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34.48% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 20: Messy woman.

Kapitel 20: Messy woman.



A blinding flash erupted in the throne room, momentarily eclipsing the radiant glow emanating from Veldanava. Reinhard materialized opposite his father, his posture ramrod straight, embodying the very essence of nobility. A flicker of surprise, though, crossed his usually stoic features. Flanking Veldanava on his obsidian throne were his two younger sisters, Velzard and Velgrynd. Their presence, especially Velgrynd's, was unexpected.

"Father," Reinhard boomed, his voice echoing in the vast chamber. His words held the weight of pronouncements, a stark contrast to the casualness of everyday conversation.

Veldanava, a majestic figure radiating warmth and power, boomed back with a hearty laugh. "Reinhard, my son. Back already? Report to me, the state of affairs within the human world."

Reinhard launched into his account, his voice measured and precise. He recounted the disruption caused by the Primordial Demon, Guy, detailing the initial confrontation, the display of power, and ultimately, Guy's surrender.

"However," Reinhard interjected, a hint of his judgmental tone creeping back in, "rather than eliminating the Demon Lordl, I perceived an opportunity. Thus, I have appointed him as the Mediator, a fancy word for babysitter, to keep the humans from tearing each other apart."

Silence descended upon the throne room after Reinhard's revelation. Veldanava stroked his beard, a thoughtful look on his face. But on the sister's faces, contrasting emotions played out.

Velzard, the Ice Dragon, her very presence a chill that settled on the air, narrowed her eyes. "A demon babysitting humans? Seriously, Reinhard?" Her voice dripped with disbelief and a touch of… annoyance. "Reinhard, you acknowledge some dusty old demon but not your own awesome aunt?"

Reinhard met his aunt's gaze with his usual stoicism. "His power was significant, Aunt Velzard," he conceded. "But it paled in comparison to mine or ours for that matter. He has potential, though. This role could be a good way to keep him… occupied."

Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon, spoke for the first time, her voice a crackling counterpoint to Velzard's chill. "Intriguing," she rumbled, a hint of amusement flickering in her fiery eyes. "A demon on a leash, forced to play nanny. Now that's an experiment I wouldn't mind observing."

Veldanava remained silent for a moment longer, seemingly lost in contemplation. Finally, he spoke, his voice a comforting rumble that echoed through the chamber. "Reinhard," he rumbled, "your decision is… unorthodox. However, I do trust your judgment. You witnessed the Demon Lord firsthand. You possess a unique perspective on his capabilities and intentions."

Velzard fumed. This was ridiculous! Reinhard acknowledged some upstart demon over his own kin? She wouldn't stand for it. With a huff that sent a mini blizzard swirling around her, she stood up abruptly.

"Well, if you're so busy babysitting demons, Reinhard," she said, her voice laced with frosty irritation, "I guess I'll just have to find some entertainment myself. Maybe pay this 'Mediator' a little visit and see what all the fuss is about."

Before anyone could respond, Velzard stormed out of the throne room, leaving behind a trail of swirling ice crystals. Veldanava chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound.

"Looks like someone's jealous," he rumbled.

Reinhard, a hint of amusement momentarily breaking his usual stoicism, smirked. "Perhaps, Father," he replied. "Perhaps indeed."

With a final exchange of glances, Reinhard vanished in a flash of golden light. Veldanava and Velgrynd were left alone in the vast throne room. The fate of the human world, entrusted to an unorthodox mediator, hung in the balance. And Velzard, far from finished, had her own plans brewing in the tempestuous depths of her mind.

A comfortable silence settled in the throne room after Velzard's icy exit. Veldanava chuckled once more, the sound echoing in the vast chamber. "Always the fiery one, your sister," he rumbled.

Velgrynd, ever the counterpoint to her sister's frosty demeanor, chuckled as well. The sound was a crackling warmth, like a hearth fire on a crisp night. "Indeed, brother," she agreed. "But enough about grumpy Velzard. Did I tell you about the fascinating creature I encountered in the human world recently?"

Intrigued, Veldanava leaned forward slightly. "A fascinating creature, you say? Do tell, Velgrynd."

Velgrynd's eyes, molten gold like her scales, sparkled with excitement. "He's a human, brother! but a most extraordinary one! A hero, they call him – Rudra. Strong, of course, but that's not the most captivating aspect."

She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "He's incredibly handsome, Father! Golden hair that shines like the sun, piercing blue eyes that hold the wisdom of ages… truly, a sight to behold."

Veldanava chuckled again, a deep, rumbling sound. "Is that so, Velgrynd? A handsome human hero who has captured your fancy?"

