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24.13% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 14: Primordials Gathering.

Kapitel 14: Primordials Gathering.

Thank you for those who kept throwing stones!(⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)



The air shimmered, distorting the already dim light of the chamber. Before Blanc or Reinhard could react, a colossal figure materialized in a burst of wind and crackling energy. A monstrous head, adorned with horns like jagged obsidian, filled the doorway. A booming voice, tinged with annoyance, echoed through the cavern.

"Oi, Reinhard! What's taking you so long? This place is a total drag!"

Blanc recoiled, her composure momentarily shattered. A true dragon, the pinnacle of existence, stood before her, complaining about boredom. Her gaze darted between the colossal intruder and Reinhard, who wore a look of weary exasperation.

"Veldora," Reinhard sighed, his voice laced with a hint of resignation. "What are you doing here?"

The dragon, Veldora the Storm Dragon, puffed out his immense chest, causing a gust of wind that ruffled Reinhard's immaculate uniform. "Well," he huffed, "Someone had to get my nephew out of this gloomy dump. Besides, I haven't had a decent brawl since my birth, and this place seems perfect for a little chaos!"

Blanc stared, dumbfounded. This colossal being, a creature of raw power that could shatter continents with a single breath, was apparently Reinhard's...uncle? The implications were staggering. If this "Veldora" was merely a visitor, then what kind of power did Reinhard truly possess to command such a creature?

Veldora, oblivious to Blanc's bewilderment, lowered his head, his golden eyes gleaming with predatory excitement. He scanned the cavern, his gaze landing on the obsidian table.

"Ooh," he rumbled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Looks like we can have a little destruction party after all!"

Blanc's hand instinctively went to the hilt of her unseen weapon. This unexpected turn of events had thrown her carefully constructed plans into complete disarray. A single dragon, let alone one of Veldora's stature, could wreak havoc upon the already fragile balance of the Underworld.

Taking a deep breath, Blanc forced her voice into a semblance of calm. "Reinhard," she began, her gaze locked on the legendary dragon, "care to explain the presence of...your companion?"

Reinhard pinched the bridge of his nose, a gesture that spoke volumes of his annoyance. "Veldora," he said through gritted teeth, "I specifically told you to wait outside. This is a delicate situation, and your...enthusiasm is not exactly conducive to diplomacy."

Veldora, for all his immense size and power, shrank under Reinhard's glare. His booming voice turned into a sheepish mumble. "But Reinhard, I was bored! And this place smells like burnt toast."

Reinhard sighed, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes despite himself. He turned back to Blanc, a reassuring smile gracing his lips. "Please forgive my overenthusiastic uncle, Blanc. He may be a force of nature, but I assure you, he's quite harmless… most of the time."

Blanc raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. The very air crackled with barely contained power around Veldora, who fidgeted nervously under her scrutiny. This "harmlessness" was debatable at best.

"Most of the time, you say?" she echoed, her voice laced with skepticism.

Reinhard chuckled, a deep, rich sound that resonated in the cavern. "Let's just say, Veldora possesses a certain...enthusiasm for destruction. However, I can assure you, he wouldn't dare cause any trouble here. Not with me around, at least."

He shot Veldora another pointed look, which effectively silenced the dragon. Veldora mumbled something under his breath about a "ruined brawl" but otherwise remained subdued.

The dynamic between the two was fascinating to Blanc. Here was a being of immense power, a true apex predator, cowed by a single look from his seemingly more human counterpart. It was a testament to the enigmatic power that Reinhard wielded, a power that went far beyond mere physical strength.

"Very well," Blanc conceded, her voice regaining its usual composure. "However, I would appreciate it if you kept your…enthusiasm in check, Veldora. The Underworld is not a playground for bored dragons."

Veldora grumbled in response, but a flicker of understanding finally seemed to register in his golden eyes. He mumbled something about respecting "the lady of the house" and shuffled his enormous feet, clearly uncomfortable with the more restrained environment.

Reinhard offered Blanc a wry smile. "Thank you for your understanding, Blanc. I apologize for the disruption. Now, perhaps we can resume our conversation? I am quite curious to learn more about this world of yours."

Blanc nodded curtly, her gaze still flickering between the two of them. This unexpected arrival of a legendary dragon had certainly added a new layer of complexity to the situation. One that she, the Primordial of White, would have to navigate with utmost caution.





Reinhard was now alone, he had a question that has been bugging his mind ever since he arrived at the Underworld. One of his traits that is usually always active was nowhere to be seen. It is an experience for Reinhard, watching other creatures not running away immediately out of fear. 'Raphael, what is the situation?' he asked, his most useful skill when it comes to things like this.

«Report. Master's aura of fear is currently being modified by me. I am sucking all of master's aura and transporting all of them to your birthplace via Unique Skill»

«I believe that this is the most suitable way to proceed with the plan we have formulated, master. Within time, the being you have wished to create will be born from the negative energy beaming from your aura»

That calmed Reinhard down, as for the plan they are talking about. It involves Reinhard's influence in the future. Knowing this, Reinhard's concern was disintegrated.





