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90% Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus / Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Invitations of a New Beginning

Kapitel 34: Chapter 34: Invitations of a New Beginning


**Avengers Tower**

In the sleek, state-of-the-art conference room of Avengers Tower, Tony Stark sat at the head of the table, a holographic display of various news articles and reports hovering before him. Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Carol Danvers, Jennifer Walters, and Jessica Drew were seated around the table, all engaged in their own tasks or conversations. Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne, and Scott Lang were also present, making this a rare full-team gathering.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Tony announced, drawing their attention. "We've received a special invitation. It's from Peter Parker."

He tapped on his device, and a holographic letter materialized in the center of the table for everyone to see.


**To: Tony Stark and the Avengers**

**Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries**

Dear Avengers,

I hope this message finds you all well. It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the grand opening of Parker Industries and the Parker Expo. This event marks the beginning of a new chapter for me, and I would be honored to have you all there.

The event will showcase new technologies and innovations that I believe will be of great interest to you. It will also be an excellent opportunity for us to reconnect and discuss some crucial matters.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Industries


The Avengers exchanged glances, each processing the unexpected invitation.

"He's inviting us to his own company's expo? Since when did Peter start a company?" Clint asked, leaning back in his chair.

Tony smirked. "Apparently, the kid's been busy. Parker Industries is making waves, and it's competing with the likes of Stark Industries, Baxter Foundation, and Oscorp."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Interesting. I never pegged him for a businessman."

Steve nodded thoughtfully. "It's a good opportunity for us to talk to him about his warning. We need to understand what he's up to."

Bruce adjusted his glasses. "And it will give us a chance to see what kind of tech he's developed. From what I've heard, he's been working on some pretty advanced stuff."

Carol crossed her arms. "I'm in. If Peter's involved, it's worth checking out."

Jennifer smiled. "It'll be great to catch up with him. Plus, I'm curious to see what he's been working on."

Jessica Drew added, "I've always knew Peter had it in him. He's a smart guy. This could be a chance to see how he's doing and maybe offer some support.I would also like mend things between us"

Hank Pym spoke up. "I'm interested in the technology he's developed. Peter has always had a knack for innovation."

Hope nodded in agreement. "It'll be a good opportunity to see if there's potential for collaboration."

Scott grinned. "Count me in. It's not every day you get invited to something like this."

Natasha leaned forward, a thoughtful look on her face. "Peter's warning about heroes and villains... We need to get to the bottom of that. And this could be our best chance."

But Natasha thought in her mind, "Well I don't believe my Peter will ever do anything like that he's too sweet for that he may have already helped those villians he beat up,Oh Peter my Cute Spider"

Tony clapped his hands together. "Alright then, it's settled. We'll all attend the Parker Expo. Let's see what our friendly neighborhood Peter Parker has been up to."


**Baxter Building**

In the heart of the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Four were gathered in their meeting room. Reed Richards was engrossed in his latest research, barely acknowledging the others. Sue Storm, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, and their children, Valeria and Franklin Richards, were discussing recent events.

Sue sighed, glancing at Reed with a mixture of frustration and sadness. "Reed, we need to talk."

Reed barely looked up from his work. "Later, Sue. I'm in the middle of something important."

Sue shook her head, exasperated. "It's always 'later,' Reed. This is important."

At that moment, a delivery drone hovered into the room, carrying a holographic letter. Sue took it and activated the display.


**To: Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four**

**Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries**

Dear Reed and Family,

I am thrilled to invite you all to the grand opening of Parker Industries and the Parker Expo. This event represents a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there.

The expo will feature new technologies and innovations that I believe will be of great interest to you. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for us to reconnect and discuss some important matters.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Industries


Sue's eyes widened as she read the letter. "Peter? He's started his own company?"

Johnny smirked. "Looks like the kid's been busy."

Ben grinned. "Good for him. Sounds like he's doing pretty well."

Valeria looked excited. "Can we go, Mom? I want to see what Uncle Peter has been working on!"

Franklin nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, it'll be awesome!"

Sue smiled at her children. "Of course we're going. It's a great opportunity to support Peter and see what he's accomplished."

Reed finally looked up from his work, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Peter Parker... interesting. His scientific acumen has always impressed me."

Sue's smile faded as she looked at Reed. "Reed, you should come too. It would be good for us to attend as a family."

Reed hesitated, then nodded. "Alright, I'll come."

Sue's expression softened. "Thank you, Reed."

As they made plans to attend the expo, Sue couldn't help but think about her strained relationship with Reed. She glanced at Valeria and Franklin, then at Ben and Johnny, who were both nodding in support. In her heart, Sue felt a growing admiration for Peter and wondered if he might be a better partner than Reed had ever been.

