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31.03% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 18: Banquet.

Kapitel 18: Banquet.

Throw some stonees!ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ



A beat of tense silence followed. Reinhard scanned the room, his gaze lingering on the Primordials. They all shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny. Finally, he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of finality.

"This sparring session is over," he declared. "The rest of the day will be devoted to more… peaceful pursuits. Perhaps a strategy session, or even a simple feast? What say you, Noir?"

Noir stepped forward, a hint of amusement in his dark eyes. "An excellent suggestion, Lord Reinhard. I believe a feast would be most welcome after such… excitement."

Reinhard nodded curtly. "Then a feast it shall be. See to the preparations, Noir. Let everyone unwind and enjoy the company."

With that, Reinhard turned and began to walk away. Veldora, eager to bask in the afterglow of his performance, trotted alongside him.

"Did you see that, Reinhard? I almost had them both on the ropes!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with youthful exuberance.

Reinhard chuckled softly. "You held your own admirably, Veldora. But remember, true strength lies not just in brute force, but in strategy and control. You have the potential to be a formidable opponent, but there is still much to learn."

Veldora grinned. "Don't worry, teacher! I'm a fast learner. Just wait until I've mastered all your techniques – then I'll be unstoppable!"

Reinhard shook his head slightly, a hint of a smile still playing on his lips. "Perhaps," he said. "But for now, let's enjoy the feast. I'm sure your sisters will have a few… choice words for you later."

Veldora's grin faltered slightly. The prospect of facing his sisters' wrath was less appealing than he'd anticipated. But as he walked alongside Reinhard, the most powerful being he knew, a spark of confidence ignited within him. He was Veldora, the Storm Dragon. He had faced True Dragons and emerged unscathed. The challenges to come, whatever they may be, would be met with the same unwavering spirit.

The tension from the sparring session lingered in the air as the Primordials shuffled towards the grand banquet hall. The once vibrant castle corridors now held an undercurrent of hushed whispers and nervous glances. Veldora, however, seemed oblivious, his chest puffed out with pride as he walked beside Reinhard. His youthful exuberance clashed starkly with the apprehensive mood of the others.

The banquet hall itself was a marvel of opulence. Golden tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of ancient battles and majestic dragons soaring through crystal-clear skies. A long, oak table dominated the center of the room, laden with an extravagant feast – roasted boar, glistening salmon, and exotic fruits piled high in shimmering platters. The Primordials took their seats cautiously, their gazes flickering between the two True Dragons and the enigmatic Reinhard at the head of the table.

Reinhard, his golden eyes gleaming with an intensity that left no room for doubt, surveyed the assembled beings. A heavy silence descended upon the hall as he cleared his throat.

"I gather you're all familiar with the reason for this… impromptu gathering," he began, his voice laced with a barely concealed annoyance. "The arrival of my esteemed… aunts," he said, the last word dripping with sarcasm, "has been… disruptive, to say the least."

A collective gulp rippled through the Primordials. No one dared to meet Reinhard's gaze. Velzard and Velgrynd, still fuming from their earlier humiliation, sat stiffly at his right hand, their expressions stormy.

"Their… exuberant display of power," Reinhard continued, his voice growing colder, "was entirely unnecessary. This castle, after all, is a place of peace and… diplomacy. Is that not correct?" He directed the last question towards Noir, who stood impassively at his side.

"Indeed, Lord Reinhard," Noir rumbled, his voice devoid of emotion. "A peaceful resolution is always preferable."

Reinhard gave a curt nod. "Then let us strive for peace," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the Primordials. "However, I will not tolerate such reckless displays of power within these walls again. Consider this a warning."

A wave of relief washed over the Primordials. They had feared a harsher reprimand, perhaps even another demonstration of Reinhard's terrifying power. The atmosphere in the room shifted slightly, the tension easing a fraction.

Reinhard leaned back in his chair, a hint of weariness flickering across his features. "Now then," he sighed, "let us proceed with this… feast. I trust Noir has ensured there's enough to satisfy everyone's appetites, even my… ravenous aunts."

A wry smile touched Veldora's lips. He glanced at Velzard and Velgrynd, who scowled back at him. Despite the earlier conflict, a sense of normalcy seemed to be returning.

Reinhard raised a goblet of ruby-red wine. "To a… peaceful evening," he toasted, his voice laced with a hint of irony. The Primordials echoed his toast hesitantly, the clinking of goblets a fragile counterpoint to the tense silence that had just passed.

As the feast progressed, a semblance of camaraderie began to return. Veldora, ever the social butterfly, regaled the others with tales of his training under Reinhard, embellishing them for dramatic effect. The Primordials, initially wary, found themselves drawn into his enthusiasm. Even Velzard and Velgrynd, their initial anger replaced by a grudging respect for their nephew's skills, cracked a smile at some of his more outrageous claims.

