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47.36% Westeros : Echoes of Warframe / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Flight of the Mormonts

Kapitel 7: Chapter 7: Flight of the Mormonts

The Betrayal

It was a moonless, windy night on Bear Island. The air was thick with tension. Maege Mormont stood on the walls, her face filled with unease. In her hand was a scroll. Over the last week, more and more ravens had gone missing, and just yesterday, their hunting dogs had discovered a dead raven. This was the raven which was supposed to carry a message for the Umbers except today she received a reply from the Umbers to message that they have never received!

The warriors stood vigilant, their breaths misting in the cold northern air. Far off on the horizon, the shadowy silhouettes of ships could be seen approaching. Their flag bore the direwolf, the sigil of House Stark.

The sound of horns blowing broke Maege out of her stupor. A runner informed her of the approaching Starks. Ignoring her intuition, she fastened her armor, saddled her horse, and went to meet them.


Onboard the Ships

Eddard Stark stood at the prow of his flagship, gazing intently at the Mormont dagger in his hands. The light from the lamps reflected beautifully off the blade. His brows furrowed in frustration. He had held high hopes for Maximus. Being a lord was no easy matter, and even he himself at times felt the burden too heavy to bear, let alone a ten-year-old. But against all odds, Maximus had succeeded. His actions had not only helped the Mormonts but all of the North. Despite their grievances over how quickly the Mormonts grew rich, the Northern Lords agreed that Maximus was a gift to the North.

When the Umbers reported wildlings with Mormont steel, Eddard was in disbelief. He argued they might have looted it from fallen soldiers. But when the Boltons captured one, he exploded in anger. Maximus had been bartering with wildlings, exchanging his steel for wildling slaves.

A part of him still wanted to believe Maximus was innocent, but Eddard Stark was not just a man; he was a lord, and as a lord, it was his duty to uphold justice. The dark outline of Bear Island became clearer. The cold sea wind tugged at his cloak as he firmed his resolve and turned to address his men.

"Men of the North," he began, his voice carrying over the assembled soldiers. "We sail tonight not for conquest, but for justice. House Mormont, once our stalwart ally, has strayed from the path of honor. Maximus Mormont, like his father before him, has turned to vile practices, including the abhorrent trade of human lives."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "The North remembers. We remember the old ways, the true ways. And we remember our duty to protect the innocent."

Perhaps if he had turned, he would have noticed Roose Bolton unable to hold back a smirk.

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd. Ned continued, "We will offer them a chance to surrender, to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. But be prepared for treachery, for the apple does not fall far from the tree."

He turned to a group of men and commanded, "You will go ashore first. Deliver our terms to Lady Maege. If they refuse, we will act swiftly."

Eddard Stark closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The coldness calmed his nerves. He knew tonight was going to be a long night.

The ships anchored off the coast, and a small party of Stark and Bolton men rowed to the shore. Their boots crunched on the gravel as they made their way towards the keep, their banners held high. They announced themselves to the incoming party of Mormont riders and were led near the gates.

Maege Mormont, clad in her battle armor, awaited their message. Her eyes were sharp, her stance one of defiance. The taller of the two messengers stepped forward, his face well hidden in the shadow of his hood.

"Lady Maege," he began, "Lord Stark sends his regards and requests the Mormonts surrender peacefully. Lord Stark wishes to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. He promises a fair trial."

Maege's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the man before her and asked, "What crimes have we committed?"

The messenger hesitated, then drew a dagger from his cloak. In a swift motion, he plunged it into the side of his companion, who gasped and fell to the ground. Before Maege could react, the killer turned the blade on himself, collapsing in a heap beside his victim.

Maege's eyes widened in horror and realization. "It's a trap!" she shouted, turning her horse and sprinting towards the keep.


Lord Bolton's Machinations

Back on his ship, Roose Bolton sat in his quarters. Other than the flag of the flayed man, it held little decoration. The light from the swaying lanterns illuminated his face. A sinister smile played on his lips as he sipped chilled wine. He spoke in low tones to his closest advisors. "The lion in the south has promised us a share in the Mormont businesses if we facilitate the early demise of the brat."

One of his men looked uneasy. "But my lord, what of Lord Stark? Will he not suspect such treachery?"

Roose waved a hand dismissively. "Stark's honor is his weakness. We shall use it to our advantage."