Susan:No, Peter will definitely be better than Reed I should stop thinking about mending this hopeless relationship.The kids will approve of this too.



At the X-Mansion, Professor Charles Xavier and Dr. Hank McCoy were in the middle of a meeting with the X-Men. The usual energy of the mansion was tempered by the weight of recent events. Logan, Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Kurt Wagner, and the other members were present.

A student handed Charles an envelope, which he opened and read aloud.


**To: Professor Charles Xavier and Dr. Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy**

**Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries**

Dear Professor Xavier and Dr. McCoy,

I am delighted to invite you and the X-Men to the grand opening of Parker Industries and the Parker Expo. This event marks a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there.

The expo will feature new technologies and innovations that I believe will be of great interest to you. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for us to reconnect and discuss some important matters.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Industries


Logan grunted. "Bub, huh? Didn't know he had it in him."

Ororo smiled. "Peter has always been resourceful. This could be a great opportunity for us to see what he's achieved."

Jean nodded. "And it would be good to talk to him about his warning. We need to understand what's going on."

Scott adjusted his visor. "Agreed. We should go and support him. Plus, it's always good to know about new technology."

Kurt added, "Ja, and it will be nice to see Peter again."

Charles looked around the room, seeing the agreement in everyone's faces. "Then it's settled. We will attend the Parker Expo. It will be an excellent opportunity to support Peter and see what he's accomplished."

Hank McCoy nodded thoughtfully. "I'm particularly interested in the scientific advancements he's made. Peter has always had a brilliant mind."

As they prepared to attend the expo, the X-Men couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. It was a chance to reconnect with an old friend and see how far he had come.



In the sprawling headquarters of Oscorp, Norman Osborn sat at the head of a large conference table, flanked by Dr. Otto Octavius and Dr. Curt Connors. The atmosphere was tense as they discussed their latest projects.

"Peter's made significant strides with Parker Industries," Norman said, his tone calm but his eyes sharp. "He's invited us to the inauguration and expo. It's a formality, but it shows respect."

Otto adjusted his glasses, a hint of a smile on his lips. "The kid's come a long way. I'm interested to see what he's presenting."

Connors nodded. "He's always had a brilliant mind. It will be good to see how he's channelled that potential."

Norman leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "Indeed. And we'll support him. This is a new era for all of us."

He pressed a button on his desk, summoning his son. "Harry, come in here."

Harry Osborn entered the room, looking curious. "What's up, Dad?"

Norman handed him the invitation. "We're attending Peter's expo and inauguration. You'll be coming with us."

Harry's eyes widened as he read the letter, but a shadow of uncertainty crossed his face. "Peter's got his own company now? That's amazing... I guess."

Norman nodded. "Yes, and it's time for us to show our support."

Harry hesitated. "Dad, I haven't exactly been the best friend to Peter. Maybe this is my chance to apologize."

Norman gave him a hard look. "Then do it. This is important for our family and our business."

As they discussed the upcoming event, Norman couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Peter had always been like a son to him, and seeing him succeed brought him

a sense of satisfaction.


**Military Base**

General Ross stood tall in his normal human form, issuing orders to his soldiers. The atmosphere in the base was noticeably lighter, with personnel happy to see their general back to his old self.

Betty Ross approached him, her eyes filled with warmth. "Dad, you look happier than I've seen you in a long time."

Ross hugged his daughter. "Thanks to Peter, I've been given a second chance."

Betty smiled. "Speaking of Peter, we received an invitation from him for the Parker Expo and inauguration."

Ross held up the letter, showing it to his team.


**To: General Thaddeus Ross and the Thunderbolts**

**Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries**

Dear General Ross and Team,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the grand opening of Parker Industries and the Parker Expo. This event marks a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there.

The expo will feature new technologies and innovations that I believe will be of great interest to you. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for us to reconnect and discuss some important matters.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Industries


Ross looked at his team. "We're all going. This is a chance to see what Peter's been working on and to show our support."

Betty nodded. "I'll be there with you, Dad. I want to thank Peter in person."

Betty thought:l, "Peter I will make it work.We will be together, I will make you mine."

Ross smiled. "Good. Let's make sure we give him the support he deserves."

He then called the NYPD. "This is General Ross. You've been invited to the Parker Expo. Make sure your best officers attend and provide full protection. This event is as important as a presidential visit."


**NYPD, New York**

At the NYPD headquarters, Captain George Stacy was reviewing a report with Yuri Watanabe and Greer Grant.

"We've got solid evidence against Kingpin, the Hand, and the Hood gang," George said, satisfaction in his voice. "Thanks to Spider-Man, Punisher, Deadpool, and the new hero, Mrs. Pool, they're behind bars."

