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90% Ghost Rider: Long Live Vengeance / Chapter 9: Fun time

Kapitel 9: Fun time

Cain and Peter are outside leaning against the front porch and waiting for everyone else. When they finish their dinner Peter asks for permission from Aunt May to hang out with his friends. She gladly accepted him to hang with his cousin and friends while she took an early sleep because she had work early tomorrow.

While waiting for Peter's friends they took a long silence of enjoying the beautiful night sky with a full moon showing. 

Cain cut out of the peaceful silence watching Peter looking at the full moon he asked, "You know while you introduced me to Aunt May you didn't tell me about your uncle, did he leave". The only response he got was Peter looking down so he asked the next question "Or is he dead". Peter just nodded at that answer.

Cain looked away and said, "Sorry I brought it up". Petter shook his head and said, "Nah it's okay. You didn't even know anyway."

Cain looked at Peter and asked, "What happened to him anyway". Peter brought his head up looking him in the eyes "He was shot by a burglar, and it was all because of me". 

Cain just saw Peter's eyes full of sadness he asked "Why do you think it was your fault". Peter signed and said "It was because when I had my powers and we were having some trouble with money. I had the idea with me having powers I could get money easily and see how my powers worked so I signed up for a wrestling contest that If you lasted long for 1 minute you could win 1 thousand bucks. Me and My Uncle Ben were having a fight about what I was doing but I didn't listen to him. So I did the contest but I finished it in under 40 seconds. I thought I would get a bonus for finishing the fight but they cut me off. I was so angry I left but in a few seconds they got robbed and I let the robber escape but I heard a gunshot, and I went to check it out. I saw who was shot and that was my Uncle Ben. I held him long with his last breath and I went after the shooter and when I was about to finish him I heard my uncle's last breath of what he told me 'With great power comes great responsibility'. I held to that word so I brought the shooter to justice and I became Spiderman when I was 15 and now here I am."

Cain nodded at that "So you became Spiderman for a year and it's about to be two years". He nodded and Cain said, "Does May know then".

The only response Cain had was total silence he signed slicked his hair back and said, "You have to tell her I get that you hide it from your friends but family".

Peter hooked his head "I can't tell her what I'm doing". Cain just looked him straight in the eye "Okay then what happens when your secret gets exposed and how would she feel about her nephew keeping that much of a secret". Peter just kept being quiet but Cain added one more "Or how would she feel that Spiderman dies and what's under the mask. That her heart stops of knowing not just Spiderman that dies her nephew too."

 Peters's eyes were in shock at what would happen if he actually died. Cain put his hands on his shoulders for him to look him in the eyes "You still think it's a game for you when you take the bad guys to jail they'll keep getting out and out no matter what. Your people wants to control the city or the world, my people wants the world to burn and kill anything that is beneath them. I'm not saying you should tell her now but you got to tell her someday for her protection and yours".

Peter nodded his head and kept the words in his heart because the world was getting bigger and he didn't know if he was going to make it. So he will tell her one day when the time is right.

Cain just smiled "Now, where's the goofy smile I always see when you're around the girls and you know who I'm talking about". Peter blushed at that and said, "W-w-what do you mean the girls".

Cain just smirked "Oh come on Ava and Gwen". Peter took a step back and shook his head "No no where just friends and nothing is going to happen".

Cain held his laugh and said, "Let's see if they're your friends when we're about to meet Stripperella at her job". Peter looked at him to tell him where they were going to meet her but Cain shook his head not telling them where they going to go.

Peter's comeback was this "And what about you, you got any girls the". Cain shook his head and Peter was surprised at that and said "Really are you serious your fucking handsome for crying out loud!!".

Cain chuckled at that and said "Thanks but it's just I have a condition because of my blood and my body". Peter looked at him and he didn't even get what he meant. Cain signed and said, "When I have sex I get hungry for more and I can never get tired so hard for me when I have a relationship, and girls get drawn to me because my blood pheromones attract girls and they get drunk that they'll do anything if they can have sex with me." 

Peter was just shocked about that and it was like a dream come true and a curse as well and then he got something that popped up in his head "Did you have a relationship with Stripperrella". Cain put his hands on his leather jacket and nodded at the question. 

Peter's jaw just dropped and said, "What happened!!". Cain looked at the moon and remembered what happened "I have to leave because I was following something or someone but we text sometimes but we'll talk later because here comes your team" Looking to the front seeing Peter's friends had come and he and Peter walked to them.

While they all meet each other face to face Cain says "So are you guys ready for your training". Everyone nodded that they were ready to see what would happen.

Peter nodded and said, "Where ready what's the worst thing that can happen to us" with a smile on his face.


"WHAT.THE.FUCK" Peter said shocked in his face at what building he is seeing right now.

The girls looked at Cain with an angry expression "A strip club REALLY!!". Cain just smirked and shrugged his shoulder looking at them whose faces were red and shocked at what they were seeing right in front of them. 

Sam looked at Cain "Why are we here I thought were going to meet Stripperella". Cain nodded and said, "We are this is where she works".

Peter pieced things together and said, "Oh that's why she's called Stripperella she's a stripper". Cain just walked in the front door looking at them behind his shoulders "Yeah but say exotic dancers because they'll get mad if say that and you're about to see the reason why she works here" he opened the door telling them to follow him and so they did.

when they went inside it was dark with dancing lights with people here just enjoying the show from exotic dancers. who are walking around and some of them hold trays delivering food or drinks until something catches their attention from the announcer.

"Please welcome to the stage Angel!" the announcer's voice said over the club's loudspeaker as heavenly music started playing. As the curtain parted a dark-skinned woman wearing a white nearly see-through nun-like white robe walked onto the stage and down towards the stripper pole.

