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25.58% This DCverse is Maddening / Chapter 11: Chapter 10: Gotham’s Abandoned High School Part 2

Kapitel 11: Chapter 10: Gotham’s Abandoned High School Part 2

The room was empty. There were no bookshelves, no pictures, nothing. Just a blank room that didn't show any of the disrepair evident in the rest of the building. The only distinct was also the most spine chilling. Under the clear window, sat an old wooden office desk bolted to the floor. The full moon radiated off the wood and gave the room an eerie feel. Albert noticed immediately of the lack of ambiance in that moment. The wind paused, the building paused, the rats shrunk away. The world stopped. Their collective breathe held tightly in their chest, as if it too was terrified of whatever was in here.

The spell was broken when a young girl with short brown hair stepped into the room, bypassing the small forest of bodies. She confidently walked towards the desk, head held high and back straight. What he wouldn't give for that level of courage. She was followed in after a beat, a tall blonde wearing overalls. Soon he found himself alone at the entrance as the other two males also shook off their unease. Taking a deep breathe, he adjusted his grip on his phone and walked into the room.

"Close the door behind you."

Marceline's soft voice ordered, not even looking up from her bag as she rummaged through it. Adhering to the request, the door closed with an audible click. No creaking of hinges or anything. Smooth, like it was either brand new or freshly oiled. The room wasn't large, definitely not enough for five teenagers to stand comfortably in. But he liked to believe that they felt a sense of comfort from the collective body heat. He inwardly cursed at goosebumps covered arms, he shouldn't have cheap out and got a jacket. He hadn't expected the summer night to become so cold.

'Next chance I get I'm going all in on the aesthetic and getting a trench coat, maybe a fedo-no. Never mind, I wouldn't take myself seriously if I got one.'

"The thermometer stopped working."

Michael shattered the silence, filling them all with a deeper sense of unease. Fumbling, Steve waved the reader in the air until the lights flashed once and stopped working. He slammed the device harshly against his palm, but no matter how hard he did so it showed no sign of activity. The recorder in Angeline's hand squealed in a way that made their eardrums tremble, before it too cut off with a finality. As for Albert, his phone just turned off. There were no other signs of tampering, no static or anything. It just….shut off.

"Same here."

Albert spoke for the first time that expedition causing the three's head to turn sharply in his direction. He could see the defeat in their eyes at his grim words.

"This is bad.."

Michael muttered.

"W-we should leave.."

Steve began to slowly edge towards the exit.

"We don't even know if the footage is safe.."

Angeline sighed in defeat, all the hot air she was filled with wheezed out as she slumped.

"Don't worry about the footage," Marceline sharp voice cut through the depressed air," We have to get this done."

Turning back to her, Albert froze at the sight in front of him. His Occult skill practically setting off an alarm in his mind. She had pulled out multiple candles and a strange wooded board. The board had letters in a curving formation and letters layered beneath them. In the upper corners of the board had the words 'yes' and 'no'. And the word 'GOODBYE' was written in the largest of all the fronts near the bottom of it all.

'This damned girl brought a Ouija board???!!'

He stepped back further from the girl as she began to light the candles and place them in a pattern around the board. He thought his unease would be mirrored in the rest faces but while he did find some bits of fear they weren't on the same level as his.

"What's going on? What did you get me involve in?!"

Albert demanded. He had been led on by the nose the entire time, at first he was okay for them to keep their secrets but now with no way to enforce payment he had no reason to be polite. They looked among themselves before the stepped to the side and let the short haired girl answer.

She sighed in defeat.

"If it wasn't so urgent, we wouldn't have involved you. This isn't our first time ghost hunting. We kind-of specialize in it. The prize money is real, we just had no intentions of handing over footage like this."

"What?! Then why did you put up a request?!"

"W-we didn't expect it to get so agitated…"

Steven spoke dejectedly causing Albert's hands to tightened into fist.

"What do you mean by that?"

He asked through gritted teeth.

"This isn't our first time here, we've been here with five other camera men. It has never been so active as it is now."

