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20% Naruto: Kurogami, The Gamer Shinobi / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: First Day is Always Rough

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2: First Day is Always Rough

A/N: Any suggestions on skills? Mainly supplementary skills such as cooking, cleaning.

Also, if I mess up anytime at all with the system stuff or something, feel free to correct me because I can guarantee I'm not going to be 100% right all the time throughout this whole fic (I try though).


'Shit shit shit shit!' Kurogami, the transmigrated gamer, internally screamed as he rushed to get changed.

Unfortunately for him, he had overslept after being unable to go sleep due to his excitement last night. As a result, he had only 15 minutes to get to the academy - ignoring the fact he had to still get changed and then also brush his teeth.

After changing into his clothes, which consisted of simple black joggers and a plain black shirt, he quickly rushed into the bathroom where he brushed his teeth and complained, 'Why didn't anybody wake me up!?' He cried, spitting out the toothpaste in his mouth before running to the kitchen to pick up a piece of buttered toast, putting it in his mouth, and running out the orphanage.

'10 Minutes to get there... and the academy's 10 minutes away, I need to run fast as fuck!' With a burst of speed, he sprinted his way to the academy.

After running half the way there, a system message popped up.

[New Skill Gained after continuously running as fast as you can: Sprinting]

[Active Skill: Sprint - Lv. 1]

[Activating the skill increases running speed by 10%]

[SP Usage - 10/Min]

After doing the maths, including the SP regen, Kurogami figured out that the actual SP usage was 5/min due to the 5/min SP regen. With the 30SP he had left currently after sprinting in his weak body, it meant he could activate the [Sprint] skill for 6 minutes, which was plenty enough time to arrive on time, unless an obstacle appeared in front of him.

And so, with that in mind, he activated the skills and felt his body had indeed gotten faster even if it was only a little 10%.

Fortunately, there was no obstacle and he arrived on time to see an old man with grey hair, wrinkles and liver spots. Accompanying the top of his head was a red hat with the kanji for fire on it.

Above his head appeared [Hiruzen Saruto, The Third Hokage], [Level: ???], [Reputation: 0]

"Haa... haa..." Breathing heavily, the boy silently walked over to the back of the large crowd. Unfortunately, due to his short stature, he was unable to see anything in front of him other than the backs of other, taller students.

A smile appeared on his face, though, as he looked at the system pop-ups in front of him.

[Main Quest: New School Life - Complete]

[Hidden Objective Revealed: Make a massive first impression on everyone]

[Hidden Objective: Make a massive first impression on everyone - Incomplete]

[Main Quest Rewards Gained: 50 Exp] Level - 1 (0/200) -> Level - 1 (50/200)


[Sprinting Skill has levelled up! x2] It levelled up twice whilst he was running.

[Active Skill: Sprint - Lv. 1 -> Lv. 3]

[Activating the skill increases running speed by 10% -> 11%]

[SP Usage - 10/Min]

And finally,

[VIT +1 (2 -> 3)] [+10 SP (50 -> 60)] 

With a small smile on his face, Kurogami looked back up to realise Hiruzen's speech of the 'Will of Fire' or something like that had ended. He walked off the stage before returning to his office, allowing for the principal of the academy to take the stage.

"Welcome to the Little Ninja Academy" He began, causing Kurogami's eyebrows to raise due to never having heard of this, "As you should know, you'll be spending 6 years studying at his academy. If you pass and graduate at the end of the 6 years, you'll be able to go to the Ninja Academy to begin your proper ninja training!" He announced, rattling Kurogami slightly.

'Wait wait wait... this is different!' He realised.

"As this is the first day of school, you kids will be splitting off into group of 10-20 with a teacher leading you. You'll be given a tour of the school and then a test at the end of the tour" The principal noticed the worried murmurs of the students at the mention of a test, "Ah, don't worry kids! This test only determines what class you'll be in starting tomorrow, so no need to worry about getting kicked out or something like that!" He said with a smile, not that Kurogami could see it, causing the students to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy your time at this academy" He finished his speech with a bow before 15 teachers, a majority of them male, stepped forward.

