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54.43% Shadow Slave | Sleepless Dreamer / Chapter 42: Him and How Many...

Kapitel 42: Him and How Many...

How does one secretly dispose of a body? 

Hope wasn't sure. He'd seen public ceremonial burials of Awakened and soldiers before. Even soldiers tossed behind trucks after a long day of battle like used toys; lifeless and worthless for the field. 

But Hope's situation was different.

He'd killed a man who wasn't necessarily a threat. And the man didn't die with nobility nor was there an awaited vigil for him. 

Hope did it for selfish reasons.


'Maybe I'll just leave him…' Hope thought nonchalantly. 

He tilted his head as he stared at the corpse. Not that he could properly see his body in the dark. But fresh metallic blood touched his senses as cold time passed. So far this method of interrogating people to find answers seemed effective for Hope; Threatening; Intimidating; Then answers. 

A little repetitive if he had to admit.

'I better not have jinxed it…'

Hope frowned. 

'Well yeah no shit.'


He couldn't imagine what other methods he would have to use if the people didn't cooperate properly. 

But Hope sighed as he stood up, dismissing the thought. That was a possibility to deal with for another day.

'At least I obtained some soul essence.'

On a different side of the government, Hope remembered Awakened being requested to help eliminate other Awakened due to their insanity—a trauma that engulfed all thoughts of logic, a twisted belief of nothing but a doomed future for themselves. Hope was usually present at those sites as he helped carry off their bodies; white sheets covering their faces as red bleeds through either in dragged lines or in splotches. But he'd heard some Awakened silently admit that it was easier to saturate their core in this way rather than to go out and kill monsters in raids.

At that time, Hope thought they were just crazy bastards. 


'Well. Logically. They're not…wrong?'

Hope blinked at the thought.

For some reason, it seemed appropriate for someone to question his thought process, or to snap their fingers in front of his eyes, not that he felt the necessity to. But he recalled even his sister calling him out on his behavior or choice of words, although he didn't see much of a difference when the results were easier if not better than the normal outcome.

Hope waited for an emotion to overcome him, but nothing did.

Maybe it was easier to excuse killing a man in a city of lawlessness. It wasn't out of the norm, right?

Huh. How many more would Hope have under his belt?

As Hope thought that, he stepped back, but his heel tripped over the man's leg.


Hope frowned as he caught himself. Even dead he served as a little inconvenience. He was the man who fired at his head after all. 

Hope lightly kicked the man's leg in annoyance.

But at the same time…


Hope paused as warm light spilled into the room as if it were a tide of morning, betraying the true hour of the night. 

The doors creaked open as someone walked into the scene.


The man stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide in shock as he glanced between Hope and the ground. 



Hope stood still, almost awkwardly so, as his leg was still slightly lifted from the kick.

And the corpse's leg was sticking slightly out behind the staircase…

'Oh fucking hell…'

"I-intruder! Intru-"

'Ah dammit-!'


Hope lunged forward, clamping his hand over the man's mouth, and forcing him into slumber.

The man's eyes rolled back as he collapsed to the floor.


But of course, his shrieks already reached everyone's ears as the normal bustling noise ceased in the entire space. 


There, the great lit hall filled Hope's vision as he looked up; The familiar webbed electrical lights above, the colored tarps, the immense pillars, the crowded groups, the numerous eyes…

…all staring at him with exasperated faces. 

And then, the stunned silence started to dissolve.

And from all sides, cries of alarm broke into the air. 

"A killer! There's a killer!"

"Who is he!" came a scream. "Someone s-stop him!"

"Shoot him-!"

Guns were raised. Barrels pointed. And yet in the chaos he created, his instinct hummed clearly through it all.

'Right…' It voiced.

And Hope quickly dove right, grabbing the nearest man who stood by the door.

His hand found the man's wrist, folding and twisting the arm behind his back till a snap sounded. The man roared in agony. But Hope didn't let go just yet as he used him as a shield before anyone could open fire. 


"Someone- Someone broke in!"

"From which Sector?!"

"Don't shoot! Back! Get back! All of you!"


"The children- The children! Hide them!"

Hope gritted his teeth as all the voices pierced left and right, the people moving like turbulent waves as a threat was made known in its midst. People tripping back over each other or scrambling to hide in their tents for cover. 

'Ah dammit...'

His odds were really low this time. 

Him against…how many?

'The entire damn great hall…'


Hope flicked out his pocketknife, feeling the familiar handle in his palm as he pointed it at the man's throat.

"Shoot and he dies too." 

Several of the guards hesitated as they held their guns or crafted weapons at the ready to attack; their expressions pulled into a frown as they watched Hope take the man steps away from them.

"Make room! Make room!"

"Quickly! Get out the way!"

Hope side-glanced at the other end of the great hall where the south entrance led to the outside.

But he also noticed there were slightly more people in this room than before; new faces he didn't recognize likely from the returning hunting parties. Well, the damn doors were open which was obvious to see them coming and going.

But Hope wasn't too worried about that.

