Broken left the inn and headed toward Fokil's smithy, intending to discuss a few matters with the blacksmith. SexyGrill was walking with him through the bustling streets of the city.
As they walked, she casually mentioned that her base wasn't actually in the Dissidia Kingdom but on the South-West Continent.
So she's even from a different continent? She'd traveled all the way to the South Continent just to meet him—perhaps because she needed his help with the quest?
"It's honestly disappointing that you aren't in any guild at all," she teased.
"I have a plan," he replied nonchalantly.
"What if you joined my guild?" SexyGrill grinned. "I'll even let you take the Guild Master role and lead Sexy Killers to greatness," she added with a laugh.
"I know you're only half-joking, Grill."
She smiled and shrugged. "So, you're planning to build your own guild?"
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