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11.11% Visions of V / Chapter 2: Now you don't

Kapitel 2: Now you don't

"Sorry captain must have been the wind."

I heard the green haired ugly one say as I hid underneath the cabinet with a new piece of jewelry equipped. The one ring to rule them all. I was now invisible entering the wraith realm was scarier than I thought. But it was very helpful in avoiding these low level grunts, not to discredit their destructive power or anything but their senses were ass, after all they hadn't noticed me even though I was here the entire time while they were talking, leading me to believe these were D-rank grunts. Which is funny considering I a B-rank was discarded from the family, but these a-holes got to stay? Probably has to do with me being an bastard child. Strangely I have not heard the ring try to corrupt my mind yet, which is good. I wonder why. 

"Well we better go upstairs and find this brat then, if not the boss will probably kill us." stated blue hair as he walked up the stairs and motioned for his entourage to follow. after they left I exited through the front door no longer invisible and proceeded onto the street in an attempt to blend in with the population. Which to my knowledge worked spectacularly. My orphanage was right in the poor section of the city of alftan. 

It had a rustic vibe to it, which was in a stark contrast to the sleek and modern vibes the noble section of the city had, and with an overflowing population it made the perfect place to blend in while trying to hide and stall for time. 

As I walked with the crowd, passing rundown building after rundown building I realized how bleak the world looked from a different perspective, everyone was worried about apocalypse scenarios when we were clearly already living in one. 

Whatever, these people could always just go into the tower of fantasy if the really wanted to get out of their predicaments right? No not really they were poor untrained bastards, similar to myself. One could enter the tower anytime after receiving the message but could die easily if not prepared for their scenarios. 

Which is why academes that trained people wishing to enter scenarios existed. Of course they were very expensive and only accepted those with C-rank talent and above. Scholarships were reserved for those A-ranked and above, leaving me just one rank below the mark. 

Not that I needed training anyway....




I did very much need training I was reincarnated with zero experience when it comes to fighting and had almost never entered a gym in my previous life either. Which means I am betting everything on surviving my [Character Progression Scenario] if I can even enter it with my father chasing after me. I just hope I can stall, and with this ring there is a very good chance I can. 

Thanking the dean once again in my head, I kept moving onward, trying my best to stay unnoticed in the large crowd of people walking through the street. My destination? The [Tower of Fantasy]. 

...11 hours later 11:00....

 I had been doing a good job blending in with the crowd until night time. In areas like this one going out alone at night could cost you your life, you never know what kind of people are lurking in the shadows ready to cause trouble. 

Which is why I decided to try and find a spot where I can shelter in place. Quickening my pace, I observed my surroundings looking for a certain building. The dean had told me a while back about a bar that was open 24 hours and let anyone through their doors, which was an interesting business practice but I can respect it. He didn't go into much detail about it, other than stating it would be "easy to spot". 

But as I looked around all I could see were the same rustic buildings. I probably should have studied a map of the city, or at least my local area, but hindsight is 20/20. I wasn't exactly scared of thugs trying to rough me up as I had nothing of value on me anyway, but there are human trafficking gangs that operate in this area. 

Still looking out for the bar I took a right on the street I was walking on. If my internal clock was functioning correctly there was about an hour left until I could accept the tower's invitation. Which may not sound like a long time, but considering the fact my father probably knows my plan already, he must be doing everything in his power to find me as soon as possible. 

If I had to guess he most likely wouldn't move himself or his wife, as one of the heads of the "nobles" faction it would most likely reflect badly on his image. That didn't mean he couldn't send one of my "Dearest" siblings after me though, and with so little time to catch me left, there was absolutely no way he wouldn't bring out the big guns to try and capture my unfortunate ass. 

Which is why I had to keep hiding, after my narrow encounter in the orphanage, I made sure that if I saw anyone wearing something similar to those dumbass soldiers that I put the ring back on and hid. Which worked spectacularly, without the dean's help I would have been caught quite a few times already. 

As I kept moving I noticed what the dean meant by it would be easy to spot. The damn bar was quite literally glowing in neon lights. Looking straight out of cyber punk it was the most "modern" building I had seen since coming to this world, not counting the view from the dean's office. 

As I rushed towards the glowing building, I noticed something on the ground, a lighter. I picked it up. I had an plan b if plan a went to shit now. 

.....No one's pov.....

The inside of the building was loud wild and bright. Many people of all walks of life gathered here, those who wanted to party, those who wanted to drink away their sorrow, and those with simply no where else to go. The doors to the bar would open, people would come and go as they pleased no one would bat an eye. 

