severus Snape stood nearby, witnesses to what she was about to do. 

"I, Lily Potter, swear before magic itself that I will never again marry or be romantically involved, to honor the memory and sacrifice of the one who was once my husband, James Potter. So be it," her magical vow made Severus Snape, who was under a disillusioning spell, feel a pain in his chest. 

He wanted to go over and talk to Lily, surely her master must have forgiven her, he wanted to use that to make things easier, but Lily's vow and the cry of a baby told him that things might have gone wrong. 

Also, for some reason his left arm burned badly, right where he had the Death Eater's mark, but it wasn't a good idea to check himself here, even if he was in an invisible state. Then she left the place, just before Sirius Black looked suspiciously at where she had been. 

"Lily!!! What happened here!!! What happened to James? What about Peter?" asked Sirius White as he entered, but his questions soon stopped when he saw the remains of his friend. 

How could he not recognize him? Even his sense of smell, which had improved after becoming an Animagus so many years ago, could pick up the scent of his friend. 

"YOU! SIRIUS BLACK, YOU'RE A FOOL! For your supposed eagerness to play a trick on one of the most monstrous wizards of this century, you have made Secret Keeper Peter. 

You know, even though I don't like Remus very much, at least now we can say we were wrong to think he might have been the traitor. Peter was Voldemort's Rat!" Lily's shouts made Sirius stop, he couldn't believe what he heard. 

Yes, everyone had their doubts about Remus, causing him to subtly withdraw from the group, but he never thought that one of his friends was the traitor. Well, here he had plenty of evidence of who the 'rat infiltrator' was, which was highly ironic. 

Understanding what was going on, Sirius started to turn away, but Lily cast a spell on him that kept him on his toes. 

"What's wrong with you, I'm going to hunt that bastard down!" shouted Sirius, not only angry but nervous and not thinking clearly. 

"Take a good look, you stupid dog! You're leaving your friend's widow alone with her son! Hunt that rat down later when everyone knows the truth of what happened here! Remember, everyone thinks you were the secret keeper, and with what happened here, everyone will think you were the traitor. 

I don't think I'm in a good enough mood to kick your ass if you do something stupid. You're an adult now, grow up, don't be an arsehole, think more about your actions and stop being so impulsive, or I won't let you see your godson," threatened Lily Potter, who was already fed up, extremely fed up, with so much shit that had happened today. 

Sirius paused to think, but impulsively ran out of the house, bumping into Hagrid and then receiving a Petrifying Charm from Lily. 

"Hmm, I don't understand what's going on, can you explain?" asked Hagrid, who was holding the petrified Sirius in his arms, not quite understanding what was going on, although the situation itself was explanatory enough.

"Nothing... but what are you doing here, Hagrid?" asked Lily, carefully holding her wand as she stood up. She didn't like the half-giant being here so suddenly. She didn't think it was appropriate for Sirius to be here either. 

There's something fishy going on and I don't like it, but it seems to be a stupid plan by someone as stupid as a door and I DON'T LIKE IT," Lily thought as she watched the giant stutter incoherently.

"Did Dumbledore send you?" asked Lily coldly, shushing Hagrid. 

"I don't know what the old man's plan is, but I expect him to discuss it with the Aurors present, also I want you to go find him and tell him I want James' Invisibility Cloak back, it's a Potter family heirloom and as the widow of the previous patriarch, I'm technically the new Regent of House Potter and must look after their interests," she said, making Hagrid nod, though he was simple-minded, he wasn't stupid. 

"Good, now go and do it, Hagrid," without knowing why, Hagrid obeyed Lily's words as she sat on a couch with her son in her arms. 

"Protection should use magical power, but not like this, not mine, he should have used the one that was free in the air. Or maybe because of my closeness to Hadrian and my strange connection to him, things worked differently? But the results are the same. 

The protections are on my baby, feeding off the love I have for him and the mana surrounding him. There's something else at play, it's as if the strange reaction of the ritual earlier was guided by something else, and even though I drank that potion, this whole situation is so much stranger," Lily mused quietly, unaware that tonight's strangeness also had a subtle touch of the stars. 

Astreo, now sleeping peacefully, didn't realize that things had changed a great deal because of his blessing and that there was now a Lily Potter loss in the world, changing the future of the well-known Harry Potter story forever. 

Well, not that he cared about the changes himself. He was an old man who dared to fight musket-armed enemy soldiers with only his decrepit body, he had no fear of the strange future when he heard the news the next day, he smiled. 

An unknown future is always better, even if I say so myself, a fucking astrologer,' he thought as he saw the headline in today's Daily Prophet.

[You-Know-Who has fallen, The-Boy-Who-Lived and his mother emerge victorious].


AN: A fucking storm, in my country, lol, this fucked my internet. But hey, I have written this before the shutdown. 

Please read my original novel My Magical Daily Life, maybe is your cup of tea. 

And yes, Gilderoy Lockhart vibes, okno xD.

Sir_Traverse Sir_Traverse

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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