One by one, the teachers read out a list of names of the kids that would be in their group. Over half the teachers had read out the names without Kurogami being mentioned, until

"Group 7, led by yours truly, Usami!" A young woman called out with a cheerful smile and peace sign, "Troy, Ren, Shikamaru Nara..." About 15 names had been called out by now, "-Kurogami, Hanabi Hyuga, and..." A small frown flashed on the woman's face before it turned into a forced smile, "Naruto Uzumaki"

'Finally!' With a silent cheer, Kurogami was excited to finally have his name called out. And not only that, he was in a group with most of the Naruto characters, including...

'Hanabi? Isn't that Hinata's younger sister?' He remembered her being a few years younger than Hinata, 'First this 'Little Ninja Academy' or whatever, and now Hanabi...' He then widened his eyes, 'Is this a different Naruto world to the one I know?! Fuck!' He cried.

'My one power and advantage I have in this new life - actually, I have the system so technically it's my second - was the fact I know most of the Naruto plot relatively well, but now that this is a different Naruto world that I know of, it's all gone to shit!' He clenched his fist, using all his willpower to not fall onto his knees out of disbelief.

After all the teachers finished calling out the names, the kids split into their designated groups. Kurogami walked over to Usami who was already surrounded by 10 or so other kids.

Looking at their names and levels above their heads, Kurogami didn't recognise any of them by their names, but their levels were indicated between level 1 to level 6, which was the highest he had seen.

"Ugh... What a drag..." Entering Kurogami's ears was a complaint he was all-too familiar with, except it was more high pitched than what he was used to due to the fact everyone here was 6 years old, which made it kind of cute.

He turned to see a boy taller than him with narrow brown eyes and a bored expression. He has black hair tied in a short spiky ponytail.

[Shikamaru Nara, The Lazy Genius]

[Level: 8]

[Reputation: 0]

Shikamaru stood next to Kurogami, his hands placed behind his head. He turned his head to see Kurogami staring at him, "...Yeah?" 

"Hm?" Realising he was staring, Kurogami quickly shook his head and raised his hands, "Ah, my bad! I'm a bit tired so sorry if it looked like I had a problem"

"...Okay" Was all he simply said before turning his head back and looking in front of him.

"Haa..." With a sigh, Kurogami looked around to see a yellow-haired boy with whiskers ostracised by the group, standing quite far from the group with a sad expression.

[Naruto Uzumaki, The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki]

[Level: 8]

[Reputation: 0]

With no hesitation, Kurogami walked over to the main character of the show with a smile. Arriving in front of the boy, he held his hand it much to the confusion of Naruto.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kurogami!" He introduced himself, confusing the boy further as he pointed at himself.

"You... you're talking to me?" Naruto asked, looking around to see if there were any other kids around them that Kurogami must've confused him for.

"Yeah, I've got my hand out for a reason" Kurogami snickered, "So please, shake it already 'coz my arm's starting to really hurt" He cried, causing Naruto to energetically shake his hand.

"I-I'm Naruto Uzumaki! It's nice to meet you, Kurogami!" He said with a big smile, [Reputation +6]

After shaking hands, the two boys stayed at the back of the group and began chatting a little more.

"Okay kids, listen up!" Usami shouted for the whole group to hear, "The tour will now begin, so make sure you stay with the group and don't get lost! At the halfway point, I'll be taking the register once more!" She announced, walking into the academy.

Whilst walking, Kurogami finally took notice of a girl with long, dark brown hair and large, white eyes. She was ignoring the other kids talking to her with a blank expression, and after getting annoyed would tell them to be quiet and leave her alone.

[Hanabi Hyuga, A Potential Hyuga Heiress]

[Level: 11]

[Reputation: 0]

After getting the obvious hint that she didn't want anyone talking to her, Kurogami wasn't stupid enough to walk over to Hanabi and attempt to talk to her so he just listened to Usami who kept touring the kids around the academy.

By the end of the tour, Kurogami and the other kids learnt that the school had a lot of classrooms, a field, a cafeteria, an assembly hall, and basically everything you'd expect from a school for kids like them.