Reinhard, though still watchful, seemed to relax slightly. He engaged in quiet conversation with Noir, occasionally chuckling at some unheard remark. The evening, though born out of conflict, was slowly transforming into a gathering, a chance for the assembled beings to connect despite their differences.

As the night deepened and the goblets emptied, a sense of acceptance settled over the banquet hall. Reinhard, having established his dominance, seemed content to allow a more relaxed atmosphere to prevail. The Primordials, relieved to have avoided further conflict, reveled in the unexpected camaraderie.

The arrival of Velzard and Velgrynd, initially a cause for alarm, had inadvertently brought together a group of beings who rarely interacted. And while the evening had begun with a display of terrifying power, it was ending with a newfound sense of… well, if not exactly peace, then at least a grudging respect for the power dynamics at play.

The night wore on, fueled by generous servings of exquisite wine and a shared sense of relief. The initial tension had thawed, replaced by a cautious camaraderie. Even Velzard and Velgrynd, their earlier anger simmering beneath the surface, seemed to loosen up under the influence of the potent beverage.

As the goblets emptied and refilled with alarming regularity, inhibitions began to fade. Velzard, her once icy demeanor replaced by a tipsy warmth, leaned across the table towards Veldora, her voice thick with slurred affection.

"You know, little brother," she rumbled, a playful glint in her eyes, "for someone who almost destroyed the castle with your little tantrum, you put up a surprisingly good fight!"

Veldora, emboldened by his own share of wine and the unexpected praise, puffed out his chest with pride. "Of course I did, dear sister! I am the Storm Dragon, after all!"

Velgrynd, her crimson scales flushed with a rosy hue, mirrored her sister's actions, engulfing Veldora in a surprisingly strong hug. "Don't listen to that old ice cube, Veldora," she hiccupped, getting rather chummy. "You did wonderfully! You have the makings of a true dragon… with a bit more practice, of course."

Veldora, momentarily stunned by the sudden display of affection, stammered out a response, "...Thanks, sister"

The sight of the two True Dragons, normally bastions of stoic power, reduced to giggling messes, sent ripples of amusement through the Primordials. Even Reinhard, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, seemed to find the scene mildly entertaining.

However, the alcohol also loosened Velzard and Velgrynd's tongues in a less desirable way. As the night progressed, their playful teasing morphed into grumbling complaints.

"Honestly," Velzard slurred, glaring pointedly at Reinhard, "the way he treats us! We're his aunts! A little respect wouldn't go amiss, would it?"

Velgrynd chimed in, her voice laced with drunken indignation. "Exactly! We almost leveled the place with our 'exuberant display' as he so eloquently put it, and all we get is a scolding? Where's the family spirit?"

The Primordials exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to react to this sudden outburst. Veldora, however, remained blissfully unaware of the potential landmine his aunts were treading on.

"Don't worry, dear sisters" he chirped in, oblivious to the tension. "Reinhard's just teasing! He secretly loves you both, really!"

This declaration only served to fuel the fire. Reinhard's smile vanished, replaced by a steely glint in his golden eyes. A bead of sweat trickled down Noir's brow as he subtly tensed beside his master.

Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Velzard and Velgrynd finally seemed to register the gravity of their situation. Their drunken stupor cleared slightly, replaced by a dawning sense of dread. They had crossed a line, and they both knew it.

"W-well," Velzard stammered, her voice losing its earlier bravado, "perhaps a little respect goes both ways, wouldn't you say, nephew?"

Velgrynd, mirroring her sister's attempt at damage control, nudged Veldora with a sheepish grin. "Right! Family. That's what matters most, right, Veldora?"

Veldora, still blissfully unaware of the near-disaster he'd caused, simply beamed back. "Of course, sister! We're all family here!"

Reinhard, his gaze still fixed on his aunts, remained silent for a long moment. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Finally, with a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the world, he spoke.

"Perhaps you're right," he said, his voice devoid of its earlier amusement. "Family is important. Even… troublesome family." A hint of his earlier smile flickered across his lips, but it did not reach his eyes. "Now then," he continued, his voice regaining its authoritative tone, "I believe it's time for this… gathering to come to an end. Enjoy the rest of your… refreshments, but remember, excessive displays of power within these walls will not be tolerated." (A/N: did not reach his eyes alright? No deep feelings here)

With that final warning, Reinhard rose from his chair. The Primordials, relieved that the night hadn't ended in another devastating display of power, scrambled to their feet. Velzard and Velgrynd, their earlier drunken bravado replaced by a sheepish sobriety, bowed their heads in slumber.

The following morning, a crisp pre-dawn chill hung in the air as Reinhard and Veldora prepared for their departure. The grand hall, once the site of a tense feast, now echoed with the sounds of hurried packing and farewells. The Primordials, their previous hangovers replaced by a newfound respect for their powerful guest, milled about awkwardly.

