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Kapitel 1: First day

Oreki Houtarou's alarm clock rang insistently, breaking the stillness of his room. With a sigh, Oreki slowly opened his eyes and saw his characteristically messy hair in the mirror. He got up with his usual sluggishness, his mind barely waking up as he prepared to face a new day at his new school.

As he approached the table near the window, where a gray cat greeted him with a purr, Oreki noticed something out of place: a white letter with a familiar red ink seal. He took it and read the familiar words from his older sister, who had attended the same academy years ago.

"Dear Houtarou,

Congratulations on your acceptance to Kōdo Ikusei Academy. I'm sure you will shine in your own way there, just as you did at our previous school. This is a new chapter in your life. Make the most of this opportunity.

With love,


Oreki carefully stored the letter, letting his sister's words resonate in his mind. Although his focus had always been to conserve energy and avoid unnecessary effort, the letter reminded him of the expectations others had for him and the opportunity he had ahead at Kōdo Ikusei Academy.

After having breakfast in the kitchen, where he made his coffee and greeted the cat once more, Oreki headed to the bus stop. While waiting, he observed the hustle and bustle of students heading to their own destinations, each with their own purpose and expectations for the day.

The bus arrived punctually, and Oreki got on, finding a seat near the window. He settled in and let the gentle motion of the vehicle relax him as he contemplated the urban landscape passing by.

At one of the next stops, an elderly lady got on the bus with determined steps, looking for an available seat. Oreki, noticing her presence but preferring not to get involved, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. It wasn't that he didn't empathize with the lady's situation, but he had a personal policy of avoiding unnecessary interactions.

After a while, an unfamiliar student approached and gently touched Oreki's shoulder. She had light brown hair tied in a low ponytail and a kind smile on her face. "Sorry to bother you," she said softly, "could you give up your seat to this elderly lady?"

Oreki slowly opened his eyes and looked at the girl with a slight surprise. She had a serene presence, and her tied hair highlighted her soft and delicate face. He nodded after a brief moment of evaluation and stood up to give his seat to the elderly lady. "Of course," he replied in a serious but courteous tone.

The girl thanked him with a warm smile and helped the lady sit comfortably. As the bus continued its journey, the girl introduced herself as Kushida Kikyou with unshakable enthusiasm, sharing lively details about the academy, classmates, and expectations for the school year.

During their conversation, Oreki noticed a slight change in Kushida's expression. Following her gaze, he saw a young girl who had just boarded the bus. She had dark hair falling in delicate strands around her serene face. Her eyes, a deep hazel tone, seemed to observe the world with an unshakable calm, as if they were capable of deciphering the deepest secrets of the human soul.

Although Oreki was momentarily fascinated by the girl's natural elegance, he soon looked away. He decided to get off the bus at the next stop, leaving behind Kushida's lively conversation and the calm presence of the hazel-eyed girl, immersing himself in his thoughts as he walked towards the academy.


The morning sun bathed the Kōdo Ikusei Academy campus in a warm, golden light as Oreki Houtarou got off the bus. He adjusted his backpack over his shoulder and observed the bustling students heading towards the main building. A short distance away, near the entrance, a group of students gathered around two figures that stood out among the crowd.

Among them, a boy with brown hair and deep eyes observed his surroundings with an almost unperturbed calm. His expression was serene but vigilant, as if he was always one step ahead in evaluating his environment. He wore the academy's uniform with almost impeccable neatness, contrasting with the naturalness of his relaxed posture.

Next to him, a girl with black hair with cyan highlights and hazel eyes emanated palpable determination. Her gaze was piercing, and her posture firm, reflecting a confidence that seemed rooted in deep self-assurance. She wore the academy's uniform with elegance, her presence subtly dominating the space she occupied.

Intrigued by the scene, Oreki discreetly observed as he passed by. He noticed that several students couldn't help but glance at the pair with curiosity, murmuring among themselves about their notable presence at the academy.

Just as Oreki was about to continue on his way, a familiar voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, what were you looking at?"

Oreki turned to find the girl with black hair with cyan highlights who had been sitting near him on the bus. She had a serious but direct expression, as if she was used to asking direct questions.