After all, why would they? They were here for themselves not others. Which is why no one even cared about the entrance of the kid with black-hair and green eyes, which would be seen as either a god or a bad thing in the coming months. After all, this place would no longer exist, for better or for worse. 


I walked into the bar and quickly observed the layout, the room was rather large with the actual bar being to the left with some tables set up where people could drink together, to the right was a dance floor with many people dancing and partying. At the opposite end of the bar from where I was standing were a set of stairs that most likely led to a second floor. Those stairs gave me a really bad feeling for some reason. 

I decided to take a seat at one of the tables and wait out the time. Hopefully none of my fathers gang mem... I mean soldiers noticed me enter the bar. 




I just jinxed it didn't I? 

....30 minutes later 11:45...

"Get up." I was jolted awake by a voice speaking in a calm tone. I had fallen asleep! Who knew that being awake for 18 hours straight as an 11 year old would be this hard. Knowing I was pretty much fucked I opened my eyes. 

"Holy shit your huge!" I nearly fell out of my seat from shock when I saw the man standing in front of me. He was of european descent (White) and stood at around 8 ft tall. He had short black hair which was styled into a buzzcut, along with black eyes and an extremely muscular body, now this was a JOJO character if I've ever seen one. What the fuck did they feed this guy??? I felt like a shrimp in comparison and I probably was to be honest. 

The man sighed and picked me up with on arm and started carrying me too thee stairs next to the wall opposite of the door. At this point, I knew resistance was futile and decided to wait for my chance to escape. But first I had to make that chance 

"RAP *MPHM*" After trying to scream the man put his hand over my mouth and only a muffled noise came out... so much for that plan. It did bring some attention to what was happening though, and some people looked almost willing to help but backed off after seeing the crest of the mo.."Family". 

Looking at me with an expression that screamed "Really?" the man removed his hand from my mouth and started to climb the stairs THAT WAS HIS FIRST MISTAKE! 

"RAP *mhp*" 

Worth a shot. 

When we reached the top of the stairs I got a layout of the second floor of the bar. There were multiple vip rooms three on each side of the hallway, and at the end of the hallway opposite from the stairs was a doubled door conference room, in which I was being transported to. 

When the man got to the doors he opened them and proceeded to throw me into the middle of the conference room. 

*Bonk* "*Groan* owww."

Head first. I guess he didn't like my calls for help very much huh? As I looked up from my current position on the floor I realised the conference room was completely empty except for one spinny chair opposite from the door of the conference room. In it sat a person with long red hair looking out the window of the building. 

"Am I in your rap3 dungeon no..."



After trying to "break the ice" I was immediately smacked on the back of the head by big raga over here. 

"Please stop talking your voice grates my ears." said a clear and actually pleasant sounding voice, with a hint of disgust. 




"You are lucky you are not dead worm, unfortunately father needs you alive." she then stood up from her chair and turned around to look at me before I

"*Pfft* HAHAHHA"



"What is so amusing worm?" the girl asked me in annoyance. 

"It's so fucking hard to take you seriously with the spinny chair." I replied in a deadpan voice. 

Her face turned the color of her hair as she stepped closer to me allowing me to observe her features. Anger issues much she looked to be 15-16? I don't really know but I did know that she is definitely my half sibling. That vibrant red hair was unmistakable, the exact same as leading recipient of the dad of the year reward, my father IAN VAN STROHIEM!'s daughter. her face would most likely be beautiful, but it was twisted into an angry snarl right now so it was hard to tell, she had vibrant blue eyes which contrasted the red hair by quite a bit. She wore a red dress that complimented here features perfectly. 

"Do you know who I am?" she asked smoke would be coming out of her ears if this was anime.

"A bitc,,,"



I looked up to glare at big ol boris over here.... and he shrugged and looked the other way. Goddammit I can't even have my right of free speech! I must restore democracy to this world at all costs! Unfortunately this comment had made her even more mad. 

"I am Evangel Stroheim and I will not be mocked by a whelp who hasn't even completed his first scenario." 

The human gorilla dropped me as the young lady walked to me and held me up by my shirt. Damn being carried around by a girl is kinda embarrassing to me. 

"The only reason you are awake right now is we saw you had a trick, we have been following you for twelve hours, and whenever you saw one of our groups you disappeared completely, we want to know how you gained such an ability, without going through a scenario." The girl spoke with disgust and curiosity evident in her tone. 

"Its simple really...." I spoke before reaching into my pocket and preparing to put on the ring. 

