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7.57% Fate/Hazbin: Charlemagne of Hazbin Hotel / Chapter 5: Hello Zestial

Kapitel 5: Hello Zestial

Also one more thing. Charlomaine said looking at her. To make a soul deal with me, a contract you don't betrayed me, while we do this, I help you fully

Vespera's eyes glittered with a mixture of curiosity and amusement as she regarded Charlomaine. "A soul deal, you say? You certainly don't waste any time, do you, prince?"

Charlomaine remained resolute, extending his hand once more. "I believe in securing alliances with unwavering trust. A soul deal will ensure neither of us wavers. If we're going to succeed, we need to be able to rely on each other completely."

Vespera studied him for a moment, her gaze piercing. Finally, she nodded slowly. "Very well, Charlomaine. You have my word. Let's make it official."

They clasped hands again, and this time, a more intense rainbow light enveloped them. The air around them seemed to hum with power as the soul deal was forged, binding them to their agreement.

[Contract established: Vespera is bound to Charlomaine, ensuring mutual loyalty and support until Zestial is overthrown.]

Vespera's smile was sly, but genuine. "You're full of surprises, prince. Let's see where this alliance takes us."

Charlomaine released her hand, feeling the weight of the pact settle over him. "Together, we'll change the balance of power in Hell. Now, let's start planning our next move."

The two strategists huddled together, exchanging information and plotting their next steps. With Vespera's knowledge of Zestial's inner workings and Charlomaine's tactical acumen, they crafted a plan to destabilize Zestial's power base.

Charlomaine suggested, "First, we need to identify and win over or eliminate Zestial's key lieutenants. If we can sow discord within his ranks, it will weaken his position significantly."

Vespera nodded, her mind already racing with possibilities. "Agreed. I know of at least three lieutenants who are critical to his operations. I can arrange meetings with them under the guise of solidarity. You can use your charm and the Charlomaine system to turn them to our side."

Charlomaine smiled, appreciating Vespera's swift adaptability. "Let's start with the most susceptible one. Who would that be?"

"Dravok," Vespera replied without hesitation. "He's ambitious but feels underappreciated by Zestial. We can exploit that."

With their immediate target identified, Charlomaine and Vespera set their plan into motion. They arranged a covert meeting with Dravok, using Vespera's connections to lure him to a neutral location.

The setting was a dilapidated warehouse on the outskirts of Hell's main city. Dravok arrived, his expression wary but intrigued. He was a tall, muscular demon with sharp features and a permanent scowl etched into his face.

"Vespera, what is this about?" Dravok demanded, his eyes darting suspiciously between her and Charlomaine.

"An opportunity," Vespera said smoothly. "One that could elevate you far beyond your current position. Meet Charlomaine, prince of Hell."

Charlomaine stepped forward, exuding confidence and authority. "Dravok, I know your potential is being wasted under Zestial. Join us, and I promise you a significant role in the new order we're creating. You'll have the recognition and power you deserve."

Dravok's eyes narrowed as he considered the offer. "And why should I trust you? Zestial's wrath is not something to take lightly."

Charlomaine activated his Leadership Aura subtly, infusing his words with persuasive power. "Because together, we have a real chance to reshape Hell's power structure. With your strength and our combined strategies, Zestial won't stand a chance. This is your moment to step out of his shadow and claim your rightful place."

Dravok hesitated, the temptation evident on his face. Finally, he extended his hand. "Alright, prince. I'll join you. But remember, I expect results."

Charlomaine grasped Dravok's hand firmly, sealing the agreement. "You won't be disappointed, Dravok. Welcome to the team."

As they finalized their plans, Charlomaine felt a surge of determination. With Vespera and Dravok now allied with him, the first steps toward destabilizing Zestial's power were underway.

The prince of Hell and his new allies set out on their mission, each fully aware of the dangers and challenges ahead. But Charlomaine was undeterred. With his growing network of allies and the power of the Charlomaine system at his disposal, he was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead and to claim his place as a true ruler in the chaotic world of Hell.

Charlomaine stood before the entrance of Zestial's lair, steeling himself for the encounter ahead. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as he stepped into the dimly lit chamber.

"Ho there, who dares disturbeth mine solitude?" Zestial's voice echoed through the cavern, filled with a mixture of curiosity and menace.

"I am Charlomaine, prince of Hell," Charlomaine declared boldly, meeting Zestial's gaze head-on. "I come with a proposition."