Cain smirked looking at them who were distracted by what they were seeing "See that's why you get distracted children hahaha". They all looked down knowing why they were here now and why Cain just looked at the show. 

Angel Turing to the men sitting in the chairs in front of the stage, Angel shakes her butt up before spinning around the pool and sliding down it, getting down on her knees like she was about to pray before getting up.

"She's got the bible out she's preaching again! Religion doesn't belong in our schools or in a gentlemen club" Cain looked at the source seeing a glasses-wearing man complaining as he watched Angel dance on the stage with a bible. 

Angel takes a hold of the pole giving a sexy wink to the audience before clutching it up bringing up her knees to her breasts she spins around and around kicking out her legs and causing her see-through dress back to flap exposing her white panties to the crowed. She holds a hand to the top of the pole as she sensually arches her front reeling back to bend down the bible in hand. She shakes her hips and sensually moves about the stage, walking up to the front of the audience and discarding her robes to reveal her bare chest and stomach with a tattoo of 'Sal 3:16' along with a pair of wings on her back and a halo headband on her head.

"You see flashing her tattoo as well," Kevin says as he points at the tattoo on the woman's stomach as she continues to sensually dance on the stage 

Cain shook his head and walked toward him "Oh calm down Kevin, you honestly think any of the guys watching her dance are caring or paying attention to the bible". Kevin looked at Cain in shock and then he added "And you already knew she had the tattoo when you hired her, it's obviously going to be seen by the people given her being an exotic dancer so what's the issue" with a smirk on his face. 

Kevin smiled at who he saw "Cain!!" hugged him tightly as Cain chuckled and patted his back. Kevin stopped his hug and looked at the person right in front of him "How have you been and what are you doing here".

"Well I'm moving here for good and I got to teach the kids behind me," Cain said pointing at the people behind him. He moved right next to Kevin and put his arm around him "Everyone I want you to meet Kevin Calhoun his the owner of this club and he is strict with the customers". 

Everyone introduced themselves and where surprised at how Kevin acts because it was like his father who is strict about the rules and takes care of the exotic dancers as if they were his daughters.

Gwen was the person who shook Kevins' hand and asked "It really nice to meet you but you're not what I was expecting for a guy who owns this place". Kevin was pleased "Aww thank you and I treat these girls as my daughters so I can't be an idiot who owns this place and toches these girls."

Danny was confused "But isn't this a strip club where girls allow them to touch them". Kevin nodded "Yes but have you noticed are your age and older".

Everyone looked around and started to notice that he was right that they do look their age and older. Ava looked at Cain and Kevin "Why are they working here then".

Kevin Signed at that and said, "They have nowhere else to go because they get kicked out, running away from their abused family or orphan that people don't allow them to work." Looks around at his girls who are laughing and enjoying what they are doing and smile and pats Cain back "But thanks to this guy when they have the trouble of where to go he brought them to me and I see them as my daughters. They live here upstairs with rooms that are big like apartments. I didn't want them to be an exotic dancer but they begged and I allowed them if they were comfortable and they enjoyed it. When the customers throw money at them I allow them to keep it so they can buy things they want and I pay extra money for people to come in."

Everyone else looked at them in surprise that they didn't know and were glad that the girls could stay here but Luke had something on his mind and asked "What happens if they touch them". 

Kevin just smirked and looked at Cain "Well he used to be the bodyguard here and if they touch them he gives them a warning and does it again he cuts off their finger and hangs it at the bar" pointing at the Bar where they see a lot of fingers that are hanging like decorations. 

Everyone just nodded because seeing how Cain does to people if they don't listen. Kevin saw something that he needed to do "Now if you excuse me I have to do something and enjoy tonight and good to see you Cain" walking away from them. 

Everyone was looking at Cain and he sees them looking at him "What!". Peter just kept on looking at him "Wow I didn't see that coming like at all but I didn't know you worked here".

Cain just shrugged "Yeah well they begged me to watch and take care of them because they felt better with me watching over them and when I left they begged me to stay but I had recruited a new bodyguard and he's right there at the corner". Poiting at a man who is tall and looks like a bodybuilder "That guy is Mark his highly trained soldier when he got out he had a little girl who is born with the mother leaving them. He was having trouble finding a job but I recruited him and the girls around here loved the little girl so some of them have days off watching her while he watches over them."

They were all surprised even more that this place was like a family who watches over each other but when they were about to ask the gout cut off.

"Cain is that you!!!"

 They looked to the source and saw a busty blonde girl walking over to them causing her breasts to jiggle with every step she took including her ass as well. While she was wearing red lingers with a red bra that exposes a large amount of her ample EE-Cups cleavage that looks like it was about to pop out with a red thong exposing all her ass.

Cain smiled "Erotica is good to see you how--" but got caught off when Erotica jumped on him raping her hands and legs around him with him holding her ass. Erotica laughed see him again "It's good to see you again and I miss you~~" kissing his right cheek leaving red lipstick showing where she kissed him.

Cain put her down and looked at her "It's good to see you again Erotica". He turned around and introduced her "Everyone I want you to meet Erotica Jones and she a stripper" saying the last word slowly of the meaning of what he was saying.

Erotica smiled and waved "It's nice to meet you all". they all said hi to her and introduced themselves to her. She looked at Cain "So these are your friends that you need help with when they get distracted and how to stay focused" and pointed at the girls "And showing them how to distract them and their boyfriends" with a smirk on her beautiful face. 

They all were just red at what she just said. Cain and Erotica just chucked at their reaction. Erotica called out to some of her friends who were not distracted by the guys "Girls guess who's here It's CAIN!!".