What he focused more on was the numerous sheltered people scurrying around in blind panic. The sight produced a tangent memory of the time back in the catacombs, of the priests scurrying around tripping over bodies or slipping on each other's blood.

This damn Attribute was truly a curse in playing whenever it liked.

But nevermind that.

How much should Hope bet that these men weren't skilled shooters? Not efficiently trained by the Army no doubt. Perhaps in the next few seconds, they would kill him and the man he was holding hostage.

But surely, it was a different matter if many innocent numbers were put on the line.

With that thought, a plan quickly formed into his mind.

'This will be one hell of a sprint…' Hope frowned.

"Hold steady!"

"Don't do anything rash now!"

"Lower your weapon and step forward!"

'Yeah yeah I'm coming...' He thought as he took in a deep breath.

His eyes flitted across the great hall, an imaginary route faintly being traced through the throng. The man in his grasp grunted and struggled with the sharp blade poking at his neck. Of course, more fearsome weapons pointed at them, with bullets that would pierce far deadlier and faster if they tried, if they had the skill enough to that was.

But even if they were sharpshooters, that would just mean Hope had to be faster.


And if not faster.

Then he would have to create obstacles.


And despite the chaos, as his mind sharpened to one objective alone, the clamor in the hall stung less in his ears. His body felt lighter, fingers tingled, and feet itched to leap away. All limbs readied like a bolt pulled taut on a bow, waiting to respond to the slightest command to his whim.

"The Awakened! Call the Awak-"


Hope pushed the man forward. Behind him, Hope hid in the guards' blind spot even if just for a moment.

And he dove into the bustling crowd.

Immediately, people screamed as if a killer was about to rake their throats or hold them too in hostage. 

Voices from guards or any weapon wielder raised, barking orders left and right—but no one gave chase.

Hope moved quickly. The hall became a blur as he weaved through the people and tents—colors streaking past his eyes as well as the lights like long dragged rays. His body cut through the throng and the smoke of small fires as he carved his path.


A simple click movement of a gun caught Hope's ear, and he would instinctively double back or switch directions, using people as barriers whether the sight or sound of a weapon was made in preparation for firing.



He was close.

He didn't know how fast Mave would react or the cohort.

But if he could disappear just long enough from everyone's sight…

"Close the doors!"

A shout from behind.

Skittering across the last stretch of people, Hope drew cries of fear from those he barged out of his way or pulled in his favor, their faces flashing as he sprinted past.


Hope quickly tore a tarp off, the support of it cluttering behind. 

And in one swift movement, he crouched and wrapped a small fireplace in it, the heat hissing against his palms.

At the doors the guards had their weapons drawn, their numbers fanned out as Hope was about to clear from the midst.

But even before they could take proper aim, before some could take steps towards him and swing their fashioned swords or pipes, Hope stretched out his arms and swung the tarp across from himself into the air.


A thick streak of blinding hot smoke clouded their vision with glowing red embers flying towards them.

More cries of alarm and confusion added to the chaos as they hurriedly swiped off the embers from their face and clothes—suddenly uncertain which silhouette was friend, and which was foe for the first few seconds.

And a few seconds was all he needed.

Hope lunged towards one man, summoning his shield in the process as his momentum was forced upon the man's chest. The man's expression caught his attention at that split moment, the mixture of shock, pain-


But Hope leapt off, dashing then forward low on the ground and vaulting past the dark narrow crack of the double door into the night air.

Even as the men finally realized what had just happened, as they distinguished who was who in their group, their reactions were dulled by surprise.


Hope turned, slamming the door shut, and barricaded it with his rifle through the curved knobs. At the same time, while Hope held his shield up to his face, a flurry of shots pierced through the door and ricocheted off the round plate. However, one slightly dented a little too well into the metal.

'Dammit! Special Force weapon-'


One bullet grazed Hope's side causing him to recoil. He quickly turned and dashed off to the side of the building, the pain intensely burned for an instant then quickly numbed as new energy glazed over it.

Obviously, the rifle wasn't going to stop them from barging through. But moments of hesitation and confusion were valuable and needed at this moment.

And in the span of that moment, thoughts raced in Hope's mind as he turned the corner of the building.

Should he make a run for it now? Climb over their metal gate of barbed wire and across the flower border?

Well, the courtyard between him now was an open space, perfect for shooting. What if someone was on the roof this time as well? Even if he reached the gate in time, he still had to fight over the damn barbed wire.

If he were going to do that, he'd rather do it carefully and not add more bloody wounds to himself.

Like now.

'Oh you damn Spell-'


A door being split open resounded followed by the distant clamor still occurring inside the great hall. Their rushed steps collected on the stone floor.

"Where is he?!"

"He couldn't have gone far!"

"Check around! Quickly!"

"We know you're there! Show yourself!"

Hope winced as he climbed up the side of the building, reaching a column as their steps echoed behind.

But by the time they looked up, he'd already slid behind it, hiding in the tight space above them as he remained out of sight in the shadows.


Hope stifled back a groan as he pushed himself up against the wall, his hands pressed against the column.