Veldora, ever the social butterfly, bounced from one Primordial to the next, exchanging promises of future visits and playful banter. Velzard and Velgrynd, their earlier drunken antics a distant memory, maintained a stoic silence, though a hint of apology flickered in their eyes as they addressed Reinhard.

Reinhard himself remained an enigma. His usual calm demeanor held a hint of weariness, the aftereffect of a night spent managing volatile emotions. As he donned his travel cloak, a glimmer of gold caught Noir's eye – a subtle reminder of the immense power that lay dormant beneath the surface.

Finally, the preparations were complete. With a curt nod to the assembled Primordials, Reinhard turned towards Veldora.

"Are you ready, Veldora?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Veldora puffed out his chest, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be! Just point me in the direction of adventure!"

Reinhard smiled coldly. "Adventure will find you soon enough, Veldora. In the meantime, focus on your training. Remember, true strength lies not just in raw power, but in control and strategy."

Veldora grinned. "Worry not, something like that is a piece of cake"

With those final words, Reinhard raised a hand in farewell. The air shimmered, and a portal – a swirling vortex of golden light – materialized behind him. Veldora, his excitement barely contained, bounced on the balls of his feet.

"This is it then!" he exclaimed. "See you soon, everyone!"

The Primordials offered a chorus of farewells, their voices tinged with a hint of awe and, perhaps, a touch of relief. As Veldora stepped through the portal, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, it closed with a snap, leaving only a faint ripple in the air.

Reinhard lingered for a moment longer, his gaze sweeping across the assembled beings. His eyes met Noir's, a silent communication passing between them.

"Noir," he said, his voice low, "there is a task I require of you in the near future. A discreet one, that requires your utmost attention."

Intrigue flickered in Noir's dark eyes. "Of course, Lord Reinhard."

Reinhard leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a murmur. The conversation that followed remained a secret shared only between them. The weight of the undisclosed task settled upon Noir, but his unwavering loyalty ensured he would carry it out without question.

With a final nod, Reinhard turned and vanished into another shimmering portal that had opened beside him. Noir watched the portal fade, the weight of his new responsibility settling upon him. The night's revelry may be over, but for Noir, a new mission had just begun.

The golden portal shimmered and dissolved, revealing a breathtaking vista bathed in an emerald glow. Lush meadows, dotted with vibrant wildflowers in unimaginable hues, stretched as far as the eye could see. Majestic, ancient trees, their branches heavy with ripe fruit, reached towards a clear blue sky. Crystal-clear rivers meandered through the landscape, their waters sparkling like scattered sapphires. This was the Cardinal World, the heart of countless realities, teeming with life and magic.

Veldora, his jaw slack with awe, swivelled in place, taking in the sights and sounds. Unlike anything he'd ever experienced, the air vibrated with a subtle energy, the very essence of creation. Beside him, Reinhard stood with his usual stoicism, a hint of something akin to familiarity flickering in his golden eyes.

A melodic voice, powerful yet gentle, echoed across the meadow.

"Reinhard, Veldora. You've both returned."

Veldora whirled around, searching for the source. His gaze landed on a figure emerging from a grove of trees. Tall and slender, with long, flowing black hair and eyes the color of a summer sky, the figure radiated an otherworldly aura. This was Veldanava, the True Dragon God, their eldest brother, and the progenitor of their entire race.

Despite the familial bond, a wave of nervousness washed over Veldora. He was the youngest, the playful prankster, and Veldanava, well, Veldanava commanded respect, even from his siblings.

Veldanava reached them in a few graceful strides, a warm smile playing on his lips. He stopped before Reinhard, extending a hand. "Reinhard," he greeted, his voice laced with affection.

Reinhard grasped the hand in a firm handshake, his expression unchanged. "Father" he replied coolly.

Veldanava chuckled, a gentle sound that seemed to harmonize with the chirping of birds in the distance. "Always so formal, son. But enough pleasantries. Where are Velzard and Velgrynd? Did they not accompany you?"

Veldora, ever the impulsive one, blurted out before Reinhard could respond, "They, uh, had some… business to attend to back home, brother."

Reinhard's golden eyes flickered towards Veldora, a hint of exasperation momentarily breaking his stoicism. "There were… unforeseen circumstances," he interjected smoothly, rescuing Veldora from his predicament.

Veldanava raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in his sky-blue eyes. "Circumstances, huh? Well, I'm sure you'll fill me in later. For now," he continued, turning his gaze to Veldora, a warmth settling in his voice, "Welcome home, little brother. It's good to have you both back in the Cardinal World."

Veldora puffed out his chest, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Ready for an adventure, brother?"

Veldanava's smile widened, revealing a hint of something akin to pride. "Always," he replied, his voice echoing across the vast meadow. Despite Reinhard's characteristic coldness, a faint flicker of warmth, a sense of unspoken understanding perhaps, flickered in his golden eyes for a brief moment.



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