All the girls who weren't working smiled when they heard Cain was here. They came to the group to see Cain. They hugged him and kissed him all over his face. As they were trying to be sexy to him they leaned against him and rubbed their hands all over his body.

Cain just smiled and laughed at their act "It's really good to see you guys again but I think Erotica told you why I brought friends right girls". The girls just giggled and nodded their heads. 

Cain nodded and walked to the middle looking at them all and looked at peters friends "Okay hear the deal we're going to play a little game so when these girls distract you" Snapping his fingers Erotica came with a box giving the boys one necklace, a ring, and a watch to each one of them "You all have to put those on and watch it and try not to get distracted because sometimes they go a little rogue and try to take your wallet or your money okay" the boys nodded "Well girls there all yours and try to distract them".

The girls all giggled and took away the boys separately leaving Ava and Gwen looking all red but they mostly saw Peter getting taken away from the girls. The girls then looked at Cain "And what about us". 

Cain looked at them "I know but I know you want to get to know about Erotica of how she became, we have the whole day because it's Friday so go sit down at the table while I go get some drinks and talk to an old friend" walked to the bar asking to make them some expensive drink that is not alcoholic and Cain saw the girls getting to know each other.

Gwen looked at Erotica "So Erotica how did you become Stripperella" with Ava nodded at the question. Erotica smiled and said "While I used to become an agent back then. It was hard for me to find a job because I was an orphan but Cain took me here. I like working here but one night I saw a man who needed help from thugs so I helped him. But when I finished the fight I didn't know he was a Boss for a secret agents and he hired me and took me in under his wings and when my time was right I could go out in the world to help people and I named myself Stripperrella because it was a good choice and I get paid good money".

Ava asks "Why" that she doesn't get why she works here if she got the money now and calls herself Stripperella. Erotica just smiled "Because I love it here and there all my sisters and Kevin is my Dad and Mark is like an uncle and Cain well" biting her lips as she looked at Cain "His special and plus being here can help me solve a lot of cases because I can be undercover well hearing if thugs and criminals are about to do crimes and I took all of my archenemies to jail plus" looking around to see if anyone else is hearing she leaned close to the girls "I'm a Succubus". 

The girls were in shock at what she was. Ava shook her head "Wait how are you a Succubus". Erotica laughed "Well this is how I meet ghost Rider who is Cain. Well, when my Job was bankrupt the boss gave me all the gadgets and told me to continue to be Stripperella. So then on I worked on my own but I encountered a herd of vampires who used a dating website to kidnap girls I didn't know they were vampires I just thought they were knappers. I got bitten by the neck and their teeth can be poison that was slowly killing my body but I was losing hope but then Cain came in his Riders form killing them all. That he saved the girls but with me". She looked at her hands with a small smile "I knew I was going to die but he didn't give up he did magic on me if my body accepted any spell and that was magic of Succubes. It was hard for me to control the power but he was there all the way I needed him but he had to leave to continue his hunt and never forget him I owe him my life and his stay here from now on and I'm not letting him escape me again". Looking at him with love and desire in her eyes.

The girls looked at her with a smile on their faces. Gwen looked at the back and forth "Did you guys used to date". Erotica looked at them "Yeah we used to date but he had to leave. I didn't look for anyone else because I got my eyes on him".

Ava smirked and leaned forward "So you guys got juicy huh". Erotica rolled her "Well we had of lot of sex it was hard for me to keep up with him so I allowed the girls to have some sex with him too and God it was the best~~" she moaned remembering the good times with him with her sisters. The girls were all red but Erotica just smirked "What you didn't think we had sex with anyone. He's the only one we had with alone and my sisters knew I was Stripperella when I turned into Succubus and he was the only one who took all our virginity~~~". 

The girls were even more redder because of what they were hearing but they changed the subject. Gwen stuttered "S-s-so what are your powers than when you have the power of Succubus". Erotica just smirked at them when they changed the subject "Well I have teleport, flying, reshaping my wings into spikes, tentacles, blades, or using my wings as shields, life energy, and I can call forth a clone of myself" as she finished her answer Cain sat down next to her pointing down four drinks for the girls to have.

Cain looked around "So what did I miss". Erotica wrapped her arms around his arms prisoning his arms in her boobs "Nothing just girl talk and I think It's about time for their lesson".

Cain nodded and whistled calling to girls to come over to them "Ladies I think it's time for these two lovely ladies to learn about seductive". The ladies nodded their heads taking the girls by their hands and telling them how to distract guys.

Cain nodded and saw them having fun and learning hard not to distract themselves but he felt a tug on his arms. He looked down and see Erotica with desire in her eyes "Do you want to have a dance".

 Cain smiled "Not this time now I want to see if they can do it or not". Looking back the the group. Erotica pouted so he grabbed her hips and put her in his lap but she moved in the middle that is always her favorite spot. 


Hours later at midnight, the club was closed and the guys tried so hard some of them got a good job not getting distracted but one piece was missing including their wallets but they learned how to handle pressure including the girls who learned a lot of things to do distract someone with words or body.

We see the outside with Cain praising them for how good work they have been doing and the girls learning new things. He was surprised that they worked so hard and did not get distracted easily including the girls who found a way to make Peter blush a lot and the guys laughing at that. So he gave them goodnight and see you later as everyone was leaving it was just Cain and Erotica alone at the door.

Cain Looked at her and said, "It's really good to see you again, and have a good night's sleep okay". She nodded and Cain opened his arms letting her hug him one last time.