"Oh, I wasn't really looking," Oreki responded calmly, briefly evaluating the girl now in front of him.

The girl looked at him with curiosity, as if she wasn't entirely convinced by his answer. "You seemed pretty focused," she commented, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Oreki shrugged, maintaining his calm tone. "I suppose they seemed interesting. The academy is a place full of interesting people, after all."

The girl slowly nodded, considering his words. She didn't seem in a hurry to introduce herself, instead letting a comfortable silence stretch between them before breaking it.

"Well, see you in class then," she finally said, nodding towards the group of students where she remained silent.

Oreki nodded in response, watching as the black-haired girl walked decisively towards the group of students. He decided to follow his path to the academy, reflecting on his first encounter with two people who would inevitably play an important role in his life at Kōdo Ikusei Academy.


The morning sun bathed the Kōdo Ikusei Academy campus in warm, golden light as Oreki Houtarou continued his way towards the main building. The breeze played with the leaves of nearby trees, creating a calm and serene atmosphere on campus. Oreki felt like a silent observer within this new world, where every detail seemed to have its own hidden meaning.

As he approached the imposing main building of the academy, a familiar voice called out to him from behind. Oreki turned and saw Kushida Kikyou, the same girl with whom he had shared a brief moment on the bus that very morning. She had a bright smile on her face and seemed genuinely happy to see him.

"Hello again!" Kushida greeted enthusiastically. "I realized I didn't ask your name earlier. What's your name?"

"I'm Oreki Houtarou," he replied calmly, returning her smile with a polite nod.

"Nice to meet you, Oreki-kun!" exclaimed Kushida, extending her hand for a handshake. "Would you mind walking to class together? I'd love to know more about you and how you feel about starting at Kōdo Ikusei Academy."

Oreki considered the offer for a moment. Although he wasn't particularly fond of extensive social interactions, Kushida seemed genuinely interested and friendly. He finally nodded, accepting Kushida's company as they began to walk together towards the building.

During the brief journey, Kushida continued asking questions with contagious enthusiasm. She wanted to know about Oreki's class assignment, his academic interests, and if he had any specific goals for the school year. Oreki answered with his typical honesty and brevity, although he found that Kushida's company was not as uncomfortable as he had initially anticipated.

As they delved deeper into the academy, Oreki noticed how students greeted each other with familiarity and enthusiasm. Some groups seemed more united than others, with bonds already established before his arrival. He briefly wondered what it would be like to find his own place in this dynamic and competitive environment.

Finally, they arrived at their designated classrooms. Kushida pointed towards the doors with a smile. "Here we are. I hope we can keep chatting throughout the year. You have to tell me more about yourself and your thoughts!"

Oreki nodded, thanking her for the friendly conversation as they said their goodbyes to head to their respective classrooms. The sound of the bell echoed in the hallway, marking the official start of his academic journey at Kōdo Ikusei Academy.



As Oreki was about to enter the classroom, he reflected on the interest Kushida had shown in his thoughts. Although he initially found her curiosity somewhat intriguing, those doubts dissipated when he noticed something unusual upon entering the classroom.

From outside, he had observed several security cameras scattered across the campus, which hadn't surprised him too much considering Kōdo Ikusei Academy's reputation as one of Japan's top educational institutions. However, upon entering the Class B classroom, he noticed there were more cameras than he had seen outside.

The cameras were strategically placed in the corners of the classroom, silently observing the students from different angles. Oreki frowned slightly, starting to feel a growing unease. Although he understood the need for security in a high-level academic environment, the number of cameras seemed somewhat excessive for a classroom.

As he looked for his designated seat, Oreki observed how other students seemed accustomed to the cameras' presence, acting normally as if they didn't notice the constant surveillance. However, he couldn't help but wonder about the exact purpose of so many cameras and who might be monitoring them.

He took a seat in a corner of the room, as far from the cameras as possible, although he was aware that probably no corner of the classroom would be out of their visual reach. The start of the school


Oreki Houtarou was sitting in the classroom, curiously observing his new classmates. The atmosphere buzzed with students chatting among themselves, some exchanging laughs while others focused intently on their phones or textbooks.

