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100% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 24: 24. Sports Festival Conclusion

Kapitel 24: 24. Sports Festival Conclusion

Ochaco Vs. Itsuka

"To kick off our second round, two ladies gave it their all in the first round. First, we have Itsuka Kendo, who managed to secure a victory in the last round with a devastating sit-out powerbomb in a fierce and physical match. Taking on Ochaco Uraraka, who advanced in the tournament so far with her thrilling win that showed her grit and determination!" Mic said as the girls entered the arena, the replays of their fight playing on the screens.

Itsuka and Ochaco shook hands before stepping back and taking their starting positions. At the beginning signal, neither one charged in; instead, they circled, looking for an opening. Itsuka was the first to attack, using her superior training to fake a punch and land an outside leg kick that made Ochaco wince. Itsuka came in again, looking like the same attack. When Ochaco went to move from the leg kick, Itsuka landed right on Ochaco's ribcage. Itsuka went to try to land a follow-up left, but Ochaco recovered quickly and nearly tagged her hand, forcing Itsuka to pull back hastily and stumble to the side. Ochaco went low and swept Itsuka's leg, sending her down. Ochaco dived to tag her opponent, only to hit the stage. Itsuka managed to spin off her hip and land a kick on Ochaco's face, which sent her tumbling.

Ochaco's eyes watered as her mouth filled with blood; she saw Itsuka coming at her, but she couldn't get out of the way. She got her arms up to block the massive fist, but the force of the blow sent her falling back. Itsuka grabbed her leg, but Ochaco managed to regain her senses to increase her gravity, preventing Itsuka from picking her up; it allowed Ochaco to land an uptick that sent Itsuka stumbling back. Ochaco got up and, to everyone's surprise, landed a massive right on Itsuka's face; Itsuka rolled with punch the best she could, grabbed Ochaco's arm, and flipped her over her shoulder. Ochaco slammed into the stage, but she grabbed Itsuka's arm, negating her gravity.

Ochaco tried to throw Itsuka off, but Itsuka's hand enlarged, locking around Ochaco's arm. With her free arm, Ochaco landed a punch before Itsuka countered with a massive fist of her own. Ochaco brought her arm up to try and cover her face, but Itsuka's fist was so huge that the punches didn't quite have the force they would have generally had as Itsuka was floating in the air, but it was still causing damage. Ochaco negated her gravity and pushed off the stage, spinning them into the air.

Ochaco landed a knee to Itsuka's gut, increasing their spin. Itsuka was trying to fire back, but the constant rotation complicated it. She wrenched Ochaco's arm to the side, trying to force a submission; she managed to catch Ochaco's other arm, only for Ochaco the head butt her breaking her nose. It loosed Itsuka's grip on her arm, which was wrenched to the side, allowing Ochaco to slip if free. She pressed her fingertips together, "Release!" The two girls plummeted towards the grass. The crowd held its breath as they spun towards the ground; Ochaco held fast increased Itsuka's gravity.

Itsuka hit first, the wind driving from her body. Ochaco rolled to the side, lying on her back, staring up at the sky that still hadn't stopped spinning.

"WINNER, OCHACO URARAKA!" Midnight called out.

Once they were safely in the tunnel, both girls grabbed a trashcan and threw up.

Melissa vs. Kyoka

"I know how Hitoshi felt now," Kyoka said, smiling at Melissa. "Be gentle."

"Um…no," Melissa said, laughing, her tails swishing. At Midnight's signal, Itsuka charged, and Melissa sent a pillar of her robots to her friend. Kyoka put her earphones before her and pushed her heartbeat; as they came into contact with the robots, the sound disrupted them and split the pillar apart. Melissa was surprised, not expecting that to happen, but Kyoka used it to her advantage to tackle Melissa to the ground, going for her mask, as that was where Kyoka thought the controls to be.

Melissa fought with Kyoka, trying to maintain her mask; though it wasn't where the control was, it was a good enough ruse. Kyoka couldn't bring her jacks to bear against Melissa as she used them to keep the microbots at bay. Melissa sent her entire cloud up to come crashing back down just as her grip slipped, and Kyoka was able to tear her mask off.

"Got…" Kyoka said, expecting to see the panic on Melissa's face, but instead, she saw a smile.

"You," Melissa whispered. Melissa grabbed Kyoka's jacks, putting them in between them as her microbots crashed into Kyoka's back, then grabbed her around the waist and sent her spinning like a top over the edge of the stage onto the grass. Melissa grabbed her mask and had it on the side of her head as she jogged over to help Kyoka.

"You sly fox," Kyoka said with a grin. The two girls hugged as the crowd cheered. Kyoka raised Melissa's hand in victory and pointed to her as she stepped back, adding her applause before they left the ring.

