[SexyGrill has picked Nature Healing from the two available skills in your arsenal.]
[Nature Healing (Active) is now available to the party.]
[Aetherial Lift (Active) is now available.]
[Grants the ability to float. While floating, movement speed is increased by 20%.
Mana Cost: 7 Mana / Second.]
SexyGrill had made the perfect decision by choosing the Nature Healing skill, the one Broken gained whenever he summoned Gaia from the ring. This skill allowed Broken and the party to stay fully healed while also clearing any negative effects that could have otherwise crippled them.
A message from Maylock appeared in his vision.
[Maylock: "I'm just going to stay quiet and avoid any responsibility for whatever decisions you make, heh!"]
Broken couldn't help but smile at the message.
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