Among the crowd, one figure in particular caught Oreki's attention. At the center of a group of classmates stood a young woman whose presence seemed to radiate a unique energy. Her blonde hair cascaded gently over her shoulders, shimmering under the classroom lights. Golden strands captured glints of sunlight streaming through the windows, creating a halo of light around her face.

Her eyes were a deep sapphire blue, shining with a mix of serenity and vivacity as she engaged in lively conversation with her friends. Her smile was warm and inviting, drawing those around her like a beacon amidst the bustle of the first day of class. It wasn't just her beauty that stood out, but also her aura of confidence and natural elegance.

Oreki watched with fascination as the young woman effortlessly commanded the attention of her peers. Every gesture seemed carefully calculated to convey kindness and warmth, ensuring everyone felt included in the conversation. It was evident she possessed an innate ability for communication and social interaction, qualities Oreki quietly admired from his more reserved position.

As he observed, Oreki noticed how others in the classroom were also drawn to her, some casting admiring glances while others sought excuses to approach and strike up a conversation. In turn, the young woman responded with grace and warmth that appeared genuine and effortless.

Deciding he had observed enough for the moment, Oreki averted his gaze and began considering how he might find his own place in the class's social environment. While he didn't feel an urgent need to integrate immediately, he knew he would eventually have to interact with his classmates, including the enigmatic figure who had captured his attention from the outset.


At that moment, Houtarou leaned back on his arms, watching time pass. Oreki observed his new classmates as he settled into his seat. Suddenly, the cherry-blonde haired girl he had noticed earlier stood up and captured everyone's attention.

"Guys, can I have your attention?" Her voice was clear and confident. After a few seconds of silence, most responded in unison, "Yes!"

"Thank you very much," she continued with a smile. "My name is Ichinose Honami. I'm very grateful to have such wonderful classmates. I hope we can get along well, and if you have any problems, please don't hesitate to tell me. I'll do my best to help."

Classmates reacted with enthusiasm, as if receiving words from an angel.

"Of course, Ichinose-san, you can count on us!"

"That's right, Ichinose-san!"

"Even if it's not much help, I'll do what I can."

Ichinose spoke again, "Guys, to show that we're the best class, when the teacher comes, let's show respect and attention, so he'll know how much our class is worth..."

Just as she was finishing, the door suddenly opened and a woman in her thirties entered, massaging her forehead with obvious discomfort.

"Aaaahh~ I shouldn't have drunk yesterday... aaahh~"

The woman staggered to the podium, and before Ichinose could finish her speech, she quickly stood up to help her.

"Are you okay, sensei?" Ichinose asked with concern in her eyes.

The teacher, squinting, extended her arms to embrace her. "Aaaaww~ you're so cute. I'm sure you'll be very popular."

Ichinose, somewhat surprised, reciprocated the hug. "Well~ Well~ I'm fine now. You can go back, Honami-chan~"

As Ichinose returned to her seat, she noticed the looks from her classmates, and a slight blush appeared on her face. On her way back, she saw a boy apparently sleeping on his arms. 'We just talked about showing our commitment to the teacher and he's already asleep?' she thought as she sat down.

The teacher, now facing the class, seemed to regain some composure. "Good morning, class. I'm your teacher, Hoshinomiya Chie. We'll start with an important introduction."

She pointed under each desk. "You all have a device under your desk. It's not just an ordinary phone, it's multi-purpose and can also be used as a card to buy anything you need, within ethical limits."

Curious, the students took out the devices and examined them. The teacher continued, "This device is essential for your daily life here at the academy. It has several important functions. In addition to serving as a phone, it also functions as an ID and access card, allows you to make purchases on campus, check your points balance and transactions, and locate different facilities within the campus."

A murmur of amazement spread through the class as students powered on their devices and began exploring the applications.

"If you have any questions, find out for yourselves," added the teacher with a carefree smile, surprising everyone with her relaxed attitude.

Suddenly, a boy with violet hair raised his hand. "Sensei, can you explain more about the school rules?"

The teacher raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you so desperate to know the rules? You won't be popular with the girls if you keep that up."

The class erupted in laughter, but Ichinose, demonstrating her leadership, raised her hand and asked curiously, "Sensei, I think it's important to know more about the school so we can better adapt. Could you give us a more detailed explanation?"

