Leon had previously watched reviews of similar home buses on YouTube. From those reviews alone, he already knew how luxurious and advanced this bus was. This latest series even included a capsule device inside for playing the Immortal Legacy Game.
"The home bus is so beautiful," he said, turning to Freya.
"It's really yours now, Leon," Freya said excitedly. "Now take this and check out the inside."
She handed him a silver square box, the key remote, which was also equipped with a small screen and the Northstar logo.
"The key is cool," he remarked.
Leon slowly walked around the bus, marveling at its sleek body and vibrant colors. He savored the beauty of the bus, deliberately taking his time to appreciate every detail.
The home bus looked truly impressive and beautiful from the outside. Its size alone conveyed a sense of grandeur. With its futuristic design and the Northstar logo adding to its appeal, it was a sight to behold.
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