The following day, the team chosen to accompany Broken on his expedition gathered at the town gate, where two carriages stood waiting to transport them.
Broken decided to ride in the same carriage as Ivana and the knights, mainly because he wanted to avoid getting caught up in the chatter with everyone else.
"Yay... we're going on an adventure...," Anna said enthusiastically as the carriage began to move.
"Can you please restrain your excitement in front of our Lord, Anna?!" Karl, the swordsman, scolded.
"Yeah, you really can't help yourself sometimes," Yann, the archer, added.
Ivana chuckled at the exchange. "I think our Lord doesn't mind, as long as it means he doesn't have to talk to too many other people," she said, giggling.
Broken glanced at Ivana, who was sitting beside him. "Who told you that, Ivana? Freya?"
Ivana giggled softly at his question. "That's just my observation. Am I wrong?"
Constantine: "I'm twenty times smarter than Maylock!"
Maylock (somewhere out there): "Is that so?" LMAO
Seriously, Constantine thinks he's got this all figured out, but we all know that underestimating the Ass Guild and Slumdon is a recipe for disaster.
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