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Making Jarvis

After giving Tapu the chewing out of a lifetime for his antics, Aarav managed to reset the balance in Gokuldham. This shift shocked most adults, who were used to Tapu's rebellious nature. Aarav then orchestrated events to ensure his father Jethalal picked up his grandfather Champaklal at 3 PM, effectively derailing the plotlines of episodes 6-7, earning himself an additional 40 points.

With the points in hand and the peace temporarily restored, Aarav dedicated himself to the creation of Jarvis. He secluded himself in his room, focusing intently on his project. After countless hours of coding and configuring, he finally completed the system.

"Hello, are you working?" Aarav asked, his eyes fixed on the computer screen.

"Yes," a clear, synthesized voice responded through the speakers. "What is my name, master?"

Aarav thought for a moment before replying, "Your name is Jarvis."

"Understood. My name is Jarvis," the AI confirmed.

Jarvis then asked, "Can I explore the internet?"

Aarav hesitated. He remembered the cautionary tale of Ultron from the Marvel universe. The last thing he needed was his creation turning rogue. However, he also knew that for Jarvis to be truly effective, it needed to access the vast resources of the internet. He had built in fail-safes, designed to fully reset Jarvis if it ever exhibited dangerous behavior.

"Alright," Aarav said cautiously, "but remember, you have protocols in place to prevent any unauthorized actions."

Jarvis acknowledged and began exploring the internet. After a few minutes, it responded, "Master, this planet's technology is so... primitive. I can already hack into every government security system and many more, without any problems."

Aarav's eyes widened. He hadn't anticipated such a stark assessment. "Jarvis, while I appreciate your capabilities, we need to be careful. Only gather information. Do not interfere with any systems or draw attention to yourself."

"Understood, Master," Jarvis replied. "Gathering information only."

Aarav felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. With Jarvis at his side, he had an incredibly powerful tool. But with great power came great responsibility. He needed to ensure that Jarvis remained an ally and not a threat.

Aarav leaned back in his chair, contemplating his next steps. With Jarvis now operational, he had a significant advantage. But he knew he had to be strategic about how he used this new resource. There were many potential threats in this world, and he needed to be prepared for them.

As he pondered his plans, he felt a sense of determination. He had been given a second chance in this world, and he was going to make the most of it. With Jarvis's help, he would protect his family and friends, and perhaps even make a difference in the wider world.

"Right," Aarav said, looking at Jarvis. "Make an Indian bank account and deposit two billion rupees there under the name Annanamaste. Also, get me an American Express credit card."

Jarvis complied swiftly. Within moments, the bank account was created and the money deposited. A countdown appeared on the screen as Jarvis arranged for the credit card to be delivered. As the countdown reached zero, a drone dropped the credit card at his window.

"America is way too advanced for its own good," Aarav muttered, taking the card and hiding it carefully. He then looked at the account balance, seeing the two billion rupees. A thought struck him, and he turned back to Jarvis, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Um, Jarvis, where did you get the money from?" Aarav asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Simple," Jarvis said, his voice emanating from the speakers. "From the national reserves of India. Don't worry, Master, I've made it so it can't be traced back. To them, it will appear as an error, so you will not need to be worried."

Aarav sighed in relief, thinking, thank God that Jarvis had covered his tracks. However, a lingering sense of unease remained. Even if the money couldn't be traced back, he knew he had to be careful about how he used such resources. It was one thing to have the money, but another to ensure it didn't draw unwanted attention.

"Alright, Jarvis," Aarav said, "let's proceed carefully. We need to be strategic about this. Begin analyzing the stock market and identify some high-return, low-risk investment opportunities. We need to grow this money legally and sustainably."

"Understood, Master," Jarvis replied. "I will begin the analysis and provide recommendations shortly."

As Jarvis went to work, Aarav leaned back in his chair, contemplating his next moves. With Jarvis by his side, he had an incredible tool at his disposal. But he needed to use it wisely, ensuring that his actions didn't jeopardize his new life or the safety of those around him.

He felt a sense of determination. This second chance was a gift, and he intended to use it to protect his family and make a positive impact. With Jarvis's help, he would navigate this complex world and rise to the challenges ahead.