The girl let me do so, as if urging me to spill the beans. 


and then I disappeared. 

...10 minutes later 11:58 V pov....

The bar was in shambles as enraged Evangel searched every nook and cranny for V, but came up with nothing, not a trace any where. However, he had never left, he was just [somewhere] else at the moment, and he knew his time was almost up. He had begun to hear voices, which was not a great sign, after all the ring had a time limit and if he did not comply with it he would get trapped in the wraith realm forever. He was just trying to push a little bit longer. After about a minute he got into position, it was showtime. 

....11;59 Evangel pov.....

I cannot let that child get away! His existence is an insult to the family itself, what was my father thinking, fucking some random whore. That bastard must be brought to justice, if father finds out I had the boy and proceeded to lose him I will be punished. 

"Attention guys, gals, and non-binary pals, the show starts right now!" my head whipped around to see the black haired brat standing on the counter of the bar, pretending to hold a microphone. 

I rushed towards him with the intent of knocking him out cold, but stopped once I saw what was in his right hand. A lighter this was not the ideal situation at all. I knew I and Linkin would be fine if he set the building on fire, but unfortunately the other people inside of it would not be. Normally this would have been I sacrifice I would gladly have made, but some of them were filming it on their phones, so I had to worry about the media now as well. So I stopped my assault. 

"Ahh ahh ahh! You wouldn't want all these people to die would you?" he looked down at me and spoke mockingly and I felt my face go red. This is what I get for being arrogant, I should have just had Linkin knock him out when I had the chance. I will personally kill this worm after his heart is extracted. 

"Now, listen up everyone! What did the creeper say to steve?" There is no way this worm was mentally alright. Everything he says sounds like an insane man's rambles. One of the filthy peasants next to me spoke up. 


"IM BOUTTA BLOW!" He then threw the lighter into the alcohol and disappeared right as the clock struck 12:00. Well, the mission failed anyway, I will be punished either way so might as well use it."OH shi...*BOOOM*" mom will probably be mad about this but I have justification to use it, and this worm is pissing me off. Might as well try to return the favor.... dammit! I just wanted to save the youngest! 


Evangel Stroheim Inherited character A+++-rank [Dio Brando(AU)] 

.....scene change V pov.....

Plan b worked amazingly. I stalled for just enough time to enter the [Tower of Fantasy]. Hopefully no one died, I would feel bad if they did but I had no other choice (Cap) The "explosion" wouldn't even be big as it would likely just be fire. I did it to spite the bit.... my dearest sister. I want them to understand not to fuck with me. No hard feelings to my dying sibling but I want to live so giving up my heart isn't exactly an option. 

With the introduction of magic and advanced tech to this world it would most likely be easy to regrow my heart, however I knew the Stroheim family would never do that for me if I gave my heart up. I'm a bastard, why would they want people knowing I exist, which would inevitably happen if I transplanted the heart. 

There is absolutely no way they wouldn't have found me with all their power which leads me to believe that [Character] power is limited upon activation on earth. I don't know by how much but I am guessing I would have to experience it myself to get an exact approximation. 

[Welcome to the Tower of Fantasy! Your first Character Progression Scenario begins in approximately 30:00 minutes good luck!] 

[Tip say "Status" to open your status window] 


[Name: V (Stroheim)]

[ Race: human ]

[ Gender: male ]

[ Age: 12 ]

[ Inherited character: B-rank ]

[ Stats ]

[Str: 8 ] D

[Con: 7 ] D

[Agi: 6 ] D

[Wis: 5 #%$@(20)@%@#$$] D

[Unassigned stat points: 0] 

A simple system overall, doesn't give me any questions except for my wisdom, but the reason for that is most likely my reincarnation. 

[Tip say "Inventory"]


[10 slots] 

[1st slot: Isildur's bane Item rating (Mythical) (Cursed)] 











Ok so items have rarity, I'm guessing the highest rarity is mythical, as that would make the most sense, but I have no idea after that. Can't believe the dean gave this up??? Wouldn't it have been better to sell it? Whatever I am thankful he gave it to me it has already saved my ass quite a few times. 

[Time until next scenario 15:45]

I don;t think its been that long, but whatever time probably moves different here or something. Am I ready for my scenario? No not really, but would I lose? Nah.....Nevermind I'm going to try and prepare myself for this. I may not have shown it at the time but I was scared during my confrontation with my sister. Hopefully I can learn to overcome that fear. 

I don't know all the inner nor outer workings of this world but I am damn willing to find out.

.......End of Chapter...

Comment or smth idk. 

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