A messenger entered the room and whispered into Roose's ear, "It is done, my lord."

Bolton's smile widened. "Men, it is time to play our part."

Roose swiftly rose, dusted his shoulders, finished his wine, and made his way to Stark's quarters in a hurry. Ignoring the shouts of the guards, he threw open the doors to Ned Stark's chambers, interrupting the staring match Lord Stark was having with a dagger.

"Lord Stark," he said, feigning urgency, "we have a problem. They are planning to run. They killed our messenger to cover their tracks."

Ned's eyes blazed with anger at the news. "They killed our men!"

Roose knew it was not really a question but answered anyway. "Yes, my Lord."

Ned looked at the Bolton with such intensity that for a moment he was afraid he was found out, but the next moment his fears were assuaged as Ned commanded, "Very well, prepare your men for battle, Bolton."

Roose bowed slightly. "With pleasure, my lord. I request the honor of leading the raid."

Stark hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Go. Ensure justice is done."

Roose bowed once more and left.


The Ambush

Roose Bolton led the charge, his men advancing swiftly towards the keep. A fortunate few fell to arrows, and the unfortunate ones fell to logs and were trampled to death by their own army. Roose marched forward regardless. As he raised his shield to block another volley of arrows, he thanked the gods, old and new, that Maximus Mormont did not think to make arrowheads out of Damascus steel. The cold night air was filled with the sounds of approaching doom and bells ringing as the Northern forces closed in on the unsuspecting Mormonts.

Maege's warning echoed through the corridors of the keep as she sought out Maximus. The Mormont warriors sprang into action, their weapons gleaming in the pale moonlight. But it was too late. The trap had been sprung, and the forces of House Stark and House Bolton descended upon them with ruthless efficiency.

Maximus woke to the persistent hum of Ordis's voice, echoing urgently in the dim light of his chamber. He rubbed his eyes, still heavy with sleep, and sat up.

"Operator, wake up! There are a thousand men on the island. They are surrounding the keep," Ordis said, his tone uncharacteristically urgent.

Maximus's heart skipped a beat. "What? Who are they?"

"Many are Northern lords," Ordis continued, "including Glover, Karstark, and Umber. Lord Eddard Stark is at the helm."

Maximus's heart raced as he sprang out of bed. "Ordis, what's happening?"

"Stark's forces have surrounded the keep. They are led by Roose Bolton and his squire," Ordis explained.

Maximus felt a surge of panic, his thoughts racing. Before he could respond, Maege burst into his room, her eyes wild with fear and determination. "Maximus, we have to go. Now!"


The Escape Plan

Maege grabbed Maximus by the arm and dragged him through the corridors of the keep. The sounds of battle echoed around them—clashing swords, the cries of the wounded, the shouts of commands. The halls were dimly lit, shadows dancing ominously as they ran.

"Maege, I can fight!" Maximus protested, struggling to keep up with her frantic pace.

Maege ignored his protests, her grip like iron. "Your place is with the future of our house," she said sternly. "Not here, not tonight."

They rounded a corner and were met by a group of enemy soldiers. Maege roared, swinging her axe with deadly precision. Her years of battle-hardened experience showed as she cut down the attackers with a ferocity that left Maximus stunned. Blood sprayed across the stone walls, and the lifeless bodies of the attackers slumped to the ground.

They reached a secluded opening near the edge of the keep. Maege handed him a small, sleepy child. "Take Lyanna and run! Summon that flying horse you used to entertain her with. Get Dacey too and go!"

Maximus felt a surge of panic. "Maege, I can't just leave you all here!"

Maege's eyes blazed with fury as she grabbed Maximus by the shoulders. "Run, Maximus! Save Lyanna and Dacey. We will hold the rest. You need to protect the future of Bear Island!"

Maximus hesitated, his mind racing. "Ordis, run simulations. What's the best course of action?"

"Operator, time is of the essence. You must escape," Ordis urged.

Maximus hesitated, torn between his desire to fight and his responsibility to the children. "Ordis, can I take them on with Wukong or Lavos?"

"Operator, the likelihood of success is less than ten percent," Ordis warned. "Wukong will not last long enough, and if you use Lavos's area attacks, your own men will also die. You might not survive. There are a thousand men, many skilled knights, clad in Mormont steel armor and wielding Mormont cloud steel swords."