Michael said, while giving Albert a sympathetic gaze.

"She," Marceline began with emphasis," Usually avoids visitors. But now? She's been on our heels this entire time. Not ours...yours."

His stomach sunk out from beneath him at the revelation, the feeling of being watched. Cold fingers. Breathing on the back of his neck. All of it started to make more sense.

"How could you tell?"

He almost didn't want to know the answer, Marceline gaze locked onto his. Hazel bore into muddy brown eyes. Slowly speaking, she empathized each word," Because I can see her."

It took everything within him not to bolt in that instance. He knew he wouldn't stop until he had run out of his hell hole. Hell might not even stop until he was out of Gotham completely. He suddenly didn't mind living a normal life in this world. Maybe after working for a couple of years he would settle down with some cute girl in the countryside and leave all this shit to the capes. He could maybe enjoy his slow life until some apocalyptic event happened like Darkseid's inevitable invasion. But hey like James Dean once said," Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse behind"….okay maybe he wouldn't leave a good looking anything but still!

"Wait," She said, forestalling his flight into the night," Just give me a minute to convince you to stay."

"Why would I do that?!"

Albert asked incredulously, while eyeing the frame of the quite giant. He knew he could make it out of the door before they could. If need be, he had some salt that could distract them. She eyed the giant and shook her head.

"We won't force you," She began,"But now this. She is somewhat ambivalent, leaning more toward benevolent. Being over forty years old means that she does have some power. If she sees you running away, she'll cling to you until she can't anymore. And might turn into a malicious ghost in the process. It'll be bad for everyone involved, people might get hurt and she'll lose out on her final rest. Just let me explain, and if you still want nothing to do with this the door is always there."

He began to think through the options. He hadn't noticed any deceit with his Psychology skill, no inward poking, no niggling nothing. So he could tell she obviously believe what she was saying and looking around he didn't see any disbelief on any of their faces. He might've spent along time alone, but he wasn't heartless. At least not as much as he originally was. The option to leave always there but even the system was putting pressure on him to stay. It reminded him of how he use to force his players into difficult situations, gave them options and told them the possible consequence for each. At the time, he had enjoyed their dialogue as they thought of way out.

But now that he was faced with a similar situation, he understood why he was only allowed to run a game every once and awhile. There didn't seem to be any activity from his system, no notification telling him he had solved the case. There wasn't really a choice here, if this ghost was a harmless as she claims then there shouldn't be an issue.

"Okay I'll stay," He held his hand up to forestall their sighs of relief," But I have a condition."


Angeline asked, eyeing him with her cold blue eyes.

"You don't tell anyone of my involvement. I was just like any other cameraman and you gave up on it."

Albert laid his demand out, it was rather smart in this situation. They obviously hadn't been covering up there tracks too well. If they had come here five or more times, people would've noticed. And with his knowledge of mages being prevalent in this world, it wouldn't take long for this group to attract their attention. If they hadn't already.

"Why would you ask for that? Who would believe us anyway?"

The blonde weariness morphed into abject confusion at the request. She was probably expecting more money or something else. He knew if he asked for any lascivious then he would be leaving the room as a broken, mewling boy. Good thing he wasn't a pervert. At least not a large one.

Marceline only nodded in agreement, Michael just looked relieved and Steve couldn't even meet his gaze.

"Then let's get started."

It didn't take long for them all to get in position around the table with the Ouija board in the middle. The candles were soon lit, filling the room with its gentle orange hue. He poked and prodded his Occult skill but didn't get any feeling from it. Eyeing the nervous faces around him, he could feel the tension in the air rise.

"Okay," Marceline said," I'll lead. Place your fingers here."

She then gently places a small, heart shaped piece of wood onto the surface with a glass window near the point. It was a bit strange to have for Albert be so close to so many people. He realized that even in this life he didn't like people barging into his personal space.

"Remember, don't push or resist. Keep your fingers on the planchette. Stay calm and be respectful."