Zestial regarded him with a raised eyebrow, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. "A proposition, dost thou say? Pray tell, what manner of proposition doth a prince bringeth to me?"

"I offer thee an alliance," Charlomaine proclaimed, his voice unwavering. "Together, we canst achieve greatness, shaping the fate of Hell as we see fit."

Zestial chuckled, a smirk playing on his lips. "An alliance, thou sayest? And what maketh thee think thou art worthy of such a pact?"

Charlomaine stepped forward, his gaze steady. "Let us seal this agreement with a soul deal. It shall bindeth us to our promises, ensuring mutual trust and cooperation."

Zestial's eyes sparkled with amusement as he extended his hand. "Very well, young prince. Let us see if thou art as formidable as thou claimest."

As their hands clasped, the air crackled with energy, and the pact was sealed. Charlomaine felt a surge of power coursing through him, a testament to the bond they had forged.

"Now, Zestial," Charlomaine said, his voice filled with determination, "let us worketh together to achieve our goals."

Zestial nodded, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Aye, let us begin. But first, thou must proveth thy worthiness in combat."

With a swift motion, Zestial drew his sword, the steel glinting in the dim light of the chamber. Charlomaine followed suit, his grip firm on Joyeuse as he prepared for the impending clash.

The sound of ringing steel filled the chamber as Charlomaine and Zestial engaged in a fierce duel. Each blow was met with a parry, each thrust countered with a riposte.

Despite Zestial's skillful swordsmanship, Charlomaine held his own, his movements fluid and precise. With each strike, he felt the power of Joyeuse coursing through him, guiding his every move.

As the battle raged on, Charlomaine's determination never wavered. With each clash of swords, he grew stronger, more confident in his abilities.

Finally, with a decisive strike, Charlomaine disarmed Zestial, his sword clattering to the ground. Zestial looked up at him, a mixture of surprise and admiration in his eyes.

"Well fought, young prince," Zestial conceded, a smile spreading across his face. "Thou hast proven thy mettle in combat. I look forward to what we canst achieve together."

Charlomaine returned the smile, a sense of camaraderie forming between them. With Zestial by his side, he knew that they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.

Charlomaine spat out some blood and wiped his mouth, eyeing Zestial with a mix of frustration and amusement. "Ok, never again," he said. "How do you keep speaking like that? Like Hell has its own way of talking."

Zestial chuckled, sheathing his sword. "'Tis but a habit from mine olden days, young prince. We of ancient times hath our own manner of speech."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes. "Ancient my ass. You died recently. Also, how do you have so much power so early? Normal sinners shouldn't have that amount of power."

Zestial's grin widened, a glint of pride in his eyes. "Thou art correct, young prince. Mine death is recent, yet mine power is ancient. 'Tis a boon granted by mine pact with darker forces. In life, I was but a scholar of the arcane, dabbling in powers beyond mortal ken. In death, those powers flourish."

Charlomaine frowned, considering this. "A pact, huh? Sounds like a dangerous game."

"Indeed," Zestial replied. "But one must play the hand one is dealt. In this infernal realm, power is the coin of the realm, and I have amassed much of it."

Charlomaine nodded slowly, the pieces starting to fit together. "Alright, Zestial. You've got the power and the knowledge. Let's use that to our advantage. We need to gather allies and strengthen our position."

Zestial inclined his head. "A wise course, young prince. But tread carefully, for Hell is ever treacherous."

As they left Zestial's lair, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a growing sense of purpose. With Zestial's alliance and the power of the Charlomaine System at his disposal, he was ready to face the challenges ahead.

Anwya. charlomaine said looking at him. Mom and dad are going to be angry see you later.

As Charlomaine left, as he arrived into his house, he got a talked before he went to bed, as then he woke up as he went to the mirror looked ten year older, right Now Charlomaine was 15, as Ten years had passed, sense his deal and fight with Zestial

Good morning young lord. Zestial said coming out his shadow. I hope your sleep was well.

Yes it was Zestial. Charlomaine said looking at him. Really for immortal entity like us 10 years really do be like a blink of eyes, so where did we left of yesterday

Zestial chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Ah, yes, yesterday," he mused, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "We were discussing the delicate balance of power in Hell and the ever-shifting alliances among the overlords."

Charlomaine nodded, recalling their conversation from the day before. "Right, the balance of power," he said thoughtfully. "It's a precarious thing, isn't it? One wrong move, and everything could come crashing down."