Maximus felt Maege's hand strike his face, snapping him out of his trance. "Don't waste our sacrifice! Save Lyanna and Dacey. Protect our future."


The Flight

Maximus felt a surge of shame and guilt as Maege's words cut through him. He clutched the small child closer and took Dacey by the hand. As they ran, he could hear the sounds of battle growing closer, the clash of steel and the cries of the wounded echoing through the keep.

"Ordis," Maximus whispered, his voice trembling, "what's our best plan?"

"Operator, you can summon the Kaithe for 30 energy units. It does not require additional energy to use once summoned," Ordis suggested.

Maximus nodded, summoning the Kaithe. Moments later, the bone horse materialized before them. Dacey, wide-eyed and frightened, stared at the creature. "Maximus, what is that?"

"It's a gift from the Old Gods," Maximus said, pushing Dacey onto the Kaithe's back. "We need to go now."

Maege pushed Dacey firmly onto the horse, her expression fierce. "Go! Fly south and don't look back."

Maximus mounted the Kaithe, holding Lyanna tightly. As they took off, he saw Bolton's men breaking through the defenses. High in the sky, he looked down and saw Maege fighting valiantly, cutting down enemies with every swing of her axe.

But then, through the chaos, he saw Roose Bolton approach Maege. With calculated precision, Roose Bolton drove his sword through her chest. Maege gasped, blood spilling from her lips as she fell to her knees.

"Maege!" Maximus screamed, his voice breaking.

Roose looked up, his cold eyes meeting Maximus's for a brief, chilling moment. Then, with a final, brutal twist of his blade, he ended Maege's life. 

Maximus's heart shattered as he watched Maege fall. His vision blurred with tears, rage, and helplessness boiling inside him. He clung to Lyanna and Dacey as the Kaithe flew them away from the nightmare unfolding below.

"Ordis, can I do anything to change this? Summon Wukong with the Bubonico, modded for viral damage. Start the plan," Maximus ordered, his voice shaking with anger.

"Operator, this is not advisable," Ordis cautioned. "Your energy reserves are limited, and—"

"Do it!" Maximus roared, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles turned white.

"Summoning Wukong with the Bubonico, modded for viral damage," Ordis intoned, and the Warframe materialized around Maximus. He felt the surge of power and the cold focus of his warrior instincts taking over. He activated the Cloud Walker ability, becoming a mist-like form and descending rapidly towards Bolton's men.

As he fell, Maximus drew the Bubonico, the viral-modified weapon humming with lethal energy. He landed amidst Bolton's men, the force of his arrival sending shockwaves through the ground. Ramsay Snow, the crazed squire, turned towards him with a manic grin.

Maximus didn't give him a chance. He unleashed a barrage of viral-infused blasts from the Bubonico, the greenish projectiles tearing through flesh and armor alike. Men screamed and fell around him, their bodies convulsing as the viral spores took hold.

Ramsay lunged at Maximus, his face twisted in a mad grin. Maximus parried the attack effortlessly, then struck with a precise, lethal blow that sent Ramsay sprawling to the ground, gasping for breath. He finished Ramsay with a single, merciless strike, the Bubonico's viral energy leaving no chance for survival.

"Fifty minutes remaining, Operator," Ordis reminded him, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Maximus turned his attention to the other soldiers, his rage driving him forward. He moved with deadly efficiency, each shot of the Bubonico taking down another enemy. The air around him crackled with viral energy, and the battlefield was soon littered with the bodies of Bolton's men.

"Operator, we need to gather supplies for travel," Ordis suggested, his tone urgent. "Your energy reserves are depleting."

Maximus, breathing heavily, nodded. "You're right. Guide me to the kitchen."

He activated Cloud Walker again, his mist-like form gliding through the chaos and entering the keep. The kitchen was in disarray, but there were still stores of food and supplies. Maximus began storing everything he could find—dried meats, bread, fruits, and water. The supplies vanished into his inventory, the capacity of which was enhanced by Ordis.

"Forty minutes remaining, Operator," Ordis reminded him.

Maximus knew time was running out. He couldn't let the invaders profit from their treachery. He directed Ordis to store all the gold and the best swords and armor from the treasury in his inventory. "I don't want them to gain anything from this," he muttered as he moved through the keep with determined strides.

