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97.14% I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD) / Chapter 34: Chapter 32

Kapitel 34: Chapter 32

"Ayo, jungle, come gank! I'm being bullied!"

"Ah! I'm having some trouble here since someone forced me into this role! You know, I'm a lot more used to wielding a staff than swinging a stupid blade around!"

"That's false."

"Mou! Juka, don't expose me like that!"

"Gremlin, I swear to God–"

"You said the bad word!"

"–come and gank before Helel kills me again!"

"Ah, Juka, it looks like you need some help."

"I'm doing fine on my own."

"Lemme, lemme, just help you destroy this bad tower."

"Do as you wish."

"I need help! Helel is gonna destroy the middle tower soon!"

"I'm gonna go back and check up on the lovebirds in the bottom lane."

"Man… you really are a mind goblin, aren't you?"

"Mind goblin? What's a mind goblin?"

I took a deep breath, allowing the sweet taste of toxicity to flow through me. It was inevitable. This was what happened when you started playing League. It wasn't something you could escape from, so I accepted it with open arms. 

"Mind goblin deez nuts!"

Was it childish? Of course, it was. It was just a stupid deez nuts joke. They weren't even popular at the moment, but I was willing to do God's work and hasten the development of the internet culture in this world. 

Was it worth it? Absolutely! This stupid joke could potentially lead to my death, but how many could claim they have said the same thing to a Satan of all people? Plus, I did have a spare life or two in my back pocket. I could risk the chance of dying once. 

"Michael… I'm gonna kill you the next time we meet."

'Goodbye, everyone. It was nice knowing you.'

You know… after thinking about it, maybe getting that revival Perk wasn't that great. I became way too daring and willing to provoke powerful beings since I knew that I could come back to life even if they killed me. If I pushed too far, I might just make an enemy for life, one who would come after me time and time again until I was out of revivals. 

"Wait! You can't kill me before we go on our date!"

"Date? What date? There is no date!"

"I'm going to cook for you, and you will dress up for me. What is that if not a date?"

"I'm gonna show you a date, alright!"

"Oh, I can't wait to see how you'll surprise me."

"It will be a surprise, alright!"

The game continued on as usual. Chuckles and his wife had a nice time at the bottom lane, treating this as some weird kind of date. They had fun and enjoyed themselves as they fought against the bots controlled by Helel, so kudos to them. 

Ajuka naturally had no issues at the top. He was a Magician by nature, but he seemed to enjoy the chance of playing around as a tank. Serafall grumbled the entire time since I stole the mid lane yet again, cursing me for taking away her chance of playing around as a cool Magical Girl. 

While I kept getting bullied by Helel the entire time. Playing against bots was supposed to be a nice and relaxing activity, but he made me suffer while taking it easy on the others. He even went out of his way to target me in team fights, ignoring the rest and focusing on taking me down!

Was Helel trying to tell me something? That I should give up on my dreams of becoming a Magician? That I should simply accept the fact that I was nothing more than an undying brute?

I refused! I wanted to do cool Magic like the others! I only wished to be able to wave my hand and summon meteors that could obliterate mountains! Was that too much to ask for?

"Well, that was fun," Chuckles said as we appeared in the lobby after winning the game.

"Come here, you scoundrel of a contracted Magician!" Serafall jumped after me the moment her eyes landed on me.

"No! Save me!" I started running, trying to hide behind the backs of the others, but those traitors all moved out of the way, 

"I gotcha you now!" Serafall jumped on my back, wrapping her legs around my waist before she started pulling on my hair, ears, and cheeks. 

"Mercy!" I pleaded with fake tears in my eyes.

"No mercy for the wicked!" Serafall cackled as she pinched me. "Take your punishment like a man!"

Chuckles chuckled good-naturedly at our antics before tilting his head. "Will we play tomorrow as well?"

"We'll be releasing the virtual reality tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna have the time for that," I said as I scratched my chin while the gremlin was trying to bite off my ear. "But if I'm free, I'm game."

"Alright then." He gave me a nod before asking. "Do you need any help from our side?"

"Not really. Helel has already set up everything. He even went ahead and added promotion material dating a year ago to make it look as if we have been working on this for some time now," I said at first before quickly adding. "You can do your politicking stuff after we release the rumor of it helping Devils with the Sleeping Disease and allowing them to speak with their family members. Make sure to praise me a lot when you do that!"