As he let go and moved back he was stuck because Erotica hadn't let go of "Ah Erotica I have to go". She shook her head "No you're going to stay here with me" holding him tightly and not letting him go as she released something that caught him in the scent as he smelled it making him groan and rock-hard. 

Cain signed and said, "Erotica come on you know what's about to happen". she looked up at him and smiled "I know but what are you going to do" She tipped toe to reach his ears and said "Daddy~~".

He smiled and couldn't resist, and hugged her back and swallowed those plush, fuckable bodies up in his arms, new, strong muscle reaching down to grab a firm handful of soft booty meat. 

 He slowly said, "Why are such a slut". He groaned with pleasure as his fingers sank into the soft, heavenly cushion of the magically enhance softness of her fat ass. God that ass really is magic. So satisfyingly soft, letting his fingers really dig in, while still maintaining just the right amount of firmness to get a good hold on. He wanted to grope these fat booty cheeks, shake them in his hands, and SMACK them both as hard as he could, just to watch them jiggle.

Erotica moans "Hah!~~". eyes going wide as she felt Cain's hand suddenly grope and squeeze her soft ass. Her face flames red. She was so happy by how thick and bouncy it had gotten. jutting out behind her making her skirts look so short as they struggle to cover its vast size. Now Cain's strong hands were grabbing and groping it like it was his property.

Erotica quietly said, "Oh I miss you". That voice sounds like a horny bich. Inwardly she was losing herself. knees knocking together as her thong soaked clear through.

Cain shushed her and held her tightly "It's okay I'm not going anywhere" he said firmly, squeezing her asscheecks harshly. "That fucking ass of yours has been teasing me every time you shook your ass on my dick. I promised myself I'd give them a real squeeze the moment I could get my hands on them". He gave her both her cheeks a light spank, before grabbing her booty meat strongly and juggling her asscheeks.

Erotica whimpered weakly, her body was screaming at her to submit, and she couldn't tell him to stop now. Her legs trembled as her plush, soft thigh squeezed together, Her poor thong was already getting soaked as her eager pussylips drooled with desire. She squeezed herself into his chest, panting as she held her cheeks against his firm chest. 

Erotica was holding him tightly "D-daddy I..! M-miss you so...much..." as she whimpered softly into his chest, giving him full permission to do what he wanted. She couldn't stop herself from grinding her hips, pushing her fat booty against his palm. Her hands fell on his chest, and her eyes stretched wide open. Before she noticed, she was grouping him right back!

"oh my god..!" Erotica panted like a slut "He's fucking ripped...! W-when did Cain get so buff..? I-I feel like he could fold me in half with these arms..! God just lift me up like a feather and drop me right on his...! Haaah... Oh God"

Erotica looks at Cain with desire in her eyes "Let's go to my room everyone is asleep". Cain smirked at her and said "Good girl" as he squeezed and jiggled her ass one last time, then... 


He let her go as he followed her right behind her.


Erotica looked behind her "T-this way Cain..". Cain shook his head and smirked "You go ahead. I'll follow behind~".

Erotica's cheeks were still red. She couldn't stop her lewd mind from drawing innuendo from everything he said. Even now, as she slowly walked up the steps, knowing he was following slowly behind, she felt like she was on display. She could FEEL a hot lustful gaze on her thick, round ass as her plush thighs rubbed together. With every step her hips swing left and right, the thick cheeks of her ass rubbing bouncing together. He was staring at her ass! He must be!

She felt aroused if she's seeing him watching her impossibly soft ass bounced and clapped. She peered over her and her breath caught. He was STARING. There was a confident smirk on his face as those dark, abyss eyes were laser-focused on her thong and bouncy ass.

 She opened the door that was her apartment, hands shaky on the knob. Cain followed in tightly behind, and her body tingled.

Erotica panted and said "H-here's my room. I-I guess you'll be staying here then, b-but you can drop your stuff in the corner until.." That she heard the door clicked closed.

Erotica suddenly felt tense, feeling Cain's broad, powerful body hovering behind her. Her lustful mind dreamed up a hundred fantasies, locked in the private room with her hunk of her man.

"Mmm... So you leave her now"


Then something better than her wildest fantasies happened she waited for his touch for a long time. Cain stepped over behind her and embraced her from behind. But this wasn't a friendly, reuniting, his big strong hands suddenly reached around and groped her fat tits firmly.

She squeaked as his fingers mauled her boobs, digging fingers into the soft flesh of her titties. He started groping and squeezing, eager to familiarise himself to the shape of her huge boobs and the feel of her bra she wore.

"C-cain!!" she squeaked in surprise, "W-what are you doing!!"

"Something I should have done when I saw you" he growled in her ear, "Playing with your big boobs of yours. God, it was so fucking hard. You and the girls are crazy with outfits you wear.... yet all of you were so naughty when you gays are around me".

"Y-you can" She weakly painted, "W-we were so horny of not getting your dick and we can allow you to touch us just like that." 

"Just like that" Cain chucked in her ear, making her legs tremble, "Tell me Erotica, be honest, do you want me to stop? Tell me to stop, Erotica, and I will. I'll leave and go meet one of the doors to see if any girl will have me have them.... and I'll NEVER touch these fantastic tits of yours again..... but if you don't ... I'm gonna play with these puppies until I'm satisfied"

"..!" She whimpered loudly, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt Cain firmly squeezing and massaging her plump breasts. She was always so embarrassed, constantly needing new bras to keep up with how BIG her tits are. Even now she was pushing it, stretching her bra to the limit of comfort and her tits were eager to pop out and breathe.

"No?" He chucked lowly, "Last chance Erotica... Tell me to stop, or I'll take that as permission to play with this sexy body of yours as I please."