Izuku Vs. Shoto

"Now the most anticipated match of this round, we have two heavy favorites who showed their might in the second round in amazing displays of power and technique. First, the lone remaining fighter from the Wild Card round, the duel threat of Fire and Ice, don't just call him the son of Endeavor. This young man wants to carve his own path; give it up for SHOTO TODOROKI!" Mic said, getting the crowd going

"His opponent stunned everyone in the first round, captivated in the second round, and went toe to toe with a very game Toru Hagakure in his first bout. Let's hear for the popular favorite of this year's festival, one of the breakout stars, the psychokinetic, the YES man, IZUKU MIDORIYA!" The crowd, already cheering, gave him the yes chant as he walked towards the stage. Izuku smiled and waved to the crowd, but he kept his eyes focused on Shoto.

"Well, Eraser Head, we have two heavy hitters in the tournament squaring off. How will these two match the field of nothing but your class?" Mic said as Aizawa rubbed his forehead.

"I think that we are going to see some amazing displays of quirk strength and control; I know that both of these young men are friends and bound and determined to do their very best against each other," he paused. "I believe what we are witnessing is the best future for heroics."

"That is a bold statement. What makes you say that?" Mic said, looking at the two boys on the stage, shaking hands and receiving instructions from Midnight.

"Two strong, dedicated heroes not in competition against each other but seemingly dedicated to pushing each other higher out of respect and friendship," Aizawa said. "It is something that Midoriya said in his speech, and you see those who seem bought into his philosophy are represented in these later stages of the tournament. I think he has more to show us."

Before Mic could ask a follow-up question, "BEGIN!" rang out from Midnight.

Shoto raised his foot, seeming like he was going to send a glacier at Izuku as he had done before; the crowd in the front row braced. Tsu grabbed her blanket but put his hand forward instead, and a massive firebolt flew out. The crowd gasped; Izuku used his telekinesis to push the fireball off a ramp and straight up. Shoto's eyes widened, and Izuku charged forward and barely missed with a right hook. Shoto landed a punch to Izuku's ribs and pushed him away; he then sent a massive Ice wave towards Izuku's back.

Izuku spun to the side, his hand extended towards the wave. The wave bent and curled around him, seemingly under his control, as he sent it crashing back toward Shoto. Shoto summoned up as big a fire blast as he could, super cold air meeting superheated air to explosive results. The crowd let out a yell of fright as Cementos scrambled to erect barriers to contain the explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Shoto was inches from the edge of the stage; a spiderwebbed wall of ice had kept him from being launched out of the ring. He fell to one knee, the back of his head bleeding a few cuts on his face.

Izuku stood in the same spot he was before the explosion; there was an area around him scorched and completely devastated. But where he stood and behind him was utterly pristine. Shoto rolled forward, his arms behind him as he brought them forward, trials of white-blue ice and white fire coming forward. The crowd cheered and yelled in excitement and terror; suddenly, Shoto's ice exploded, throwing him off balance; the fire shot was off balance, but he managed to fire it toward Izuku.

Izuku moved the way he did with the ice, this time sending the fire up above the stadium. When it hit its peak, it burst into the form of a firebird; it even sounded like it roared. Izuku then lowered his hand and pointed at Shoto. The bird dived just over Izuku's head. Shoto tried to create Ice barriers. The firebird crashed through them all, striking him in the chest. This sent him through his spiderwebbed ice wall and onto the ground off the stage.

"WINNER IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Midnight called out to the stunned crowd. There was silence as Izuku hopped off the stage and subtly sent enough healing to wake Shoto up. Shoto's eyes opened, and he saw Izuku standing over him, extending his hand.

"HELL YEA!" a periwinkle girl yelled from the stands, "THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT…" The rest of what she said was drowned out as the crowd erupted wildly.

Shoto grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him to his feet. The crowd went even wilder as the two boys shook hands with smiles on their faces and walked to the tunnel together.

"That was new," Shoto said, limping slightly.

"So was that white fire," Izuku smiled.

"Yes, that was," Shoto paused and placed his hand on his shoulder. "You are a good friend, Izuku, and I hope we can be the pillars that hold up this world together."

"We will, Shoto," Izuku said as they separated, with him heading to the locker room and Shoto to the medical wing.


They all sat back, stunned at the power display they had just witnessed. A lot of them were staring at Izuku Midoriya and wondering what the hell was he to be so damn powerful. Neito was stunned; his brain couldn't process what had happened; he rose from his seat and just walked away to try and process what he had seen; there was no possible way Izuku Midoriya was this powerful.

He had copied it during the student council meeting; it was simply impossible, and some questions needed to be answered. He needed to find out what the hell was going on.

"Stunning," Reiko whispered as she fell back onto her seat, staring at the screen.

"No wonder we lost," Set said, shaking her head. "That was incredible."

Momo Vs. Fumi

Momo stepped out as Izuku was walking past. "That was truly spectacular," she said, stepping into his embrace and kissing him. "Watch me," she said as they pulled apart, her sucking on his bottom lip.