"I will," Chuckles happily agreed with my demand. "The Sleeping Disease has been an issue we haven't been able to resolve for a long time. This might not be a true solution, but it is a step in the right direction. You deserve to be praised for this accomplishment."

Serafall grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me back and forward. "This scoundrel doesn't deserve praise! What he deserves is a good beating."

We spent a few minutes chatting and discussing the release of the virtual reality before they all left. I shook my head and chuckled to myself once they were gone.

This was my life now, playing games with three of the Satans and another person that was almost on their level. According to Ajuka, Grayfia was pretty much on the level of the old Satans, though she could never quite match up with the current four. 

She had even tried fighting for the spot in the past, but Serfall had bested and earned the position of a Satan. That hadn't even been the first time that the gremlin had beaten Grayfia. 

There was a record of them fighting during the Devil Civil War that was hundreds of years ago. However… Serafall had fought against Grayfia, a descendant of the Old Satans, and an entire army of Devils on her own for ten entire days, managing to win in the end, forcing them to run away in fear.

The gremlin acted like a goof, but she was a monster just like the rest of the Satans. I hadn't had the chance to meet Asmodeus personally, though I knew he was roughly as strong as Serafall. As for the other two? Let's just say that if it came down to a fight between one of them and Albion, I would bet on Ajuka or Chuckles.

"So what did you discover from the blessing?" I asked Helel and Ajuka.

I honestly didn't think it would be so easy to get a God to bless me. Or a Goddess in this case. I was also quite surprised when I saw Ereshkigal looking so similar to the one from the game. Though the fact that she could hear some of my thoughts about her was more astonishing and almost resulted in a bad end for me. 

Thankfully, it turned out she was a tsundere and blessed me the second I asked for it, though she did end up kicking me out of her palace. That had been disappointing since I wanted to see how far I could push with my teasing even if I knew that it could potentially lead to my death. I… really had a problem… I could admit as much at this point.

I also ended up getting a Perk that made me more liked by the other Gods from that. I wasn't sure exactly how useful it was, but I was sure I would find out in the future.

"You have experienced growth equal to one week worth of training," Helel informed me.

"Nothing impressive there," I said with a shrug. 

"The other information you provided us is more interesting and slightly harder to analyze," Ajuka said while he stared in the distance, probably going over the data we currently had.

What I discovered with my Energy Sense was that there was a hint of divinity in me now. It was barely noticeable, but it did provide me some interesting benefits. Like making me more resistant to some of the cheating abilities out there; Time, Probability, and Soul Manipulation, and even things like Instant Death attacks.

What did that tell me? That Gods were cheaters, and they were hard counters to some of my Senjutsu abilities. I could probably overpower their resistances if I used up a majority of the life force I had accumulated in my Seal, but that was way too wasteful in my opinion. It was far easier to smack them in the head a few times and be done with it.

'I really am just a stupid brute, aren't I?' 

No! I refused to admit that and accept my fate! I would definitely overcome my situation and become the best Magician in the world! That was a promise.


The next few days were hectic, to say the least. I had to travel around the world, making multiple public appearances while I talked about my creation. How it was something I had worked for a major part of my life, how it was one of my biggest dreams, yada yada. 

It was frankly annoying, and I regretted that I made myself the owner of my company. I should've just placed a figurehead there and left them to do all the work for me because I was on the verge of strangling the next person that questioned how safe my work was. 

I knew that virtual reality was something people had only imagined so far, and I understood there were dangers to it. I was aware of that better than almost everyone in the world, especially because the one I had created was far more advanced than what they all thought. 

However, I was getting tired of alleviating all of their concerns and repeating the same thing over and over again. That was when Ajuka came to my rescue and introduced me to his only peerage member. 

Falak image.

"Greetings." He offered me a smile as he curiously looked me over. "I go by Falak. It is a pleasure to meet someone my King speaks so highly off."

He looked like a refined young man with shoulder length black hair and green eyes, but I knew better. Falak was the Arabian equivalent of the Norse's Jormungandr. He was a monstrously large serpent that was said to have the ability to devour the world, only holding back from doing so out of fear from the Gods. 

"Please save me!" I begged with fake tears. "I can't take this anymore. I just want to go and have fun, not bother with their annoying questions!"

"I understand. Leave it to me," he told me with an expression that showed he actually understood my pain. "My King dislikes this just as much as you, so I'm used to dealing with such situations."