Blanc materialized in her private chamber, the stark contrast to the decaying grandeur of the main hall a welcome change. The room itself was a minimalist study – polished obsidian walls lined with glowing scrolls, a single, ethereal lamp casting a soft, white light. Silence reigned, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded.

She sank onto a throne of pure white marble, her hand instinctively going to massage the bridge of her nose. The events of the past hour played back in her mind: Reinhard, a being of unknown origin and immense power, unexpectedly appearing in the Underworld. And then Veldora, the legendary Storm Dragon, bursting in with his characteristic boisterousness – Reinhard's uncle, no less! It was enough to make even a Primordial like Blanc feel overwhelmed.

Thoughts swirled in her mind. Who was Reinhard, truly? What forces had brought him to this desolate realm? And Veldora's presence… it was a terrifying testament to Reinhard's power, and a potent reminder of the threats that lurked beyond the boundaries of the Underworld.

A part of her, the pragmatic Primordial leader, knew she should inform the other demons. Their combined power was unmatched, and facing whatever Reinhard and Veldora represented would require a united front. But another part of her, the one steeped in centuries of solitary rule, balked at the idea. Consulting her peers felt like a concession, a sign of weakness. Her pride, a pillar of her existence for millennia, wouldn't be easily swayed.

Blanc closed her red eyes, her breathing evening out as she entered a meditative state. This was a delicate situation, one that required careful consideration. Reinhard's arrival could be a threat, an unwelcome ripple in the stagnant pond of the Underworld. Or, perhaps, it could be an opportunity – a chance for change, even an alliance against some unknown foe.

For now, she would keep her counsel, observe, and gather information. Her intuition, honed by millennia of experience, whispered of a grander design at play. In the silence of her chamber, Blanc, the Primordial of White, formulated a plan of action – one that would ensure the safety of her domain, and perhaps even rewrite the destiny of the Underworld.

Blanc's lips curled into a hint of a smile despite herself. "Grand plan" might be a bit of an overstatement. In the grand scheme of things, her strategy was rather…uncomplicated. Befriend the anomaly.

The word "friend" felt strange on her tongue, a foreign concept in the cold calculus of the Underworld. Yet, there was a glimmer of…something in Reinhard's eyes, a spark of genuine curiosity that intrigued her. Perhaps, just perhaps, forging an alliance wouldn't be the worst course of action.

She let out a long sigh, the weight of the day settling upon her. The butlers, efficient as always, would have already escorted Reinhard and his…enthusiastic uncle to a suitable chamber. Tomorrow, she would initiate further conversation, probe deeper into their motivations and capabilities.

With a final thought, Blanc willed herself to disappear from her throne, reappearing on a platform of shimmering white light at the center of her chamber. The exhaustion of the day finally hit her, a deep, welcome sensation. As she sank down onto the platform, the light pulsed softly, enveloping her in a warm cocoon of energy.

The Underworld remained shrouded in darkness, but within her private sanctum, Blanc, the Primordial of White, drifted off to sleep. Dreams, vivid and fantastical, swirled in her mind. Dreams of alliances forged, of unexpected friendships blossoming in the desolate heart of the Underworld. Dreams of a future yet unwritten.

Unknown to Blanc, tremors of unease ran through the obsidian veins of the Underworld, reaching the secluded palaces of the other Primordials. The news of Reinhard and Veldora's arrival, though cloaked in secrecy by Blanc, had a way of worming its way through the shadows.

In a palace blazing with an infernal golden light, Jaune, the Primordial of Yellow, kicked her bare feet against the throne room wall, boredom etched across her beautiful face. News, any news, was a rare commodity in her desolate domain. So, when a flicker of curiosity, hot and unexpected, ignited within her, she knew something interesting was afoot.

A shadowy figure, her loyal raven familiar, perched on her shoulder, rasped out the details of the newcomers. "Reinhard," the raven croaked, its voice like dry leaves rustling in a storm, "a being of unknown origin, accompanied by Veldora, a True Dragon."

Jaune's golden eyes, usually glazed with apathy, snapped open, alight with predatory interest. A new face, and a legendary dragon at that? This was a development worth investigating. "Finally," she grinned, revealing a row of sharpened canines, "something to break the monotony!"

The raven squawked in surprise. Jaune wasn't known for her patience, but this level of excitement was unprecedented. "You're not worried about their intentions?" the raven cawed cautiously.

Jaune scoffed. "Worried? Why would I be worried? A good brawl is just what I need to shake off this rust!" She shot to her feet, her golden armor glinting in the firelight. "Tell Blanc," she commanded, a feral grin splitting her face, "Jaune's coming to call. It's time to give these newcomers a proper Underworld welcome!"

In a palace sculpted from amethyst, bathed in an ethereal violet light, a giggle, light and tinkling, echoed through the cavernous halls. Violet, the Primordial of Violet, reclined on a throne of polished amethyst, her porcelain doll-like features twisted in a mischievous grin. Her short, purple hair, usually meticulously styled, were a mess of playful tangles, a testament to her recent amusement.

A demon, grotesquely carved yet strangely endearing, perched on the armrest, its voice a gravelly rasp. "New arrivals, princess" it rasped, its single stone eye reflecting the flickering violet light. "A being called Reinhard, and…Veldora a True Dragon."