"I couldn't take my eyes off you if I tried," he said. "See you in the next round."

Izuku walked into his locker room as his phone buzzed; it showed an image of Nejire standing there in only her matching white lace bra, panties, and stockings.

Nejire: Just Two more victories.

Izuku may have drooled a little.

Momo didn't even hear her announcement as she walked into the arena; her focus was solely on the stage and her opponent. She was running her plan through her head as she briefly remembered to wave to the crowd, but once her foot hit the stage, she was staring at the other tunnel, waiting for her opponent. Momo wasn't stupid. She knew that she couldn't beat Izuku in the next round. He was too strong for her, but she had to make it to that match. She had to advance as far as possible; she was his first anchor. This world around her was still here because of their interaction many years ago, and it left such a mark on his life. A moment of kindness and compassion, she had saved the world. He had saved her life at the USJ, though the world again nearly burned.

She knew that Melissa, Mei, Mina—she paused laughing—that ludicrous number of names with the letter M was in his orbit. He and Melissa were together, and he would be with Mei. Mina was soon, Nejire Hado was determined to be here, and Kyoka was just about there. His secret would get out increasingly, and not everyone would accept it; some may be like Mei and love him but are willing to fight against him if it comes down to it.

Momo didn't know if she could, so she needed to get to the next round: to show the world that she was a force to reckon with, to show him that she would not be his idol while he soared higher and higher. She loved him, and she believed in him. Now, she needed to prove she belonged, even if no one told her such a thing. She needed this for herself.

When Fumi entered, Dark Shadow was raising his arms for the crowd. He looked at the stage, and his heart nearly skipped a beat; Momo was standing there with such a look of determination that it almost made him waver.

"Enough playing my brother," he said. "Before stands an opponent ready to battle, not just for victory but to prove a point. We need to be ready to do the same."

"Wow, she is determined," Dark Shadow said. "Then let us meet her one stage and show her our resolve."

At the signal to fight, Dark Shadow raced forward. As the area around her face glowed, she dived to the side, avoiding the attack. When she came up, she had dark welding goggles that Mei recognized as a version of her own.

Dark Shadow quickly altered course as an orb formed in one of Momo's glowing hands and tumbled from her hand as she dived away and covered her head. The orb exploded in a brilliant silver/white explosion or a firework with the deafening concussion of a flashbang. Momo had created a flash-bang wrapped in Aluminum and Magnesium powder. The crowd had to shield their eyes; they couldn't hear Dark Shadow scream over the explosion.

More orbs came to her hands as she charged towards Fumi, the orbs rolling to his feet as he dived away. Dark Shadow was again caught in explosions as he tried to retreat into Fumi's clothing for protection. Fumi's ears were ringing as he got to his knees. Momo slipped past him. A gauntleted right hook landed true, rocking Fumi's head to the side.

Momo turned and came back. Dark Shadow managed to pull Fumi out of harm's way, but Momo tackled them to the ground, her whole body glowing as D-luciferin, the artificial substance that made Fireflies glow, but this was 1000 times stronger. It was falling all over Fumi, attaching itself to his feathers; she held on, covering him in the substance; she even jammed her hand down the back of his uniform. He got his bearings and head-butted her, knocking her off in a daze, a gash opening up on her forehead from his beak. He could hear Dark Shadow yelling and trying to retreat.

Momo landed a jumping spin kick, followed by a knee directly under Fumi's chin. She took a top position and landed two more gauntleted right hands before Fumi was unconscious. Momo scrambled back, yelling for water, as they ran in to douse the boy, washing away the D-Luciferin.

The crowd was stunned at the ferocity of the battle, Momo standing there, her face bloodied, marred her beautiful features. Once Fumi woke up, she checked on him as water poured over him.

"I am sorry, Fumi," she said. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Do not be sorry, Momo, this is a field of battle," Fumi replied. "I will be more wary of you next time, as should all who face you."

"No kidding," Dark Shadow said, finally peeking out. "You are one bad mother…"

"Shut your mouth," Momo said with a grin, earning a smile from Dark Shadow.

Ochaco Vs. Melissa

"The match I never wanted to see; I don't know if I can allow it to happen," Mic said dramatically. "Now, entering the arena, one of my favorites, who has been banger after BANGER, the mistress of Gravity, the Lady of Grit, the gal with the plan OCHACO URARAKA!" The crowd cheered as a weary Ochaco came walking out to the stage. Her fight with Bakugo and then Itsuka had left her so drained; now she had to find a way past Melissa to meet either Izuku or Momo in the finals hopefully. And after watching their matches, she was not looking forward to either. Then there was Melissa; Ochaco knew in her heart that Melissa had to have proven she was worthy of joining 1-A; it just had to be enough. But Ochaco wouldn't roll over for her; that wasn't what a hero did.