"My savior! I promise I'll make you a meal with a Peach of Immortality in the future!" Maybe that was a bit hasty of me, but I felt he deserved it for saving me from this situation. I only wanted to release the virtual reality to the world, not to bother with all of this nonsense! 

"That…" Falak blinked, more than surprised by the promised reward. A Peach of Immortality took three thousand years to grow to its first stage, so this was something special. Though he wasn't aware that my Perk didn't care about and produced one of them once a month. 

"There is no need for such a reward, but… I'll selfishly accept your promise since I've never had the chance to taste them myself."

"Don't worry." I tapped my chest in confidence. "You take care of all of this, and I'll ensure you taste them in the future. Contact me if you end up encountering some issues and try not to kill people if possible."

"I will do my best," Falak promised, and I quickly left, leaving him to deal with all of the stupid talking and annoying presentations. I was sure nothing would go wrong there since he was roughly on the level of Grayfia.

Of course, I was instantly proven wrong since something did happen, though it was nothing Falak was responsible for. 

My virtual reality became the biggest hit as soon as it was proven to work exactly as promised. It spread like wildfire all across the world, and people were purchasing the expensive pods like crazy. 

I wanted to make them cheap, but then people would get suspicious, so I had to increase their prices. And, hey, if they could buy a new IPhone every single year, they could certainly afford to buy this marvelous technology. Plus, we even set up multiple places that acted like game cafés for those who couldn't immediately buy them.

Regardless, many found out that this was made purely through technological means. Some of those thought they could throw their weight around and strong arm me into handing over this technology to them, thinking that I was just your regular human. 

Naturally, I had to prove them wrong and shut this down. My first stop was at my dear old country, the USA. I was visiting them first because someone there was actually having mild success at figuring it out, as surprising as that sounded.

A Magic Circle formed in front of me, turning into a gate that led directly to the conference room of the White House. With Helel's help, there was no place on Earth I couldn't reach. As long as there was some form of technology there, that is.

"So," I said as I casually walked through the portal to the surprised faces of those present in the room. "What is this I hear about you demanding me to hand over my technology to you?"

"What is the meaning of this?" The President jumped up as multiple bodyguards rushed to stand in front of him, guns aimed at me. 

"That's exactly what I'm asking. What is the meaning of this?" I asked as my senses stretched out, and I was surprised to find something… extraordinary. 

There was someone in the White House with a Sacred Gear that had the potential to become a Longinus. My thoughts sped up as I focused on that person, and I figured out that he could manipulate metals and electronic devices with it. He also seemed to be roughly as strong as a High-Class being and clearly had the potential to become even more powerful. Huh, what now? 

'God hasn't been slacking over the years,' I thought as I focused on the way that man was using his Sacred Gear as he tried to figure out the virtual reality pods by manipulating its various parts. It seemed like he couldn't quite make sense of it due to all the black boxing and other types of hiding methods we had used, but he was actually having some mild success. 

"Fire at him!" They fired, and the bullets bounced off my skin, dropping and piling up around me. 

I regularly sparred with Saiborg. It would be a major disappointment if I got hurt by mundane guns at this point, considering his punches could easily be compared to missiles even when he was holding back. 

"I still haven't heard your explanation," I said as I scratched my chin in boredom. 

"Do you really think you can waltz in here as you please?" One of the men asked as he held onto a somewhat familiar flier. 

A moment later, a Magic Circle formed on the ground, from which a High-Class Devil walked out of. There was a frown on his face as he looked around before he turned to the man that summoned him. 

"Take that man out!" The same man pointed at me. "We will pay any price you want!"

The Devil looked at me and scoffed while I took a picture of him. "I thought I told you not to contact me for such trivial tasks."

I sent the picture to one of my contacts before dialing the number, keeping the call on loudspeaker.

"Oh, if it isn't my contracted Magician! What can Magical Girl Levi-tan help you with?" The gremlin cheerfully asked.

"You saw that picture I sent you just now?" I asked as I watched the Devil in amusement, seeing how his expression ashened once he heard the voice of one of his leaders, especially when she called me her contracted Magician. I mean, that wasn't true, but it sure worked in my favor this time around.

"Yep. Amario Rose, a High-Class Devil working closely with the Agares. He has quite a few connections in the human world, and he doesn't cause much trouble," she answered in a second. Serafall loved to fool around, but she was one of the Satans for a reason.