"The tour's over, kids! It's time for lunch!" Usami celebrated with a clap of her hands, much to the joy of the kids as she led them back to the cafeteria which was packed with students already, "That table is for our group, so sit there once you get your food! I'll be taking the register in 15 minutes" She instructed, letting the kids run off to get food and talk to other kids.

"Hey, Kurogami!" Naruto called out with a wave, walking over beside him as they stood in line for food. Kurogami looked at his reputation to see it had gone up to 10 already.

"Hey Naruto" Kurogami replied, his tray in hand. Arriving at the front of the queue, the dinner lady placed some rice, chicken, a few fruits and vegetables, soup, and a piece of bread.

Kurogami left the line and turned back to see Naruto following behind with a solemn expression. Kurogami looked down at his tray to see his plate being less than half as full as his and all other students.

'Well that's just a dickhead move now, isn't it?' The two sat down at the end of their table, eating in silence. 

Naruto had finished his food in less than a minute. He used his chopsticks and went to grab more food from his plate when he realised it was empty, causing him to look down as he ignored his rumbling belly.

*Tink* He looked back up to see Kurogami place some of his own rice on his plate and the bowl of leftover soup, "Here, I'm not that hungry" He said.

"B-But... you're super skinny, you need to eat more- Ow!" Naruto cried, grabbing the top of his head which Kurogami had punched. 

"Screw you, then. I'll be taking my food back, as I'm so skinny" Kurogami said sarcastically, reaching out to Naruto's plate with his chopsticks.

"No!" Naruto responded by grabbing his plate and twisting his body to prevent Kurogami from reaching it.

*Ting!* With inhuman timing, coincidentally, a group of 3 boys had walked past Naruto and as a result of his twisting his body with the plate, the soup and rice fell onto one of the boys, causing Naruto to drop his tray onto the floor.

"Ah! S-sorry!" Naruto sincerely apologised, rushing to grab some paper towels before cleaning the mess on the floor. He looked up at the boy he accidentally spilled his food onto and offered him some towels to clean himself with, "Here..."

"..." The boy looked at Naruto, his eyes widened slightly in realisation of who he was before a small smirk flashed on his face, "Thanks..." He went to grab the towels, when suddenly *SMACK!* he slapped the towels out of Naruto's hands, before kicking his chest and pushing him back onto his ass.

"Ow! What the hell!" Naruto cried out in complaint and looked around for any teacher's to tell the boy off for kicking him. The teachers were simply looking down at their trays and eating, or 'going to the toilet'

'W-Why...' He wondered why they were ignoring him and acting like nothing was happening. His eyes began to wet as tears threatened to fall out his eyes.

"My parents told me to stay away from you, so I figured you'd be strong or something... but you went flying, weakling!" The boy and his two friends laughed. He stepped forward and raised his leg once more, ready to kick Naruto once more when he felt his world tilt.

"Kgh!" His head hit the floor, causing him to wince as something forced him to lay on his back. He looked up to see Kurogami mounting him with a frown and his arm reeled back, his arm in a fist.

[Main Quest: Become the Unwanted Hero]

[Main Quest Objective: Defeat at least one of the bullies and protect your friend]

[Hidden Objective: ???]

[Main Quest Rewards: 500 Exp, +10 Reputation with Naruto Uzumaki]

[Hidden Objective Rewards: ???]

[Failure Objective: Fail to defeat one]

[Failure Consequence: -10 Reputation with Naruto]

[Accept Quest? Y/N]

Was what had appeared in front of Kurogami as soon as Naruto had been kicked. He had already planned to jump in, but now that he had a quest he had absolutely no reason not to as he gladfully accepted the quest.

He looked at the words above the brown haired boy's head, the one who had kicked Naruto and presumably the leader of the trio

[Issei, A Bully]

[Level: 6]

[Reputation: 0]

He then looked at the two kids behind him. The first was a bald, skinny boy with big ears

[Matsuda, A Follower]

[Level: 3]

[Reputation: 0]

He then looked at the boy with glasses

[Motohama, Childhood Friend of Issei]

[Level: 4]

[Reputation: 0]

After looking at Issei's level, Kurogami waited for the right time to attack him, which he saw as soon as he raised his leg to kick Naruto. Once Issei raised his leg, Kurogami jumped out of his seat and tackled Issei who easily fell due to his centre of gravity going off balance.