"Her opponent, what can be said but other than amazing. This young lady is turning the world on its head as her every appearance is a new record, a world first. The first quirkless student to enter the sports festival, the first quirkless student to run and win the first event. Then she debuted her weapon, her support course item designed by the lady herself. Now she has made her way to the semi-finals of the tournament of the U.A Sports festival, but she aims higher; she wants the empty seat in the 1-A Hero course to train to become the world's first quirkless hero, Ladies and Gentleman, everyone in attendance stands up and show her the respect that she is not asking for but earning with every step she takes. MELISSA SHIELD!" Mic yelled out before falling back in his seat.

"You both know the rules," Midnight said, pointing to the girls. Are you ready?" They both nodded. "Shake hands, step back, BEGIN!"

Ochaco didn't know what to do; all she could do was charge forward; she ran, sliding past the first attack but not the second that hit her in the gut. It tried to lift and push her up into the air. She rolled to the side, back to the ground; she activated her quirk, increasing her gravity as another pillar crashed into her. She got her arms up to block but didn't move this time. She grits her teeth as she manages to take a step forward, her foot coming down with thoom cracking the cement. The crowd roared as Ochaco pushed forward, the machines crashing against her body, breaking apart and cutting her uniform, arms, and face.

Melissa kept up the assault on her cloud and disappeared rapidly, her tails soon following. Ochaco would not be moved when she rocked, and she increased her gravity even more. It was a question of whether it was Melissa's constant assault or Ochaco's sheer determination that was keeping her upright. The crowd was cheering, watching the machines break upon her, falling by the wayside as she pushed forward. Then they saw it. The machines started to twitch, and they rolled together, reforming behind Ochaco. They began to yell and shout warnings, but Ochaco couldn't hear them; the sounds of the machines breaking against her and the pounding of her heart and head as her quirk was pushing past the limit; only glimpses of Melissa past the swarm kept her moving.

Suddenly, the swarm parted, and she stumbled and fell to her knees. The swarm came crashing down from behind her in the form of robotic fists that bounced her head off the concrete multiple times till her clawed hand reached out towards Melissa, then fell limply to the stage. Melissa didn't even wait for Midnight to call the match. She slid next to Ochaco's unconscious body, turning the girl over carefully and cradling her in her lap as the bots slid under the girl's body, lifting her so gently to carry her to the infirmary.

Momo Vs. Izuku

"Honey, no matter what happens, we want you to know how very proud of you we are," Momo's father said. "You are strong, powerful, and amazing."

"Go beat up your boyfriend," her mother called out. "We love you!"

"I love you both so very much," Momo said, ending the call. She walked towards the stage, trying to find a way to do something against him; all she could do was go all out and hope for the best.

"Now entering the arena, the warrior princess of 1-A, do not underestimate this young lady as she has shown her resiliency repeatedly; make some noise for Momo Yaoyorozu!" Mic announced, "Her opponent quite frankly seems unstoppable; his momentum has been constant since he took the stage to give the opening speech, Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku smiled, hearing the cheers and some of the boos; it was good to listen to the crowd behind Momo. He didn't want to do this; he knew he had to, but his feelings for her were deep. Hurting her was not something he would take lightly. I want you to do your best she told him through their telepathic link. Nothing you can do will lessen my love for you in this match.

You are lovely, he thought back to her.

Momo rolled to the side at the call to begin as Izuku jumped forward with a flying knee. Momo unzipped her uniform as a large riot shield came out. When Izuku came in again, she swiped her hand before his face, and grains of sand tumbled. He fell back, pulling them away. Momo created as many of her flash bangs as she could as quickly as they could, sending them tumbling toward Izuku. She jumped back with her shield; she saw the bombs suddenly fly up above the stadium and explode. She felt herself get grabbed telekinetically and thrown off the stage. She braced for impact as she hit the ground.

She sat up, it stung, she lost. She knew that he should win and that he should win easily. She also knew that he was not going full bore physically against her. The crowd was not stunned at the speed of the match, but there had been hope that Momo would be able to pull something out, especially after her fight with Fumi.

Izuku helped her to her feet, "We good?" he said.

"Always Izuku," Momo replied. "I knew it was a long shot, but I did want to win, so it stings a bit. Nothing I won't get over." She blushed the growl of her stomach.

"Go eat," he whispered. "I will see you after my fight, Melissa."


He stood waiting as Melissa stepped out of her locker room. She stopped and stared at him before she just walked away.

"Melissa, wait," he said.

"No, All-Might, I have nothing to say to you," she replied. He winced at her words; no Uncle Might or affection was present.

"Why are you following him?" he called out.

"Because I believe in him," Melissa said. "You made this world a safer place, a better place. But it needs to change; it cannot stay the same. I agreed with his philosophy before we fell in love."

"You don't know the whole truth, though, Melissa," All-Might protested. "He is hiding something, something potentially dangerous. I fear that he had swayed you through unethical means."