"I'm wondering if he's important and whether I should kill him or just break his limbs?" 

I was a bit surprised by how quickly I jumped to violence nowadays. Though, what was that saying again? When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Well, I had certainly become a hammer at this point, and this was the quickest way to resolve this situation. 

Then again, it wouldn't hurt to try a more diplomatic approach in the future, especially when the other party was as strong as me or even stronger. Though… the thought of fighting someone stronger seemed only to excite me. Yep, I had definitely become a brute, and I blamed all of my friends for that! Those battle hungry idiots had all influenced and corrupted me!

"I would prefer if you don't kill any High-Class Devils if you can, but I guess you can break a limb or two if you need to make your point."

"Thanks, Sera! You're the best. See you, later," I said before ending the call. 

"Perhaps we can talk it out and resolve this peacefully?" Amario offered with a nervous chuckle after hearing my talk with Serafall. "What exactly is the issue here?"

"They want to strong arm me into handing over my technology," I said simply, watching as his eyes opened wide before he looked at the people present as if they were complete dumbasses.

"You are on your own," he told them before turning to me with a sheepish look. "I apologize for my earlier words, and I hope I haven't offended you."

"Don't worry, dude," I said, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"I will take my leave now, if that's fine with you?" He asked, still looking a bit nervous.

"Sure, I'll take care of things here on my own." I grinned as i looked around the room, all of the people staring at me with nervous trepidation as the realized they had fucked up. That feeling intensified even further the moment Amario left, leaving them alone with the big bad wolf.

"So…" I trailed off.

"Perhaps there was a misunderstanding," the President said with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm sure there was." I rolled my eyes. "Call that guy that's been fiddling with the pod before we continue. He already broke it, and it won't connect to the system."

"Magnus, your presence is required in the conference room. Immediately!" One of the people there made the call, quickly calling the Sacred Gear user.

Moments later, a tall and muscular man walked in. He was dressed in a neat black suit and had a trimmed goatee on his face. Magnus' eyes widened as they landed on me. 

"That's him! The guy from the video that fought against the two Longinus users on his own," he said, and the fear in the room grew that much more from his declaration. 

"Right." I clapped my hands. "I'm also the guy that made the virtual reality pods, so I'm gonna say this once. You will stop trying to strong arm me into handing them over, okay?"


"And you." I turned to Magnus after hearing their answer. "You will stop tinkering with them or I will take your Sacred Gear, got that?"

I wasn't confident in doing that, to be honest. If he hadn't awakened it, and it wasn't so intertwined with his soul, maybe I could've taken it from Magnus without killing him. However, in his current state, it was far more likely that I would simply kill him and fail to take the Sacred Gear.

"Please don't." Magnus raised his hands. "They will dock my pay if you take away my Sacred Gear."

Huh. I kind of liked this guy. If money was his only worry, I might even try to recruit him in the future. His power was certainly useful enough from what I saw so far. Then again, Helel was already downloading all the footage of Magnus using his ability, so we would be able to replicate it with enough time.

"Since it seems we've settled our problems, I'll be taking my leave now," I said and offered them a pleasant smile as a Magic Circle formed in front of me. "Enjoy the next twenty-four hours."

"Wait! We can talk about it!" They all jumped closer with pleading looks on their faces. "There's no need to go that far, right? It was just a misunderstanding."

"What are you all talking about?" I asked with a tilt of my head, doing my best to suppress my grin. "I just wished you all a nice day."

"That's not what you said…" The President murmured. 

"Ah! I get it." Magnus hit his head with his fist. "A day has twenty-four hours. He really wished us a nice day. Hah!"

I chuckled as I entered the portal. I really liked this guy. Recruiting him was definitely an option at this point. Even if we could replicate his ability, he could still be useful, saving us a lot of trouble and time. 

I had a few more places to visit today, but I first checked up on Ajuka, mostly to inform him about my discovery. God making new Sacred Gears seemed like something that he should be aware of. Maybe he was preparing for another war? Either way, I thought Ajuka should know about it.

"God is dead." Ajuka casually dropped that bombshell on me as he continued working with Helel on their game. 

'Then where the fuck did this new Sacred Gear pop out off? It had the potential to become a Longinus and was pretty much on the verge of becoming one!'

That was one of the things I wanted to ask, but there was something more important. "Dead? What do you mean God is dead?"

