Broken rejoined Aerin for their journey after ensuring his play limit had fully reset. As they ventured deeper into the forest. The trees closed in tightly, their tangled branches forming an almost impenetrable canopy, while the fog thickened.
In some areas, the mist was so dense it felt almost suffocating, blurring vision and dampening sound.
They continued moving, leaping skillfully over the massive roots that jutted out from the forest floor. Aerin led the way. Occasionally, she glanced back at Broken, offering a warm smile.
"Let me know if I'm running too fast."
"No, not at all. My concern is more whether moving this fast will attract monsters to attack us."
Aerin chuckled softly. "Monsters will come regardless of whether we move fast or slow. But by running faster, we'll reach our destination quicker."
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