Due to them being kids, and being of roughly the same build though Issei was slightly taller and less skinny, Kurogami found it easy to tackle him to the ground before mounting him and going to punch him after being dazed from hitting his head.

"K-Kurogami..." Naruto watched in shock as Kurogami punched Issei clean in the face, causing blood to drip down his nose which angered Issei as he attempted to flail him off.

Realising their friend was in trouble, Motohama and Matsuda rushed forward. Unfortunately for them, it was already too late as Kurogami punched Issei in the face two more times, finally knocking him out.

[Issei, Level 6, defeated! 150 Exp Gained!]

[Secret Quest: Defeat your first opponent - Complete!]

[Rewards: Instant Level Up + 1,000 Ryo]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6

Race - Human 

Title - None

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 1 (50/200) -> 3 (0/600)

HP - 50/50 (Regen: 5/Min) -> 250/250 (Regen: 25/Min)

CP - 50/50 (Regen: 5/Min) -> 250/250 (Regen: 25/Min)

SP - 60/60 (Regen: 6/Min) -> 260/260 (Regen: 26/Min)

(A/N: Do you think the Regen is too quick? Should I lower it?)

Control - 10%

STR - 2

VIT - 3

DEX - 2

INT - 5

CHA - 2

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 10 

Money - 1,000 Ryo]

Though he wished to save his points right now, Kurogami decided to raise his odds of defeating the other two by using 5 points on both STR and DEX to increase his strength and speed, which also led to an increase in his HP by 50.

[HP: 300/300 (Regen: 30/Min)]

[STR - 7]

[DEX - 7]

Motohama and Matsuda reached Kurogami and pushed him off of Issei, but he quickly stood up and entered a basic boxing stance instinctively. He looked at the two with focused eyes and noticed them shaking, having no experience in actual fighting - it didn't help that their friend and 'leader' had been knocked out.

With a pathetic battle cry, the two boys ran at Kurogami aimlessly who simply waited for them to get close into his range before he uppercut Matsuda, the weaker one, knocking him out instantly as he fell to the floor with a bruised jaw.

[Matsuda, Level 3, defeated! 22 Exp Gained!]

He then saw from the corner of his eye Motohama sending a slow punch, which he easily ducked under before jumping with all his leg power and kneeing the boy in the face.

In the eyes of the kids and Naruto in particular, Kurogami looked like a small flying hero the way he seemingly levitated back down onto the ground after jumping up so high and defeating the three bullies quite quickly.

[Motohama, Level 4, defeated! 38 Exp Gained!]

[Main Quest: Become the Unwanted Hero - Complete]

[Hidden Objective Revealed: Defeat all 3 Bullies]

[Hidden Objective: Defeat all 3 bullies - Complete]

[Main Quest Rewards Gained: 500 Exp, +10 Reputation with Naruto Uzumaki]

[Hidden Objective Rewards: [Title: Bully Destroyer], 500 Exp, +5 Reputation with all kids present]

[Title: Bully Destroyer - Stats increase by 30% when facing a bully]

[New Skill Gained after repeatedly performing an action: Boxing]

[Boxing: Active Skill - Lv.1]

[Activating the skill grants +1 STR and +1 DEX. Speed of punches increased by 10%]

After activating the title, his status now looked like so:

[Name - Kurogami

Age - 6

Race - Human 

Title - None

Clan - Clanless (Orphan)

Level - 4 (460/800)

HP - 400/400 (Regen: 40/Min)

CP - 350/350 (Regen: 35/Min)

SP - 360/360 (Regen: 36/Min)

Control - 10%

STR - 7

VIT - 3

DEX - 7

INT - 5

CHA - 2

CC - 2

Luck - 5

Stat Points - 5 

Money - 1,000 Ryo]


A/N: What do you think of the small fight scene? Just to clarify, the reason he won against Issei is not because he's already strong as hell, but rather because he got the jump/surprise attack on him. 

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