The teacher sighed slightly but with a smile, said, "Alright, alright. Listen carefully because I'll only say it once. Relationships are prohibited. But if you really want to date someone, come to me and I'll help you... as long as I don't see you, heh." Her carefree tone surprised everyone once again.

"Well, that's all. If you have any questions..." Before she could finish, several students raised their hands.

"Nobody!" Well, I have to go. Good luck!" And with that, she quickly left the classroom, leaving the students open-mouthed.


After the teacher's unusual and carefree explanation about the device and relationships at school, the class fell into a brief silence before murmurs and laughter began to fill the air. Some students exchanged knowing glances while others turned to introduce themselves to each other.

Ichinose, curious to meet the boy who had been asleep, gracefully stood up from her seat and walked towards the empty desk where he had been resting. Upon arrival, she noticed he was no longer there, prompting a sigh from her.

'Is he feeling unwell? Or does he simply prefer not to get involved with the group?' she wondered, a slightly worried expression on her face. She observed the name labeled at the top of the desk: "Oreki Houtarou."

As she pondered Oreki's whereabouts, a girl with shoulder-length sky-blue hair approached her with a concerned look. "Ichinose-san, are you alright?" Kobashi asked.

Ichinose looked up and responded with a kind smile, grateful for Kobashi's concern. "Yes, thank you for asking. I was just concerned if Oreki-kun is feeling okay after sleeping during the introduction," she explained, trying not to dwell on it too much.

Kobashi nodded understandingly. "I see. By the way, I'm Oreki-kun's desk neighbor," she said, pointing to the seat next to Ichinose. "If there's anything you want to know about the school or if you need anything, feel free to ask."

"Oh, that's great! Thank you, Kobashi-san," Ichinose replied sincerely, appreciating the kindness and willingness of her new classmate.

Both girls smiled at each other before returning to their respective seats, where other students continued chatting and getting to know each other.


Oreki quietly left the classroom without anyone noticing, but just as he was about to walk away, calling out to his teacher, Professor Hoshinomiya turned to him upon hearing his call. "What's up, Oreki-kun?" she asked curiously, holding her coffee cup in one hand.

Oreki, in his typical calm manner, asked a question that had been on his mind since the beginning of class. "Exactly how many points will we receive next month?" he inquired, looking her directly in the eyes.

The teacher, momentarily taken aback, widened her eyes in surprise and then blanked them out. "I can't tell you that," she responded evasively, trying to maintain her composure.

Oreki nodded, analyzing her words before continuing. "You said we can buy anything with the points, right?" he posed, watching the teacher's reaction.

"That's correct, but certain things are off-limits," explained Hoshinomiya with a mix of caution and disinterest.

Now intrigued by the implications of the teacher's responses, Oreki decided to delve a little deeper. "How many points are needed to change classes?" he questioned, hoping for a more concrete answer.

The teacher, accustomed to answering such questions, began nonchalantly. "To move to Class A, you need 20 million points pri...," but before she could finish the sentence, she covered her mouth with both hands, realizing her glaring mistake.

A slight smile of satisfaction appeared on Oreki's face as he pieced together the information. "I see. So, can I infer that there are competitions between classes? Only Class A enjoys graduation benefits? Are there different points for private students and class ones?" he asked in quick succession, now intrigued by the power dynamics within the school.

The teacher, visibly displeased with having revealed more than she intended, tried to bring the conversation to an end. "No, forget everything we just talked about right now," she said firmly, hoping Oreki would accept her instructions.

However, Oreki was already turning away to leave, but before walking off, he pulled out his phone and waved it in front of the teacher. "Teacher, did you realize this entire conversation was recorded?" he said calmly, revealing a glimpse of his hidden cunning.

Professor Hoshinomiya was impressed by how quickly he deduced the rules but shocked when she realized the monumental mistake she had made. "Oh no, my salary!" she exclaimed, dropping to her knees in dramatic despair.

Meanwhile, Oreki was heading towards the gym, where first-year students were supposed to gather for the inauguration of the first day of classes, reflecting on the newly obtained information and anticipating what it could mean for his experience at Kodo Ikusei Academy.

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