A few days after the Valantar Guilds Alliance's attack on Slumdon Town, the Temple of Resurrection in Valantar City was filled with a large crowd of hundreds of people, all recently returned to life after their defeat in the attempted siege.
"Look at them..." one onlooker said, "the so-called pro guilds who got utterly humiliated trying to take on Slumdon Town and the Ass Guild."
"Haha... they were really foolish to think they could beat the Ass Guild."
At the front of the crowd stood Lucy, her face twisted with frustration.
"Stop insulting us!" she shouted. "Don't you realize the hardships we have suffered?"
One of her guildmates, standing beside her, placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her.
"We can still come up with a new strategy, Lucy. We'll attack the Ass Guild again, next time with a full team."
Hey, Golden Ticket could help Pawpaw perfect that roar of his... Rawr!
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