Velgrynd's cheeks, if a dragon could be said to have such things, flushed a faint crimson. "Perhaps," she admitted, a playful glint in her eyes. "He's quite powerful for a human, and surprisingly insightful. We've had some… stimulating conversations."

A hint of a smile touched Veldanava's lips. "Stimulating conversations, eh? It seems the human world holds more intrigue than we first thought."

Velgrynd grinned, a fiery explosion of warmth. "Indeed, Brother! I highly recommend you pay a visit sometime. Rudra would be honored to meet the True Dragon God, and I wouldn't mind some company on my travels with him."

Veldanava stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Travels, you say? Are you planning on accompanying this… Rudra for long?"

Velgrynd's eyes gleamed. "There's much to see in the human world, Brother. New cultures, emerging powers… and of course, Rudra's adventures. It promises to be quite an experience."

Veldanava smiled fully this time. "Very well, Velgrynd. Enjoy your travels with your… human companion. Just remember, the human world can be a dangerous place. Keep an eye on your hero."

Velgrynd bowed her head in a gesture of respect. "Thank you, Brother. I will. And who knows, perhaps one day I will introduce you to the magnificent Rudra yourself."

With a final farewell, Velgrynd spread her fiery wings and took flight, leaving the throne room bathed in the warm glow of her departing form. Veldanava watched her go, a hint of amusement lingering in his eyes.

The fate of the human world hung in the balance, entrusted to a demon babysitter and a curious True Dragon with a penchant for handsome heroes. It seemed even the affairs of mortals could hold a certain… entertainment value.






Reinhard appeared to a place he hasn't been for many centuries now. He left without a word millennia ago but he believes that an immortal creature like her has no trouble with just a few centuries.

Staring at the large mossy entrance gate of the Labyrinth, Reinhard was displeased. It appears that after his disappearance, the woman has let nature take hold of things. Based on his understanding, she has probably lost interest in managing things because of the modern items he has given here. Now he is slightly regretting spoiling that woman too much. "Still a troublesome woman" he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Taking a step, Reinhard marched through the gate without even bothering to open it. His body broke the gate with no resistance as he strolled inside. His presence was immediately greeted by the hundreds of spirits who thought that a new human had come to visit again.

"Look! Look! A new presence!"

"Right! A powerful and bright one at that!"

"Is there a new visitor? This should help Lady Ramiris a bit!"

"Ohh! This presence is too good! Even surpassing that young boy from earlier!"

"Earlier? You mean many months right? But still, it is indeed a beautiful presence!"

The murmurs of the spirit were heard by Reinhard making him uncomfortable. When he was here before all the words that came out of their mouths shrieked with fear. It was strange hearing them compliment him but nonetheless, he has no interest in entertaining him. "Come out now or I'll break this whole labyrinth" his words were simple and easy to understand but for the spirits who were familiar with it, they instantly froze in fear.

They recognize that voice! It was from the monster that did nothing but spread fear in this labyrinth! Because of their traumas, no spirit was able to move for a while. Reinhard did not take that well so he raised his hand and spoke. "Very well, if that is what you desire then, I shall grant this pathetic labyrinth with its demise along with the creatures inside of it" he said and was about to move when thousands of spirits revealed themselves in hurry.

"W-We apologizee!! Please don't kill us!

Although many of them spoke at once, their purpose was only one. That is to appease the displeasure of Reinhard. "... Your life will be extended. Don't disappoint me again. Lead me to your sloth of a Queen" Reinhard said as the spirits moved in action. They immediately teleported Reinhard to his own room?

Reinhard halted his steps as he stared at the spirits. His eyes were cold and threatened to erase them if they do not explain this joke. "P-Please we are not kidding! Lady Ramiris has decided to use your room ever since you left, Lord Reinhard! She refuses to leave despite our constant warning" a spirit hurriedly explained to avoid erasure. "A-Also… please forgive Lady Ramiris if what you see inside might anger you.." another one added as all of them lowered their heads to plead.

Reinhard didn't bother to listen as he swiftly opened the door, he couldn't help but twitch when he saw that the door was almost covered in rust, he wondered what this woman was doing all this time. Upon opening, the sight stunned and pissed Reinhard at the same time. His previous elegant and sophisticated room was no more. Now it is filled with a bunch of trash littered everywhere. There were various vegetable and fruit peels everywhere. Some stinky smell was also lingering around showing just how much this room has been ignored.

Staring at the only clean thing inside the room, the bed, Reinhard has to step back from shock to what he witnessed. There was Ramiris lying on his bed with heavy food seasoning covering her body. She was way too dirty for him to handle so Reinhard immediately went out of the room. His footsteps though was enough to wake the lazy woman.

