"By the way, Miss Aecilia, which class do you have to attend?"
Avendial inquired as he stepped out of the car, casting a glance her way.
The vehicle came to a stop near the academy's metal gates, and many students instinctively turned their heads in his direction.
With his silver hair and striking blue eyes, he naturally drew a bit of attention.
However, he chose to ignore the onlookers and concentrated on Aecilia.
"You jest, Marquess. How could I possibly teach anything to these students?"
She replied with a smile, adjusting her glasses, which seemed ill-fitting and kept sliding down her nose.
Despite this minor annoyance, her gesture revealed a small glimpse of a black floral bra peeking through the slight opening of her white shirt.
Avendial noticed but decided to let it go; after all, he couldn't dictate her clothing choices.
Just asking even though I know no one will answer, keke. I am adding more spaces and breaking large paragraphs; I hope this makes the reading experience better.
If not, please let me know.
Of course, if you do not answer, no issues. I will take it as, yeah, it's fine enough.