Melissa sighed in annoyance, "No one has swayed me, and he doesn't hide anything from me, unlike you and my father. He isn't some pawn or creation of All for One. You have been told the truth but refuse to believe it!" Melissa turned to walk away. "We are done till you pull your head out of your ass; stay away from me, and tell your little protégé to stay away as well. I will see you in Hero Class. I will be just another hero student, and you can be a teacher."

All-Might watched as Melissa walked away; there must have been a chasm between them instead of a hundred feet.

"We are here, the afternoon's final match, a true underdog story, Melissa Shield vs. Izuku Midoriya!" Mic said as the crowd cheered, and both students stepped out and walked to the stage. "No more hype; we have seen what they have done and been inspired by what they have done. Let them hear you!"

Melissa hid her smile behind her mask as they shook hands and stepped back. Melissa launched her swarm. They began to explode as they neared Izuku, lighting up a shield around him. She was grabbed and thrown from the stage; her tails caught her and pushed her back onto the stage. She sent everything at him from every angle. He disappeared under a swarm of explosions as her microbots were destroyed. She pulled back the last of her bots as he pushed the smoke and debris away.

She charged at him, throwing a straight right, wondering if she would hit a shield, but instead slipped to the side, hitting her with an uppercut that made the microbots of her kimono ripple as she was lifted off her feet. He grabbed at the bots, the crunched in his hand, her remaining tail snaked out, and pulled his feet out, sending them crashing down on each other. She tried to land an elbow to his head, but it was blocked; he pushed through her bots and grabbed her uniform underneath. With his unnatural strength, he rolled, slamming her on her back. Suddenly, all her bots were thrown away from her. She struggled to break free, but he was way too firm, and she was honestly too inexperienced. She tried to call the bots back, but the shield over them kept them away.

He rolled off of her; she felt a pressure over her whole body; he was holding her down. "Melissa, can you continue?" Midnight called out, seeing her struggle to move.

"Damn it! NO!" Melissa yelled.

"Match! Winner Izuku Midoriya!" Midnight called out.

Suddenly able to move, Melissa sat up and pulled the mask away. Izuku took her outstretched hand and pulled her up. He held her hand up to the crowd and stepped back as the applause rained down on her. She wiped a tear and waved to the crowd before walking with him to the tunnel. Once inside the tunnel, they hugged and kissed. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too." They stood there in silence, their foreheads touching, before they broke apart as they entered the locker room area. They found most of the 1-A standing there. They congratulated Izuku, but Melissa was surprised when they did the same to her, even those who weren't part of the training group; they all expressed their wishes for her to join them as part of the hero course. Mei came breaking through, though and glomped onto her.

"Excuse us," they heard from behind them; they turned and saw some of the 1-B standing there, mainly the Thunder Lizards. "Setsuna," their leader said. "As I said before, we disagreed with Neito and his bullshit, but we just wanted to offer you all our congratulations and say we hope you get in as well, Melissa. You were amazing out there." Melissa stepped forward and shook the girl's hand. "I hope we can get along in the future," Set said as they bowed and walked away.

"Melissa Shield," they all saw Aizawa come from the arena.

Her heart started to pound, and she stepped forward, "Yes, sir?"

"It will be announced during the medal ceremony, but I wanted to tell you that the open chair in 1-A is yours," he said as Melissa couldn't speak; her eyes watered. "You have a long and difficult road ahead of you; it would be an honor to help you walk it."

"Yes, thank you, sir," Melissa bowed.

"There will be paperwork that needs to be handled, but that can wait till tomorrow," Aizawa said. "1-A amazing job out there, you did yourselves, the school and me proud out there. I hope all of you learned something today. You have the rest of the week off, so enjoy the festival and heal up; on Monday, we get back to work!"

"YES, SENSEI!" they yelled.

"Excuse me," Ochaco said. "Is Tenya all right? He left suddenly?"

"Yes, Mr. Ida was called away by a family emergency. I will check on your classmates in the infirmary, Mr. Midoriya. Will you walk with me?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow but followed after his homeroom teacher. Once they were gone, Melissa cried tears of happiness as Momo and Mei hugged her.

Aizawa and Izuku

"I wanted to take a moment to talk to you," Aizawa began. "First, let me congratulate you on one of the most interesting student addresses I have ever heard, your resolution throughout the event to hold to your words and not only on your victory but on your manner of victory in the tournament."

"Thank you, sir," Izuku said.

"I am going to be straight with you," Aizawa said; they had stopped walking and stepped to a side hallway. "When you were pulled aside for the second practical exam, I didn't like it; when you did what you did, I dug into your file. I have to be honest: many things don't add up; your transformation, the extremely late development of your quirk, and the power and control you display are all unheard of, to put it mildly. I am not going to tell you to trust me, to spill your every secret," Aizawa said.

"But?" Izuku said cautiously.