"Haah, haven't I told you guys not to disturb my rest? Is it morning already" she said, yawning as she stood up from her sleeping position. She instinctively reached out to the side so that she could grab the fries she had been eating before. She managed to grab one but was disappointed that it was already cold and limp. Slowly waking up, Ramiris took a glance inside the room and quickly stiffened when she saw a figure standing behind the door.

She rubbed her eyes to check whether she was hallucinating again, a disease she has been battling. But even after tens of rubbing, the figure still wasn't washing away. She took a step towards it and was about to touch the figure when her hands were slapped away without mercy. "Keep your filthy hands off me, woman." The voice and pain rang inside Ramiris' mind, she slowly looked up at the source of it without realizing that tears had begun filling her eyes. "Reinhard…?" She muttered wondering if she was still dreaming.

"Tsk, don't get close to me. You reek. I don't want your smell sticking to me" Reinhard conjured a stick and then pushed Ramiris' head with it giving the two distance.

Ramiris's heart plummeted. A single tear, fat and glistening, traced a path down her cheek, leaving a clean streak through the grime. Her voice, when she spoke, was barely a whisper.

"R-Reinhard..." she croaked, her throat tight with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "I... I missed you."

She reached out again, this time hesitantly, her hand trembling slightly. Not to grab or touch, but to bridge the ever-widening gap between them. The yearning in her eyes was unmistakable, a child seeking comfort from a long-lost guardian.

Reinhard, however, remained unmoved. The image of his pristine room, now a wreck of discarded snacks and forgotten entertainment, burned in his mind. The putrid odor that clung to Ramiris was a physical manifestation of her neglect, a stark contrast to the pristine being he remembered.

He loathed confrontation, especially with a creature as weak as Ramiris. But the state of his domain, the very embodiment of her sloth, demanded some form of punishment.

With a sigh that spoke volumes of his disappointment, Reinhard spoke. "Ramiris," his voice held a sliver of his usual authority, "look at yourself. Look at what you've become. This... this is unbecoming of a queen."

His words struck a raw nerve. Ramiris flinched, the tear on her cheek finally falling, splashing a silent accusation on the dusty floor. A sob escaped her lips, a small, pathetic sound that echoed in the vast emptiness of the once-elegant room.

"I... I just..." she stammered, her voice thick with unshed tears. "I got bored. You were gone for so long, and the spirits... they weren't the same without you scaring them."

The last statement, a pitiful attempt at humor, hung heavy in the air. Reinhard remained impassive, but a flicker of something akin to pity danced in his eyes for a brief moment.

"Clean yourself up, Ramiris," he finally relented, the harshness in his voice softened by a hair's breadth. "And then we will talk about what comes next."

He turned to leave, his golden light casting long shadows across the room. Ramiris, a solitary figure amidst the chaos, watched him go. A single, choked sob escaped her lips, a heartbreaking counterpoint to the sterile silence of the labyrinth.

Tears streamed down Ramiris's face as Reinhard's retreating form vanished from sight. The weight of his disappointment, a crushing force heavier than any spell, pressed down on her. With a shaky breath, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand, a smear of grime mixing with the salty water. Shame burned in her gut, a prickling sensation that spurred her into action.

She couldn't stay like this. Not in front of Reinhard.

Mustering what little dignity remained, Ramiris shuffled towards the bathroom, her steps heavy with despair. The once-grand room, now a cluttered mess, seemed to mock her with every glance. It was a reflection of her own neglected state, a testament to the loneliness that had consumed her in Reinhard's absence.

Hours ticked by, marked by the sounds of scrubbing and splashing water. When Ramiris finally emerged, she was a far cry from the bedraggled creature Reinhard had encountered. The grime was gone, replaced by a faint shimmer that spoke of her renewed spirit energy. Though her clothes, once pristine, still held the faint echoes of forgotten meals, she held her head a little higher, a spark of defiance replacing the tearful despair.

Reinhard awaited her in the center of the room, his posture as rigid as ever. The air crackled with unspoken tension. Ramiris took a hesitant step forward, then another, until she stood before him.

"I apologize," she said, her voice small but clear. "I shouldn't have let myself go like that."

Reinhard inclined his head in a curt nod, a gesture devoid of warmth. "See that you don't," he replied, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Silence descended once more, heavy and suffocating. Ramiris, however, couldn't bear it. The dam of her emotions, held back for centuries, finally burst.

"But Reinhard!" she cried, her voice laced with hurt. "Where were you? Why did you disappear for so long? Didn't you even miss me a little?"

Reinhard's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of something akin to surprise passed through his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but Ramiris cut him off.

"And don't even get me started on letters!" she continued, her voice rising in pitch. "You could have at least sent a single message! A carrier pigeon, a magical projection, anything! Did you just forget about me entirely?"

Reinhard rolled his eyes, an action that seemed to carry the weight of ages. "There was much to do," he said simply.

