Vanessa, with her short green hair and dressed in a white hunting outfit, walked along the road, commanding great respect from the townsfolk around her.
On one hand, this was because she was a spellcaster, and people naturally revered those with extraordinary powers, and on the other hand, it was because Vanessa was a trusted member of the Fischer family.
A female servant also followed her, responsible for carrying things.
In reality, Vanessa's position within the Fischer family was akin to that of a housekeeper, a bit higher than Archibald and Erik.
After years of training by Irene, Vanessa handled various matters in an orderly and well-cultured manner, being elegant without losing dignity.
Even with a noticeable limp in one leg, Vanessa never felt dejected or ashamed of her disability, and anyone could see the composure and confidence in her eyes.
People still held the young lady, who was always gentle and smiling, in great affection and respect.
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