Violet's grin widened, revealing a set of surprisingly sharp teeth. News of this magnitude was rare indeed, and the prospect of new "playthings" sent a thrill down her spine. Veldora, a true dragon, a creature of immense power? Oh, the delightful chaos he could unleash!

"Reinhard, you say?" she cooed, her voice laced with saccharine sweetness that belied her true nature. "How intriguing. A new face to grace our…humble domain." She flicked her wrist, and a collection of ornate torture instruments materialized from the shadows, each glinting with an ominous violet glow.

The gargoyle shifted uneasily. While most feared Violet's immense power, it was her twisted sense of amusement that truly sent shivers down their spines. Torturing souls for her own sadistic pleasure was her favorite pastime, and the arrival of powerful beings like Veldora promised endless possibilities for "entertainment."

"Perhaps," Violet continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "we can offer them a little…welcome reception. One they won't soon forget." The gargoyle shuttered, its single eye flickering nervously. Blanc, the Primordial of White, might not be thrilled with Violet's brand of hospitality, but that was a risk Violet was more than willing to take. After all, a little chaos was just what the Underworld needed to break the monotony.

A manic glint flickered in Violet's lavender eyes. "Prepare the instruments, Gargoyle," she purred, her voice dripping with childish glee. "We have guests to entertain!"






Sunlight, albeit a filtered, ethereal version, streamed through the obsidian windows of the guest chamber, illuminating a scene both peculiar and oddly domestic. Blanc, the Primordial of White, sat at the head of a long, black table, a single white rose adorning her plate. Across from her sat Reinhard, his golden uniform surprisingly unwrinkled despite the previous day's journey. Between them, Veldora the Storm Dragon, his colossal frame shrunk to a more manageable size, devoured a plate piled high with an assortment of roasted meats with gusto.

The cavern echoed with the rhythmic crunch of bones and the contented rumble of Veldora's stomach. "Amazing!" he boomed, a spray of juice escaping his lips. "This stuff is incredible! I haven't tasted food this good since...well, since ever really!"

Reinhard gave a side glance to Veldora as he spoke. "Veldora, please mind your table manners."

Veldora, for all his size, shrunk under his nephew's terrifying reprimand. "Sorry, Reinhard" he mumbled, sheepishly shoving another piece of meat into his mouth.

Blanc observed the interaction with a detached curiosity. Despite their immense power, there was a certain… closeness to them, a dynamic that both fascinated and surprised her.

Blanc raised an eyebrow as the door to the guest chamber creaked open without announcement. A slender figure, meticulously attired in a black butler's uniform, stood in the doorway. His expression, usually composed, held a flicker of concern.

"My apologies, milady," the demon's voice, crisp and refined, echoed in the cavernous chamber. "There is…unexpected news."

Blanc set down her fork, her silver eyes meeting the demon's gaze. This man, though physically unassuming, was no mere servant. He was the Grand Duke, a title reserved only for the highest-ranking demon in her domain. His apprehension was a rare sight, indicating a matter of true urgency.

"Speak your report," she commanded, her voice calm but firm.

The Grand Duke bowed his head slightly. "It appears word of our…guests has reached the ears of the other Primordials. They are…inquisitive. Several have been detected heading towards this location."

Blanc's lips pursed. The arrival of Reinhard and Veldora was intended to be a private affair, a chance to assess their intentions before involving the other Primordials. News traveling this fast was…unpleasant. Each Primordial wielded immense power, and their motivations were as varied as their personalities. This unexpected development could complicate matters considerably.

She glanced at Reinhard and Veldora, their expressions now unreadable. Their breakfast was clearly over, their attention drawn to the unfolding situation.

"Prepare the guard for increased vigilance," Blanc instructed, her voice taking on a steely edge. "And…inform the other Primordials that we will be extending a formal invitation to discuss matters at hand."

The Grand Duke nodded curtly, understanding the gravity of the situation. The news of powerful newcomers combined with the arrival of the other Primordials painted a picture of a tense and uncertain future. This breakfast meeting, it seemed, would now require a far more diplomatic approach.

A loud, resounding CRUNCH echoed through the chamber as Veldora finally scraped the last morsel of food from his plate. With a satisfied belch, he rose to his full, imposing height, his tanned skin and blond hair gleaming in the pale light filtering through the obsidian windows. A wide, feral grin split his face.

"Well, that was a feast fit for a dragon!" he boomed, his voice shaking the very foundation of the chamber. "After a good meal, exercise is a must. It appears that my source is coming here huh? This promises to be an interesting day!"

Reinhard lightly smiled, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Don't destroy everything. That is my will"

Veldora chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound. "Just keeping myself sharp. Besides, a little chaos never hurt anyone, right?"

Blanc watched the exchange, a flicker of something akin to apprehension crossing her features. This unexpected arrival of the other Primordials, coupled with Veldora's boisterous enthusiasm, threatened to turn a delicate situation into a full-blown maelstrom. The breakfast meeting, originally intended as a quiet introduction, was now poised to become a pivotal moment in the history of the Underworld.



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