"He died fighting against the Old Satans, killing all four of them in the process," Ajuka explained.

I trusted him. Ajuka was someone that didn't lie simply because it was a waste of his time. However, this sounded way too suspicious to me. 

The guy that casually created an army of Ultimate-Class Angels and a whole bunch of Satan-Class ones died fighting against the Old Satans? Nah, this couldn't be right. Something else must've happened. I was sure of that. There was no way those guys could've killed him.

"No, the fight was witnessed by the higher ups of all three factions." Ajuka instantly denied my thoughts. 

I still didn't buy it. There was no way he died that easily against them. From everything I knew about God, he was supposed to be way stronger than that. Something else must of happened, but I wasn't sure what.

Probably a third party had interfered at some point and weakened him. If His death had been witnessed, then it must've happened before their fight. Maybe something happened in his battle with the two Heavenly Dragons? 

God did end up sealing those two in Sacred Gears, but Albion had an ability that could affect the souls of even Gods. I assumed that Ddraig had a similar ability as his rival, so maybe those two managed to damage His soul in their fight with Him? I couldn't come up with a better explanation at the moment since I lacked quite a bit of information.

Regardless, there was something more important I had to ask. "Why is God dead?"

"Did I not explain why?"

"Sorry. Let me rephrase that. Why is God still dead? Aren't Gods supposed to respawn if they have enough faith? Are you telling me that half the world believing in Him wasn't enough to bring Him back?" 

What kind of nonsense was that? Multiple Gods with fewer believers had resurrected in the past, but He hadn't? Did the fight with the Heavenly Dragons really damage Him that badly?

This also brought up so many more questions. Like where did this Sacred Gear, which could potentially become a Longinus come from? Did someone else make it? Or did it somehow manage to evolve on its own until this point?

"I'm not sure, but he is definitely still dead," Ajuka replied, sounding slightly interested in this topic.

"How are you so certain He hasn't quietly come back and isn't preparing for another war?"

"Because Heaven wouldn't be so quiet, the Sacred Gear system wouldn't have so many bugs, and the Church wouldn't be running around like headless chickens."

Bugs, huh? According to Adjuka, Balance Breakers were bugs in the system from what he knew. So Sacred Gears growing over time could be another bug? It sounded logical, but I didn't want to make such an assumption at the moment. 

"I see." I nodded, understaging his point of view. Still… "But what if He's actually back and preparing for war?"

"Then we fight and force a peace treaty with Heaven," Ajuka replied with absolute confidence in himself and his friends, assured that they could fight Him to a standstill and force peace between their factions. 

"Well…" What else could I say here? If he was confident in their abilities, the only thing I could do was to believe in them as well. Or simply get strong enough to make a difference myself. 

"In that case, I'll continue visiting and bullying world leaders that are trying to forcefully take my invention."

"Have fun," Ajuka said, returning back to what he was doing with Helel.

'I'm not having fun,' was what I wanted to reply with, but I realized I was actually enjoying this a bit. It was vain of me, but making world leaders back away and apologize in fear made me feel powerful and important. 


I visited only a few places before the other countries that were making a fuss started backing away, most likely informed of what was going on behind the scenes, realizing that they weren't trying to strong arm a regular human, but one that was actually powerful, and who had a lot of connections. Of course, not all of them stopped their attempts, and some even allied together as if that would change anything.

"So…" I said as I appeared in the meeting room between the leaders of the Nordic nations, my words pausing briefly as I sensed two powerful beings, both radiating with Holy Power. "What is the meaning of you trying to forcefully take my technology, hm?"

Magni image.

I ignored the rest of the people here, focusing on the shirtless tall blonde that was built like a truck and was staring at me with a grin on his face. He was nearly at the peak of what I would consider Ultimate-Class and was quite the dangerous opponent from what I could tell. 

However, the other person that I sensed felt far more dangerous because that one was pretty much on the level of Serafall. He was overseeing this area from a distance, and his aura felt like a massive ball of shining light to my senses.

"Finally!" The shirtless God slammed a fist against his palm with a massive grin on his face. "You. Me. We're gonna fight. If you win, those guys won't bother you anymore."

"Well, I always wanted to test myself against a God." I grinned back.

"Hahaha! That's it! Come! Let's fight!" He broke through the walls of the building, his jump carrying him a massive distance away. I followed after him, jumping through the hole he made and landing near him. 

