After the Trial Domain incident with Maylock, he disappeared from Slumdon Town for four days of Yunatea Time. It wasn't just that he vanished; he didn't log in at all. This absence made Broken feel a twinge of guilt, leading him to ask the others if they knew what was going on.
Elincia and Goldrich visited him in his study that day.
"He tends to do that when he's having a mental breakdown," Elincia answered with a knowing smile. "Didn't you say he completed the Trial Domain?"
Broken nodded slowly.
"Khi khi khi…" Goldrich chuckled. "I wonder what could have made Maylock so desperate."
"Will he come back?" Broken asked.
"Sure, don't worry about it. He doesn't give up that easily; sometimes he just needs time alone to think," Elincia reassured him.
"And to brood over his failures. Khi khi khi," Goldrich added with apparent glee.
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