"Hmph..." she softly moaned, her nipples so stiff she imagined he could FEEL them, even through her bra "P-please..." She mumbled weakly "P-please Daddy... you can play with my boobs for a little bit. J-just be gentle... they're..." SENSITIVE her mind screamed, as pleasure tingled through her chest, but she couldn't quite squeak out of the world. 

"Good girl..."

Erotica squeezed her legs together as he whispered in her ear. just those two words made whole body shiver. Her heart fluttered with happiness.

"Now..." He seemed to engulf her soft, shorter frame. He leaned into her until her soft bum was pressed against him squeezing her tit hard as he can that his finger sank deeper "These tits look bigger than when I left. I bet shirts look so lewd on you... I bet you are the kind of girl to wear slutty crop tops and flash cleavage to everyone...."

"I-I can't help it ...!" she whined, looking down at her obscene, heavy tits getting groped by his large hands. When she always wears a shirt, her shirt is always so tight, filled to hurting with her boobs, and now her soft chest squeezed through the gaps in his fingers "M-my chest just does that...! Shirts barely fit me s... because my boobs keep stretching it out until.... it looks like crop tops..!"

Cain grinned. He imagined her tops simply couldn't contain her boobs. They stretched down the neckline and peeked out the shoulders, flashing cleavage and side boobs.

Cain left up her boobs and letting them go so that it looks like they were desperate for air. He smirked at that "Did you wear this for me ?"

Erotica's cheeks flushed, "I-I..! I-I just don't have many bras that still fit me.." she gave a weak excuse.

"Mmm..." He stared at her blushing face as she looked away from him, then he grinned lustfully and squeezed firmly on her tits, "Well... I'm glad you did. It looks sexy, Erotica... Makes me want to throw you down at your be and..."

Her ears were red, she was blushing so hard. Her heart POUNDED. Her mind swarmed with lustful thoughts, 'Oh please do it. Daddy! Please mean that! I don't care anymore! I'm so fucking HORNY right now! My thong are ruined and I waited for so long!!"

"Alright, Erotica..." His voice seemed to growl in her ear. making her shiver "I love to watching you squirm in my arms... but I can't anymore. I've dreamed about this moment for so long... Now I've got you alone and I'm not holding back."

She squealed as Cain's hands suddenly jerked up her tight bra and her fat titties came spilling out with a delightful jiggle. Cain huffed in her ear, groaning with arousal as his fingers sank into the warm soft fat of her breasts. He massaged her quickly and eagerly, groping her titties almost desperately.

Erotica was speechless, biting her lip to muffle moans as her sensitive breasts were roughly grabbled and kneaded like fine dough.

"Succubus bodies are so lewd," Cain mumbled in her ear, looking over her shoulders to see the way her huge boobs melded around his fingers and rolled in his palms, "I remembered that your bodies grow with magic... your boobs get so sensitive that you came just having them teased... Does your body still do that?"

"Aaahn...!" she bit her lips, eyes squeezed shut. She let out a womanly moan, gasping with pleasure from the feeling of him mauling her tits with his hands "D-Daddy..." she gasped.

'I-it feels so good..!' She mentally cried, 'It felt forever of him touching me... my boobs don't feel like this when I touch myself...! But his hands...they're making me crazy...!' Her knees knocked together as she felt him lightly pinch her stiff nipples. She squealed and felt her pussy tighten up in a spontaneous climax.

 "Holy shit..." Cain was amazed, looking at the quivering, but girl topless in his arms. She curled up, trembling as she very obviously came in his arms. his eyes went wide and he felt his already-hard cock swell with desire.

"Mmngh...!" Erotica whimper, still shaking.

"You dirty girl..." He said eagerly in her ear, "You fucking came, didn't you?" She couldn't even deny it, because he stuffed his hands down to her stomach, fingers reaching for her damp thong. The moment he touched her sensitive mound, she moaned loudly.

 He squeezed one hand firmly on her tit, holding her back pressed against his chest as he reached down to play with her pussy. His fingers dug into her wet thong, feeling the shape of her plump pussy lips, "God you're soaked. You like this Erotica? You like me groping your tits and fingering your cunt?" 

"D-daddy..." Her lustful voice came out. She stated wiggling her hips, grinding her soaked thong against his fingers eagerly, she finally looked up at him, showing him her sexy face of arousal, "I-I forgot your... y-your like this daddy..."

"Like what?" he grunted "Any hot-blooded man should appreciate a fucking sexy girl, with such a busty, killer body like yours!"

She shook her head rapidly, throwing her blonde hair around, "No I forgot your touch, I keep dreaming about this if you come back. Waiting every day for you and all the girls around you WE.MISS.YOU!!!" Erotica squealed and tears nearly started building in her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby..." Cain curtly said, as his fingers plunged down into the soaked cameltoe of her thong, "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere, Erotica and I'll make sure you know it. And you know what? I think it hot hearing how much of a horny girl you are" 

His words were like electricity, sparking through her body and just the way he rubbed her thong nearly made her lose her mind. "You pervert..." She said lustfully, "Keep touching me..! I've never felt so good in my life...! I want more, Daddy..!"

"Dirty girl!" He grinned widely. She yelped as she was roughly shoved forward and fell to her bed. Instantly Cain was behind her. Erotica moaned, face flushed as he moved her ass up and got a good look at her fat, smackable ass. 

Her thick, round cheeks were snowy white, like they were scared of the sun. Each globe of thick fat was round and wide, giving her a butt that looked too big for her petite form. But it lacked any imperfections on her skin, or sag from age. It was round and tight-looking, but when he grabbed it with his hands, he gasped at how fucking SOFT it was. His fingers sank deeply into her cheeks and they bounced with just the lightest touch. It was magic gave her the biggest, softest butt to entice men.