"It is obvious there is more going on than I even believe the faculty knows, and I would like to ask you for some answers," Aizawa asked.

"If I say no?" Izuku replied.

"Then you say no," Aizawa shrugged. "Look, Izuku, you are a great student, a very talented and capable hero in training. All your actions that I have witnessed have been good to great, in my estimation; you don't have to share your life story with me; you don't owe me that or anything. You keep on your path, and I believe you may be able to do what you say and change the world. I hope to earn your trust one day, but I must insist on one point. What is going on with you, All-Might and Mirio?"

"Mr. Aizawa, that is the best thing any faculty member has ever said, so thank you for that," Izuku began. "I think if we can continue to communicate, then I will come to a point where I can trust you with the truth. All-Might and I had an encounter before my accident and transformation. It was during that period that my quirk came in, and I was able to start training for it. We were adversarial when I reencountered him, and he didn't like my attitude or answers."

"I could see why he would question," Aizawa said. "But you don't owe him an explanation just as you don't owe me one. Unless, of course, you are a pawn of an evil organization bent on mass genocide and villainy?"

"Not yet, but next week, who knows," Izuku said with a laugh. "It put us at odds, and it has continued."

"Well, Mr. Midoriya, thank you for giving me some answers. Enjoy your victory and medal ceremony and your time with your friends. Time like this is precious and should be cherished," Aizawa said, walking away. "I have sent the official complaint form to your email. Please fill it out and send it back soon. Don't miss the medal ceremony."

Izuku returned to his locker room to change into a fresh uniform and check his phone. Sure enough, two messages from Nejire. He took a deep breath and opened the attachments; the first one was her minus the bra, one hand over her across her breasts, hiding them from being fully exposed. In the second photo, she was standing with her back to the camera; the lace underwear was gone, revealing an amazing backside; she was turned at the waist, the side view of her breast fully exposed, as she was holding the camera.

Nejire: I am going on a get-to-know-you date with your girlfriends later, but tonight, I will be thinking of you…and them…and my bed. Congratulations, my special Kohai!

So many naughty thoughts filled his head that he couldn't stop smiling. A knock at the door brought him back, and Mei walked in after he told her to enter, sensing it was her on the other side. Mei just walked right over to him and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss; she pushed him back on the bench and straddled him as they made out for a minute.

"Come to my workshop tonight at 9," she said, breaking apart from him. "I will hang out with Mel and Momo before I get cleaned up tonight." Izuku could only nod through his lustful haze. Mei reached between his legs and grabbed his hard cock. "This is mine tonight," she placed his hand between her legs so he could feel how wet she was. "This is yours!" She kissed him again before walking out.

He made sure he had calmed down before going to the underground platform for the Medal ceremony; he smiled, seeing Ochaco standing there along with Melissa and Momo. They all took their positions as the platform raised to the crowd's roar. They saw Midnight standing off the side, holding the medals. She turned, and Nezu came out on Vlad's shoulder.

He grabbed the microphone Midnight had offered him. "For those of you blissfully unaware who I am, I am the principal of U.A.," he began. "This year's sports festival has been an unprecedented event in my time here at U.A. What these first years have had to endure is beyond what any student should have to deal with in their entire time here within these walls. Not only can I say with great certainty that they have come through stronger, they have come through together."

The crowd cheered, "It is with great honor that I present these medals to our finalists this year, and I offer my congratulations to those not on this podium for putting on a performance that will be hard for the second and third years to compete with."

"Ochaco Uraraka," he said, placing the medal around her neck. "You, my dear, wowed us all with determination and grit. Congratulations." Ochaco blushed as she thanked him.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, ingenuity, style, grace, and determination. Not only did you make your family name proud, but you have also made this University proud," he said, placing her medal around her neck.

"Melissa Shield," Nezu paused. "In one afternoon, you have turned everything on its head; you have shown the world what heart, dedication, perseverance, and a brilliant mind can accomplish. I want to formally offer you the open chair in the hero course."

The crowd erupted and started to chant Melissa's name. "I humbly accept, sir," Melissa responded, bowing her head as he placed the silver medal around her neck.

"Izuku Midoriya, you came here on a mission even before the sports festival began. You set a lofty goal from the beginning of your speech, and you and your classmates carried through to the end. You have stepped onto the main stage today, and many will be watching to see where you go from here; congratulations," Nezu said as the crowd continued to cheer as the gold medal was placed around his neck.

"I give this year's First Year Sports Festival medal winners!" Nezu proclaimed as they soaked in some of the applause before they walked off the field.


"Pay the hell up!" Emma said with a smirk.

"Whatever," Ashcroft said, handing over the money.

They were startled when the door opened, and in walked their father. He was a decent height, 5'10, but his presence called your attention. He had long black hair, a dusky skin tone, and, like always, his eyes were hidden behind round red John Lennon-styled glasses, dressed as always in an exquisite suit; they hadn't expected him.