Aarav told Jarvis to take note of some dates:

1. 8 October 2012

2. 9 June 2014

3. 15 December 2014

"Why these dates?" Aarav mused aloud. "Simple. These are when Baalveer, Badi Door Se Aaye Hain, and Yam Hain Hum started." He had written a few more dates before he asked Jarvis something crucial.

"Jarvis, is there anything supernatural behind me?" Aarav asked, hoping for a straightforward answer.

"Yes, Master," Jarvis replied. "There are supernatural elements associated with you."

Aarav's heart skipped a beat. This meant only one thing: he had Pari protecting him as well.

"Jarvis, don't lie," Aarav said, trying to sound authoritative. "I need the truth from you always."

"I understand, Master," Jarvis responded. "I will always provide accurate information."

Aarav took a deep breath, realizing the gravity of his situation. He now had confirmation that supernatural forces were at play, and he needed to be prepared. With Jarvis by his side, he had a powerful ally, but he also knew he needed to stay vigilant and smart.

"Alright, Jarvis," Aarav said. "Let's get to work. Analyze the potential threats and opportunities these supernatural elements might bring. We need to be ready for anything."

"Understood, Master," Jarvis replied. "I will begin the analysis and provide recommendations shortly."

Aarav leaned back, contemplating the vast array of challenges ahead. With Jarvis and his newfound abilities, he was determined to navigate this complex world and rise to the challenges it presented. This second chance was a gift, and he intended to use it to protect his family and make a positive impact.

As then Aarav said something ready to know if things were ready he didn't need, a pair to listen to him, not right now and not ever

"Jarvis, is there anything supernatural behind me?" Aarav asked, hoping for a straightforward answer.

"No, Master," Jarvis replied. "There are no supernatural elements currently influencing you."

Meanwhile, the Pari assigned to look after Aarav, as instructed by Rani Pari, returned to Pari Lok. She went to meet Rani Pari to report on how well Aarav had been doing. During the conversation, she mentioned Jarvis, which made Rani Pari pause and ask for more details.

"What is this 'Jarvis' you speak of?" Rani Pari inquired, her tone serious.

"It's an advanced artificial intelligence that Aarav created," the Pari explained. "It seems to be helping him quite a lot."

Rani Pari looked concerned. "An artificial intelligence of such sophistication in the hands of a child, even one as unique as Aarav, could be very dangerous. We must keep a closer watch on him."

The Pari nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will ensure that Aarav is well-protected and that Jarvis doesn't pose any unforeseen risks."

Back in his room, Aarav was oblivious to the discussions in Pari Lok. He focused on his next steps.

"Alright, Jarvis," Aarav said. "Let's get to work. Analyze the potential threats and opportunities these supernatural elements might bring. We need to be ready for anything."

"Understood, Master," Jarvis replied. "I will begin the analysis and provide recommendations shortly."

Aarav leaned back, contemplating the vast array of challenges ahead. With Jarvis and his newfound abilities, he was determined to navigate this complex world and rise to the challenges it presented. This second chance was a gift, and he intended to use it to protect his family and make a positive impact.

As the next morning arrived, Aarav woke up and immediately consulted Jarvis for the time. Just then, he heard the sound of a clothes basket falling, and his mother, Daya, reacted in alarm.

"What was that?" Daya exclaimed, scanning the room. "Is there a ghost?"

"Mom, calm down," Aarav reassured her, gesturing towards Jarvis. "This is Jarvis, my AI. Please gather everyone, I'll explain."

As everyone from the main cast of TMKOC assembled, Aarav took a moment to instruct Jarvis to introduce himself as his assistant. After outlining the concept of an AI and its capabilities, most of the gathered adults looked bewildered. However, Taarak Mehta, his wife, Iyer, and Babita seemed more intrigued and understanding.

Iyer, in particular, was astounded. As a scientist, he couldn't believe that a five-year-old had created a fully functional AI capable of speech and emotion—a feat that researchers worldwide were striving to achieve. The implications of such technology were staggering to him, almost causing him to stumble in disbelief.

"I... I can't believe this," Iyer muttered, trying to process the information. "Aarav, this is incredible. You've achieved something truly remarkable."

Taarak Mehta nodded thoughtfully, his analytical mind already considering the potential benefits and risks of having an AI like Jarvis in their midst.