He slammed a fist against his heart. "Magni, son of Thor!"

Wasn't that surprising? I didn't think I would meet someone like him. Nevertheless, I copied his gesture and introduced myself. "Michael Wilder."

"Ha! Like a Wild God? Let's see if you live up to your name!" That was all he said before Magni appeared in front of me, a fist aimed right at my face while blue lightning coursed through his body.

'Fast,' I thought as I watched in fascination how his divinity combined with his Holy Power, massively boosting his physical abilities, making me feel as if I was facing Saiborg that was fighting alongside Regulus and using his Balance Breaker.

I managed to bring my arms to block the attack just before it hit me. My bones snapped from his punch, and I used the force of his attack to fling myself back before he could reach my head. My skin and bones knitted themselves, completely regenerating by the time I landed on my feet. 

"I thought you were stronger!" Magni roared as he rushed towards me again, giving me not a moment of freedom. 

My Touki flared as I narrowly avoided his punch by moving slightly to the side before my own fist slammed into his gut, infused with Regulus' ability to crush anything and my Senjutsu. The attack bypassed his skin and slightly damaged his insides, but it failed to reach his soul as his divinity, which was tightly wrapped around it, completely blocked it.

"Is that all you got?" Magni asked with a manic grin as he was pushed back a little from my punch, lightning menacingly crackling around his body. "You're gonna need a lot more if you want to win! Show me that awesome punch!"

With a roar he charged, and I quickly activated my Kaio-ken to the limit. He threw his hand at me, and my own blurred to meet his. The clash of our fists resulted in a massive explosion that shook the region, sending us both flying back.

My injury regenerated in a split second. Magni didn't have the ability to heal himself, though he wasn't as hurt as me, and his hand only looked a bit red and was slightly bleeding from our clash.

"That's better!" 

He roared and charged me once more. I met him head-on again and again, each of our clashes resulted in massive explosions that decimated the land around us, completely changing the topography of the location. 

'I can win this.' I held the advantage in a battle of endurance even if he was stronger than me. However, how long would it take for me to win? A day? Two days? More? I couldn't tell with absolute certainty.

If I wanted to overpower him, I needed to use my powered-up form. However, I was slightly worried about the other God overwatching our fight. I wanted to keep that as a safety net in case he decided to make a move. 

'So how do I win this fight without dragging it out for days?' 

Simple. I only had to use one of my trump cards here. Hakai, my version of the Power of Destruction, was immediately discarded since I might accidentally kill him, and I might end up in a world of trouble from that action. That left only one viable option.

Magni rushed at me, all while laughing madly in joy. He threw another one of his monstrous punches my way, but this time, I didn't greet it with one of my own. 

Instead, I caught his hand in mine. My flesh and skin broke from his punch, but I healed my hand in a split second and tightly gripped onto him.

"Huh?" Magni was momentarily surprised by the sudden change in my style.

'Divide.' The ability I copied from Albion activated, and I drained part of his power. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite halve his power due to his divinity, but it was good enough.

"WHAT?" Magni roared in surprise, and I quickly punched him in the face while tightly holding onto his hand and gritting my teeth.

His Holy Power was roughly coursing through my being since I had no way to contain it myself. This was a slight issue, but I had a way to resolve it.

I continued punching him in the face while I converted the Holy Power into Ki before pushing it into my Seal. It was a wasteful technique since the conversion wasn't perfect, but it was exactly what I needed at that moment. Magni regained his composure as I was doing that and started fighting back, mainly punching me in the face while laughing.

'Divide.' I drained his power again once I had converted the previous Holy Power to life force, weakening him even further. That pretty much settled the fight right there, guaranteeing my win. 

'Man, I'm a disgusting boss type. Absurd healing, multiple phases, and I can even drain my opponents energy to increase my own power? What a dirty cheater…' I thought as Magni dropped down, bloodied and exhausted after I drained a majority of his energy. The Grimoire even activated at that moment, granting me yet another Perk. 

MtG - Kamigawa - Honden of Jumper - 100 CP

Honden's are the inner sanctums of the Myojin, strongest spirits of the world of Kamigawa besides O- Kagachi, and thus they are places of power. This one seems to be mostly for show though, as it allows you to aesthetically alter the Warehouse to appear like an impressive palace upon a large mountain or something else. The exact details are yours to decide, but you must remember it is still the Warehouse, not a true world. The walls are still there, merely changed aesthetically into a sky box. This interacts with attachments and such in a simple way, allowing you to make those simplistic doors to other places much better looking and you could even make the doors into entire buildings, though then they'd take up space within your limited warehouse. 