"What did you learn?" he said.

"He is powerful, that much is obvious," Ashcroft said. "But he holds himself back out of fear, I would guess, and his attachment to those girls around him can be used against him."

"He has been trained, I am guessing, by a host of the Pheonix Force," Emma said. "His displays of power are above my current capacity; the most I could hope to do would be able to deflect a few attacks in hopes that Ashcroft could bring him down."

"Good," their father said, staring at the image of Izuku on the screen. "Let us see if you can use some of those in his orbit next you meet."

Izuku and Momo

1-A made it back to their dorms for much-needed showers and food. Momo and Melissa separated to prepare for their "date" with Nejire. Mina, after showering, went to her desk and retrieved the note she had written at least ten times before and had re-written this morning. She left her room, tucked it into her pocket, and went downstairs. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She heard her father's voice snapping her back as they had come to take her to dinner. She smiled for them and slipped off into the night.

Momo slipped into Izuku's room to get some kisses from him before she left. "Nejire Hado is very forward."

"She is," Izuku said with a blush.

"How do you feel about her?" Momo asked, smoothing her outfit; she wore a black pencil skirt with a red silk blouse, stockings, and high heels.

"I think she is attractive," Izuku replied. "She has good energy, but I don't know that much about her aside from that. She is nice, but I would want to get to know her more."

"She is attractive," Momo agreed, Izuku's eyebrow raised. "I told you I wouldn't kick her out of bed. I have to admit that I find her energy and forwardness invigorating. Like you, I want to get to know her more. I have a question: if I find her attractive and wish to explore more, would you be upset if I date her?"

Izuku's mind drifted to a thousand thoughts: "No, not at all. Even without my empathy, I know that you love me and that we hold a special place in each other's hearts. Besides, that would be a pretty asshole of me to say no, don't you think."

"I didn't think you would object, but I want to make sure there are no misunderstandings," she said, walking to his closet and picking out an outfit. "Wear this," she said, setting it down. "I love you, Izuku Midoriya. As our relationship grows, we need to stay open and honest."

"I agree," he kissed her softly. "I love you, Momo; I will see you tomorrow."

"Till tomorrow then," Momo whispered before exiting the room.


Izuku and Mei

Izuku came walking towards Mei's lab with excitement and nerves. He opened the door to find Mei leaning against her workbench, completely naked. He noticed her skin shimmering in the light, as it was lightly dusted with glitter.

"Wow," Izuku said as his erection sprang forth immediately. He looked over her body, his lust growing. He had noticed her body before; to say anything else would have been a lie; he had, after all, seen her in a swimsuit. Mei was so alluring in shape but not like Momo, but her body was toned, her arms defined, and she had an unconscious sexiness about her.

"I want you to fuck me, Izuku," Mei said, crossing the room towards him. "I mean fuck me, I want you dripping out of every part of me," she licked her lips as she twirled, giving Izuku a glimpse of a jeweled plug. "Every part of me. I have fantasies I want you to fulfill; tell me yours."

"I have always wanted to bend you over the workstation and fuck you senseless," he whispered; she slowly lowered herself to her knees and undid his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor; his hard cock sprang out as she pulled down his underwear. She looked up at him as she slowly ran her tongue up the length of his shaft.

"Good, your cock tastes so good," she moaned, making him shudder. "I am going to suck your cock till you cum; I want you to eat my pussy in return, then bend me over the bench and fuck me, fuck my pussy, fuck my ass, and don't stop till I pass out."

"Mei," he moaned as she flicked her tongue around the tip of his swollen cock.

"Izuku, I am an inventor; I have made devices to pleasure myself; I know what I want," Mei moaned. "I have never had a real cock, and this cock tastes divine." Mei took him in her mouth so slowly he almost came just from feeling how she was worshipping the process. He was surprised when she took him to the base of his cock and then licked his balls as well.

Her head began to bob up and down as she devoured him completely. His moans filled the room as he was back against the door; when she did pop him free, her seductive whispers of how wonderful he tasted were nearly too much as she hilted him again and again; when he couldn't take any more, he called her name as released down her throat, he could feel and hear her throaty moan as he came. She left him nearly breathless as she sucked every last drop from him before standing up; he could see her arousal glistening around her pussy, and she pulled her up, lifting her above his face. His legs locked around her as he tasted her for the first time.

Mei grabbed onto his head as her hips bucked as his tongue slid along the length of her slit to her clit, where he sucked on it just a little making her call his name. "You taste so good, Mei,' he moaned. Mei shuddered as he fulfilled her fantasy; he probably pulled from her thoughts, but she didn't care. He licked and sucked at her pussy, desperately trying to drink her in to satiate a thirst that only her body could provide him. With each flick of his tongue, she felt her muscles contract as if little electric shocks ran through her; it was nothing like she had ever felt before. Yes, Mei masturbated; yes, she created toys to pleasure her, but it was nothing like a natural person, nothing like someone she loved. As he devoured her pussy she held on for dear life, his strong hands holding her up as her muscles tensed all over her body like a wave of pleasure. Each wave got bigger until the final crashed over her, and she came harder than ever. She couldn't form words; sounds escaped her throat at first till finally, some sense returned as she called his name; with every buck of her hips, she felt another more minor orgasm wash through her.