He was nearly drooling, looking at that perfect, delicious ass and the mall, lace thong she had wrapping it up. They were swallowed by the thick ass cheeks. He couldn't resist and bunched up the top of her thong, giving it a tug as it dug deeper into her crack. She gasped and flushed with embarrassment.

"C-Cain! W-what are you doing?!" Her face burned red as he played with her butt.

He silenced her by burning his face in her white asscheeks, grabbing as much of the soft ass as his large hands could take. He shook his face between her asscheeks and open his mouth, kissing and licking her supplier skin where he could. Then he grunted and jerked her thongs down.

He clapped his hands down on her fat ass again, spreading the thick cheeks to look at her most private places. Her pussy was beautifully pink, fresh, and new, while her winking rosebud shred a tender pink color. He buried his face in her ass again, slurping up the wet, sticky juices that leaked from her twat.

"C-Cain..!" She shrieked, feeling his mouth on her cunt and his nose pressing into her asshole, "T-that's dirty..! S-stop it..!"

"Dirty huh?" He pulled back, his lips wet with her sex juices, "I heard succubus have a ritual that burns waste in their body... so this tight little asshole isn't used for anything but sex. Have you done that ritual Erotica? Your asshole looks so pretty and pink."

Her face burned, "C-cain...! D-don't talk about my ass..." she whined cutely, so embarrassed she felt like crying "...B-but...yes...I did that ritual.."

He grinned. He stared at her winking rosebud, debating getting a taste. But the throbbing in his pants could no longer be ignored. He squeezed his fingers into her ass, digging a thumb into her thighs and pulling them wide. Her pretty pink pussylips drooled, her tight little virgin opening twitched at him, like it was begging to him come inside.

He suddenly climbed over her. Erotica whimpered as she felt his stronger, broader body hovering over her, he leaned down to whisper in her ears, " Erotica... I've got a confession to make.."

"W-what is it, Daddy?" She said quietly, like a timid girlfriend. Despite how she was now stripped nearly naked, with her soaked thongs tugged halfway down her legs.

"I'm getting hungry for sex," He said roughly and her entire body twitched in pleasure, "I can't stop thinking about every time I see a girl including you and your sisters. I dream about your huge titties and fat ass. I want to push you down on your bed, and plug your leaking twat with my cock. I want to fuck into the bedsheets and make you squeal until the whole house knows what you sound like when getting fucked."

She was paying like a bitch. Her tong kept coming out to lick her wet lips and swallowed spit from her watering mouth. Her huge tits heaved on her chest as she panted. Her legs couldn't stop shaking.

 "My cock is so fucking hard in my pants ....So hard it hurts! I want to bury it in your tight, pussy, and shape your cunt to fit my huge cock again... And that's what I'm going to do Erotica. Unless you say no, right now... I'll push you down and fuck you, damned the consequences... !"

"So... Erotica... What do you want?"

"Daddy..!" she let out a hot, womanly moan and looked back at him with half-lidded "Please...!"

Anything more she had to say was stopped as she was shoved forward on the bed. She fell face first on the bed sheets, as Cain's strong hand pushed her back down. Then she heard a soft thump as his pants hit the floor and something hot, huge, and thick slapped upward against her quivering twat. She wished and moaned jolted with pleasure as Cain's thick slab of pussy-plundering meat slid against her hot pussy lips.

 She barely got a glance at it, 'oh god' She inwardy screamed. Long ,thick girthy inches of pussy-plunderig fuckmeat. And those heavy-hanging balls! If her plump titties, fertile hips, and fat ass was the work of magic, then that monster-cock was built by magic for BREEDING buxom, fertile young lasses like her!

'He'll fucking break me in half...!' She inwardly screamed yet felt like giggling with glee, 'And those huge balls of his..! God how much would he cum..!?' She was shaking with anticipation and her wide hips kept shaking left and right, like she was trying to entice this big, breeding bull to have at her already.

Then he primed his huge, fist-sized cockhead at her tiny slit, his heart pounding with lust, "You're mine Erotica..!" he grunted and thrust his cock inside. There was no resistance as Cain's huge cock plunged through Erotica's slick and eager twat, her pussywalls seemingly sucking his cock in deeper. He forced himself all the way through, sliding through smoothly until he rammed into the wall of her cervix. 

"Yes~!" she squealed, fists balling in the bed sheets as Cain's huge cock split open her tight cunt. Her wall quivered, singing with glee as they mercilessly stretching out by a massive invader. His huge, swollen cockhead scraped through her walls, stimulating every sensitive pleat that her fingers and toys could never reach or satisfy.

She shrieked louder than she'd ever had in her life, knees knocking together as her eyes went cross. Her tongue fell out of her mouth, mind going blank as she SQUITED. The most powerful orgasm in her life ripped through her unprepared body and she stained her bedsheets with her sparing girl-cum.

"Holy shit...!" Cain grunted as Erotica's tight cunt squeezed him like nothing else. Just the pressure of her spasming, cumming pussy, the intense gratification of taking the girl again nearly made him cum. It was only a stubborn feeling in his head that stopped him, he wouldn't cum quickly, not when he hadn't even fucked her in a long time.

He leaned over her, pressing her body down as he enjoyed the feeling of her tight twat. Her small, shallow pussy couldn't take the full length of the cock and he felt himself pressed firmly against her cervix. He huffed for a second stripping off his shirt and planting his fists on the bed beside her head before he took a breath and began to fuck her.