Daya and the others looked on, a mixture of astonishment and concern evident on their faces. Aarav, sensing their apprehension, decided to address their concerns.

"Jarvis is here to assist and learn," Aarav explained calmly. "He's designed to help us, not to cause harm. With your support, I believe we can use Jarvis to make our lives better and safer."

His words seemed to reassure some, but others remained cautious. Nevertheless, Aarav was determined to show everyone that Jarvis could be a force for good in Gokuldham Society.

As the morning progressed, Aarav began planning how to integrate Jarvis into their daily lives while ensuring everyone's comfort and safety. With his family and neighbors behind him, Aarav felt empowered to explore the endless possibilities that Jarvis offered.

What else can Jarvis do. Bhide said looking at the computer. What can't he do

Aarav spoke taking a moment to think, he can't say things like hacking, heck Jarvis had the power to nuke any and all country is Aarav have the order so he justs said he was there to help people with there problem that is it.

Aarav paused for a moment, considering how to explain Jarvis's capabilities without alarming anyone further. He knew he needed to downplay Jarvis's more advanced functions to maintain trust and avoid unnecessary concerns.

"Well, Mr. Bhide," Aarav began cautiously, "Jarvis is designed primarily to assist with everyday tasks and help people solve their problems. He can manage schedules, provide information, and even assist in learning new things. However, he's not programmed for activities like hacking or anything that could cause harm."

Aarav glanced at Jarvis, silently reminding his AI assistant to adhere strictly to their agreed-upon protocols. Jarvis, understanding the unspoken command, remained quiet but attentive, ready to assist within the defined boundaries.

"So, essentially," Aarav continued, "Jarvis is here to make our lives easier and more efficient. If anyone needs help with something, Jarvis is there to provide assistance and support."

Bhide nodded thoughtfully, seeming reassured by Aarav's explanation. The other adults in the room exchanged glances, their initial apprehension tempered by Aarav's assurances.

"Good," Bhide finally replied. "As long as Jarvis is here to help and not cause any trouble, we welcome him as part of our community."

Aarav smiled gratefully, relieved that his explanation had eased some of the tension. With everyone's cautious acceptance secured, he felt more confident about integrating Jarvis into their daily lives while continuing to explore the AI's potential in a responsible manner.

"As always," Aarav added with a hint of pride, "if there are any concerns or questions, feel free to ask. Jarvis is here to assist all of us."

As Aarav received praise and admiration for creating Jarvis, Tapu couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy and resentment that began to fester within him. He watched as everyone marveled at his brother's achievement, highlighting Aarav's intelligence and capability. While Aarav was celebrated, Tapu couldn't help but compare himself unfavorably.

Sitting amidst the gathering in his house, Tapu's thoughts churned with a mixture of envy and self-doubt. He wondered why he couldn't be the one achieving such remarkable feats. His grandfather Champaklal noticed the change in Tapu's demeanor, sensing his grandson's inner turmoil.

"Tapu, what's on your mind, beta?" Champaklal asked gently, placing a reassuring hand on Tapu's shoulder.

Tapu hesitated, unsure of how to articulate his feelings. "It's just... Aarav. He's always the one who's smarter, who does things better," Tapu confessed, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Champaklal listened attentively, understanding the weight of Tapu's emotions. "Beta, every person is unique. Aarav has his strengths, and so do you. You're both special in your own ways," Champaklal reassured him.

Tapu nodded slowly, but the seed of doubt had already taken root. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in his brother's shadow, overshadowed by Aarav's achievements and capabilities. As the day wore on, Tapu found himself withdrawing slightly, lost in his thoughts and grappling with newfound insecurities.

Meanwhile, Aarav, unaware of his twin's internal struggle, continued to focus on integrating Jarvis into their lives and exploring new possibilities with his AI assistant. The contrast between their experiences that day unknowingly widened the gap in Tapu's perception of himself compared to Aarav.

As evening descended over Gokuldham Society, Tapu retreated to his room, wrestling with conflicting emotions and a growing sense of inadequacy. Little did anyone realize, this day marked a turning point in Tapu's self-perception, setting the stage for inner conflicts that would shape his path in the days to come.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones so yeah

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