He lowered her until their lips met; she loved the taste on his lips as even more elicited thoughts ran through her head. He carried her across the room, his pants and shoes all being removed thanks to the use of his quirk; the knowledge that she was about to be fucked made her even wetter, and he sat her on the edge. He ran his hard cock across her slit, and her whimpered protest turned into a gasp, then a delightful moan as he slid into her fully. Her eyes went wide when he began to move; she rolled her hips to meet his thrusts, and she leaned back some. One hand around his neck, allowing him to remove his shirt, she looked down and could see his cock sliding in and out of her.

She looked him in the eyes, "Harder," she moaned when he obliged. She threw her head back and screamed. The feeling of his hard cock in her pussy, and the plug in her ass was near too much. She managed to sit up and kiss him deeply, muffling her cries. He pulled out, she cried out, and then she let him turn her around and bend her over; she orgasmed when he slammed back into her. She couldn't stop cumming as she fucked her hard, their bodies colliding together. She clawed at the workbench, begging him for more. When he grabbed the plug and teased with it, she nearly passed out from pleasure.

"Cum in me, I want you to cum in me," Mei moaned. "I want to be bred. I want to feel your cum deep inside of me; I want you cum so hard that the birth control fails, and you give me the ultimate baby that we make the greatest baby I will ever make. Don't stop fucking me, Izu, please don't stop." She could feel his cock swelling like it had in her throat. "Do it, stain my wet pussy with your seed, paint my insides, oh fuck Izuku, fuck yes, cum, oh god please cum, I need to fill it, oh yes, YES!" she screamed as she came. Covered in sweat, her body convulsed as she orgasmed.

Mei didn't have a chance to recover as her plug was removed, and his wet hard cock slid deep into her ass. "OH GOD," Mei said, pushing back to meet his trust. In an animalistic passion, he fucked her all night; Mei moaned and begged for more, begging him to use her, to fuck her; she lost track of everything else; nothing else mattered to her but feeling him inside of her. Her head dangled backward over the edge of the table as he fucked her throat, but the best way he would cum in her pussy. The last thing she remembered before she passed out was begging him for his cum.

Mei awoke wrapped in his arms, a blanket over them as they were asleep in her bed. She smiled, rolling over contently, snuggling in deep.

Morning after

Mei emerged from the shower, freshly cleaned and having fun teasing Izuku as she wiggled into a thong; if she didn't have to present her babies, she would have happily let him fuck her again, as they did in the shower. They emerged to a hot meal, and Melissa smiled at them; they all ate before he escorted them towards their booth. After kisses that inflamed his desires, the two girls broke away, giggling, saying they would see him for dinner.

He made his way back towards the 1-A dorms. Momo had messaged him that she would be gone for the afternoon with her parents, but she would be back tonight to join him and the girls for dinner and a movie.

He entered the mostly empty dorms, as most of his classmates had gone to enjoy the sports festival now that they were not fighting. He entered his room and saw a pink envelope with a heart and his name on it. It made his heart skip a beat. It was what he assumed to be an actual love letter. He set it on his desk and changed into fresh clothes before carefully opening it.


I wanted to tell you in person. I tried to think of the words, but for some reason, they would catch in my throat whenever I tried to say them. I told myself that I would tell you how I felt after the festival. If I did well enough, it would mean I was strong enough to tell you.

I am in love with you.

I know that this is partly due to you saving me, but everything after that made me fall in love with you. You took the time rightfully belonged to someone else to help me. You held me and kept me safe through the night, never taking advantage or behaving in nothing more than the manner of a true hero.

I wanted to hold on to these feelings, maybe try to bury them, but Momo told me to tell you. I don't know what this means, but if I can love you as she does, I hope my words find their way to your heart.

But my fear is not that you will reject my feelings but that I will lose you as a friend; I cherish that more than anything. Please take your time to reply.

Forever Yours,


Izuku felt warmth reading her letter. He reread it several times; it was his first love letter. He needed to talk to her, but he would talk to his girlfriends tonight at dinner. He had just tucked the letter away when there was a knock at his door. He opened it to see Mezo standing there.

"Izuku, someone is downstairs for you," he said.

"Thank you, Mezo," Izuku said, stepping out. He wondered who it could be, and as he stepped out of the elevator, he froze dead in his tracks.

"Hello, son," his father said with a big grin. "I wanted to congratulate you on your win yesterday. Your mother and I are so proud of you."

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