Zestial's expression grew serious as he regarded Charlomaine. "Indeed," he agreed, his tone somber. "But it's also an opportunity for those with ambition and cunning to rise to prominence. And from what I've seen, young lord, you possess both in abundance."

Charlomaine felt a surge of pride at Zestial's words, but he also knew the weight of responsibility that came with them. "Thank you, Zestial," he said earnestly. "But power without wisdom is a dangerous thing. I must tread carefully in the days to come."

Zestial inclined his head in understanding. "Wise words, indeed," he conceded. "But remember, young lord, you are not alone in this journey. You have allies who will stand by your side, myself included."

With a sense of gratitude, Charlomaine nodded, knowing that he could trust Zestial despite their differences. "I appreciate your support, Zestial," he said sincerely. "Together, we will navigate the treacherous waters of Hell and emerge victorious."

Zestial smiled, a glimmer of respect in his eyes. "Indeed we will, young lord," he said, his voice echoing with determination. "Now, shall we continue our discussion of the power dynamics in Hell, or is there another matter you wish to address?"

Charlomaine considered Zestial's question for a moment before replying, his mind already racing with thoughts and plans for the future. "Actually, Zestial," he said with a determined glint in his eye, "I believe it's time we made our move."

Zestial's smile widened, a fierce gleam in his eyes. "I couldn't agree more, young lord," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "The stage is set, and the players are in position. It's time to show the denizens of Hell what we're made of."

And with that, Charlomaine and Zestial set off to seize their destiny, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them in the chaotic world of Hazbin Hotel.

As then the door in Charlomaine room broke open as Charlomaine sigh knowing who's were here, Infront of the drop was tree girls, they had white hair and whit dog ears, they had red eyes and red and black suit, as each of the Three girls looked Charlomaine.

Charlomaine sighed, a wry smile tugging at his lips as he regarded the three girls who had burst into his room. "Good morning, Cerberus," he greeted, his tone both affectionate and exasperated.

The triplets, each with white hair and dog ears, flashed identical mischievous smiles. They were dressed in red and black suits, their red eyes gleaming with a mixture of concern and playfulness.

One of the girls stepped forward, her expression a mix of teasing and worry. "You're finally awake," she said, her tone laced with mock reproach. "Was yesterday's work that hard, darling?"

Another of the triplets chimed in, her voice lilting with amusement. "Why are you always overworking yourself? You should have more fun with us, Charlomaine."

Charlomaine shook his head, the smile still lingering on his face. "I appreciate the concern, but there's always work to be done," he replied, glancing at Zestial, who stood silently in the background, observing the exchange with mild interest.

The third girl, not to be outdone, crossed her arms and pouted. "You need to take better care of yourself. We're here to help, you know."

Charlomaine nodded, acknowledging their words. "I know, and I do appreciate it. But there are responsibilities I can't ignore."

The triplets, collectively known as Cerberus, were next in line to take over the Hound family, a powerful and influential family in Hell. Each of them was named Cerberus, and they were also his fiancées, a fact that added layers of complexity to their relationship.

"Well, if you won't take care of yourself, we'll just have to do it for you," one of the Cerberus girls declared, a determined glint in her eye.

Charlomaine couldn't help but chuckle. "I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Nope," they chorused, their voices harmonizing perfectly.

Zestial stepped forward, breaking his silence. "It appears the young lord is in good hands," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Charlomaine shot him a look, half grateful, half exasperated. "Thank you, Zestial. Now, if you don't mind, I need to discuss something important with Cerberus."

Zestial bowed slightly. "Of course, young lord. I shall take my leave for now. Call upon me if you need anything."

As Zestial exited the room, Charlomaine turned his attention back to the triplets. "I have a plan, and I need your help," he began, his tone serious.

The Cerberus girls immediately shifted their demeanor, their expressions turning attentive and focused. "What do you need us to do?" one of them asked.

Charlomaine took a deep breath, laying out his strategy. "There's a delicate balance of power in Hell, and it's time we made our move. With your abilities and influence, we can tip the scales in our favor."

The triplets listened intently, nodding in agreement as he spoke. "We're with you, Charlomaine," they said in unison. "Tell us what you need."

A determined smile spread across Charlomaine's face. "Together, we'll navigate the treacherous waters of Hell and emerge victorious. Let's get to work."

And so, with the support of Cerberus and Zestial, Charlomaine prepared to take the next step in his journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the chaotic world of Hazbin Hotel.

To be continued

Yes Charlomaine played everyone, even you guys, he basically said he wanted to defeat Zestial but in reality he wanted him on his side so yeah

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