Entering the treasury, Maximus took in the glittering wealth around him—the amassed fortunes of House Mormont, generations of accumulated gold, and masterfully crafted weapons. He began storing everything he could find. Gold coins vanished into his inventory, followed by jeweled goblets, ornate armor, and finely honed swords. As he worked, his thoughts turned to the invaders. "They will not benefit from our legacy," he vowed, his voice a low growl. "Our sacrifices will not feed their greed."

Maximus's movements were swift and efficient. The viral and cold-infused attacks from the Bubonico left no room for hesitation. Any stragglers or would-be looters he encountered fell swiftly, their screams echoing through the empty halls before silence reclaimed the space. His path was marked by devastation—enemy soldiers convulsing, their bodies ravaged by the lethal spores.

With the treasury emptied, Maximus made his way towards the blast furnace, the heart of the keep's forge. Here, the Mormonts had crafted their legendary steel, a source of pride and power for their house. As he approached, he could hear the roar of the flames, feel the heat radiating from the massive structure.

"Ordis, store the blast furnace," Maximus commanded. He stood before the inferno, watching the flames dance and flicker, thinking of the invaders' lust for this technology. "They got greedy for this tech. Well, they won't get any," he said, a fierce determination in his voice. "I'll make sure they pay dearly for this."

The furnace, a towering behemoth of metal and fire, began to shimmer and disappear as Ordis integrated it into the inventory. Maximus felt a grim satisfaction as he watched it vanish. "Our secrets die with us," he whispered. "Our steel will not forge their victory."

He continued his systematic sweep of the keep, using Cloud Walker to avoid detection. He moved like a ghost, slipping through walls and shadows, always one step ahead of the enemy. The viral and cold-infused blasts from the Bubonico were relentless, ensuring no one who crossed his path survived. The keep was becoming a tomb for the invaders, filled with the echoes of their last, agonized breaths.

As he ascended higher, he saw the full scale of the invasion. Mormont warriors were fighting valiantly, but they were being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. He saw Ned Stark at the back and other lords leading the charge, their faces grim with determination. The sight filled him with a cold fury. "You will regret this day," he vowed quietly, knowing his actions now were all that stood between the enemy and complete victory.

Maximus continued to drop bombs imbued with viral and cold damage onto the invading forces. Explosions erupted below, sending shards of ice and viral spores through the enemy ranks. Buildings crumbled under the assault, and men screamed as the deadly cloud enveloped them. Around two to three hundred men fell, overwhelmed by the viral damage and the collapsing structures.

"Twenty minutes remaining, Operator," Ordis reminded him.

Despite the devastation, Ned Stark and the other lords outside the keep survived. They watched in horror and disbelief, convinced that Maximus had made a deal with dark forces.

"He's using some dark magic!" one of the northern lords shouted. "He means to die with us!"

"Ten minutes remaining, Operator," Ordis's voice cut through the chaos.

Maximus's breath was ragged, his energy waning. He felt a surge of despair as he realized that even with his Warframe, he could not change the tide of the battle. The odds were too great, and his men were falling.

"Five minutes remaining, Operator," Ordis warned.

With the supplies gathered, Maximus returned to where Dacey and Lyanna were waiting. The Kaithe hovered nearby, its bone-white form a stark contrast to the chaos around them.

Dacey's eyes widened as she saw him approach. "Maximus, are you alright?"

Maximus, feeling the weight of exhaustion, said, "We need to go, now. Ordis, desummon Wukong."

"Affirmative, Operator," Ordis responded, and the Warframe vanished, leaving Maximus feeling suddenly vulnerable and drained.

As he climbed onto the Kaithe, Maximus felt his vision blur. The world tilted around him, and he collapsed into Dacey's arms, the last of his strength leaving him.

"Maximus!" Dacey cried out, her voice filled with fear.

Ordis's voice, calm and steady, reassured her. "Do not worry. I will guide the Kaithe. We need to fly south to sea dragon point and avoid sightings."

Dacey held Maximus tightly as the Kaithe took to the sky. She glanced back at the keep, her heart breaking at the sight of the burning buildings and the bodies of their fallen men.

Tears streamed down her face as the Kaithe flew away from the nightmare below. Maximus, unconscious in her arms, had done everything he could to protect them. Now, it was up to them to survive and carry on the legacy of Bear Island.


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