Maylock began his explanation. "There are four key parties involved here: the Horde of Hell, Shadow Wolves, the Ass Guild, and Slumdon Town.
"Let's set Slumdon Town aside for now and focus on the guilds.
"First, any conflict between two powerful guilds will be a long, drawn-out affair. Players will keep respawning, and vengeance won't be satisfied until one guild is completely obliterated. This applies even if a war breaks out between the Ass Guild and the Horde of Hell.
"Second, the Shadow Wolves are aiming to win this race to power by any means necessary, with or without the help of the Horde of Hell. So, if an early war were to ignite between the Ass Guild and the Horde of Hell, the Shadow Wolves would be more than happy.
Goldrich has it right—Maylock’s "safe plan" probably comes with a wild twist.
Broken has all the power, allies, and a golem to boot, but that doesn’t mean taking on SpeedGang is the smartest move.
What would you do in his place? Fight and flex those upgrades, or stay smart and protect the town?
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