Erotica broke into loud squeals and screams, unprepared for his thick long of a cock to start sawing through her tight walls. His huge cockhead pounded like a hammer on the wall of her cervix, but somehow it didn't hurt. Instead, it brought a powerful, toe-curling spike of pleasure shooting through her body.

"Erotica...! Baby...!" He grunted like a beast, pistoning into her juicy pussy and making a mess all over her bed, "God you have such a tight eager cunt! It feels so good...! Finally getting to fuck my little slut! To her scream again!"

Erotica only squealed louder as she heard his desperate groans. Her pussy just wouldn't stop cumming, occasionally spraying juices on the bed as Cain's huge cock plundered her depths. She could barely focus on anything from white-hot pleasure in her body, but somehow she open her mouth and let the little whore inside come slipping out.

"Daddy~!" She squealed with bliss " Yes~ I've dreamed about you coming back and ravishing me for so~oo long. Ever since you left I was so fucking desperate that I needed your cock! Just hoping you come back to me! I've finger-fucked myself to sleep every night hoping without having your cock! GOD your cock is too fucking BIG! it's stretching out my tight cunt! Fu~uck! Fuck me, Daddy!" Her eyes were spinning as her carnal fantasy came to life and Cain fucked her just as roughly as her dirtiest dream.

Cain panted with lust, his body running so hot that he could feel himself starting to sweat as he fucked her tight cunt. To think that Erotica had such a dirty mouth hidden away all this time...

"I wish I knew..." Tears slid down her cheeks as a stupid, fucked-silly grin was on her face "I Would have gone with you there than staying here! I would've sucked your fat chick a hundred times, just to have you fuck my dirty cunt once! Daddy, please don't stop! I don't want to let you go again!"

Cain grunted like a beast, fucking her as deeply as he could, and reached around, His fingers went to her throat, giving it a gentle squeeze "God you're just a slut...!" he spat in her ear "I fucking love it. My slutty Erotica... I got three years to make up for! Three years I could've been fucking you like a dirty bitch you are!" 

"Ye~es~!" She cried out with utter ecstasy, cumming HARD around his prick, "Fuck me~! I'll do anything you want...! Any fetish you gave! I've got so many dirty ideas! I'll be your personal little slut, so long as you keep making me CUUUUM~~!!"

His hips pounded into her like a jackhammer, until he couldn't resist the feeling in his balls anymore. He was about to cum and it was going to be the biggest, fattest load in his life, "I'm cumming Erotica...!" he grunted in her ears, "Inside of you! let me cum inside of you! be my whore! I'll fulfill every dirty little desire of yours, every filthy fantasy...! So be my tight little cumdump..!"

Inside?! Erotica's eyes rolled back. It was so~oo dangerous for him to cum inside her raw, She knew that. But her mouth opened as her brain, normally so quick-witted, was overloaded by desire before it could even function Her body was begging for it. It was what she was built for. A big tiddy, fat bottom slut, built to be seeded by a male eager to take her.

"Ye~es..!" she giggled with euphoria, "Cum inside me! I want to feel that hot seed of yours in my thirsty womb! I've dreamed about you creampieing me every night all day! Please, Daddy! give it to mee~ee!"

She squealed as she felt his already huge cockhead swell larger at the back of her pussy. It was primed at her womb like a cannon, his piss-slit opening like floodgates. Then his balls pulsed, pumping powerful shots of seed through his pipe and into her eager womb. Erotica's head went blank and stupid, feeling that piping hot cum FLOOD her womb like a geyser. 

 Her body was practically convulsing, spasming with unbelievable pleasure as the massive orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. Years of sexual frustration, satisfied all at once with her deepest, darkest fantasy coming to life out of no-where. She came so hard she blacked out. 

 Erotica went limp, drooling and giggling with euphoria on the bed, but Cain didn't even notice. He was still bucking and rolling his hips, immersed in the action of SEEDING the bitch beneath him. He kept his cockhead primed at her womb, while her cunt eagerly milked his thick shaft for every last drop of his seed. Each shot was thick and heavy, shooting into the back walls of her womb, until she was filled with his spunk. 

 The tight seal of their joined sexes was leaking a creamy, cloudy mixture of seed and girl-cum, while Cain kept Erotica pinned to the bed. 

 He huffed and panted like he'd just run a marathon. His body was sweating, but he wasn't tired. No, he was thrumming with satisfaction. A deep, primal instinct had just been satisfied.

 The blood that overflowed his veins had something that is way different from everyone else. That meant his ejaculations were long and massive. He came enough to fill buckets, hundreds of times more than any normal man. Alongside that, he had massive, lustful desire. He saw girls for what they were, ripe, fertile females, with curves just built for BREEDING. 

 The feeling was so overwhelming he couldn't control it. He felt that in that moment, even if she had yelled and kicked him, he would've just pinned her down and seeded her anyway. The desire was that strong. 

 Now that had been fulfilled and Cain felt high with ecstasy. He felt on top of the world. At the same time… he felt like he fucking LOVED this woman. The woman who he seeded. He hovered over her, leaning on her soft body just enough to feel her warmth, without putting his weight on her. He moved her bushy hair to the side and kissed and sucked on her neck. 

 "Cain..!" Erotica finally stopped quivering minutes later, coming down from the clouds. She felt a hot pool in her gut and gasped. His seed was still warm, sloshing around in her womb. She felt full… and satisfied. Still, she was Erotica. 

 "O-oh god…" She moaned weakly with a shaky voice. She brought a hand to her stomach, "Y-you really came inside… oh god… I'm ovulating…" There was a twinge in her womb and Erotica's eyes were stuck open wide. It was like she could feel her precious egg being swarmed by Cain's eager swimmers. 