That was interesting. I now had access to the pocket spaces that produced all of my materials, and I could now even store things inside it. In fact, it even turned it into a miniature dimension of its own, which opened up quite a few options. The only issue was that I couldn't change the exit point of the dimension once I entered inside, so it wasn't that good for running away. 

Baldr image. 

Either way, I couldn't get the chance to ponder about my new Perk since that was when the other God finally made his appearance, walking over while clapping his hands. He was a tall man, slightly taller than me with a lean physique filled with muscles and all kinds of runic tattoos. He had a brown beard, and his brown hair was tied into a ponytail while his glowing blue eyes watched me in interest.

Unlike Magni, I recognized this one right from the start. Baldr, one of the princes of Asgard. It was weird seeing him being so composed and even smiling like this since I was used to the crazy one from the God of War games. Of course, I knew this wasn't a game, but it was hard to ignore my bias.

"That was a fun fight. I was even tempted to join in on the fun for a bit there," he said as he stepped closer, giving me a pat on the back. "I like the tattoo you have there. You have good tastes."

My clothes did get torn in the fight, so my tattoo was exposed to all to see. That alongside the Perk that made Gods like me probably ensured that this wouldn't end up too badly for me. 

"Thanks," I replied, a bit unsure how to react in this situation since he was one of the leaders of the Norse. 

The Satans were all a bunch of goofs that fooled around when they got the chance, but this was entirely new territory. Hopefully, the Perk I got after being blessed by the tsundere Goddess would be useful here.

"Uncle!" Magni jumped on his feet and wiped away the blood on his face with his hand before he sheepishly scratched his head. "I lost, hehe."

"That you did." Baldr nodded at him before tapping me on the shoulder. "Our new friend's ability seemed to have taken you by surprise. You will need to consider a way to counter it should you wish to win against him."

"Oh…" Magni thoughtfully looked to the side for a very long moment before he turned back with a proud grin. "I know! I need to train harder than before until I'm strong enough to beat him even if he takes away part of my strength!"

"That's… one way to deal with it, I suppose," Baldr tactfully replied with a shake of his head.

'Is there something wrong with me?' I thought as I watched Magni. How did I keep attracting people like him? First, it was Saiborg, then Rihan, followed by Vali, and now him… 'Is there really something wrong with me?!'

"Hehe." Magni proudly chuckled as he knocked his head with his fist. "Mother does always say I'm the smart one."

If he was the smart one… I shuddered just thinking about his brother. I offered a silent prayer to his mother for the hardships she must've endured raising kids like these. 

"You should visit Asgard!" Magni declared as he pointed at me. "So we can fight again in the future."

"Asgard will happily welcome a guest of your stature," Baldr said as well, offering me a kind smile that weirded me out. "As for those people bothering you… rest assured that they won't be trying anything from now on."

"Thanks for that," I replied gratefully with a slight bow of my head. "And I will make sure to visit once I have some free time."

We exchanged a few more words of pleasantry before I added, "Oh, and you should consider buying a few of the pods that are released to the supernatural world. You can get to fight against enemies equal to you in strength without worrying about actual injuries or even death."

"Truly?" Magni jumped up in excitement. 

"Yes." I nodded in confirmation.

"Then I shall buy a pod for all of Asgard, so we can all have fun together!" Magni declared, ensuring that we would be overflowing with information about Gods once he goes through with his plan. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you two, but I have to go now," I told them before saying my goodbyes. 

"Come back soon for our rematch!" Magni called out.

"I'll be looking forward to your future achievements, Wild God," Baldr said with that creepy smile of his, though he called me a Wild God, so that made me feel better.

I then teleported back to the Underworld to grab a new set of clothes before continuing my world tour. Thankfully, there were no more such encounters, and I successfully managed to cower all world leaders that wanted to forcefully take away my technology. Then I returned home to see exactly what we could do with this new ability I just gained. 


Beta'd by Gerald of Revea.


I fractured my arm a few days ago, so writing is a bit slow at the moment since I have to wear a cast for the next two weeks. 

Anyway, I swear I'm gonna roll a Magic Perk soon! It's gonna happen, I promise! And, no, I'm not deluding myself! It will happen for sure!

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