The medium's warning causing him to audibly gulp, he had never even touched one of these things before. Sure he liked scary things but these always seemed have taken it too far. So many movies where people use an Ouija board wrong and paid the consequences. With the spirit becoming increasingly more violent and eventually killing or possessing one of the people involved.

"We call upon Marian Gran to speak to us."

Marceline intoned, her voice reverberated through the air. It took Albert longer than normal for him to notice the large in the group. Why they were all scrunched together, shoulder to shoulder like this. The spot on the desk where someone would sit and do work, was empty. It gave him the feeling that they were expecting someone to be there.

The blazing candles flared and then lessened in size until they were nothing more than sparks. The room emitted a light chill. An unseen breeze licked across his arms, causing his goosebumps to become more pronounced. Then, one candle returned to its normal size and feeling of weight began to press down on all of their shoulders. Their breathing soon became misted over. Visible for all to see.

"Are you Marian Gran?"

There was a pause in the air, as if whatever was there was tasting the air. The hair on the back of his head stood on as he saw and felt the piece of wood slide across the surface, the sound of wood on wood was grating to his ears. It continued to move until it's 'eye' hovered over 'YES'.

The group stiffened as one, and began to eye one another cautiously.

"Do you wish to harm us?"

Wood grinding on wood….


"Are you upset with us for disturbing you?"

The planchette stayed in its current location. She looked a bit relieved before she looked up to the rest of the group. The silent conversation between them left Albert in the dark on what to do next. Was he suppose to ask her something?

"Why did you commit suicide?"

Angeline asked.

The air thickened, his teeth clenched and sweat began to drip drown his brow. He felt that the spirit didn't like that question. The piece stayed in its location without any activity. Before it began to slowly drift across the surface while hovering over some letters for a few seconds each. The sound sent his hackles high.


"E-escape? F-from who?"


They all shared collective glance. Discomfort beginning pervade his stomach, with tightening knot.

"Do you know who it was?"

Michael bit the bullet and asked the spirit.


"Were you there for our previous visits?"


"Why did you decide to speak to us now?"

The grinding sound of wood gliding across a surface.


"You wish to end communicating with us?"


Albert wasn't sure but he felt as though that last message was more urgent than before.

"Why do you stay here?"


"Gift? From who?"


"The man has it?"

The remaining candles flickered, dimming into mere specks while the single flame flared higher into the air. They could tell exactly how angry its next words were.


"What is the gift?"


"What do you want from us?"


"Will you move on if you get it back?"


"Do you have anything that can help us find it?"


They descended into silence, she didn't have any idea who caused her jump so how did she expect them to solve a case closed over forty years ago? And to somehow find a broach?

"W-why did you r-react so much to our friend here?"

Now that was a question he desperately wanted to know the answer to, he technically hasn't been in this world for more than a couple of weeks and shouldn't have any connections. Especially not with someone that died so long ago.


"What do you mean?"

Angeline asked in confusion, each taking turns to look at his face.

'I sweat to god, if all this is just a way for her to throw an insult from beyond the grave…'

"What about it?"


They looked even closer, eyeing him suspiciously. He could only shrug in response, truly not knowing what about him seems familiar to her. She could've just went crazy from loneliness. He would know.

Marceline looked around the group one last time before she called out to the room," We hear your request. We will find the broach and return it to you."




They looked at each other in bewilderment, they didn't come here to chat with a ghost. Only to find a way to allow her to move from this world voluntarily.


Steve asked.


Albert froze, looking down at the packets of salts that gripped tightly in his fist. Marceline looked around in confusion until her eyes also landed on him. Smiling sheepishly, he pocketed the packets. Indeed, he hadn't once spoken to this ghost. Didn't see a reason to actually. He only wanted to listen but it seem Marian had other designs.


He said while ignoring the incredulous looks he was receiving from everyone.


"What did you want to speak to me about?"



It took Albert a few seconds to gain some kind of meaning from her request, he didn't really understand how they could have an entire conversation when the ghost just used one word at a time. Knowing defeat, he turned to Marceline with pleading eyes. She was obviously better than him in this situation and he wasn't too proud to ask for help.