"Oh god… oh god…" Erotica moaned lewdly, her breath panting roughly, "You… I… I'm gonna get pregnant…" Despite the worry that SHOULD be setting in, her body was singing like she'd never felt before. She was floating with an overwhelming sense of intense satisfaction and she felt incredibly emotional. 

 She felt his huge cock lurch in her pussy and she yelped. Her eyes went huge, "Y-you're still hard! T-there's no way! You came more than you have..! of god Daddy what happened to you…" Then her voice squeaked out as she realised how MUCH he had cum. He flooded her womb to bursting. He had stretched her poor little pussy to the limit, but still his cum burst from the tight seal of their joint sexes like a leaking faucet. 

 "Heh…" He smirked at her, "I'm not like other men, Erotica. You'll learn to never compare me to them." Her body trembled at his tone and she looked up at him with big eyes, "I've gotten more hard and horny in the past year, constantly. Even if I fucked you all night long… Even if you pass out on me… I'll still be looking for more."

 She gulped heavily, "W-what..? I-is that even possible? All night..?" She'd blacked out after ONE of his womb-stuffing cumloads, her head was spinning at the thought of twelve more hours of this, "There's no way I could do that all night… You'd need a hundred girls to…" She felt his cock lurch inside of her and her eyes went huge. 

 He wore a big smirk and there was desire gleaming in his vibrant green eyes. 

 She realised that he was thinking the same thing she was.

He was grinning. 

 Erotica's eyes went glassy. She imagined herself kissing the foot of a king. His majestic, huge cock stood tall and proud. Busty, beautiful girls were all around her, they were her sisters. They kissed his feet, his legs, his heavy testicles, his glorious shaft, his muscular chest… and all of them were just like her, naked, submissive… and pregnant. She shuddered and felt a twisted, powerful DESIRE to see that happen. A new fantasy. 

 She held a hand to her womb, feeling the hot seed inside, "G-god… I-I shouldn't have let you cum inside me… I-I could get pregnant!" She tried to be sensible, but her voice was too eager. Her pussy clenched down at the thought of it.

"Oh baby you keep forgetting." Harry grinned, "Only I allow it. I give permission for you to get pregnant" His voice commanded her. She shivered. 

 "There's nothing to weary about ever and plus. We're not using condoms…Ever." He said as he reached down and kissed her neck, "And don't even think about you telling me to wear a condom. If you do, I'll tie you to the bed, cumming inside you no matter what." 

 "C-cain..!" She whimpered meekly, while her body sang with bliss. Every word from his mouth satisfied a craving she had, to be barefoot and with having without care if there cum in her pussy, by his side allowing her to carry his child.

Her pussy clenched tightly. She suddenly felt safe, under the strong body of her lover, as he whispered assurances hotly in her ear. He was powerful. He was virile. He was rich. He was handsome and smart. He was everything she ever desired, now loving her and determined to make her carry his kids if he wanted to. 

'Oh dear…' Erotica mentally whined, realising how DEEP she was falling. Just one quick and dirty FUCK and a piping hot seed planted in her belly and suddenly her head was swirling and her heart was fluttering. She was imagining her tummy swelling up with his child, his ring on her finger and his house… becoming hers later on when over the years. 

 "Okay…" She softly said, as a small smile forced itself on her lips. Her hand lightly fell to her stomach, like she was cradling her cum-stuffed womb. 

 He looked at those beautiful lips. Soft and plush, coloured faintly pink. He quickly climbed off her and flipped her around. She shrieked as her legs were jerked up into the air, spread wide and suddenly she was on her back. She barely bemoaned the empty feeling in her pussy before he stuffed her full again and leaned over her. 

 Her eyes went huge once again. He was kissing her! 

Cain devoured Erotica's lips hungrily, his tongue flicking and toying with hers. Her eyes went glazed and she wrapped herself around him, arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She moaned like a harlot, kissing back with desperate lust. Cain tasted and teased her plush pink lips before sliding his tongue into her mouth for a wet and raunchy kiss.

"Mwah… kisses feel so good…" She moaned and smacked her lips against his, leaning up eagerly asking for more, "Your spit tastes so good… why..? I can't resist you Daddy… please give me more kisses..!" 

 Erotica wore a hot, half-lidded look that made her sexier than his wildest fantasies. He wanted to see what other expressions he could make appear on her beautiful features. Cain grinned and hoisted her soft, fuckable body up like she weighed nothing. She squeaked, gripping firmly around him, her tight vaginal walls still clenched around his shaft. 

 His hands went to the firm fat of her round buttcheeks as he held her in his arms and looked up at her. She stared lustfully down at him. The light make-up she wore was smeared from the fucking, the screaming, the crying, but he didn't care. It just made her look fucking sexy. 

 "God you're so hot…" He breathed, looking at her ocean blue eyes. 

 Then she attacked him, kissing him desperately. The room was filled with her erotic moans as she showered him with passionate, lustful kisses. Their lips smacked together noisily, as Cain started once again palming the thick cheeks of her fat arse. God it felt like his fingers were buried in the squishy softness, but they kept just firm enough to hold a round, deliciously spankable shape. It was a duality that only magic could achieve.

Later, they'd be thankful to learn something about Erotica room. Kevin had long ago set up silencing proof for his daughters, knowing that his daughters were at THAT age. The age where they turn into a horny little masturbation addict. So now his girls could finger themselves silly without waking the whole family… 

 And that was the only reason no one had heard Erotica's screaming her lungs out as she was brutally fucked on Cain's bitch-breaking cock. for the whole night long.








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