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100% Genius Young Master Of The Cultivation Realm / Chapter 17: The Trials of Talent

Kapitel 17: The Trials of Talent

The assessment hall loomed large and imposing, its ancient walls seeming to pulse with the weight of countless generations of cultivators who had been tested within. Hao Tian lay flat on a cold, stone table at the center of the room, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread. Grand Elder Ye and his father, Chen Tian, stood on either side of him, their faces inscrutable masks of concentration.

"We will begin with the Spirit Origin Blood Test," Grand Elder Ye announced, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. "Remain still, young Hao."

Without warning or visible action, a thick stream of crimson blood began to rise from Hao Tian's abdomen. He gasped, more from surprise than pain, as the viscous liquid hovered in the air above him. There was no cut, no wound—it was as if his very essence had been called forth by some unseen force.

The blood coalesced into a perfect sphere, pulsing with a dull, ruby light. Grand Elder Ye's eyes narrowed as he studied it, making notes on a jade slip with quick, precise movements. After several tense moments, the blood dissipated into mist, leaving no trace behind.

"Next, the Spiritual Sea Test," Chen Tian said, his voice carefully neutral. He produced a large, square jade tablet etched with a hundred numbers, each a thousand greater than the last. With a gesture, he summoned a single drop of blood from Hao Tian's finger.

The droplet hovered over the jade, quivering slightly. Grand Elder Ye placed his hand on Hao Tian's forehead, channeling his powerful Qi into the boy's body. The blood began to move, tracing an erratic path across the numbers. Hao Tian held his breath, silently willing it to go further, higher.

Finally, the drop came to rest on the fifth number—five thousand. Just below average. Hao Tian's heart sank, but he kept his face carefully composed. His father's expression remained unchanged, but there was a tightness around his eyes that hadn't been there before.

"We will now conduct the Spirit Bone Test," Grand Elder Ye announced. He placed both hands on Hao Tian's temples, closing his eyes in concentration. Hao Tian felt a strange sensation as if something was probing through his very being, searching for something hidden deep within.

After what felt like an eternity, Grand Elder Ye's eyes snapped open. He said nothing, but the slight downturn of his mouth spoke volumes. He made another note on the jade slip, his movements more abrupt than before.

"Lastly, the Spirit Root and Seed Tests," Chen Tian said, his voice slightly strained. He and Grand Elder Ye worked in tandem, their hands moving in complex patterns over Hao Tian's body. Hao Tian could feel their Qi probing his abdomen, searching for the telltale signs of a cultivator's potential.

Minutes passed in tense silence. Hao Tian's hope, already fragile, began to crumble as he watched the expressions on his father's and great-grandfather's faces grow increasingly grim. Finally, they stepped back, exchanging a loaded glance.

"That concludes the assessment," Grand Elder Ye said, his voice carefully neutral. "You may return to your quarters, Hao Tian. We will discuss the results and inform you of our decisions in due course."

Hao Tian rose from the table, bowing deeply to both elders before leaving the hall. As the massive doors closed behind him, he caught a glimpse of his father's face—a mixture of frustration, disarray, and barely contained anger that made Hao Tian's stomach churn with dread.

Back in his private building, Hao Tian paced restlessly, replaying every moment of the assessment in his mind. He knew, deep in his heart, that he had failed—but what would that mean for his future? For his place in the family?

As night fell, a servant arrived with a letter bearing his father's seal. With trembling hands, Hao Tian broke the seal and began to read:

"My dear son,

I write this with a heavy heart, but also with an unwavering love for you. The results of your talent assessment were not what we had hoped for. The tests revealed no Spirit Bone, no Spirit Root, and no Spirit Seed. Your Spiritual Sea, while present, is below average in capacity.

In the world of cultivation, these results would typically mark one as having no potential for advancement. But I want you to know this: you are my son, and I will love you regardless of your cultivation potential. Your worth is not determined by these tests alone.

There is something else I must tell you. Tomorrow, I will be leaving for battle. It is by order of the Emperor, a duty I cannot refuse. I had hoped to stay and help you navigate this difficult time, but circumstances have forced my hand.

Know this, Hao Tian: while I am away, I will be searching for any possible way to overcome the limitations revealed by these tests. I refuse to accept that my son is without hope or potential. I will move heaven and earth if I must, but I will find a way for you to walk the path of cultivation.

Be strong in my absence. Know that every moment I am away, my thoughts will be with you. I will return, and together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead.

With all my love,

Your father, Chen Tian"

Tears blurred Hao Tian's vision as he finished reading. The letter crumpled in his grip as a storm of emotions raged within him—grief at his failure, fear for his father's safety, and a tiny, persistent spark of hope kindled by his father's unwavering faith in him.

As dawn broke the next morning, Hao Tian stood at his window, watching as his father's retinue departed the family estate. He alone knew the true reason for this sudden journey, the weight of the secret settling heavily on his young shoulders.

The sun rose higher, its light catching on the retreating figures until they disappeared from view. Hao Tian remained at the window long after, his mind racing with questions about his future and the challenges that lay ahead. He may have failed the talent assessment, but his father's words echoed in his mind:

"I refuse to accept that my son is without hope or potential."

With those words burning in his heart, Hao Tian made a silent vow. He would find a way to cultivate, to grow strong, to make his father proud—no matter what obstacles stood in his way. His journey was far from over; in fact, it had only just begun.

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