Now that he was 'resting' of the sorts, his heart which he unknowingly realized was drumming loudly against his chest started to slow, but the pain on his side returned like a hot throb. Out in the stilled night, where the ambience of the area was hinted blue from the late hour, Hope could see shadowed figures spreading out in the courtyard like blank ants as they searched for him.


The seconds piled up. Hope unbounded the bandage in right his hand with his teeth before placing it against the wound, feeling the cloth dampen quickly. Even the minor graze of it burned like hot iron dragged across his skin. Maybe it was a little deeper than he'd thought. But a little pressure on it for a while was fine right?

As Hope reached past 60 seconds, eventually reaching an additional 30, he could see the figures starting to slow, their shouts losing their tension, and their steps shifting from confidence. Talks were exchanged, a faint trace of Hope's existence mentioned here and there before he completely dissolved from their lips.

And yet they still lingered there.

Two minutes passed.

Then three.

Then four.

Hope's arms were beginning to shake as he continued to hold himself in place, closing his eyes to submerge himself in complete darkness.

Was his Flaw taking a little longer because he caused a ruckus? Or maybe they were now just paranoid, filling the blanks of their mind of why they were outside in the first place: weapons drawn, rushed steps, that would mean they were chasing something. But what? Maybe they'd have to stick around to find out. Maybe they'd catch it in time. But how would they know what to catch?

'Just go already…'

Hope thought.

And eventually, they did.

Although, Hope thought it still wasn't fast enough.

But after some time passed, they moved back and scoured the other side of the building in hopes of finding whatever they intended to find in the first place: animal, human, runaway.

Hope waited a moment, two, and then allowed himself to sigh.

His muscles had clamped tight in the pressed position he was in, and only now with them gone out of sight, and the sounds being distant from this area, did he scale down the wall.

'No one on the roof, right?'

Hope frowned as he hesitantly stepped out of the shadows and into the courtyard. The metal gate he faced was west, but the entrance to it was in the east, which was the direction where the group headed. The only entrance it seemed.

He really had to climb over it afterall...

'How unfortunate...'

Hope frowned as reached the barrier and stared up at the barbed wire.

What does he have? A limp backpack with a dead flashlight. His shield.

Pocketknife too.

Hope heard the voices again nearing in the distance as he started to climb.

He gripped tightly into the narrow gaps of the barrier, his fingers stinging from the metal edges until he reached the top. Barbed wires' teeth bit against his knuckles as he used his knife to cut through them.

'Come on. Come on come on come on...'



After cutting the last wire, Hope's body suddenly shuddered.


It wasn't from any threat over the gate.

But behind...?


Did Mave see him from the red flowers? No. Well, how the hell did her Aspect work?

Hope hesitantly looked back.

The aura was certainly different. An Awakened then perhaps. But the sudden drop in pressure in the air was threatening.

However, the courtyard was clear. So if not there then up?

Hope's eyes trailed up the loomed building before it stopped on the glass dome. And there, a black figure stood like some lone phantom on top.

And Hope knew it was staring directly. At. Him.


'Let's say it's not staring at me-'

The figure suddenly jumped off the glass dome.


Hope quickly threw himself over the gate. Frayed wires scratched his face as he rolled off landing clumsily on the ground.


Pain spiked on his side again, but he ignored it as he scrambled for purchase and sprinted down the street. The ruined buildings appeared the same even on this side with their shattered windows and groaning walls from the cold air. The flower border neared into his view, its hue lost from saturation and pollen dimmer than before.

They flurried in the air as Hope ran through its bank, their sickly sweet scent clouding his mind once more. It drove into his nostrils, but as expected the enchantment could not leave its proper mark.

Could he outrun an Awakened?

Most likely not...

He'd just have to hide then. That was the best choice.

But this one couldn't be that stubborn, could it?

As Hope finished crossing the border, he turned and caught a glimpse of a shadow leaping over the metal gate.

'That fast?!'

Of course, Hope remembered how fast they were. But it was a little different to be chased by one.

He supposed that even if this Awakened had forgotten him initially, catching sight of someone escaping in the night was quite suspicious to say the least...

Hope immediately turned left down another street, the smell of damp nature replaced the pollen as he headed in a direction that led to the city's center. But there also in the street were the abandoned motors Hope clumsily ran into at first, their frames coldly hitting against his knees and shins as he moved past them.

Right. The next course of action: Hide.

'Now where the hell do I-'

Hope immediately skidded to a stop as he spotted a black rectangular hole gaped into a building. 

He sprinted inside and pressed himself against the wall. The darkness of the room clouded his vision before he could make out shadowed forms of roped lines across the room. Vines grew more abundantly, and likely throughout the next block or whatever new nature he'd find later.

If he survived by then at least. But an Awakened wouldn't kill him though, right?

Hope held his breath. Not daring to make any noise. Although the voices didn't help in his mind as footfalls raced in the street moments later he was just in.

But they stopped in place.

And Hope knew again that his presence could somehow be sensed by the Awakened.

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