"She's asking if you would be the one to deliver the broach to her when its found."

She decided to toss him a bone, and he nodded in thanks. He didn't really see a problem doing so, he did need some feedback in order for his cases to close. Plus besides, it wasn't like he would dumb enough to come here alone. Especially not with something that had shown a strange interest in him.


And almost immediately his system, as if waiting, gave him a notification.

[Case Closed: Strange Happenings of Gotham's First High School!

Requirements: Found out that the ghost of Marian Gran is the source of the supernatural events in the area.

Rewards: 1 IP, Chain Case!]

[Case Opened: The Gran Broach!

Description: The Ghost of Gotham's First High School, Marian Gran, has disclosed the reason she cannot move on. After her demise, her priced broach was taken by the 'Man' and has been roaming these halls for 40 years.

Requirements: Find and retrieve Marian's Broach

Difficulty: F

Rewards: 1 IP, Unknown.]

He grew a bit nervous after seeing this new case. It hadn't even given him the option to turn it down, but he could chalk it up to being a part of something called a 'Chained Case'. These were common back home in video games so it did make a bit of sense. Also he started to get a sense of what the different difficulties alluded to, it wasn't to hard to hypothesize that F-Cases tended to lean more towards finding thing and very minimal danger. While the only D-Case he had completed, involved having multiple guns in his face it was safe to say this class had some danger involved. As for C-Cases? It gave his Major Case a whole new ominous feel, what was harder than almost being gunned down?

"Thank you for speaking to us Marian Gran" Marceline voice drew him out of thoughts,"We will try our best to find your broach as quickly as possible. Goodbye."

She eyed the group who nodded and dragged the wooden piece over the largest set of words on the board, 'GOODBYE'. It was a common technique that was often the cause of tragedy in movies, as it wouldn't give the spirit permission to leave allowing it latch onto someone else. For that, Albert was glad.

The room was soon filled with a screen of smoke as every candle extinguished simultaneously, the icy feeling of fingers caressing his neck soon passed and was replaced by the summer chill. They let out a collective breathe, only now realizing exactly how tense every muscle in their body truly was.

"T-that was a lot more intense than n-normal Marcy.."

Steve said, while chuckling nervously.

"Yeah," She had the nerve to look sheepish," I believe she was the strongest ghost I have ever encountered.."

"How are we suppose to find her broach?" Angeline asked," Its been 40 years now."

"I don't know" Michael shrugged," We can start somewhere though."

"B-but I don't think we s-should even touch on this tonight," Steve interjected," W-we should s-s-sleep on it. I h-have to go home, my m-mom is going to k-kill me when I get home."

"Yeah same…." Angeline winced," I'm going to get an earful from my parents.."

"My sister has probably already left me increasingly threatening voicemails.." The tall youth sighed.

"We can meet up at the normal place in two days." Marceline proposed. They nodded in agreement, leaving Albert completely lost in the conversation.

'Is this their way of excluding me?' He internally shrugged,' No matter, if they don't want me involved further then I'm okay with the free IP.'

"We should get out of here though," Angeline shivered," I don't want to be here any longer."

1At this point, I was going to make Albert and Marian enter in a kind of deal. But I decided to scrap it after I realized it went counter intuitive to Albert. He would never end in a deal with a supernatural force without the necessary protections. He's too cautious for that. The deal would've allowed me to introduce consequences for failed cases, in this case he would be her new anchor in the world. Not something he would be comfortable or stupid enough to do. If he had spells or magical items then maybe.

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1. At this point, I was going to make Albert and Marian enter in a kind of deal. But I decided to scrap it after I realized it went counter intuitive to Albert. He would never end in a deal with a supernatural force without the necessary protections. He’s too cautious for that. The deal would’ve allowed me to introduce consequences for failed cases, in this case he would be her new anchor in the world. Not something he would be comfortable or stupid enough to do. If he had spells or magical items then maybe.

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