"Much to do?" Ramiris sputtered, her outrage momentarily eclipsing her sadness. "And what about my labyrinth? This room? If you were here, none of this would have happened!"

She gestured wildly at the remnants of her snacking sprees, the evidence of her boredom laid bare. A flicker of emotion flickered across Reinhard's face, a barely perceptible tremor in his otherwise emotionless mask.

Seeing this, Ramiris's anger subsided, replaced by a wave of dejection. She slumped her shoulders, a defeated sigh escaping her lips.

Reinhard, after a long, contemplative moment, did something entirely unexpected. He extended an arm, stiffly patting the head of Ramiris.

Ramiris's eyes widened in surprise. It wasn't an embrace, not by a long shot, but it was the closest thing to comfort he had offered all night. Hesitantly, she reached out and wiped the last vestiges of tears from her face with the edge of the fabric.

"I will explain things later," Reinhard said, his voice gruff but not unkind. "For now, let us get this mess cleaned up."

Ramiris, a flicker of hope rekindled in her chest, nodded silently. Together, the unlikely pair began the arduous task of restoring the room to its former glory. It would be a long process, a testament to the time lost and the bridges that needed rebuilding.

"I'll start explaining" The revelation hung heavy in the air, a weighty silence settling between them. Finally, Reinhard spoke, his voice firm and laced with the passage of ages.

"Millennia ago," he began, his gaze fixed on some unseen point in the distance, "Veldora, a newborn True Dragon, emerged into the world. His immense power was raw and untamed, a swirling vortex of chaos that threatened to create catastrophe."

Ramiris blinked, surprise flickering across her features. The playful image of a mischievous hatchling she'd conjured up earlier shattered, replaced by a sense of awe and a hint of trepidation.

"So, you..." she began, her voice barely a whisper, "you were... raising a True Dragon?"

A flicker of amusement, a rare sight on Reinhard's stoic face, crossed his features. "Not quite raising," he corrected, a hint of a wry smile playing on his lips. "More like... guiding a tempest. Veldora, in his infancy, possessed a power that dwarfed even the mightiest of beings. It was... intriguing, to say the least."

Ramiris leaned forward, captivated. The amusement she'd felt earlier returned, tinged with a newfound curiosity. "Intriguing? A True Dragon with the power to level mountains was intriguing?"

Reinhard chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed in the room. "His potential for destruction was undeniable," he admitted. "But there was also a spark within him, a curiosity about the world that burned just as brightly as his raw power. It was that spark that drew me in."

A warmth bloomed in Ramiris' chest. The stern, emotionless guardian she remembered was being replaced by a man who had witnessed the potential for wonder within a newborn dragon.

"So, where is Veldora now?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine interest. "Is he still a whirlwind of chaos, or has your… guidance paid off?"

Reinhard's expression lightened slightly. "Veldora now roams the world," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "He has learned to control his power, to channel his chaotic nature into something… productive. He is no longer a threat, but a force for good, a protector in his own right."

Ramiris' eyes widened. A newborn True Dragon, roaming free? "Can I meet him someday?" she blurted out, the question bubbling up before she could stop it.

Reinhard raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Perhaps," he said thoughtfully. "Veldora is a being of immense power, but also of immense curiosity. I'm sure he would be interested in meeting the enigmatic Queen of Spirits"

Ramiris beamed, a spark of excitement replacing the earlier awe. The prospect of meeting a free True Dragon was simply too thrilling to resist. "I can handle myself," she declared, puffing out her chest in mock bravado.

Reinhard chuckled once more, his voice was ominous, the sound echoing in the silent room. "We shall discuss it further at a later time," he said, turning his gaze towards the neglected state of the labyrinth. "For now, there is the matter of this… residence."

Ramiris winced, suddenly self-conscious under his pointed stare. "Right," she mumbled, looking down at her dusty clothes. "Cleaning. We should probably get started on cleaning."

Reinhard nodded in agreement. Together, the unlikely pair set to work, the once-proud guardian and the queen who had let her domain fall into disrepair. It was a slow, tedious process, but with each scrubbed surface and discarded snack wrapper, a sense of renewal filled the air.

As they worked, Ramiris stole a glance at Reinhard. His expression remained mostly stoic, but there was a hint of… something in his eyes. Perhaps a flicker of understanding, or maybe even a touch of amusement. Whatever it was, it filled Ramiris with a quiet hope.

The labyrinth, neglected for millennia, was slowly being restored. And perhaps, in the process, a bond that had been strained by time and circumstance was beginning to heal.



This change of attitude from Reinhard is because some pointed out that the Reinhard from Earth and Original Reinhard should have merged instead of just the original taking over.

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