Yuri nodded. "It's impressive how they pulled it off. We need to return the stolen technology to Stark Tower and the Baxter Building."

Just then, George received a call from General Ross. "Captain Stacy, this is General Ross. You've been invited to the Parker Expo. It's an important event, and we need top security."

George's eyes widened. "Parker Industries? That's Peter Parker's company!"

Ross continued, "Make sure you attend with your best officers. This event needs presidential-level security."

George hung up and turned to Yuri and Greer. "We're going to the Parker Expo. It's Peter's company, and we need to support him. Make sure we have the best officers on duty."

Yuri smiled. "This is a perfect time to talk to Peter. We need to understand what he's going through."

Greer nodded, excitement in her eyes. "I've been wanting to see him. William told me Peter visited him recently. This will be a good chance to reconnect."

George added, "I'll also call Gwen to join us. This is a significant event, and she should be there."

Yuri and Greer agreed, both feeling a sense of anticipation. It was a chance to support Peter and maybe even confess their feelings.


**Daily Bugle**

In the bustling newsroom of the Daily Bugle, J. Jonah Jameson was in the middle of a heated discussion with Aunt May, his secretary Betty Brant, and his top photographer, Ben Reilly.

"Spider-Man and his team have taken down Kingpin, the Hand, and the Hood gang," Jameson said, pacing back and forth. "It's a big story, and we need to cover it thoroughly."

May smiled and thought. "Peter's done well. I'm so proud of him."

Betty nodded. "Spidey really made a difference."

Just then, an envelope was delivered to Jameson's desk. He opened it and read the contents aloud.


**To: J. Jonah Jameson, Aunt May, Betty Brant, and Ben Reilly**

**Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries**

Dear Mr. Jameson and Team,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the grand opening of Parker Industries and the Parker Expo. This event marks a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there.

The expo will feature new technologies and innovations that I believe will be of great interest to you. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for us to reconnect and discuss some important matters.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Industries


Jameson looked up, a mixture of surprise and pride on his face. "Parker's done it. He's started his own company and made it big."

May nodded, tears in her eyes. "I'm so proud of him. I want to apologize to him for everything."

Jameson continued, "May, you've been a good friend, but in terms of your nephew, you really messed up. Peter Parker is now one of the most influential people in the world."

Betty agreed. "We should go to the expo and show our support. And we need to cover the event thoroughly."

Jameson nodded. "May, Betty, and Ben, you'll go to the expo. Let's make sure we give Peter the recognition he deserves."

May, Betty, and Ben agreed, all feeling a sense of determination. It was a chance to mend relationships and show their support for Peter.


**Apartment in New York**

Mary Jane Watson was in her apartment when she received a call from Harry Osborn.

"Hey, MJ. My dad asked me to attend an expo and inauguration held by Peter's company. Do you want to come with me?"

Mary Jane smiled. "Peter's working at a company now? I'd love to see him."

Harry's voice was filled with excitement. "No, MJ. Peter owns the company. Parker Industries is as big as Oscorp."

Mary Jane's eyes widened. "Peter owns the company? That's incredible!"

Harry continued, "Yeah, and it's a big event. You should come with me."

Mary Jane nodded, determination in her eyes. "I'll be there, Harry. I want to talk to Peter and mend things between us. We're meant to be together, no matter what."

As she hung up the phone, Mary Jane felt a surge of determination. She was going to see Peter and make things right. No matter the circumstances, they would be together again.

In S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters:

Nick Fury and Maria Hill were reviewing reports when the invitation appeared.

Fury read it:

To: Director Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Subject: Invitation to Parker Expo and Inauguration of Parker Industries.

You are cordially invited to the Parker Expo and the Inauguration of Parker Industries,

hosted by the Parker Foundation, This event represents a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there.

Special regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Foundation.

Fury nodded, "Let's go. We need to see what Peter's been up to."

Maria agreed, "And thank him for the new recruits, Rhino and Electro."

In Wakanda:

T'Challa and Shuri received an invitation.

Shuri read it aloud:

You are cordially invited to the Parker Expo and the Inauguration of Parker Industries,

hosted by the Parker Foundation This event marks a significant milestone for me, and I would be honored to have you there, Your Majesty.

Special regards,

Peter Parker

Chairman, Parker Foundation.

T'Challa smiled, "We should attend. Parker's advancements should be worth noting."

Shuri added, "And perhaps discuss collaborations."

The invitations had been sent, and across various corners of the Globe, individuals were preparing to attend the Parker Expo and the Inauguration of Parker Industries. Curiosity and anticipation filled the air as friends, allies, and even former adversaries readied themselves to see what Peter Parker, now Chairman of the Parker Foundation, had in store for them.


**End of Chapter**

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