The carriage sped across the vast desert plain before coming to an abrupt halt, jolting slightly as it stopped.
Elincia stood, her eyes scanning the area before them, while Ivana leaped gracefully from the open carriage.
Ahead of them—though not directly on the ground—a figure hovered in the air.
The woman wore black-and-red armor. Her short blonde hair framed her face, a stark contrast to the curved black demon horns jutting from her head. Behind her, bat-like wings flapped, suspending her effortlessly above the desert.
With an almost languid motion, she began her descent. The steady beat of her wings stirred the sand below as she touched down lightly on the dusty ground.
Above her head, a glowing name shimmered in the air: Akiko.
Elincia and Ivana exchanged brief glances as they assessed the figure before them—the Gluttony Champion, and a well-known member of the Horde of Hell.
Don't forget to check the illustrations in the comments.... and Golden Ticket too. If it's not there yet, maybe I woke up late, come back a few hours later.
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